EYSC Global’s Motive Exposed: It is pro PFDJ with some reform and against the opposition – by Eritrean Private Investigator
EYSC Global made it clear that it is pro reformed PFDJ and against the Eritrean opposition. It stated many of the people in the Eritrean opposition are regionalists with backward mentality. EYSC Global also confirmed
EYSC Global made it clear that it is pro reformed PFDJ and against the Eritrean opposition. It stated many of the people in the Eritrean opposition are regionalists with backward mentality. EYSC Global also confirmed it prefers to work with YPFDJ and wants to distance itself from the opposition. It is now publicly known its plan to create an alternative opposition organization that advocates for reforming PFDJ. The group is believed to have less 20 members and it has been known for creating havoc in the opposition. All justice seekers should be aware of this destructive group of people who are trying to distract the opposition from the main target. For indisputable evidence please refer to the attached file.
Yemane Johar September 30, 2013
“ነዚ ክትግዕታ ዶ ክነድዚ ትርህጻ! ወቸ ጉድ። እቲ ዝገርም፡ ካብቲ የፈድሖም ኣለኹ ኢለካ ዝሓሰብካዮ ንላዕሊ፡ ኣድቨረታይዝ ዝገበርካሎም ይበዝሕ። ካብቲ መረጋገጺ ዘይብሉን፡ ሓቂ ድዩ ወላስ ዝተፈብረከ ምዃኑ ከፍለጥ ዘይከኣል ዝርርብኩም፡ ንEYSC ብዝምልከት፡ እዞም ዝስዕቡ ነጥብታት ክጽሞቅ ይካኣል። 1. ብኢትዮጵያ ዝመጽእ ለዉጢ ኣየድልየናን እዩ። 2. ኩሉ ህግደፍ ኣይኮነን ጸላኢ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ብዘይካ ኢሰያስን እቶም ዉሑዳት ኣዳኸርቱን። 3. ሽግር ኤርትራዉያን ብኤርትራዉያን ጥራዩ ዝፍታሕ። 4. ንYPFDJ ነቲ ስርዓት ራሕሪሖም ናብ ደምበ ተቃዉሞ ንክመጽኡ ምጽዓር። 5. ምንሽሮ ሕማም ኣዉራጃዉነት ተቃዉሞ ምስዓር። እዚ መርገጺኦም’ዩ። ዝነኣድ ከኣ። እንድሕሪ ዘይተሰማማዕካሉ፡ ብዉርዙይ ኣገባብ ዕቃበታትካ ተስምዕ። እቲ ንስኻ ዝገበርካዮ ግን ናይ ነዉራማት ስራሕ ጥራይ’ዩ። ኣብ ክንዲ ንዳኒኤል እቲ ማሕበር ይጋገ’ሎ ኢልካ ተእምኖ፡ዓቅሚ ስለ ዘይነበረካን፡ ቄናን ስለ ዝኾነ ርእስኻን፡ ብኸመይ ከምተጸልሞም ጥራይ ሓሰብካ። ነዚ ብኣግኡ ሕዝካዮ ዝተበገስካ ድኹምን ድሑርን መደምደምታ ድማ ከምዚ ገርካ ከተተርንዖ ደለኻ። ነዚ ርእዩ ዝኣምን እንተሎ፡ ወዲ ገርሂ ልባ ጥራይ’ዩ። ምኽንያቱ ኣነ ንገዛእ ርእሰይ ከምዚኣ ገይረ ክፍብርክ ስለ ዝኽእል። ናይ ብሓቂ እንተ ኾነ’ዉን፡ እቲ ንሶም ዝኣምንሉ ኣካይዳ ነጊሩካ ማለት እዩ። ከምኡ ዓይነት ኣካይዳ ስለ ዘሎዎም ክትክልክሎም ዘክእለካ ክንድ አድሪ ሓይልን መሰልን የብልካን። ጸቢብ ሙዃንካን፡ ጸሎሎ ምቅባእ ትፈትዉ ስለ ትመስልን ግን፡ እዚ ገርካ። እቲ ልዕሊኡ ዝገርም ግን ኣሰናና ነዚ ምሕታሙ እዩ። እዛ ብርኩታ እምኒ ላታ እዩ ትነገር። ጽንሕ ኢልኩምሲ ከይትሓስቡ፡ ናትኩም ኣረኣእያ ከይህልወኩም፡ ካብ ናትና ዝፍለ ሓሳባት ከይትገብሩ ክትብሉና ኢኹም ይስተር። ኢሰያስ ካብዚ ሓሊፉ ካልእ ኣይገበረን። ማንቲለ ዘሊላ ዘሊላ ናብ መሬታ ስለ ዝኾነ ግን፡ መስሓቅ ኣይሳኣን መስሓቃት ጥራይ ኢኹም ትኾኑ። ምሕረት የዉርድ። ክንደዚ ዓበድበድ ከሎ ድዩ’ታ!!!”
