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EYSC Global’s Motive Exposed: It is pro PFDJ with some reform and against the opposition – by Eritrean Private Investigator

EYSC Global made it clear that it is pro reformed PFDJ and against the Eritrean opposition. It stated many of the people in the Eritrean opposition are regionalists with backward mentality. EYSC Global also confirmed

EYSC Global made it clear that it is pro reformed PFDJ and against the Eritrean opposition. It stated many of the people in the Eritrean opposition are regionalists with backward mentality. EYSC Global also confirmed it prefers to work with YPFDJ and wants to distance itself from the opposition. It is now publicly known its plan to create an alternative opposition organization that advocates for reforming PFDJ. The group is believed to have less 20 members and it has been known for creating havoc in the opposition. All justice seekers should be aware of this destructive group of people who are trying to distract the opposition from the main target. For indisputable evidence please refer to the attached file.

Review overview
  • COW FACE September 30, 2013

    ኣንቱም ኣሕዋተይ ፣

    ንኣይ ስለ ዘይት ሰምዑኒ እኮ እዩ እምበር ኣተምቢሄልኩም ኔረ እየ።ከምቲ ስድራኹም ዝምሃሩኹም ፣ትሕቲ መልሓስካ ስለ ትፈትዉ እዩ እምበር ______ ብጋህዲ፣ ኣኼባ ቦሎኛ፣ ናይ ደቂ ግራተይ ፣ናይ ጋንታ ሓማሴን፣ ንሓይሊ ኣከለ ጉዛይ balance ዝገብር ናይ ተቓወምቲ ተቓወማይ ምዃኑ።ይመስለኒ እቲ ስመር ዝብሃል ማሕበር ናይ ደቀያይ ንኢስ እዩ ኢልካ እዩ ዝእመነሉ።
    ናይ ህግደፍ መንፍዓት ወይ ኢሳያስ ሱፐር መስተውዓሊ ስለ ዝኾነ ኣይኮነን፣ንስኻትኩም ክብረት ዘይትፈትዉ ኣብ ናይ ሓሶት ዕላማ ትሞቱን ፣ካብ ክብረት ሕስረት ትፈትዉ ኣህዛብ ስለ ዝኾንኩምን እዩ።እንታይ የደንቐኩም፧___ሓማሴን ስዒራ፣ኣከለጉዛይ ተሳዒራ ዝብሃል ሕማም ካብ ቀደም ንፈልጦን__በቲ ወዲ ድምበዛን ጻዕዳ፣ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ተደርጕሑ እንድዩ !!!

