Fetsum: Eritrean opposition forces under examination III
Fetsum: Eritrean opposition forces under examination III The FORUM from the last article: Genet-orginal: “It is time for all Eritreans who want change and democracy in Eritrea, to challenge these fragmented groups to wake up and do the
Fetsum: Eritrean opposition forces under examination III
The FORUM from the last article:
Genet-orginal: “It is time for all Eritreans who want change and democracy in Eritrea, to challenge these fragmented groups to wake up and do the right thing. I think what we need is if they don’t call us, we have to call them. “
Meretse Asmelash: “When it comes to these so many organizations what puzzles the most is: do they even know each other? Some people strongly believe they are real and they are there. But there where? If these organizations are alive and residing somewhere then are they asking the public not to bother their SILENCE or what else? At this point I hate to say it but I believe it is not they who are wrong, but us. We have to stop keep knocking the door when we already know that no one is residing there. Their silence is speaking louder to us than their action. What they are telling us is: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. I for one say so be it, and loudly Amen! Amen! Amen…for it
Meretse Asmelash: “When it comes to these so many organizations what puzzles the most is: do they even know each other? Some people strongly believe they are real and they are there. But there where? If these organizations are alive and residing somewhere then are they asking the public not to bother their SILENCE or what else? At this point I hate to say it but I believe it is not they who are wrong, but us. We have to stop keep knocking the door when we already know that no one is residing there. Their silence is speaking louder to us than their action. What they are telling us is: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. I for one say so be it, and loudly Amen! Amen! Amen…for it
MightyEmbasoyra: Just to add a comment to Brother Meretse…I would say do they know who they are? In my own way of thinking, my guess would be most of these people are either lazy to do the ordinary job like anyone else, selfish, mentally deficient, or plain cruel. If they all blame isayas and his administration, they all have a common enemy and why aren’t they organized under one umbrella? When I say organized, I mean real organization with clear vision, to dismantle this evil individual and his top lieutenants. How many yrs [can] these group talk about the same idiocratic ideologies WITHOUT any fruit? Show me the result would be a one question to ask them but we already know the answer. “
Comment: This is where the EDA stands in relation to the Eritrean people, no wonder the president completely dismissed its existence. EDA has lost connection with reality. Its latest press release was substantially about how destructive the regime has been; something that even an Eritrean bird knows by now. In fact this was not necessary at the current counceouness level of the resistance because there are lots of things to do this year alone. This Alliance could not move forward beyond criticizing the regime and conducting inconclusive meetings that produce nothing except procrastination of important agendas concerning the people. We still cannot afford to isolate it before we fully test it but it better shape up before it gets too late.
The latest EDA’s press release reads as follows:
ፖሎቲካዊ ቤት ጽሕፈት ኤርትራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኣብ መድረኻዊ መደባት ምርኩስ ብምግባር፡ ውደባን ርኽባትን ኣብ ቀጽሪ ኤዲኪ ንህዝባዊ ጨንፈር ርኽብብ02 መጋቢት 2014 ርኽብ ኣካይዱ።
I translated the best content of this EDA meeting at maximum stretch of my understanding as follows
‘Brother Jamal saleh: represnting the Chairman of the EDA’s political branch said that Eritrea is in big oproblem in everything (electricity, water, etc.) and things getting worst. At the same time, elements that justify an integrating government (pilots , athlets, desertions, etc) have been abandoning the regime creating a good scenario for our people to get lasting solution ahead. We have found searching for ways of solving the inrenal and external problems of Eritrea, securinmg the interest of the people and regional peace important subject matters. On democracy, Mr Saleh said that since the opposition forces are expanding in number time after time, they should consolidate their unity by contacting eachother more often. He reminded all forces in the resistance to maximize supporting the EDA for maximum result.
Brother Abdulrahman Taha from the central comiitee also reminded the opposition force to work under one administration. He briefed on MEDREK MIMIKIKAR POLITICAWI WIDIBAT that was born in August 2013. The meetning was over after the gentleman answered some questions in the platform.’
