Eritrea’s FM: We Call for 2 Permanent Seats at UNSC for Arab, African Countries –
Responding to a question on his country’s efforts in becoming part of the Arab League, Saleh said the Eritrean leadership would look into joining the pan-Arab body should such steps fulfill the interests of the

Responding to a question on his country’s efforts in becoming part of the Arab League, Saleh said the Eritrean leadership would look into joining the pan-Arab body should such steps fulfill the interests of the nation and the Eritrean people.
Malabo – Eritrea’s Foreign Affairs Minister Osman Ahmed Saleh stressed the importance of Afro-Arab partnership in protecting the region from foreign interference, which he said works to implement its own agendas and has caused the wave of terrorism to spread across the world.
In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Saleh said that the Afro-Arab coalition was determined to call for reforms in the United Nations and the Security Council, stressing the need to dedicate two UNSC permanent seats to Arab and African states.
Commenting on Iran’s continuous interference in Arab and African states’ internal affairs, the Eritrean foreign affairs minister said that his country was calling on Tehran to stop such interventions and stressed the important and solid ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Asked about the crisis in Yemen, Saleh said: “Eritrea supports Saudi Arabia and works with the Kingdom within the framework of the anti-Houthi alliance,” adding that both countries were looking towards the achievement of peace and stability in war-torn Yemen.
Responding to a question on his country’s efforts in becoming part of the Arab League, Saleh said the Eritrean leadership would look into joining the pan-Arab body should such steps fulfill the interests of the nation and the Eritrean people.
The Eritrean foreign affairs minister said that the security and stability of the Red Sea region falls within the responsibility of neighboring Arab and African states, calling on the concerned countries to work within a strategic partnership to strengthen the region’s economy and diversify its investment and trade opportunities.
“Afro-Arab partnership is highly important,” he said.
“Eight Arab countries are located in the African continent; consequently, cooperation between Arab and African countries will achieve security and stability because we are all tired of foreign interference by Europe and the United States,” Saleh added.
Judge Yukuno November 22, 2016
Bravo and well said indeed.
A typical stone head ignorant savage evil moslem Arab dog would say,
my savage evil barbaric Islam is religion of peace, don’t you believe me?
If you don’t, I have to kill you to convince you, as that’s how my savage evil
barbaric negis father Mohammed taught me to convince or convert others (by savage killings).
We can’t blame them as they are following the example set by their rogue savage evil cult leader.
meg November 25, 2016
Hello Team assenna and brother Amanuel is there any way to control the respected room Assenna.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 22, 2016
The Christian brothers hate Evil people like you who made their life hell . To wish harm toward others shows your desire to inflict pain in innocent lives . God do not tolerate ugly people and hopefully you get what you wished for others .
I have nothing to say except YIMHARKA .
Judge Yukuno November 22, 2016
Born as lemani mushmush aslamay WHORE kelbi Arab in Akhriya/Abashawul
and will dieas aregit lemani mushmush aslamay WHORE kelbi Arab in the USA
and will be buried and burned in a savage evil moslem hell with all poisonous moslem dogs.
Judge Yukuno November 22, 2016
Savage evil moslems Allah wu akber YEHIRIRKA negis lemani gohaf mushmush aslamay. Why are you living in the Christian country of the USA begging and selling your aregit seol fagnatura moslem halal ass? Why not beg and rot in your savage evil moslem contries or hells where you belong and to whom you served so loyally?
Judge Yukuno November 22, 2016
And how are you managing with the handouts of food stamps, recycled old second hand cloths? You must be used to all that scavenging goHaf nay lemani terefmeref collect and digest migbar.
What a shame and what a real waste of life, born so small and to die so small, born so poor and to die so poor again. Let’s get the idiot Berhe Tensae to collect some money for your savage evil moslem hell before you rot there as a meKhan living a lonely leper’s life with snakes, cats and dogs for life company. Make sure you train your children the cats, snakes, dogs so that they will be able to announce your stinking death.
Judge Yukuno November 22, 2016
How can the savage evil rootless mushmushat nomads lowland Arab dogs moslems be called Eritreans
if they pray facing the direction of a foreign savage evil Arab land or moon, aspire to imitate a savage evil
foreign moslem Arab culture and mannerism, consider a foreign language to be holy and hold everything savage evil moslem Arab to be superior? Where is the loyalty of these savage evil cancerous Arab dogs?
If any one deki diKhalatat eraymirayat goHafat trusts these twistedold poisonous moslem Arab dogs assholes
then they must be total stone heads and dunces. The loyalty and their backside of the savage evil moslems is always and only to the desert evil Arab moon and to their savage evil barbarian moslem Arab slave masters.
andom November 22, 2016
Lemani keykedemkayo du zibehal. Tembenay aboka xibuk geru mihiruka alo. Bkemey kemziabeka nebsika aytekalie. Shimka tekeyayerka eta zimeshmeshet riesika tekaliaka ala.
Wedi Tembenay November 23, 2016
Real andom………re’isi miraKh
Wecho entegelibeTikayo wecho. Similarly, andom entegelibeTikayo/enteHaKhonikayo andom “Tire”HaKhili dimu.
Why is the Eritrean shepherd (like andom) often depicted as a backward human being? Ghedli has brought the Eritrean shepherd (and the nomads included) to the lowest destitution level never seen in our region’s history.
