Ethiopian PM in Eritrea for talks
The relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea took another giant step in the right direction with the arrival of the former's leader for a meeting in Asmara on Sunday. Mr Abiy Ahmed was warmly greeted by President

The relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea took another giant step in the right direction with the arrival of the former’s leader for a meeting in Asmara on Sunday.
Mr Abiy Ahmed was warmly greeted by President Isaias Afeworki when he jetted in for the talks aimed at repairing relations between the neighbours.
Eritrean state television showed footage of the two men embracing while Mr Abiy’s chief of staff, Mr Fitsum Arega, tweeted photographs saying: “The visit offers a spectacular opportunity to decidedly move forward peace for the good of our people.”
In a scene unimaginable just weeks ago, Mr Abiy stepped from an Ethiopian Airlines plane at the airport in Asmara, greeting Mr Isaias and hugging him before the pair strode off along a red carpet.
Historic meeting
They made no comment before heading to a meeting.
“The visit is part of efforts to normalise relations with Eritrea. [Abiy] is expected to talk with the Eritrean leadership [about] how to mend fences,” Ethiopian Foreign ministry spokesman Meles Alem told AFP.
The historic meeting came after Mr Abiy’s announcement last month that Ethiopia would cede to Eritrea land along the countries’ border it occupies in violation of a 2002 United Nations-backed boundary demarcation.
Ethiopia’s refusal to implement the demarcation deadlocked relations between the two even after the end of a 1998-2000 boundary war that killed 80,000 people.
Disputed territory
Once a province of Ethiopia that comprised its entire coastline, Eritrea voted to leave in 1993 after a bloody independence struggle.
The break rendered Ethiopia landlocked, and ties deteriorated five years later when a dispute over their shared frontier descended into war.
In office since April, Mr Abiy has pursued an ambitious reform agenda including reversing years of policy and announcing Ethiopia would abide by the 2002 boundary ruling.
The move paved the way for two top Eritrean officials to visit Addis Ababa last month, after which the meeting between the two leaders was announced.
But Ethiopia has yet to withdraw from disputed territory along the border including the town of Badme, which it controls in violation of the UN ruling.
Amanuel July 8, 2018
Iseyas cares nothing about peace or people but power. We shall see if he apologize to the people and hand power to the people, the owners,. I strongly believe he will wait till violently removed.
Michael Tesfamariam July 8, 2018
Congratulations Eritrean “Opposition”!!!!
Now, the process of Eritrean federation has just begun. from now on Eritrea is no longer a sovereign country, Issais and his dwarf wife will soon make Eritrea official part of the greater Ethiopia so the Eritreans will dive into a second phase of war for independence, and this will furnish Issais a chance to secure impunity.
Issais will never be removed from power as long as no Eritrean is prepared and willing to pay the price for it.
Tesfai July 8, 2018
Don’t worry about Eritrea and Eritreans, they know what is good for them. Yes, Issaias is a dictator, nothing changed but peace is the best for the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia.
There is no alternative to peace. Peace is still the best.
I welcome the young Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed with my open hands.
Peace to the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Michael Tesfamariam July 8, 2018
Of course you should welcome him, because he is doing everything in his power to satisfy your fellow Amhara’s ambitions at the expense of Eritrean blood and treasure.
Natu July 11, 2018
Yes, you are right Amauel! I know NO Dictator who hands his power to the legitimate people peacefuly ! Isayas and his Clique who share the same interests will definitely be removed violentely, they have already ignored or violated the signals of the time. The anger of the victims is not to underestimate..
Danilo July 8, 2018
ኣንታ እዚኹሉ ፈገጽገጽ ርኢኹሞ’ዶ? “ከእንግዲሕ ግምቡም ፈርሰዋል” ተብለናል እኮ።ክግዕዝ ዝደሊ ሕጂ እያ።እቲ ዶብ ዘፍርሶ ፍጹም የለን።ግን፡ሓቀኛ ሰላም ብግብሪ እሞ ክኣ ኣብ ዝሓጸረ ግዚየ ክትግበር ኣለዎ።
rezen July 8, 2018
Subject: “Ethiopian PM in Eritrea for talks”, July 8, 2018
Commentary, 8 July 2017
I was glued to the TV to watch the charade of the reception of the Prime Minster of Ethiopia by the self-appointed President of Eritrea. This is not meant as a ridicule but a statement of fact. The Prime Minster of Ethiopia is Constitutionally appointed while the self-appointed President of Eritrea has no backing [nor does he wish to have one] in terms of Constitution and any form of legality to be a president of Eritrea. In our dear Africa, it does not matter. Let record reveals that there were African presidents who never finished elementary school education. It didn’t matter. By the way, let Ethiopian history note that its constitutional prime minster is dealing with a non-representative of the Eritrean people. It is not an historical record to be proud of by a young Ph D Prime Minster who must have been conscious of the consequential effect ‘down the road’.