Comment: You have to deliver to be supported Sir! One would expect something interesting from EDA through this activity because it only shows up once or twice a year but this is what you get from it for your long wait. Reality says, the EDA cannot go beyond a page worth messaging in Tigrigna and Arabic. It tries to inform us of things assuming we know what it has been doing in privacy without any contact or notification in advance. Waiting a year for couple mysterious pages from this EDA is simply ridiculous and unacceptable. We are sick and tired of it: How do you know this? You statistically prove it saying that this release got only 5 commentators from Eritreans worldwide that commented within about 6 hrs of its exposure at Assenna and nothing after. Two of them were the following:
Hara: “We all know the problem. We want to know what they are going to do about it. We are tired of telling us what we know. What we want is solutions to make lasting change.”
Ahmed saleh: “We are victims of our corrupted political and social outlook. That is why we can’t accomplish the required national obligation like others to bring change. The game of blame has been the culture which we are good at so far. Unless the majority refresh the mind to figure out the prior demand of the people disregard politics, the journey ahead couldn’t be suitable. Without any effort from people side we only expect miracle to happen like cowards dream.”
“The Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) was the main independence movement in Eritrea which sought Eritrea’s independence fromEthiopia during the 1960s and 1970s. In the very late 1950s unorganized political movement seeking independence was secretly active as small cells. And in July 1960, the ELF was openly established in Cairo by Idris Muhammad Adam and other Eritrean intellectuals and students. In 1961 Hamid Idris Awate formed the armed wing of the ELF and declared the armed struggle for independence. Led by Awate, the ELF came into violent conflict with the government on September 1, 1961, using guerrilla war tactics to continue the struggle.”
ELF is the mother of the Eritrean struggle organized in 1960 by some Eritreans about a year ahead of Eritrea’s troublesome or illegal unity with Ethiopia. The Eritrean resistance took 30 years to succeed in 1991 under the leadership of the EPLF after it completely dominated the struggle by winning the civil war between the two fronts. Although EPLF won the war with the Ethiopians and liberated the country, reality asserts that the success was the derivative of cumulative effort by any Eritrean that resisted the Ethiopian colonialism from within or without.
Realistically, EPLF’s success in liberating the country should then directly implies ELF’s success because the event fully accomplished the front’s objective of liberating the country despite who did it. ELF’s Eritrean question has been successfully answered since 1991, the reason ELF’s rank and file members happily accepted the independence in accordance to “the end justifies the means”.
This being the fact, something went wrong in our country; the regime denied us the very important issue of the time; reconciliation between elements directly affected by the antagonistic contradiction between the two fronts. Absolute dictatorship reigned, damaging all members of the Eritrean society without discrimination and stealing its freedom and justice with maximum arrogance and individualism.
We know what happened to us by this dictatorship not to waste any time on because that is why we are here together trying to resolve the unexpected sociopolitical dilemma we confronted as the consequence of our independence.
The question is how this front became part of the EDA and what it really wants to accomplish as a political party! Here is what I found to that effect.
“Alliance of Eritrean National Force
In March 1999 representatives of ten Eritrean opposition groups formed the Alliance of Eritrean National Force, under the leadership of Abdullah Idriss, to overthrow the government of President Isaiyas Aferworki. The new group includes some veterans of the fragmented Eritrean politics, including the Eritrean Liberation Front – Revolution Council (ELF-RC) of Abdellah Idris, who will lead the new alliance. [The original] members of the Alliance include:
- Eritrean Democratic Resistance Movement (Gash-Setit) [in southwestern Eritrea]
- Eritrean Initiative Group
- Eritrean Islamic Salvation Movement
- Eritrean Kunamas Democratic Movement
- Eritrean Liberation Front
- Eritrean Liberation Front National Congress
- Eritrean Liberation Front – Revolution Council
- Eritrean People’s Congress
- Eritrean Revolutionary Democratic Front
- Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Eritrea
- Ato [Mr] Ali Muhammad Sayyid Berhatu.
Apparently, the EDA slightly changed its face in 2008 and this is how it looks like since then.
- Democratic Movement For the Liberation of the Eritrean Kunama-DMLEK,
- Red Sea Afar Democratic Organization-RSADO,
- Eritrean Peoples Democratic Front-EPDF,
- Eritrean National Salvation Front-ENSF,
- Eritrean Liberation Front-ELF,
- Eritrean Peoples’ Party-EPP,
- Eritrean Islamic Party for Justice and Development-EIPJD,
- Eritrean People’s Congress-EPC,
- Eritrean Peoples’ Movement-EPM,
- Eritrean Nahda Party-ENP,
- Eritrean Democratic party,EDP,
- Eritrean Islamic Congress-EIC, and
- Eritrean Federal Democratic Party-EFDM.
