Fetsum Abraham: ምስ ህዝብካ ማዓት ዳርጋ ግዓት
Fetsum Abraham: ምስ ህዝብካ ማዓት ዳርጋ ግዓት “The rule of destiny unfolds itself and actualizes the inevitable. You cannot change the course of events but you can change your attitude and what matters is the attitude

Fetsum Abraham: ምስ ህዝብካ ማዓት ዳርጋ ግዓት
“The rule of destiny unfolds itself and actualizes the inevitable. You cannot change the course of events but you can change your attitude and what matters is the attitude not the events.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Dear Eritreans, it is noble to be considerate to the situations of thousands of Eritreans in dire straits in this dark moment in human experience. It is very kind to think about our prisoners in overcrowded cells and homeless citizens and refugees all over the world. It is only normal and compassionate to wonder about what may happen to the people under the reckless dictatorship at home during this terrible period in history. It is also normal to worry about our lives and families with different degrees of emotion. The fact remains the whole world is facing the Corona virus equally; it is an impartial attack to humankind. Life has become uncertain for every human being on planet earth. Some are afraid, some bored and frustrated, quite a few stressed and depressed in their loneliness wherever they may be. Still, many are dying in different hospitals across the globe. There is no doubt we will solve it but I think we will lose thousands of people everywhere before we succeed.
In the flip, the world needed some type of disorder to quieted it a bit. Humankind was on the run to cheat, lie, steal, kill, over achieve, accumulate, oppress, dehumanize, etc., while millions suffering the imbalance with intolerable exodus, poverty and homelessness everywhere in the world. It was noisy and greedy to the limit. The collective ego was restlessly spinning around doing incalculable damage to humanity and something had to shake it off for better understanding of life and coexistence. We needed something to help us take the time to challenge our minds in privacy. This is an imposed experience, a forced opportunity for higher consciousness; a universal verdict on all of us to confront our respective individuality in view of spirituality.
Of course, this virus will be history like everything in Nature. Yet, crisis is a golden opportunity for mental transformation. The question is what we can learn from this crisis and how we should handle it till we find a vaccine hopefully in the near future.
- We will all die one way or another. Therefore, death is inevitable and part of life
- We may need external contact for pleasure but we only need the inner self to control the mind and stay peaceful; and every human has that capacity.
- The virus will pass in accordance to the law of impermanence. Therefore, life goes on for the survivors!
- Neither can we change the situation nor can we control life. Therefore, we have to accept it without complaining following the instructions as much as possible.
- Life is beautiful for those who live it as it is, for those who accommodate things as they come. Therefore, dance with the flow without too much definition and explanation.
- Corona is a natural disaster to humankind but injustice and oppression induced loss of human life is more tragic in contrast.
- Corona is universal, it threatens all of us without discrimination. Therefore, there is nothing here to personalize the crisis; no reason to be afraid, only to follow instructions and relax wherever we may be.
- Corona is fatal, and prevention is the best medicine. The body needs good nutrition, sleeping, sanitation and moderate exercise to stay in shape for anything. Therefore, give it all as much as you can.
- We have to understand that most of the damage for the survivors is psychological. Ego will go crazy imagining different things (my family, my money, my business, my promotion, loss, death, etc. etc.). We need a quiet mind to deal with the situation and we can have it in abundance with uninterrupted awareness. The mind is the worst enemy of human life, especially in such a situation. It will bring issues associated with the virus, terrorizing people as much as possible. It will fabricate, exaggerate, remind, forecast and tell too many stories to attack you in many complex ways. It will serve your ego and make you regretful of the past and worrisome about the future. It will agitate you to be afraid and angry of the situation, and lose momentary existence, the success depending on your spiritual consciousness.
Please pay full attention to your ego and mind! Be careful not to be taken for a ride here because there is no problem at this moment in time and there is no need to entertain the future ahead of its actuality (for those of us who don’t have the disease). Simply, ignore the mind out of the way; tell it in the face that your life is in the moment not in the past and the future. Reject it in favor of your heart. Lock your ego and the mind somewhere for a while using your spirituality to the best stretch of your consciousness. Don’t believe and follow the mind by staying alert about its activities as much as you can. You have the capacity to enjoy the cat and mouth game with the mind and enjoy the moment watching the drama with alert presence, and please experiment it in this opportunity.
