Eritreans: ‘Voluntary deportations’ from Israel cross red line
At first official press conference of Eritrean community in south Tel Aviv, spokesmen call on Israeli government to follow lead of 'most Western countries’ and stop deportations. Representatives of the Eritrean community in Israel on Sunday
At first official press conference of Eritrean community in south Tel Aviv, spokesmen call on Israeli government to follow lead of ‘most Western countries’ and stop deportations.
Representatives of the Eritrean community in Israel on Sunday accused Israel of crossing a “red line” after the so-called “voluntary deportation” of 14 Eritreans two weeks ago. They were sent back to their homeland from the Saharonim detention facility, where they had been detained. One of the expelled men has reportedly been tortured since arriving back in Eritrea.
At the first press conference of its kind, convened in south Tel Aviv’s Shapira neighborhood, community spokespersons decried the procedure, recently approved by Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein. Davit Damuz said the Israeli government is endangering the lives of those expelled to Eritrea.
“They were expelled from prison in Israel, where they were detained without a release date and without knowing what would happen to them, said Damuz. “In Israel they decided to call it ‘voluntary return’ – but that’s not true. When there’s no other possibility, there’s no such thing as voluntary and there’s no such thing as choice.
“The Israeli government exploited their situation, and now their lives are in danger. We call on the Israeli government to put an immediate stop to the return of the refugees to Eritrea. This return is extradition of the refugees to the dictatorship in Eritrea. This return endangers their lives,” he emphasized.
Representatives sent a letter in a similar vein on Sunday to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Habtum Mehari presented evidence of the fate of the returnees to Eritrea: The brother of one of the expellees said that the connection with him had been cut. “His family tried to check with the authorities as to what happened to him after he landed at Asmara airport, the Eritrean capital. Eritrean army sources told the family that he is imprisoned in a detention facility in the south of the country and is being seriously tortured,” he said. “We have additional details. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you more than that because it’s dangerous for the man and his family.”
Mehari said that community representatives in Israel spoke to one of the 14 Eritreans who returned home two weeks ago as a “voluntary returnee.”
The Eritrean ambassador to Israel, Tesfamariam Tekeste, accompanied the flight. “The ambassador told them during the flight, ‘We’ll give you four months of quiet and then we’ll take you back to the army and it will be hard for you there.’ Although the expellees were afraid to give us information over the phone, one of them said that the government is closely observing and keeping track of all of them.” He added that this behavior is typical of the Eritrean government: “They create a number of positive cases in order to overturn other negative reports.”
Mehari told of additional cases in which Eritreans who had fled from their country were sent back by the Egyptian and Sudanese governments. “Submitting a request for asylum in a country outside Eritrea is considered an act of treason by the Eritrean government, so anyone returned to Eritrea is considered a traitor and is harshly treated,” he said, criticizing the policy of the Israeli government. “In the past decade there has been almost no expulsions to Eritrea, especially not from developed and democratic countries. In most Western countries – in Europe and the United States – they are aware of the fact that it’s impossible to expel Eritreans to their [old] country. Israel is unable to understand that.”
Damuz told of the present situation in Eritrea. “To this day in Eritrea, there is no freedom or rights for the citizens, there is no free communication, there is no freedom of expression, there is no freedom of conscience, there is no freedom of religion, there is no freedom of movement. There is one party and establishing an opposition to it is forbidden. Anyone who thinks otherwise or voices his opinion is arrested and disappeared.
“Journalists and political activists are arrested and imprisoned,” Damuz added. “The families don’t know where the people are taken and whether they will return some day. Every person in Eritrea has to be conscripted without knowing [when they] will be discharged. In the army, soldiers are slaves of the government. If a male or female soldier talks or asks questions, he or she is taken to prison.”
Damuz asked to send a message to the Israeli public, particularly to the residents of south Tel Aviv: “We didn’t come to Israel in order to harm you or destroy your home; we aren’t your enemies. We hear the cry and the pain of the residents here – in the Shapira neighborhood, the Hatikva neighborhood and Neve Sha’anan. We see the situation here. We aren’t blind. It’s important to us that you know – this difficult situation isn’t our fault. We all came to south Tel Aviv after being released from [the detention center] without anything – without a work permit and anything.