Changes within EDA between 1999 and 2008
Whether some of the Parties dissolved out of the alliance or changed names within is unknown but the two lists of EDA testify that the following parties had either changed their names or dissolved through the years but today’s EDA does not contain the following parties from its original structure.
- Eritrean Democratic Resistance Movement (Gash-Setit) [in southwestern Eritrea]
- Eritrean Initiative Group
- Eritrean Islamic Salvation Movement
- Eritrean Kunamas Democratic Movement
- Eritrean Liberation Front National Congress
- Eritrean Liberation Front – Revolution Council
- Eritrean Revolutionary Democratic Front
- Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Eritrea,
- Ato [Mr] Ali Muhammad Sayyid Berhatu.
Surprisingly the ELF stayed intact to still survive with the same name since 1999. The two original ELFs in the least do not any longer exist within the EDA and only ELF does. I am clue less as to what happened to them but I can tell you that the original three ELFs most likely were exclusively composed of active members of the front during the struggle, at least in my opinion. Should this postulate be found reasonable, one wonders why the three ELFs did not form a united party that collectively signifies the front at large to begin with. What could have been their difference to stand independent of each other in the alliance?
We all know that ELF was the mother of the Eritrean revolution that succeeded closing its case with Ethiopia in 1990. What seems apparent is that it may be a party exclusively membered by ELF fighters during the struggle. Apart from the fact that this group is part of the EDA, which is a good indication of being democratic in political orientation I have no idea what motivates it to stand as an independent political party under this meaningless name to our current society.
· I feel like the era of the struggle is over and Eritreans will not recycle that mentality because it is outdated. There is no such ELF or EPLF in the democratization process of the country 23 years after the objective of the two fronts and their cumulative political philosophy was reduced to practice. There is simply nothing to liberate for Eritreans after the country’s full independence has been crystallized 23 years ago by universal mandate.
· Why does this front want to liberate calling its name “The Eritrean Liberation front”? It does not add up mathematically or conceptually to me!
Abraham Haile: “ I don’t think they know what they represent, if they do, I never saw them doing productive things like representing troubled Eritrean people in Diaspora, arranging a broad conference to discuss the plight of the so called “their people”, never dispatch their annual activities in a brochure or magazing mode for broad benefit of the people they claim represent. I could be EX- EPLF or ELF member but that would never meant to be that they represent me. “
Comment: Eritreans in the struggle had to unite within the two fronts for the common question (independence). The success of Eritreans in liberating the country directly implies the end of said unity for independence. ELF’s and EPLF’s mandate to lead the Eritrean political life in their pre-independence format was simply contradictory to their assumption that they still have the mandate to continue leading. The Eritrean independence has neutralized the importance of the two fronts in their original format. EPLF at least changed its name to PFDJ conforming to this reasoning because it understood it cannot logically survive with its original name (EPLF). I don’t think ELF sounds very good for its members for there is nothing to liberate for Eritreans.
Should they have different agendas compared to independence, they should challenge them with the people on equal terms of relationship. Should they want to lead Eritrea, they should then come up with a unique national program based on their political philosophy that has nothing to do with the Eritrean independence (fully achieved). This is missing so far for us to justify a party with the name ELF because having been a liberation front during the struggle does not by itself rationalize the front’s position as a political party without a political program for independent Eritrea. This front’s independence focused program during the struggle cannot justify its evolution to a political party without modifications associated with the Eritrean nationhood. The front’s political program during the struggle was drafted in accordance with the question of Eritreans for independence which is an expired phenomenon that does not apply in independent Eritrea.
What seems to be apparent is that the issue of RECOINCILIATION was important to our society during independence although totally suppressed by the bullish regime in Asmara. Whether time has expired the need for reconciliation this long after independence is another issue to entertain but the CONCEPT of reconciliation in view of the ELF cannot justify its old members’ existence under an independent party with that name. The ELFs can unite in request of RECONCILLIATION in post Afwerki Eritrea but they cannot get away with having a political party based on this mentality because nothing except a political program based on one’s political philosophy can justify the existence of this group as a political party. Reconciliation is a process by which a society let’s go past mistakes against each other during the struggle but is not vision oriented phenomenon that deals with economy, justice, gender, retirement or welfare, national defense, etc. that qualifies a group for political party.
