Ethiopia-Eritrea: Threats over deadly Afar attacks
Ethiopia on Thursday threatened to take action against Eritrea if the international community remained silent on Asmara's terrorist acts. The warning comes days after several European tourists and Ethiopians were attacked in that country's Afar region,

Ethiopia on Thursday threatened to take action against Eritrea if the international community remained silent on Asmara’s terrorist acts.
The warning comes days after several European tourists and Ethiopians were attacked in that country’s Afar region, close to the Eritrean border.
Addis Ababa has accused Asmara of Monday’s killing of five European tourists on Ethiopian soil.
“The Government cannot and should not sit idly by while the regime in Asmara continues to sponsor acts of terror within Ethiopia’s territory with impunity.
“It will be obliged to take whatever action is necessary to stop the activities of the Eritrean regime once and for all unless the international community assumes its responsibilities and takes the necessary steps to bring this abominable behaviour to an end,” the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement released on Thursday.
Our correspondent in Addis Ababa says that this was the first time in many years that such strong words had been used by Ethiopia since relations between the two countries touched rock bottom following a border dispute, about a decade ago.
The statement said that “Ethiopia has the right to defend itself and will do so if necessary” whilst warning that “the international community has never been the last line of defense against Eritrea’s destabilizing activities.”
The Horn of Africa country also said that it will do everything possible to have those taken prisoner released as soon as possible.
“The Ethiopian Government believes that it is still not too late for international action,” the statement added.
Monday’s attack, which occurred as 27 international tourists were visiting the lava lakes of the volcanic Afar region, also saw the abduction of two Germans tourists and two Ethiopians (a driver and a policeman).
Ethiopia’s official stance highlights a “direct involvement of the Eritrean Government” in the attacks, arguing that tourists who had been kidnapped by the Eritrean government on previous occasions had been used as a bargaining chip in Asmara’s diplomatic activities.
“There is concern that the people who have been kidnapped might have been taken across the border into Eritrea.”
Five years ago five British and thirteen Ethiopians were abducted from the same region.
Eritrea is under the United Nations sanctions for supporting Al Shabab.
Meanwhile, Ethiopia has warned that the attacks are intended to coincide with the forthcoming African Union Summit in Addis Ababa at the end of the month.
Intermittent border conflicts between the two countries since 1998 have led to a “No peace, No war” situation.
Source:The Africa Report
Kiflom January 20, 2012
Well, it is really a strong message to the world at large and to the totalitarian dictator in particular. Too many things are going wrong there under the totalitarian rule of Isaias Afeworki Abraham. His hosting , training, arming, dispatching, logistic support, controlling and offering media services is not new for me. I have seen almost everything while I was there. With this desperation of the totalitarian dictator is manifested in this killing and kidnapping of tourists in none of its territory. Germany, Australia, Hungary and the other nations have the duty and responsibility to collaborate with the FDRE to bring back the kidnapped tourists and to make the totalitarian dictator behave. The Horn must also not keep quiet. Those who are talking abut an information dealing with transporting arms to Al-Shabaab must think twice before they claim to be wrong. No one is to leave them alone, be they in the UN or not. The warning of the Ethiopian government is correct, timely and necessary. Whoever has the brain must listen before it is too late. If the International Community can’t or isn’t able to make the dictator behave then there are other alternatives that must be taken, by hook or crook. Eriterian democrats! Alert!!!
hggum brhan January 22, 2012
Cambo January 20, 2012
Both nations arm and train rebels against each other. Both of them like to play with fire and they will die by fire.
Four moths ago a bus exploded around Senafe that took the lives of more than forty Eritreans, the work of an Ethiopian bomb planted by the rebels based in Ethiopia.
This week it is Ethiopia’s turn to play victim.
The more than forty Senafe victims were ignored in the news because they were “Africans” when ONLY five whites die, it is all over the news.
Just look the bias, assenna is posting the death of ONLY five white tourists every day but the more than forty dead from Senafe were ignored. You guys worry about five whites than fifty Africans. Get a life and respect yourselves.
Cambo January 20, 2012
Life is life, one dead is too many but why are dead Africans ignored and not given enough attention.
Didn’t a bomb in a bus explode and more than forty poor Eritreans die around Senafe few months? The poor Eritreans did not even make in the list of the news-of-the-year. Shame to all of us, no wonder whites disrespect us. The death of poor Africans must be nothing infront of the international and local media.
assenna, Erena, VOA, Ethi TV … are talking everyday about the death of some five white people. Give us a break!
Semere January 20, 2012
was’t it assenna who broke the news about the death of innocent the eritreans in Senafe, even days before Eri tv, which initially tried to hide it. Be honest please. we are also learning the death and misery of Eritreans in Sinai and else where from these media outlets. Isn’t it Cambo?
Cambo January 20, 2012
Assena has done its best but Higdef did not hide that news. Higdef was ashamed it happened in its territory, for it showed its weakness.
The bomb came from Ethiopia by Eritrean rebels. It was a disaster to the opposition. I will defend higdef to this part.
I do not take sides, I stand for truth.
john January 20, 2012
Cambo you are in a state of denial like your father isayas. shut up! ViVA ASSENNA
john January 20, 2012
Cambo January 20, 2012
Thanks to our bunkrupted Sewra or Ghedli, as the great and independent Yosief G. Hiwet, (yg) calls, the Eritrean person is the cheapest person in this planet. Because of Higdef and our Sewra, Eritreans are now being snatched from their farms in Omahajer, Gulj, Ali Gider … by the bejas, Tekurirs, the gujmanjujs … in the border to be sold as slaves to the Arab Rashaidas.
Eritrean person is so cheap the Arab mafia are selling the enslaved Eritrean as camels and goats to every Arab household as maids, farm hands, sex slaves, … after all these the Arab doctors butcher the poor Eritrean for its kidneys, cornea, heart, liver … like a goat.