beraki modoshto October 1, 2013
እቲ ዘምጻእካዮ ኣረዳድኣ ብዙሕ ዝጽላእ ኮይኑ ኣይረኸብክዎን ብዓቕመይ። ቅሩብ ግን ንስኻ ውን ኣብ ምዝላፍ ገጽካ ኣቢልካ ኣለኻ። ዘለፋን ምሽምጣጥን ዝጸልእ ንሱ ውን ክዝልፍ ኣይግባእን። ብዝኾነ ግን እዞም ኣብ ቦሎንያ ዝተኣከቡ ሰባት ከምቲ ጭርሕኦም ዝሕብሮ ብስምናን ብስም ሃገርናን እዮም ተኣኪቦም። ከም ዘለዎ ክትርእዮን ክትሰምዖን እንከለኻ ውን ፈጺምካ ዝንጸግ ኣይኮነን። ኣብዚ ብዙሕ ሰብ ካብ ሃገርነት ዝምሕድገሉ ዘሎ ህሞት፥ ብስም ሃገር ዝእከብ ሰብ ኣገናዕ ይግበኦ’ዩ። ክሳብ ቅኑዕ ዝኾነ። ዓቕሚ ጥራይ ዝጎድሎ ቅኑዕ ሰብ፥ ካብ ዓቕሚ ዘለዎ ግን ከኣ ክፉእ ይምረጽ’ዩ። ሓንቲ ነገር ኣላ ኣነ ዘይበርሃትለይ፡ እዞም ኣብ ቦሎንያ ብስምና ዝተኣከቡ ንምንታይ ሓበሬታ በቒቖሙልና? ከምዚ በዓል ዳንኢል ዝተዘራረብዎ እዞም ሰባት ዚኣቶም ንህዝባዊ ግንባር ነዐርያ ድኣ’ምበር ኣይንቐይራ ዝብል ውሽጣዊ እምነት ወይ ሜላ እንተኔርዎም ብንጹር ነቲ ንጋደለልካ ኢና ዝብልዎ ዘለዉ ሓፋሽ መትከላቶምን ሜላ ቃልሶም ክሕብሩ እንተፈተኑስ እንታይ ኮን ሽግር ይህልዎ ይኸውን? ሃገር ንምድሓን ኢልካ እትበቆ ሓበሬታን ውድብ ንምዕዋት ኢልካ እትበቆ ሓበሬታን ነንበይኑ ዩ። ስለዚ ብግስ ከይበላ።።።።፡ኣበላ ከም ዝበሃል በዓል ዳንኤል ብግስ ከይበሉ ሓብሬታን ሜላ ቃልስን ካብቲ ንቃለሰሉ ኢና ዝብልዎ ሓፋሽ ክሓብኡ ምፍታኖም ንምስሎም ጽቡቕ ኣይመስለኒን። ስለምንታይ ከምኡ ዓይነት ሜላ ቃልሲ ሓርዮም ኣይኮንኩን ዝብል ዘለኹ። ስለምንታይ ብንጹር ኣይግለጽን? መን ዩ ካብ መን ሓበሬታ ዝሓብእ። እቲ ዝቃወሞም ዘሎ ዳንኤል ድማ ሓደ ካብቶም ነቲ ኣገባብ ቃልሲ ዘይደገፉ ዩ እመስለኒ። ስለዚ ምውንጃል ንዋላ ሓደ ኣይጠቅምን’ዩ። ዝጠቅም ካብ ስምዒት እልይ ኢልካ ምስ ዘይስምዒታውያን ኤርትራውያን አሕዋትካ ንኤርትራ ዝጠቕማ ሓሳብ ምሃብን ምቕባልን’ዩ። ብዙሕ ሰብ እኮ’ዩ ስቕ ኢሉ ዝዕዘብ ዘሎ። ኣንፈት ናይዛ ሃገር ናበይ ገጹ ከም ምኻኑ ብትኽክል ንምጽናዕ ይዕዘብ ኣሎ። ስለዚ መድረኽ ስለ ዝረኸብካ፡ ዝፈረኻ ከይመስለካ ምግንዛብ ንዓኻ ጽቡቕ ነታ ሃገር ውን ጽቡቕ’ዩ። ብጣቕዒት ደቂ-ገርሂ ልባ ልብኻ መሊእካ ልብኻ ከይተጥፍእ ልቢ ምግባር።
ምስናይ ኣኽብሮት’የ የማነ ሓወይ። አቐንየለይ
solomon October 1, 2013
የማነ ጆሃር፣ ለኽበጥበጥ ኣመል ጌርካዮ። ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣከለጉዛይ ዘለካ ጽልኢ ኣብ ፌስ ቡክ ዝጀመርካዮ ጥራሕ ኣይኮነን። እንተ ናይ ዳኒኤል፣ ስድራቤቱ ባዕሎም ዝምስክርዎ፣ ኣብ ፈቖዶ ቦታ ወድና ንመንግስቱ ኣይከሓደን እናበሉ ዝጀሃርዎ እኹል መርትዖ እዩ። ንዓኻን ከማኻን ከየጽረየ ድማ እዚ ህዝቢ ሰላም ኣይረክብን እዩ። እንተ ናይቲ ኣውራጃውያን አናበልካ ትነዝሖ ዘለካ ግን ግዜኻ ተጸበየሉ ጥራሕ።
eritrean October 1, 2013
I couldn’t agree more!
eritrean September 30, 2013
It is time that Eritreans stand up and put to rest all woyane bullshitting. Eritrea for eritreans by eritreans period.
eritrean September 30, 2013
N.b. that is what all eritreans want.
zemen September 30, 2013