As you know, people don’t usually change for the better from their comfort zones. Something has to shake them to change because “crisis is the mother of transformation”. The virus is, thus blessing in disguise, a special gift of nature for spiritual growth. It provides opportunities for us to individually investigate ourselves in relation to our respective concepts of life (politics, spirituality, greed, power, etc.).
I hope something spiritually positive is going on in our community worldwide. I hope all of you have found a better way of communicating with God in your solitude. I am grateful for having been in beautiful and valuable spiritual experimentation as of today. The mind has been calm and quiet, spending a lot of time with my lovely cat Jojo, cooking, playing the guitar and walking in the hood at times with reasonable distance. I am telling you whatever will be will be like anything in life and I can only deal with the virus if it makes me sick, calmly observing its show from distance otherwise. Therefore, I Have chosen peacefully living it without expectation and with great sense of gratitude for what I have in this situation that billions don’t. But here is my opinion on how the Eritrean opposition camp can take advantage of the crisis towards total transformation: better humility, genuine unity and honest political relationship ahead.
- The virus is a great opportunity to understand the temporary nature of life; that any form of identification (color, ethnicity, religion, language, fame, wealth) will die with the body. We should use this opportunity to accept the vulnerability of life and transform the mind to substantial neutrality on the question of the Eritrean people in general. This can help us to deal with our people with the same degree of compassion and love.
Here are some questions I would confront myself with in this aspect: Am I really neutral in Eritrea’s socio political experience? Have I been partial to my group, ethnicity, religion, fame, personal interest in contrast to the interest of the people as a unit? How can I help out with the concrete education in experience (meaninglessness of life so to say)? What can I change to be more productive to the Eritrean society? how can I change myself before trying to positively change others?
- The virus is a great opportunity to reconcile with your mortality; to accept it as part of life and start working against fear of death by focusing on spirituality as a person. This universal disaster is a good opportunity to universalize the self once and for all; that the best we should do is dealing with anything without personalizing the issues: How can I help my people with absolute honesty before I die? Who am I beyond my ethnicity, nationality, religion, wealth, education and achievements in view of humanity? How can I globalize myself within the Eritrean society and treat and defend them all equally? How can I help the society based on universal solution minus any personal interest in the deal?
- Great opportunity to understand that death can come any moment and there is no time to delay collective solution to the Eritrean people’s problem for ego and power trip. This teaches us that life is uncertain and time does not indefinitely wait for us to entertain the solution without result; that there is no use in compromising the interest of the Eritrean people thinking there is enough time for it. The situation reminds us the limited time we have to change society for the better.
- Corona teaches us to magnify our essence as much as we can: when it comes to our society, quitting every personal interest (political, material, family, power, pride, religion, ethnicity, language, fame, legacy, etc.) and serving it strictly based on fairness and democratic values. The reason: all interests were accidental, imposed or inherited but never natural; yet they will vanish very soon! Here is a golden opportunity to pause any form of identification other that ERITREAN until we democratize the society in one mind and voice before we go.
- It is beautiful to see the entire medical society working together to save us from the virus at the expense of their health, God bless them forever. All of them are doing it to save humanity with high level of compassion and sacrifice, and without discrimination. I think this bliss should teach us about what genuine unity can do to our society and to execute it without any procrastination and excuse.
- The virus further provides us a great opportunity in terms securing peaceful coexistence in the region. It gives us the courage to admit our mistakes and humble down a bit; the compassion and capacity to forgive without forgetting specially in relation to the Tigran people next door.
- The other opportunity is to develop the spiritual capacity to pacify the mind in any situation by attentively listening to SILENCE in pleasant solitude.