    እዚ እንታይ ኢንቬስቲጌሽን የድልዮ ፧ እቶም ደቀያይ ንኢስ__(ከነጻነት መልስ የኢሳያስ ራስ)ዝዓይነቱ ዕላማ ከም ዝነበሮም።ምኽንያቱ ኣብቲ በረኸኛታት ከለዉ ብዙሓት ኮሌጅን ዩኒቨርሲቲን ገዲፎም ነቲ በረኸኛነት ዝተሓወስዎ ደቂ ኣውራጅኦም ኣብ ዘይረብሕ ህጁማት እናእተወ ኣወዲእዎም እዩ።
    እታ ውግእ ባድመ ምስ ወልዓ ድማ፣ኣብ ከብዲ ኢትዮጵያ ክ ወቅዕ ይኽእል እየ ዝበለ ኢሳያስ፣ነዞም ጻዕረኛታትን ሓዎም ዝፈትዉን ናይ ንግዲ ሰባት ከሱጕጕ ደልዩ ኢዩ።
    ምኽንያቱ ብሓቂ ንምምስካር እዚ ኩሉ ሃብቲ ኢትዮጵያ ብመንፍዓቶምን ሓዎም ብምፍታውን ምትሕግጋዝን ዘጥረይዎ ማጆሪቲ ደቂ ኣከለጉዛይ እንድዮም ኔሮም። ኣነ እኮ ቤተሰበይ ሓቂ ስለ ዝምሃሩኒ ንስኹም ድማ ብሓሶትን ብቐልዓለምን ስለ ዝዓበኹም እዩ ዝጽግመኩም ዘሎ። ወያነ ድማ ብስግኣት ብጅምላ ክሰጕ ዝጀመሩ። ናይ ቆልዑ ዓይደር ዘሕረሮ ድማ ለኻኺሙ ሰጕጉ ።
    እቲ ሕማም ናይዛ ኣብ ክልተ ዓመታ ትፈርስ፣ኤርትራ ዝሽማ ቀበሌ___መወዳእታ የብሉን፣ክሳዕ ሽዑ ግን በደዊን ምዓዃዅርና እናግሃስዎ___ክንዕወት ኢና ክንብል ኢና።እንተትዓወትና እውን ኣሕዋተይ ፣ክንፈሱ እምበር ክንጠርጥ ኣይንኽእልኒና፣ቀደም በደዊን ቦሮቕ ስለ ዘበሉና።
    ግን ኣዋልድና ብበረኸኛታት ነበር ኮሮኔላትን ተራ ወትሃደራትን ይትዓመጻ,ንሕና ንበደዊን ኣዕራብ እናተጎምባሕና,…ከም ኤርትራውያን መጠን እቲ ዝዓጅበና ፣ወያነ ባድመ ስለ ዘይገደፉን__ ኣርባዕተ ቁሸታት እውን ስለ ዝሓዙን እዩ።

    ብሓቂ ነሕዝን ።

    ማለት ንስኻትኩም እኳ ኣይስምዓኩምን እዩ, ስኣን ልብኹም ትጸድቁ መሳኪን ኢኹመ።ድሓን ኣለኹም።ኣነ ዘመድኩም እየ ትሃስየ ዘለኹ።

    • SAM September 30, 2013

      ዘይረብሕ ሃለውለው እንታይ ትብል ከምዘለኻ ሓደኳ ክርደኦ ኣይኮነን !!!

      • COW FACE October 1, 2013

        SAM ,

        You are contradicting yourself ,if nobody is going to understand ,how do you know it is halowlow ,tell that to the rape victims.


    • Cali September 30, 2013

      እንታይ ገዲፍካ ደርጒሕካዮ። ወይ ጉድ ሎምዘበን ገለ ክንሰምዕ ኢና።

      • COW FACE October 1, 2013

        ሓው ካሊ ፣

        መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ብሰንኪ እዞም ኣብ ዕድመይ ዘለዉ ፈገረግር ናይ ቆለውዕ ሂወት ክሳዕ ዝተባላሸወ ፣ነዚ መጻኢ ትውልዲ እዞም ኣሕሊፎም ዝ ሃቡኻ ኣብ ወጻ ኢ ደቆም የዕብትዩ ኣለዉ ካብ ምባልን ነቲ ሓሳዊ ሃገራውነቶምን ሕልና ቢስ ርእሶምን ከቃልዖ እየ።

        ክብረተይ ንኣኻ

    • beraki modoshto October 1, 2013

      ገጽ ላም

      ዕትብ ኢልካ እንተትጽሕፍ ዶ ኣይመሓሸን? እንታይ’ዩ እቲ ምቕጽልጻል? ኣብ ርእስ’ዚ ጽቡቕ ምልከት ቃንቃ እንከልካስ ስለምንታይ ውርዝይ ዝበለ ቃላት ዘይምጥቃም? ኣብ ርእይቶኻን እምነትካን ኣትየ ከምዝን ከምትን ክብል ኣይደልን። ኣብ’ቲ ኣገባብ ኣበሃህላኻ ግን ሓቂ ባህ ኣይብለንን’ዩ። ኣሰና ድማ ቁሩብሲ ናይ ቃንቃ ቅዲ ወይ ስታይል እንተዝህልወኩም ጽቡቕ እመስለኒ። ኣብ ኣበሃህላታት ምዝራብ ሰንሱር ምግባር ማለት ኣይኮነን።