Back to Eritrea. As far as Eritreans are concerned nothing has changed – and will not change as long as Issayas Afewrki Abraha is alive. The ‘Eritrean Life’ is as cheap as it has been glaring for twenty-seven years. But that is NOT the end of it – as the shrewd Issayas knows it because he used it for fifty-four years. The Eritrean INHERENT weakness is in its own societal composition and characteristic >>> RELIGION & REGION. Issayas used these ‘God given factors’ effectively knowing that Eritreans are hopelessly sensitive about these two cancerous, parochial, useless elements in the composition of Eritrea. In Issayas’ view, these cancerous diseases of Religion & Region are golden opportunity to destroy Eritrea from its core, once for all >>> a perfect prism of accomplishment for his own historical immortal vow: “ከሬኤክን እዬ” THE END
Tesfai July 8, 2018
Welcome to PM Abdi Ahmed to Eritrea.
Don’t worry about Eritrea and Eritreans, they know what is good for them. Yes, Issaias is a dictator, nothing changed but peace is the best for the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia.
There is no alternative to peace. Peace is still the best.
I welcome the young Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed with my open hands.
Love to the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Peace to the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Michael Tesfamariam July 8, 2018
Of course you should welcome him, because he is doing everything in his power to satisfy your fellow Amhara’s ambitions at the expense of Eritrean blood and treasure.
k.tewolde July 8, 2018
Yes peace! genuine peace,anything is possible when you have peace and love in your heart.Dr. Ahmed said it ‘it is the cheapest and potent weapon we possess naturally,we don’t have to go to China and Russia to buy it..” do they understand his message at all? sitting there sipping on champagne and their brothers and sisters wasting away in blistering hot containers and underground dungeons and their children and grandchildren perishing in the sand dunes of Sahara and becoming a feeding frenzy for the Mediterranean sharks.Here we go again the poor Eritrean people find themselves under duress to accept anything which comes their way,desperate,because they have nothing to lose at this stage of the game,they are beat up,exhausted,depleted,left vulnerable after decades of brutal repression by the very people who are toasting to bring ‘peace’. Folks, lets enjoy the visual effects now,nothing impresses this seasoned veteran,the real work is yet to come.
AHMED SALEH !!! July 9, 2018
For the last twenty years our people went through frustration , fear , anger and
desperation . Time to break the wall of hate .
I hope we listen and learn the advices of LOVE in DR. ABIY speech .
Natu July 11, 2018
Dear Ahmed, may be we could give Dr. Abiy the chance to realize his vison “peace”. BUT how about the counterparts, the Dictator & co, who spoiled decades long and transformed the country and people into an undefined state !
“Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.”
― Albert Einstein
Gezae July 9, 2018
For the first time after two decades, a direct international telephone connection between Ethiopia and Eritrea is restored today. peace to Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Amanuel July 9, 2018
Gezae July 9, 2018
To be honest, if you’re hearing “Oh it could be worse” that much, you’re probably doing more than your fair share of wallowing / complaining. Most problems can be solved with a ‘can do’ attitude and hours, days, months and even feeling sorry for yourself and focussing on the negatives is time wasted.
This post sums up my feelings. I get the feeling that every “problem” thread is just a cry for attention, nothing more. Look for something positive about this moment. Even if you have to look a little harder than usual, it still exists.
k.tewolde July 9, 2018
‘a direct international telephone connection between Ethiopia and Eritrea is restored today.’…….retweeting a tweet,still it doesn’t impress me even if they send a Hubble Telescope to space as long as they don’t respect the basic rights of their fellow human being,the freedom of expression,vote to choose your leader,freedom of movement,and pursuit of happiness.The rest is decor,secondary. I rather live in a happy warm,loving and free hut than a 6 bedroom 4 and half bathroom prison where I am not allowed to take a shower.
Gezae July 9, 2018
There is a saying. it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. I understand language is so powerful. I once suggested a friend pay attention to his negative thinking. He wrote down every comment he noticed and was very angry at me for the suggestion. People may not concern what you feel, but they always remember how you made them feel. For me, nothing is more beautiful and powerful than a peace that has struggled through the tears.