You dare to tell me there is still a concept called Eritrea that can not cry or defend these poor enslaved souls?
The Higdef regime is a coward to face the Arab Rashaidas so are the worthless slaves in Hawasa. All the same cowards who can not cry their concerns.
Mengie must be lauging hard by his all remainng “gwahmam” teeth hearing about Eritreans being sold to slavery as Abeed, out all people by Arab Rashaidas.
What a shame!
To learn about respect, read the news how whites are reacting to the death of only five people while you are being raped and skinned alive by arab Rashadas.
I only speak my mind, not for the slaves of Higdef or Hawasa.
john January 20, 2012
Cambo January 21, 2012
cowards like you have no heart nor the guts to speak up while your mother and sisters are raped by Arab Rashaidas.
With your bleeding heart, you are begging the dictators and the Arab mafia to leave alone in a world where they only understand a swift sword justice.
You are dreaming your “pure heart and clean mind” will save your brothers and sisters from the rapist Arab mafia in Sudan and Egypt?
What a fool! No wonder, they treat you like a discarded Abeed.
Fekrawi January 21, 2012
There is no Eritrean government in Hawassa only concerned are replete with cowardice because you failed to see that DIA in Asmara and probably his selfish puppets abroad whose only concern is their bond money are the only responsible for the suffering of Eritreans.
Cambo January 21, 2012
Of course not a “government”, how can they be? If the gujle Hawasa are “not government”, why do they call themselves as the “the national representatives of Eritrea”?
Didn’t they call themselves “national”? To me they are all the same cowards, they can not both even condemn the mafia Arab rashaidas in Sudan and Egypt, let alone to go after them.
Imagine, how Mengistu would have reacted. No person was slaved by an Arab while mengistu was the leader. Today, you are being butchered like a goat by an Arab doctor.
Eritreawit January 21, 2012
why is your nonsence ensecure comment come back by different nick name.
you stinck. Arab this Arab that. you really have some issues with Arabs. and don’t act like you care about Eritreans. ERITREA AND HER PPL FOR EVER.
Cambo January 21, 2012
You call yourself “Eritreawit”,
No wonder they call you Abeed regardless of your religion or the languages you speak, and butcher you like a goat. You are worried and ashamed about the the word “Arab Rashaida” while your sisters and brothers are being raped by the mafias of Arab Rashaida mafias and doctors? what a low life!
While I was in Sudan watching TV, a well educated Eritrean Arab Rashaida laughing at Omar al Beshir who was boasting of being the defender of Arabs, said “our Abeeds like al Beshir are are so loyal like our camels, they are more Arab than us.”
Why is this happening to Eritreans like you only in Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen ….?
Why is not happening in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Angola … South Africa?
Eritrawi January 20, 2012
I can not believe some “Eritreans” are bluntly calling Ethiopia to Invade Eritrea. They are applauding Meles.
SINGAPO-ERITREAN January 20, 2012
Fellow citzens & friends of Eritrean people ,
While war has unintended consequences & violent death is the ultimate hope-killer, If war happens to breakdown,between Eritrea & Ethiopia, I have urged my relatives, in the Eritrean front line,(through their parents , uncles & aunties) to use this opportunity to peacefully “surrender ” to the Ethiopian army ,that will treat you with super humanity. Ones you are in Ethiopia ,our relatives in diaspora have promised me to co operate ,Financially,morally & even sponsor you here. Enough relatives have been martyred /killed during the 30 yr. banditry. Have a peaceful “SURRENDER”.You would rather die for a kilo of tomato ,than for terrorism.
LOVE – Your Uncle (name withheld)
ahmed saleh January 21, 2012
I do not have a problem on different substantial ideas. But I am trying to sense
something unusual, please do not disguise yourself with different names. No need
to go back to that hostility.
HGDF January 24, 2012
ahmed saleh
It looks like that you have started to discover something about people in this forum whom you were defending. It is very positive than just reapet every word that is directed against shabia/HGDF. It is wise to see where it is coming from and what the intension is.
HGDF January 24, 2012
Your message is very clear. Nice “advice?”. But still there will be some Eritreans that don’t surrender and there will be some more Egri mekhel and Adi Begio. But the promiss to your “relatives?” should be that they can return home after weyane have entered Eritrea and not to go abroad like you.
“The 30 Banditry” has caused you head ache (I understand why) like it made Menge and Ethiopia lose their neck.
Eritrawi January 20, 2012
is this website for real!!
Baraee January 20, 2012
How can we be respected when we ululate and clap and pay admiration in owe and defend dictators while enjoying prvileages in the west. Worse, we have people who have lost their brothers in the mediteranean and go to receive a dictator in new york. Self respect earns you respect. Standing for truth of human soul earns respect. To be respected you have to have to fear only fear itself..but also respect humanity. Africa is eroded of this culture.
Cambo January 21, 2012
To Bararee,
I never defended any dictator here be it Issaias, Meles or Beshir. Never! show me where the hell did I defend a dictator? I said even the selfish Mengistu would never have cowered like the Arab-slaves of Issaias and gujle Hawasa to the Arab Rashaidas selling your brothers and raping yours sisters.
Mengistu would have sent his Mig 21 and 23 and turned the filthy and greedy Arab Rashaidas and their camels into ash.
The more cowards like you try to appease Arab Rashadas the more your sisters and brothers get raped, and you have no shame to accuse me.
Cambo January 21, 2012
sorry Bararee, this response was not meant for you. It is to the above lost souls.
dan January 20, 2012
dan January 21, 2012
simeriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii January 21, 2012
am tyried of Woyane propoganda. If they can do let them others why they r calling the world ,who cares wbout woyane and shabyia