      • COW FACE October 1, 2013

        ሓው በራኺ ፣
        እቲ ዝጽሕፎ ዘነውር ቃላትን፣ ክፃረበሉ ዘሕንኽን ምዃኑ እኮ ኣይጠፍኣንን።ንዓይ ውን ዕግርግር እዩ ዘብለኒ።ግን እቶም ብምኽንያት በረኸኛታትን ዘይውርዙያት ታሪኾምን መንነቶምን ዝነጽጉን ኣረገውቲ፣ቆለውዕ ኤርትራ መጻወቲ በደዊንን በረኸኛታትን ኮይኖም።ኤርትራ ርእሰ ከተማ ናይ ዓመጽ ኮይና።እቲ ዕቱብ ዘረባ ዝደለኻዮ ነቲ ዘቐንዝወና መመሊሰ ኣብ ገጽና ስለ ዝድርብዮ እኳ እዩ። ንስኻ ሕማቕ ዘረባ ከምዚ ዘስካሕክሓካስ ፣እታ ብዓሰርተ ዋርድያታት ሊብያ ዝተዓመጸት ጓል ዓሰርተ ሽዱሽተ ዓመት ኤርትራዊት እንታይ ተሰሚዕዋ ይኸውን ኢልካ ዶ ትሓስብ፧
        Well ,brother ,Tough it up ,because until Amanuel says no ,I will expose our fake heroism & indifference to the crime that is happenning to young Eritreans by my age group.
        You stick with your censorship by any means ,I will stick to remind us Eritreans how brainless morons & without conscience we are.

        I will leave the judgement to future generation or to any that would be left .

        My respect

        Cow Face

  • Thomas-2 September 30, 2013

    Self reliance means self destruction by Issays book. The so called “Eritrean solution for Eritrean problem bluff” is just to destruct our marching towards our enemy number one, Issayas and his corrupt followers. The only threat to DIA is someone coming against him through the border of Ethiopia knowing that he is in full control from what is coming from inside (repeating his own words he said “I know the minds of the people (meaning Eritreans) and there is no opposition to from inside. He uttered this words confidently because he has planted the evils/cadres within the entire inside the nation. Now, he also have recruited the so called “Eritrean solution for Eritrean problem” destructive click to might boast his moral/prolong his power. However, our people from inside our country only hope some magical power to come from our southern neighbor. Our struggle for our independence survived because of Sudanese support. You must have a place where you could shoot your bullet from and demoralize the #1 enemy or how would the enemy surrender power to its owners, the people. Libya Sudan/algeria & Tunisia, Egypt Sudan/Libya, Somalia Ethiopia/Kenya/Djibouti. Please learn that there is permanent enemy as even DIA re-phrased right after our independence before he became insane!!