Sol July 9, 2018
Gezae, what the 18 years old claim regarding demarcation and Bademe?
DIA is a sick person who only cares for his power, he planted the boarder conflict in 1981 to control Eritrean field and politics, when he felt his x—allies are an obstacle to his dictatorial ambitions he waged war on Woyane currently he is keeping mute about the boarder to get a new life line to prolong his dictatorial rule.
Sol July 9, 2018
Correction read as what about the 18 years….
Amanuel July 9, 2018
I love Dr abiy. Trying to teach love 101 course to hgdf devils and vampires who know no love.
Gezae July 9, 2018
I think you are an overgrown brat that talks crap because you can. Your bark is much worse than your bite. You have never been really disciplined by family
Gezae July 9, 2018
Yemane G. Meskel @hawelti
Eritrea and Ethiopia have signed a Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship today. The Agreement, which specifies five pillars, was signed this morning at State House by President Isaias Afwerki and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed
Joint Declaration states, inter alia, i) State of war that existed between the two countries has come to an end. A new era of peace & friendship has been ushered; ii) Both countries will work to promote close cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural & security areas
Joint Declaration: … iii) Transport, trade and telecommunication ties will be resumed; diplomatic ties & activities renewed; iv) Border decision will be implemented; v) Both countries will work together to guarantee regional peace, development & cooperation
Yemane G. Meskel @hawelti
Sol July 9, 2018
Gezae why the office boy of DIA twitting such news which are never broadcasted on the media of the regime or it is the old habit of wahayo whispering culture from the mountains of Sahil.
AHMED SALEH !!! July 9, 2018
Abi took the walk while ours are good
for the talk .
At least show us love and forgiveness by releasing political prisoners as Abi did .
Tes July 9, 2018
You got I hard job mate copy and paste same comments under each article in the last days. I feel sorry for your impossible job to justify unjustifiable history and deeds of pfdj. You remind me a cousual luaborer who get paid by the number of fruits he picked. You seem like that poor luaborer. Mate it is not about how long or how offten you comments appear in each article it is how you present your arguments in conjunction with facts and relevance. You tried hard to be a spokesman of pfdj or depty information minister. Post experience tell us the information minister doesn’t tell truth except hiding facts . It was yesterday not long ago used to say no talk until ethiopia leave our torritory. Just to remind you no Ethiopian solder left fron occupied area. What’s is coming out of Eritrea is Tedemirna. ምቅናይ ጥራሕ ምስካትኩምስ። ሕፍረት ዘይብልኩም
Yitbarekh July 9, 2018
Tes wedi adgi, what are you smoking then, some grasses that you picked up from your casual labourer job??? Make sure you only smoke them before going to bed and have sweet/dark jebha dreams.
Danilo July 9, 2018
Ytbarekh, leave alone jebha. Jebha has never dreamed to bargain Eritrean territory badme and Assab as Hgdef is doing. እንተደሊኻ ተደመር።ንኽትድመር ግን ዶብ ትግራይ ክትሰግር ኣለካ።ማለተይ’ሲ ፡ናይ ይሕለፍ ወረቀት መንግስቲ ትግራይ ከፍቅደልካ ኣለዎ።
AHMED SALEH !!! July 9, 2018
Let them bark out
frustration to say
Jebha , Arabs etc.
sami July 10, 2018
Deki Halima savage evil Arab slave dogs,do you bloody remember the old saying of “Aslamay ni SuEdia, Chistanay ni Meda”???? Well, mushmushat ROOTLESS CANCEROUS nomad Arab dogs, we have to freaking remind you that your barbaric flip-flop Jebha criminal was brought up to fight the vicious Islamic war by the bastard evil Egyptians. You two were stinking Egyptian shepherds.
Tes July 10, 2018
ክቡራት አሕዋት Danilo & Ahmed
Don’t rrspond to the dogs. They’re brain dead. Their sickness beyond cure.
BTW I’ll take this opportunity to thank you for your clearly standing for fairness and justice. For building tolerance and trying to teach manners to those dogs.
Keep up the fighting. You are in the right side of history
Tes July 10, 2018
ክቡራት አሕዋት Danilo & Ahmed
Don’t respond to the dogs. They’re brain dead. Their sickness beyond cure.
BTW I’ll take this opportunity to thank you for your clearly standing for fairness and justice. For building tolerance and trying to teach manners to those dogs.
Keep up the fighting. You are in the right side of history
Yitbarekh July 10, 2018
Tes wedi adgi, keep kicking and keep smoking/chewing grasses! Btw, which history are your criminal ELF gangsters in the right side?