In conclusion, there is so much we can say about the current universal status quo in relation to the virus. There will be many experiences to discuss when it is over. But the least we can do is using it for spiritual development. We should use it to discover the self beyond the body and mind; to clarify the mind and purifying the heart. There is nothing to be scared about but a lot to take advantage of with relaxed and quiet state of mind. Time will resolve this matter as usual and please stay safe and peaceful. At the bottom line; the virus should only be emotionally dealt with upon arrival and never from distance, therefore enjoy every minute of your life grounded in your spirituality and God bless you!
kidane April 8, 2020
Thank you brother Fetsum for this thoughtful advice at this time of difficulty.
Gideon April 8, 2020
God bless all very sinful mankind, period. Time for lots and lots of TSELOT, TSELOT praying to the almighty God.
k.tewolde April 8, 2020
I hear you Fitsum,just finished reading your insightful article and gazed out through my window to the brightly moon lit night and drifted off into the unknown,God never changes the rules,He give us a beautiful day and says live in it and follows it with a starry night and says sleep peacefully in it,however we try to change the rules to suit our wants at the expense of our fellow man,the almighty intervenes to remind us who is in charge……aids,tsunamis,swine flu,Spanish flu,SARS,corona virus….what is next? read the book of Revelations, you don’t need the Babble app to understand it.
Dawit April 8, 2020
Wedi Amete Komarit – Wedi Hirkam DIQALA filthy scumbag,
haven’t you found us any freaking vaccine/medication for corona-virus shitty yet?
The whole world is waiting desperately for your magic/miracle evil ELF mendef medicine!
We were told that you were working 24/7 from your crippled beggars wheelchair testing labs!!
Woldegabriel April 8, 2020
Hi Dawit,
What a paradox! You want deliverance from his brilliant mind to your filthy mouth.
Woldegabriel April 8, 2020
Dear Fetsum,
As one commentator rightly put it, I appreciate your ” thoughtful ” article on the corona virus. You really took your time and energy to synthesize the logical, scientific and spiritual approach towards fighting the corona virus pandemic. If I may, I would like to add another dimension ( or strengthen the points you mentioned). Generally, we human beings underestimate the power we have within ourselves. The mind is a very mysterious thing that no one has yet really understood how it functions. It has a healing power that is incomprehensible to our logical mind. But it has. If anyone really backtracks his life, he should have died many times and many yrs before. Yet, he is here. Call it survival instincts or the unacknowledged healing power within us works its miracles. Call it God or anything you want, but the power is within us to fight and live. (NB. I am not a religious person, but I believe in God). So, my advice to those who are infected with the virus is to believe in their inner strength and look forward. Leave the rest to the mysterious mind.
fetsum April 8, 2020
Dear Welde,;thank you for ur pleasant input.
u said: “.The mind is a very mysterious thing that no one has yet really understood how it functions. It has a healing power that is incomprehensible to our logical mind.”
opinion: yes it is mysterious but there are many spiritualists that have understood it very well and put it under the control of the inner self since long time ago. I think very few spiritualists from our society may have accomplished the capacity to some extent but many Hindus and Budhhists almost to full extent. The mind can only have a healing power if it is trained enough to completely comply with the inner self. Otherwise, it is extremely troublesome to egoist people that it controls; life is hell under the control of the mind. I believe it is the most dangerous element in ordinary human life detached from genuine spirituality. .It takes a longtime and continous attention and effort to put it under control but once you get to that point, it becomes the best friend or a healer as you said.
fetsum April 8, 2020
Dear Welde;
U said: ” Call it God or anything you want, but the power is within us to fight and live. (NB. I am not a religious person, but I believe in God). So, my advice to those who are infected with the virus is to believe in their inner strength and look forward. Leave the rest to the mysterious mind.