  • Teklay Tsedefo September 30, 2013

    ነዚ ክትግዕታ ዶ ክነድዚ ትርህጻ! ወቸ ጉድ። እቲ ዝገርም፡ ካብቲ የፈድሖም ኣለኹ ኢለካ ዝሓሰብካዮ ንላዕሊ፡ ኣድቨረታይዝ ዝገበርካሎም ይበዝሕ። ካብቲ መረጋገጺ ዘይብሉን፡ ሓቂ ድዩ ወላስ ዝተፈብረከ ምዃኑ ከፍለጥ ዘይከኣል ዝርርብኩም፡ ንEYSC ብዝምልከት፡ እዞም ዝስዕቡ ነጥብታት ክጽሞቅ ይካኣል። 1. ብኢትዮጵያ ዝመጽእ ለዉጢ ኣየድልየናን እዩ። 2. ኩሉ ህግደፍ ኣይኮነን ጸላኢ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ብዘይካ ኢሰያስን እቶም ዉሑዳት ኣዳኸርቱን። 3. ሽግር ኤርትራዉያን ብኤርትራዉያን ጥራዩ ዝፍታሕ። 4. ንYPFDJ ነቲ ስርዓት ራሕሪሖም ናብ ደምበ ተቃዉሞ ንክመጽኡ ምጽዓር። 5. ምንሽሮ ሕማም ኣዉራጃዉነት ተቃዉሞ ምስዓር። እዚ መርገጺኦም’ዩ። ዝነኣድ ከኣ። እንድሕሪ ዘይተሰማማዕካሉ፡ ብዉርዙይ ኣገባብ ዕቃበታትካ ተስምዕ። እቲ ንስኻ ዝገበርካዮ ግን ናይ ነዉራማት ስራሕ ጥራይ’ዩ። ኣብ ክንዲ ንዳኒኤል እቲ ማሕበር ይጋገ’ሎ ኢልካ ተእምኖ፡ዓቅሚ ስለ ዘይነበረካን፡ ቄናን ስለ ዝኾነ ርእስኻን፡ ብኸመይ ከምተጸልሞም ጥራይ ሓሰብካ። ነዚ ብኣግኡ ሕዝካዮ ዝተበገስካ ድኹምን ድሑርን መደምደምታ ድማ ከምዚ ገርካ ከተተርንዖ ደለኻ። ነዚ ርእዩ ዝኣምን እንተሎ፡ ወዲ ገርሂ ልባ ጥራይ’ዩ። ምኽንያቱ ኣነ ንገዛእ ርእሰይ ከምዚኣ ገይረ ክፍብርክ ስለ ዝኽእል። ናይ ብሓቂ እንተ ኾነ’ዉን፡ እቲ ንሶም ዝኣምንሉ ኣካይዳ ነጊሩካ ማለት እዩ። ከምኡ ዓይነት ኣካይዳ ስለ ዘሎዎም ክትክልክሎም ዘክእለካ ክንድ አድሪ ሓይልን መሰልን የብልካን። ጸቢብ ሙዃንካን፡ ጸሎሎ ምቅባእ ትፈትዉ ስለ ትመስልን ግን፡ እዚ ገርካ። እቲ ልዕሊኡ ዝገርም ግን ኣሰናና ነዚ ምሕታሙ እዩ። እዛ ብርኩታ እምኒ ላታ እዩ ትነገር። ጽንሕ ኢልኩምሲ ከይትሓስቡ፡ ናትኩም ኣረኣእያ ከይህልወኩም፡ ካብ ናትና ዝፍለ ሓሳባት ከይትገብሩ ክትብሉና ኢኹም ይስተር። ኢሰያስ ካብዚ ሓሊፉ ካልእ ኣይገበረን። ማንቲለ ዘሊላ ዘሊላ ናብ መሬታ ስለ ዝኾነ ግን፡ መስሓቅ ኣይሳኣን መስሓቃት ጥራይ ኢኹም ትኾኑ። ምሕረት የዉርድ። ክንደዚ ዓበድበድ ከሎ ድዩ’ታ!!!

  • Thomas-2 September 30, 2013

    Please learn that there is NO permanent enemy as even DIA re-phrased this right after our independence before he became insane!! Ethiopian Weyane helped EPLF and vis-versa. That was way before our nation was recognized by the UN and our border was never drown as it is now. Unless you have an obvious agenda that is to weaken the opposition against DIA and prolong his power, what is the catch?? NO ONE IS THAT STUPID HERE!! AS we go older, we are getting wiser! Sell your crappy propaganda to someone else now!!