What is the point of this investigation? I read from up to the bottom and I found nothing that could describe Daniel or EYSC as pro-PFDJ? Why do you need to go that low to trash a group trying its best to challenge our one enemy? What I am really sorry is for Assenna. Please don’t allow posts that degrades other opposition. It is not good for your website and your name. Still I have respect on you, but if keeps repeating things like that, it is not good. Very sorry
asmerom September 30, 2013
If the “private investigator” could put this skill on gathering a fruitful information from Eritrea. Or,IF the Investigator could spend his/her time and effort on finding solution, instead of working to trash an image of another Eritrean.
I have my reservation on Mr Daniel and his bologna bloc. I completely disagree with them on that they deviated from the main enemy PFDJ. But,this cheap shot is a disgrace to the writer and to all who orchestrate it.
Mahta October 1, 2013
Some people think that our people are stupid! by making a silly alligations, you think you by blackmailing Daniel, you would get something out of it?? people are judging!! Even dont get to that low!!
wedi Forto October 1, 2013
The so called Private Investigator, is most likely a pfdj spy trying to destroy Daniel and his group’s objective.
In fact, after reading the Facebook chat, Daniel comes out shining, in the eyes of many Eritreans.
In trying to discrediting Daniel, this coward, nameless and faceless thug has done him a great favour and helped his case. I am ready to join Daniel’s group, for it is clear what they stand for: the removal of the dictator and his henchmen and free the Eritean people once and for all!
beraki modoshto October 1, 2013
ወዲ ፎርቶ
ግደ ሓቂ ክንዛረብ ግን እዚ ሓበሬታ ዝሃበና መንእሰይ ውን ጽቡቕ ስራሕ ሰሪሑ’ዩ። ምኽንያቱ ናይ ውሽጢ መምርሕን ባግጊ ዳንኤልን ጋሊሁ ኣርእዩና። ምኽንያቱ ዳንኤል ከምኣ እንተዘይገብር ብርግጽ ነዚ ሜላ ቃልሲ ናይታ ጉጅለ ኣይምፈለጥናዮን። ምናልባት ኣብቲ ፕራይቨሲ ብክመይ ክርአ ይኽእል ሓሳብ ምሃብ ልዕሊ ዓቕመይ ዩ። ሜላን ሽጣራን ሓንቲ ውድብ ብኸምዚ ኣገባብ ክወጽእ ከሎ ግን ዝጽላእ ኣይኮነን። ደስ ምስ ዝብለካ ትሕወሶ። እንሆ ድማ ነቲ ኣገባብ ቃልሲን ዕላማን ናይ በዓል ዳንኤል ደጊፍካዮ ወዲ ፎርቶ።
Tes October 1, 2013
Great job brother God bless
Solomon October 1, 2013
Hmam ngsnet Hamassien !!