You are a talking chimpanzee trying hard to impress or fool gullible readers or may be you are looking for a female chimpanzee but is lost outside his zoo place.
Deki Tembeiyen will fuck you upside down just like your chimpanzee ways.
Simon G. November 22, 2016
Get a life whoever you are. You seem to be treatned by Eritrean Muslims, Akele Guzay, and intelligent Eritreans. This sounds familiar.
Are the isayas’s dogs all out?
Munichibio, bejakum nbretkum akbulna.
andom November 22, 2016
Pfdj wanting to be a member of the honored office. To do what? Deficate and pollute the environmet. Zibei ab zeyfeltwa adi keyda zibahal kemzi eyu
Wedi Tembenay November 23, 2016
You are just like Zibie in unknown territory trying to sound like a snake. Don’t throw up in your empty dried up beggars stomach or alternatively, don’t throw punches above your skinny starved to death weight. To make it easy for you ‘ChamaKha maEre egiriKa’ yiHisheka.
Wedi Tembenay November 23, 2016
correct and read as : trying to poison like a typical snake.
andom mehayim komal hagereseb teKhoradi,
You must be advertising for your asshole business!
If you are that desperate for new beast clients then contact the aregit moslem
kelbi areb who is a well known PIMP Ahmed Salih of Yemeni.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 23, 2016
Thank you Wedi Tembenay for choosing correct nickname . I told you
that your comment doesn’t sound Eritrean and that is why it does not
bother me because obviously we know where you come from .
Do we insult your people ? NO
Do we follow your negative example ? NO
Why ? Because we came from different background .
andom November 24, 2016
Kkkkkkk, I love assenna. Wala xilul nexanet alewo emni kidirbin kgurien. Embih embih ember elka nefahito. Kumag hize kimxir eya shet kebleka axebika ketegurie kiwexelka.
Lemlem November 23, 2016
I do not understand how Isayas can trust Muslim people to make this fat sick looking man as his FM?
It must be to make the bastard Arab backers happy and continue giving more dirty oil money to Isayas’s regime.
But the smart and strong Isayas is watching and keeping the untrustworthy moslems away from key decision makings and positions. He knows their mission is always and only Islam and keeping Arabic language. But once Eritrea makes peace with Ethiopia the Muslims would be sidelined and excluded all together from Eritrea.
Teclay November 23, 2016
The most important news of 2016
The general is coming ……have you ever heard of three-star-General called -General Michael Flynn??? All the fundamentalists and criminals ,including the ISIS ,Saudi and Quatari bedewin regimes are counting their numbers .
The top general will be an adviser of the president elect -Trump …….His firm stand is as follows ;
” Islam is not a religion but a political ideology “
AHMED SALEH !!! November 23, 2016
When they come to Muslims I have nothing to do with it .
When they come to blacks I have nothing to do with it .
When they come to women , Hispanics and minorities I have nothing to do with it .
At last when they come to me there is nobody to hear my cries .
Now Teclay the foolish nigger might think that he is immune from white supremacy threats .
Trump and his top general will not sacrifice their interest for the sake of idiots . In fact they
may join forces with corrupted wealthy governments in middle east . Take my word and wait
to learn how politics works . Saudi and Qatar governments became key players in regional
political affairs with cooperation of USA foreign policy .
More than billion followers of Islam religion in our world ignore irresponsible individuals who
try to incite violence and destruction . Fools refuse to learn and not to repeat history that cost thousands lives . And if it happened you better understand that your ancestors land will
face the danger because the threat is close to your home .
Either you are Ethiopian or Eritrean I sense your mind is obsessed with hatred . YIMHARKA !
AHMED SALEH !!! November 23, 2016
Why do we allow such unnecessary comments overshadow the forum platform ?
By using multiple nick-names to spread offensive messages against Eritreans in general in our own house
should be tolerated . Unless you find a solution as soon as possible , believe me the damage will harm the
reputation earned from hard work .
Many forced to engage in uncomfortable confrontation with disrespectful participants . I think to have some
kind of moderation makes difference to stabilize the atmosphere and put the forum in order . Regardless our
political convictions Eritrean interest shouldn’t be compromised with outsiders . My enemy is your enemy
does not work when it comes to the issues of people safety and nation’s sovereignty . Issayas or anybody
else live temporary but Eritrea stays for ever .
AHMED SALEH !!! November 23, 2016
Pls read as : ……………. should not be tolerated .
andom November 24, 2016
Do Not answer to cheap loosers ( both pfdj and tplfs), or xulul. Continue with ur contributions. I may not agree with u on some points but beuty is in diversty.i would be bored to eat meat everyday.
Gedem November 23, 2016
Does the news mean that we are officially now the Arab’s Abid? Is burning Eritrean languages of Tigre-Tigrinya legal by becoming the Arab’s Abid?
We will soon say: the Arab beoble lobe the al Eritrean.
What do you think of the Jihadi savages of the Arab world? Who is hiding from this news of the suffering of the Eritrean women in Arab Jidadi slaver under the Islamic State of terror?
Eritrean Woman Who Escaped from ISIS Recounts Her Ordeal
Who is hiding from this Jihadi slavery?
Degoli November 23, 2016
we will not forget the Arab crimes?
You wrote: Who is hiding from this Jihadi slavery?