  • Almaz Gaul Asmera September 30, 2013

    መጀመርያ መልሓስካ ተገዘር። ኣደብ ዘሎው ቋንቋ ተጠቐም። ካልኣይ ከኣ ከምዚ ናትካ ፈላላዪ ዘረባ ድኣ በዚሑ ኣዕለቕሊቑና እንድዩ። ጠርናፍን ኣዋሃሃድን ክኢላ ሰብ እዩ ተሳኢኑ ዘሎ። ሓዊ ንምውላዕ ሓደ ዓፋፍ ይኣክል እዩ’ ዝተወልዐ ሓዊ ምጥፍእ ግን ናይ ሰብ ሰብ፣ ዝተመርጸ ሰብ እዩ ዘድልዮ። ሥልጡን ዓለም ንብዘሎ ፍጡር ከይጥሚ፣ ከይጸምእ፣ ብሓድ ሓድ ኲናት ከይጸንት ይሓስቡ፥ ንሕና ኸኣ ነዞም ካብ ሓደ ስድራ ዝቦቖሉ ክንፈላሊ ተኸኽ ኢልና። ንፍቶ ንጽላእ ብዘይ ሓድነትን ምጽውዋርን ዓወት የሎን። ምኒን እናበልካ ዕድመኻ ምሕላፍ ምርጫ እንተኾይኑ ኸኣ ግርም። ለባማትን ምሁራትን ኪመርሑና ሕራይ ንበል፣ ዓቕምና ንፍለጥ፣ እዛ ሃገር ነበር ከይትኾውን ጽባሕ ኣውያት ዋጋ የብሉን። ብሓባር ንመክት፣ ጥዑዪ ሕሙሙ ባዕሉ እቲ መድረኽ መምዩ ክድርብዮ እዩ።

    • hermela September 30, 2013

      Ezi dea bi may 25 1991 kibehal zinebero zereba endiyu almazina.

    • Hailom N. September 30, 2013

      Almaz Gaul Asmera with all respect Cow Facs right the truth hert he is 100% right. It dosn’t work from now all true has to com out we need to now who is plaing as period.

    • ሽዋይነሽ October 1, 2013

      ተባረኺ´ኸ!Almaz Gaul Asmera

      ነዚ “ኣውቆ-ኣበድ” እናሸምገለ ዝቐልል፣ “ዘገንፎ” መሓሪ ሃብተ (ሽም ሓቂ ከምስል እንካን´ዩ ዝኸውን?)aka NEW HOPE ERITREA aka Singapo Eritrea aka Yugoslawo Eritrea aka CYBER CURE aka Fake Country Collapsing ካልእ´ውን ይህልዎ´ዩ፣ እነሀ ድማ ብCOW FACE ንወያነ ምውዳሱ (ምርጭኡ ካብኮነ) ኣይምዓጀበ! ፣ ንብሉጻት መእንቲ ሃገር ዝተብጀዉ ተጋደልትናን ግድሎምን! ብጠቕላላ ከሕስርን ከመራስሕን፣ ዝጉህዩን “ዓገብ!” ዝብሉን ምውሓዶም ዝድንጽወና ብዙሓት ኢና፣ ኤርትራዊ ድዩኸ?

      • COW FACE October 3, 2013

        ሽዋይነሽ ,

        What are you doing to bring the rape of young Eritrean girls to the plate ,because clean words are not going to heal any rape victims ?
        For your education ,try to challenge my ideas ,not my age or personality.
        And on a humorous note should not your name be ኣስመራ ነሽ instead of ሽዋይነሽ ???

        I hope you feel better after insulting me ,now concentrate on the Eritrean rape victims brought by ንብሉጻት መእንቲ ሃገር ዝተብጀዉ ተጋደልትናን ግድሎምን!

        Stop emotional jibrish ,they brought rape & prison ,they can not even defend 1994 disabled fighter veterans ,what heroism ????

        my respect to you ,not to your emotional lies

    • COW FACE October 3, 2013

      Almaz Gual Asmara ,

      I did not see anything to divide people ,maybe you failed to understand what I wrote ,I was exposing the sinister motive of Isaias & PFDj.
      He who points out the causes of AIDS is not causing it ,only people with compromised wisdom would think like wise.
      The Amharas have a saying “He who can not control his fart does not want to jump.
      Hiding an illness does not cure the cause ,please read it again without fearing the names of Awrajas & then you will understand it.

