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Ethiopia PM Hailemariam Desalegn in surprise resignation

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, has resigned amid deadly anti-government protests, state TV reports. In a televised address, he said his resignation was "vital in the bid to carry out reforms that would lead

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, has resigned amid deadly anti-government protests, state TV reports.

In a televised address, he said his resignation was “vital in the bid to carry out reforms that would lead to sustainable peace and democracy”.

Mr Hailemariam, who has led the country since 2012, also stepped down as chairman of the ruling coalition.

His departure follows a national state of emergency that ended last year.

Ethiopia’s largest regions, Oromia and Amhara, have seen waves of demonstrations in recent months.

In the latest violence, 10 people were killed and dozens more injured following an opposition protest.

The BBC’s Emmanuel Igunza, in the capital Addis Ababa, says the government has released thousands of opposition supporters from jail, but the protests have continued.

The country has witnessed repeated violent clashes since 2015, with protesters calling for political and economic reform, and an end to state corruption.

The ongoing disturbances have led to deep divisions in the governing coalition, says Mary Harper, Africa Editor for the BBC World Service.

Some of Ethiopia’s powerful elites have come to see the prime minister as weak and lacking in direction, she says.

A weak and turbulent Ethiopia is risky for the entire Horn of Africa, our correspondent adds, as this normally stable state is seen as key to holding the region together.

Mr Hailemariam said he will stay on as a caretaker prime minister until Ethiopia’s parliament and ruling coalition accept his resignation and choose a replacement.


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  • Lula February 16, 2018

    You heard it here first, Ethiopia’s current Foreign Minister will be the next PM of Ethiopia but this will not save Ethiopia. Woyane’s biggest mistake, was, not removing Issaias Afeworki when it was easy to push him away. Soon, Issaias will play the game he knows very well: crush the Woyanes between a rock and hard place.
    If Issaias defeats the Woyanes at their own game, the teref Meref Jebha will likely see Eritrea after fifty years when Tigre and Tigrinya are the official languages of Eritrea.
    All the Arab Abeeds will rush and bark at this thread. Look who will be the first.

  • Lula February 16, 2018

    This reminds me what a certain “Militia” wrote years ago:

    ኣብ ታሪኽ ዓለምን ፣ ኣብ ነዊሕ ዛንታ ሰብን ብጭብጢ እተረጋገጸ ሓቂ እንተሎ እዚ እዩ። ዝኾነ ይኹን ሕብረተሰብ ወይ ህዝቢ ፣ ንሕሉፍ ናይ ዘመናት ታሪኹ ዝጸልእ ፣ ውርሻኡ ዝንዕቕ ፣ መረበቱ ወይ ትውልዲ ዓዱ ዝኽሕድ ፣ ቋንቋታቱ ብባርዕ ዘልምስ ፣ ቅርስታቱ ዘፍርስ ፣ ባህልታቱ ስርዓቱ ዘድፍር ፣ ደቂ ሩባኡን ጎዶቦታቱን ዘየኽብር ፣ ይትረፍ መሪሕነት ክጭብጥን ሃገር ክኣልን ፣ ናይ ገዛእ ርእሱ ሉኣላዊት ሃገርን መሬትን ውን ከቶ ኣይግበኦን እዩ።

    እዚ ከምዚ ዓይነት ነፍሰ ሙት ፣ ሕልና ዕሩብ ፣ ኣእምሮ ዕሱብ ጉጅለ ወይ ጭፍራ ፣ እንትርፎ ከም ጊላ ከዳሚ ወይ ዓብድ ናይ ባዕዲ ፣ ብናይ ገዛእ ርእሱ መንነትን ኣብራኽን ደው ክብል ብፍጹም ዝሕሰብ ኣይኮነን ።

  • meretse February 16, 2018

    you concluded your comment by saying, ” A lot can be said about chauvinists of amhara with acknowledgment of the presence of many matured and civilized ones” Although I do not understand what you are trying to say here, but I do agree with how chauvinism proovokes the stablity of the general public. Anyone who believes he/she is betteer than the person next to him should be insane. By the way chauvinism has no border. So my comment is not intended to one group only.

  • Lula February 16, 2018

    We, the Eritreans are not better off. We are being sold by every Tewelije Beni Amir, Hadendewa and Arab Rashaydas in Eaters Sudan, Kesela and Gedarif. The worst is to be sold as slave by these cheap Teweljes in Sudan. Taken from allafrica website: thank you for the post,

    (Christian Eritreans once again victims in the Arab Islamic Sudan) — don’t worry about the Hgdefites and the Abeeds who will ignore this sad news

    Sudan: Captured, Raped, Ransomed – the Kidnappers Preying On Teenagers Far From Home
    Feb 14, 2018

    When Ella and her cousin reached a refugee camp in Sudan, it seemed to herald safety. Instead, it was the start of an all too familiar ordeal.

    It was right at the moment Ella thought she was safe that she was kidnapped.

    The 17-year-old had just entered eastern Sudan’s Wad Sharife refugee camp with her teenage cousin. The girls had been walking for days, in a desperate bid to escape compulsory, indefinite military service in their birth country Eritrea, which begins as soon as school ends.

    Now, Ella was about to come face to face with another danger: the Rashaida, a feared tribe found on eastern Sudan’s border. The Rashaida have been accused of thousands of refugee kidnappings over the past decade.

    When a man approached the pair on a motorcycle, saying he was security and could take them to camp reception, they believed him. He was nicely dressed, Ella remembers, in a shirt and trousers.

    Instead, he locked them inside a room on site, before bringing more men to force the pair into a van and transporting them far from the camp. …
    Source – continue to read in – allafrica news service