Note that I could not find information about this front’s political program in the Net. See you soon!
Abraham Haile March 12, 2014
ahmed saleh March 12, 2014
Smart move brother
Your summary do not differ from WEDI VOCCARO statement ; NI KHNISEMAeMAe TESEMAMINA INA contrary to the
old negative and discouraging term NI KHEYN NISEMAeMAe TESEMAMAINA INA . I like that .
rezen March 12, 2014
“blind nationalism…
arrogant mindset…
control freak…”
You really touched the nerve centre of Eritrean PROBLEM. If one is to elaborate on each one of them encompassing with the other sociological diseases it would turn out to be VOLUMES for future studies by future generation.
Thank You
Sarah March 12, 2014
Fetsum, Glad to hear from you again and thanks for the great job as usual. We need to do more research into each one of these groups and see what they stand for. Strong and blind nationalism can breed fragmentation because we all need to do research one what brings us together and see if we can compromise. It seems that one of the things the opposition has inherited from EPLF/PFDJ’s is ‘no compromising’ arrogant mind set. Most of the differences are the expectation of post-DIA governance should be. Just because we are fighting for justice, it does not mean that we have the right to decide for our people. We are not in any position to talk decide or fight about now. All we need to do is free the people and give them/us a chance to talk and discuss and decide what our future should be. We should stop being control freaks? It is killing the opposition camp.
Zufana March 12, 2014
Brother Fetsum Very well said/done as usual. A resistance movement can’t achieve much without a high dose of confidence, enthusiasm, and belief in its ability to succeed. In the case of Eritrea, the opposition’s lack of confidence has its origins in hgdef’s vicious, cruel, and sustained propaganda against it which the latter unfortunately seems to have internalized over the years so much so that the regime need not do anything any more because the opposition is doing a marvelous job all by itself.
rezen March 13, 2014
Speaking for myself, I don’t blame at all. The Eritrean oppositions are a laughing stock. I am drafting to comment on Fitsum’s article — he has the patience of biblical Job!
rezen March 13, 2014
correctio: please insert the word “you” after “blame”. Sorry about that!
fetsum abrahamt March 13, 2014
Dear Rezen, I am sure u will come with something interesting and good luck with the draft that I am looking forward with some excitement. What is going on and are u writing lately and where? Thank u very much for participating in our forum and I hope this connection will lead into something productive ahead. Please accept my respect!
rezen March 14, 2014
You really, really, really SCARE me now! My draft is finished and ready to go today. But, please, please, please don’t expect anything worthwhile, please. I only say things from my heart i.e. NOT sophisticated. Anyway, conserve your time for concentration on your worthwhile task. Your friend.
fetsum abrahamt March 14, 2014
I don’t think you are scared of anything. you are actually my role model of fearlessly saying the mind if I traced you right for who you may be. Go for it full fledged as you do it usually brother!
MightyEmbasoyra March 12, 2014
I am not sure how Ato Fitsum doesn’t have a headache, even just mentioning all these organizations. They are very similar and confusing. I closed the tab and try to remember any of these and I could not name more than two. Can you blame me?
Genet-orginal March 13, 2014
Thanks Fetsum!
What an excellent work! I really think, Fetsum is pulling us from seeing the “oppositions group” as collective body, rather to redirect our attentions to the nitty-gritty of their status. We have been saying oppositions this, oppositions that in general term. In the process,we have been sounding like a broken record. Addressing any issue in a general term, never solve any problem. We needed desperately to know, what is going on with the so called “opposition group”. We need to peel back the onion layers, so to speak. Thanks to Fetsum, now we know, they have tedious existences. Reading down the list, I can’t help it, but feel of letdown, and confusion. Taking from their names, they seems to want the same thing. Of course except the name ELF is confusing, since Eritrea is an independent country. I am sure they know this name is not current. But I don’t understand either, why they don’t take the time to modify it? Don’t they think the Eritrean issue is time sensitive? Why, why so many groups? I have said this before, I am going to say it again. It is all about power, greed, entitlement mentality and individuals inability to see the bigger picture. It seems they stick to their group, regardless of their lack of progress. Because they don’t want to lose, the title they have in their group. I is up to us, concerned Eritreans who want change to intensify the pressure on any group. It is not enough any more, to say “those oppostitions are no good”
Thanks Fetsum, for your hard work! God bless you!