      My respect

  • fthi delye September 30, 2013

    Pls go straight deki erey GOD is not with those who have zigzag mind so never give up

  • Fresewra September 30, 2013

    For anyone who meets Daniel Tecklai, you can there is some thing wrong with him. The guy is so self centered, the world revolves around him. He likes attention so bad that every thing wants to be about him. If this guy get a chance to rule Eritrea even for a second, he is someone who could happily use chemical weapons to finish everyone standing in his way. Like DIA, Daniel is a psycho and evil who has a dream of becoming future iron fist dictator.
    Mr. private investigator thank you for exposing such people and allowing us to see their true colors.

  • weredemhret September 30, 2013

    Nezi ktigeta do trhtsa, Mr. coward private investigator.
    Daniel’s chat with you was not only straight forward and honest but makes a lot of sense for those of us who recognize that the problems and the cause of Eritrea’s problems is one and only one guy and his Hench men small circle. Yes, there are spies, criminals, corrupts officials and so on who add steam to the repressive machine in Eritrea but justice can be done against those elements once a pluralist, organic, and democratic system is established in the country.

  • Genet September 30, 2013

    Dear private investigator, Well done!

    It seems Daniel Teaklai and his small group are trying to reinvent themselves, because they are now sure, the PFDJ’s system and dictator are going down. They are true opportunistic parasites. They have been destroying their people and country for the past 22 years. Undercover/official, they have been hand in hand with the dictator, denying the Eritrean people in Eritrea a basic right. Now, once again they want to have the upper hand in the post dictator and PFDJ Eritrea. They want us to believe, the current PFDJ members can be the leader of free Eritrea. What a joke! Daniel Teaklai is 42 years old. Where was this LIZARD the past 20 years? is he one of those people ready to say “I was working undercover against the dictator” Now, he is telling us PFDJ is better than any opposition group. He thinks, the Eritrean people are fools. Every Eritrean knows, PFDJ is the dictator’s baby. In the new and Free Eritrea, there is no room for both of the enemy of Eritrean people. We will bury them both. We don’t want any part of them.
    Daniel’s attempt to make us think that only the dictator and his officials are responsible, for the past 22 years destruction of our country and killing of youth, is not going to be accepted. Those PFDJ dogs are going to be hunted down and held accountable. If they want to come to their senses and on the side of their people, it is not too late.

    However, if their way is just to think for themselves and try to reinvent themselves, it is not going work. PFDJ’s system and the dictator are the enemy of our people and country. To think otherwise, is…
    CALLED THE ACT OF “AUTOTOMY” It is an act casting off own body part to survive.

    • eritrean October 1, 2013

      We will bury you first you kurkur woyane!

      • Genet October 1, 2013

        eritrean???? For sure not our Eritrean. You dead Zombie.
        You don’t even have the gut to come here with your name. You think. you can reinvent yourself to keep the dictator and his loser son’s hands, on our peoples’throat for the next 22 years. It is not going to work. If you weren’t a dead Zombie yourself, you wouldn’t believe that those PFDJ dogs and the Dictator’s zombies are fit to do the right thing for our people. If you thought, the PFDJ’s dogs have a well functioning brain, why didn’t you try this 15 years ago or 13 yreas ago????? Is it that because you weren’t done benefiting and sucking Eritreans’ blood? I don’t care how? where? and when? you will be held accuntable.

        Drop the act of “AUTOTOMY” You miserable Zombie.

  • monicasalguero September 30, 2013

    Hey! hezom mehazti mefelelay hayli men-esey dro zeshetet znebere kunetat hiyú.Eti zehezen zegeremen gn neti kab tenti ena ketele zemexen hegiwn zexenet zexukún zelo ser-at mdgafom eyú. kendeyke yeshekúnú hezbom kesheyet kelewet ab wkianosat ke-halek zey-azbom…