opinion: yes sir. everything is with in you and the only way of challenging the disease is facing it peacefully using the inner self instead of the mind, I mean what ever will be will be any way.but I can not advice people to ” Leave the rest to the mysterious mind.” unless the mind is spiritually developed and trained to serve the inner self. My advice otherwise is to not use the mind, to leave it alone and enjoy the moment sticking with your inner self through constant presence. watch its drama mindfully without participation; without following the thoughts and ideas it wants you to process into emotions. you don’t want that at all! peace
.You don’t want to face corona with out of control minds like Dawit’s;. .Dawit is a classic example of what uncontrolled or unmonitored ego and mind can do to a human being. it is a lot of suffering bro, I just wonder how he is dealing with life in general under the complete control of his ego and mind; God save humanity from that situation.
fetsum April 8, 2020
Dear Welde’
I like to share something from my next book on spirituality because u positively provoked me to do so. at a point in the work load (of course if I survive corona), I wrote the following at one point
“Multiple thoughts impinge against the mind at sub-human velocity concurrently suggesting different things, putting one everywhere, which is pretty much like being no where. Before one thought is fully dissected, another knocks for a chance to be an emotion. At the same time, the mind as the fastest drifter in human experience tries the impossible task of accommodating the supersonic thoughts in cyclic state of endless journey because it has a relatively slower processing competence. Feelings and cravings stay ahead of its accommodating capacity, forcing one to commit grave errors that cause intense psychological dilemma. Unaware of the dynamics, a thinker occupies space but practically stays inexistent because lifetime travels forward undetected in mental absence.” END
the result of uncontrolled mind are fear and desire in cyclic motion and the suffering becomes exponential. .That is why the mind is extremely dangerous to human life if it stays loose or detached from the inner self because the other choice for it would be slaving for ego at the expense of the subject in question. Peace.
Woldegabriel April 9, 2020
Dear Fetsum,
I think we are talking about two different aspects or realm of the mind and the inner strengths. When I was very young (late teens and very early twenties), I was fascinated with Eastern philosophy and was technically a fan of Lobsang Ramps books (I am quite sure you have read him). As a young man who indulges to explore every avenue, I tried to experiment on moving my conscious mind through the walls and see what is happening beyond the walls. Of course it never happened, if it is ever possible, because I didn’t have the alleged absolute concentration it requires.
” There are many spiritualists that have understood it very well and put it under control of the inner self since long time ago”. Honestly, I do not share the absolute certainty of your assertions. First of all, I was not talking about metaphysics or spiritualism. I was trying to underscore on synthesizing information derived from the cognitive power to help the mind in developing and strengthening the inner self- vis-à-vis the corona virus victims. I am aware of scholars priests from the Orthodox Christian and Catholic churches that have ended up insane due to their spiritual journey to the unchartered sphere, which became explosive and unbearable to their minds. Logically, talking about the power of the mind and spiritualism, takes us to the controversial subjects of witchcraft, sorcery, magic, devil worship, etc. Of course, some so-called spiritualists with twisted mind of controlling others covet the devil worship. ( mind you, there is a difference between controlling one’s mind and controlling others-you can co control people through scientific or protracted actions). The devil worshiping is an egoist and selfish aspiration to become omnipotent in any field by eliminating anyone along its path of fame, power and wealth. Such people do not really have control of the mind or the self., but are madmen(women) who are slaves of their internalized insane dreams to bring about their Armageddon through calculated precision. I don’t want to clamor more into it. My point is this so-called spiritualists are con artists if make-believe and insane people who should be put in the dungeons. As diverse as we are, some people could be gifted with farsight or unique sixth sense. But once you stretch this gift beyond your capacity to manage it, you end up being controlled by it. I.e madness. This is not the realms that I was talking about.
Fetsum Abraham April 9, 2020
Dear welde;
u remind me of my teen age years bro and Lobsang Rampa’s “third eye” was very popular in Addis and I did read it like all other kinds of the era. But I can’t even recall a bit about the teachings. Too young to be fascinated by but too volatile and restless to understand it specially with deep rooted Christian background in the deal. I was very attracted to the Hippy generation (at least 10 years ahead of me) and we were experimenting with something new basically for attention. It was adventure and fashion with very clean heart rather than substance at that fragile age in my life. I hear you brother but it would have been possible to acquire the consciousness on question if we had said absolute concentration that it requires ( like many enlightened people in the eastern societies}.