Said March 14, 2014
Genet this is exactly what I’m talking about, so many group you got it right on the dot,
Meretse Asmelash March 13, 2014
Sister Genet,
I could not agree more for it is a splendid idea.
By the way you have hammered the nail on its head. Imagine how many ELFs we have. ELF-1 ELF-2, ELF-3….
Here is an idea that I like to share with readers :”GOd’s Politics” by Jim Wallis
…Of course God is not partisan; God is not Republican or a Democrat.
When either party tries to politicize God, of co-opt religious communities for their political agendas, they make a terrible mistake. What I have learned from this statement is Eritrea is not partisan. It has nothing to do with ELF or EPLF old new factions.
Eritrea is a country which belongs everyone of us. Eritrea belongs to its daughters and sons who have a true and timely vision. I’m sorry to say that but I think all these old and new organizations are a done deal. Zero mission accomplished. If they want to keep their names so be it but what they should realize is it outdated.
Thank you brother Fistum for sharing your valuable wisdom with us.
Genet-orginal March 13, 2014
Dear Meretse Asmelash
Thanks for the info.
“Zero mission accomplished” Precisely! If they want to be known by name only, they will only diservice our people. Coming out as oppositions and going for more than 15 years, without any tangible outcomes is questionable. I feel Everyone of us have responsiblity to help sort out the mess. After all, it is everbody’s problems now. Answring the question of “WHO ARE THE OPPOSITIONS?” to me is the best way to start. Thanks
Zufana March 13, 2014
Kubur Haw Mr Fetsum, I believe, we need to stop the endless pessimism and seek instead ways of strengthening the resistance. The Forto uprising failed but it showed possibilities and it proved that people could rise and revolt even under extremely difficult conditions. Just as individuals, it is positive reinforcement and encouragement that leads to reform and improvement not constant nagging, wrangling or cynicism. One almost never hears positive or hopeful thoughts from within the opposition or from without while an avalanche of negativity is constantly hurled at it from all sides. It is any wonder then that the opposition has not made great strides forward in the two plus decades of captivity.
Araya Debessay March 13, 2014
Hi Futsum,
It was nice to meet you in person last Saturday at the EGS symposium. You made a lot of important points. I hope you are attending the meeting that is organized by one of the opposition groups and share them your concerns, i.e., that nothing can be achieved unless all the opposition groups unite and speak with one voice. They can form what ever party they wish to after the second independence of Eritrea. At this point they should focus on getting rid of the ruthless man that is ruining the country.
fetsum abrahamt March 14, 2014
Dear Professor Araya;
It was great to see u there articulating your intelligence in academically assertive manner. I loved the way you put your intellectual signature on the mark. Please follow my assessment of the occasion believing that your contribution will be exposed in the progression. God bless you sir!
ogbai March 13, 2014
Good job Mr,Fetsum you see, now you are getting serious. People like you and the scholars of Eritrean if you have a will and rely care about the country,that the dictatorial system would have gone long time ago. But most of scholar Eritreans took them to understand the evil system yet. In other ways that we choose to be silent or to kiss the dictators hand for no benefit at all.Even now lets stop the blaming game. Lets replace it by working game. About the opposition we gave them a chance to deplucate them to became multiple for no good reason.We should keep them accountable for their weaker deeds and harvest the good ones. Like that, one brothee said “no ideas with so many names of the opposition groups may be I can mention one or two” That is true in my view that is fair comment. More than that we as apeople we have the right to know who those multiple functions and what is their visions,should concern us all. This is lack of media and well studied information was out of hand. Becaus most scholar Eritrean’s they are silent or leaking the hand of the dictatorial system for so long and still are. It is good start some one should go and check the opposition each of them inside out, and feed us back. Then when the people is well informed that they will take the wheat and they will dump the chaff /Geleff/. We are living in the time of the information high way. In my veiw most of us even we didn’t freed ourselves to fully engage in the course of changing the current system. Because this evil system controlled us with lies and false promises is one of the problames. I guess. Lets wake up and save the country befor too late. Thank you for the opportunety.