Look, Daniel’s entire family are Die-hard PFDJ .We told you from the scratch this guy is sent deliberately to divide the rule.we know that 90% of the PFDJ officials are from Hamassien and this crook want the power to stay in Hamassien.He doesn’t want PFDJ to get be out completely….Well, mdkar eyu fewsu!
beraki modoshto October 2, 2013
when you say the name ”Hamasien” i think you need to be conscious. it is really sensitive. and you have to know you are contributing some thing very negative to the change movements in the opposition side. so your role is getting worse than that of the one whom you are blaming. do you think some one can win by marginalization of Seraye or Hamassien or Akeleguzay or barka and sahel…. in the eritrean political arena? as to me it is really impossible. stop your hatred to a specific region or awraja Solomom. no awraja has any special privileged under HGDEF. by trying to exclude hamasien from the change movements you are excluding the highest number of Tigrigna Ethnic group in Eritrea as to conti rosinis census. and do not give random numbers and percents to the people who are in authority…in pjdj. it might seem true and polute the minds of the inocent.
Yemane Johar October 1, 2013
ሎሚ ቅነዩ:: ክልተ መንእስያት ኣብ ሓደ ጽምው ዝበለ ጎደና ኣስመራ እንዳዕለሉ ይኸዱ፡፡ ብዘረባ ዘረባ
ሓደ ካብኣቶም ፡ «ኣንታ ዓርከይ እዛ ዓድስ ምምሕዳራ እምበር ስኢኖም» ይብሎ፡፡ ስም ከይጠቐሰ፡፡
እቲ ሓደ ድማ ትቕብል ኣቢሉ «ኣንታ እወ ሓቅኻ፡ ክላ እንተዘካርዩዋኳ ምሓሸ» ይብሎ፡፡
«ሓቅኻ የካርዩዋ የካርዩዋ» ኢሎም እናኸዱ እንከለዉ ሓደ ዕብይ ዝበሉ ሰብኣይ ካብ ድሕሪኦም ምጽእ ኢሎም ፡
«እንታይ በልኩም እዞም ደቀይ?» ኢሎም ይሓትዎም
ቆልዑ ሰንቢዶም፡፡ በይንና ኣሎና ኢሎም ኢዮም ናይ ልቦም ክዛረቡ ጸኒሖም፡፡ ሓደ ካብኣቶም «እዚ ዓርከይሲ እዚ ዓርከይሲ…….». ኢሉ ጋእ ጋእ ይብል፡፡ ካን ዝብሎ ጠፊእዎ፡፡
እቶም ሰብኣይ ድማ «ክሰምዓኩም ጸኒሐ እንድየ ‘ የካርዩዋ’ ኢኹም ክትብሉ ጸኒሕኩም ሓቀይዶ?» ይውከስዎም፡፡
ቆልዑ ድማ ዝወረደት ትውረድ፡ «እወ ከምኡ ክንብል ጸኒሕና» ኢሎም የረጋግጹሎም፡፡
ወዮም ሰብኣይ ቁሩብ ሕስብ ኣቢሎም «ሓሳባትኩምሲ ጽቡቕ ነይሩ ዞም ደቀይ ሉችን ማይን ዘይብላ እሞ መን ክካረያ?! ኢሎም ኣስሒቖሞም ኣመት” ናብርኦም ክገብሩ መንገዶም ቀጺሎም፡፡
ካብ ክብሮም መሓሪ
ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣመሪ
Hiyabu October 1, 2013
What is this?? Is this investigation?? really??? where is the substance? I have read it all and the guy (Daniel) has given all his thoughts in a humble and intelligent manner. I hope future Eritrean leader will have traits and smart as this person.