According to Population, Immigration and Border Authority figures, about 55,000 African migrants are living in Israel today, about 36,000 of them Eritrean citizens. Some 2,000 African migrants are being held in Israeli prisons, based on the “law to prevent infiltration,” which allows them to be imprisoned for three years without trial.
The law determines that the migrants can be arrested based on the crime of entering Israeli without a permit. An additional procedure, “for handling infiltrators involved in a criminal proceeding,” allows for the imprisonment of African migrants suspected of committing a crime, based on administrative evidence only, even if it is insufficient for a criminal trial.
The community representatives point an accusing finger at the Israeli government. “I would tell the residents here that we should oppose the government together. We’re suffering and they’re also suffering because of the government,” Damuz said. “We call on the Israeli government to examine our request for asylum fairly. All the democratic countries in the world recognize us as refugees. We want very much to return to Eritrea, we miss our families, our land and our culture – but to expel us today to Eritrea is to sentence us to death. We’re pleading with the Israeli government – give us protection.”
Source: Haaretz
NEW HOPE ERITREA July 29, 2013
ብዓል AIDS ዶ ንብዓል መርዘን ይዋራዘየሉ `ዩ :
ክቡራት መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ፣ንነብሰይ ምስ ካል ኦት ምውድዳረይ ኣይኮነን፣ ግን ር ኣይዎም እሞ ፡ቶም ንመልእኽተይ ዝጸልእዎ ሰባት።መጀመርያ ኢትዮጵያዊ ክኸውን ኣለዎ ኢሎም፣መን ምዃነይን ዓደይን ምስ ገለጽኩ ድማ ናይ ኤርትራዊ ዝኾንካ ኣይኮነን ኢሎም ።ሓንቲ ክገብርዋ ዘይክእሉ ነገር ኣላ።ሓሲኻ ክብሉኒ ኣይክእሉን እዮም።ምኽንያቱ እቲ ኣነ ዝገልጾ ኩነታት ሓቂ ስለ ዝኾነ ብዘይካ ትሩሊ ትሩሊ ፣ካልኦት ሕንከት ስለ ዘይደለዩ ትጻረፈና ኣለኻ ኢሎም።እንድሕሩ ኤርትራውነተይ ኣሚኖምለይ ድኣ መንዩ ንመን ክጸርፎ ፧ ክንድዚ ኣሰዊእናስ ፣ኣብ ሳሊና ብጨው ዝጥሓሉ፣ሕድሪ ስዉኣትና። ስምዒት እንተዘይኮይኑ ንምንታይ እቲ ቃልሲ ተኻይዱ `ውን ክምልሱ ኣይክእሉን እዮም።ምስትውዓል ውሒድዎም ኣይኮነን።ግን ንሓሶትን ምህዞ ዕላማን ከም ዝሞትና ክኣምኑ ኣይደልዩን እዮም።ትሩሊ ትሩሊ ምህዞ እዩ ዘውሪ።ኣርባዕተ ኮሮኔላትና ፣ክዛተዩ ኢሎም ዝኸዱ ምስ ቀተለት ወያነ ኢና ነብስና ተኻላኺልና ዝብል ሓሶት ደጋጊሙ ቅድሚ ሕጂ።መን መን ሽሞም ኢለ ካብ ኣርባዕተ ጊዜ ንላዕሊ ሓቲተዮ ቅድሚ ሕጂ።ኣይመለሳን ።ምኽንያቱ ናይ ጰንጤነት ጽላል ተጎልቢቡ መንእሰያት እናደናገረ ከቕትል ሕልንኡ ኣይሃስዮን እዩ።በኽዩን ነጢሩን ኣብቲ ናይ ሓሰውቲ መሲሃን በትኽስያኑ፣ብሕልሚ ርእየኪ ጎይታ ተመርዓዋ ኢሉኒ እዩ እናበለ ደቂ ገርሂ ልባ ፍቱሓት ኣንስቲ ዘናድየሉ በትኽስያን ፣ስምዒትን ብሓጥያትካ ምብካይን እናምሃሩ ዓሰርተ ካብ % ዘቕርጽዎ ቤተክርስትያኑ ሕልና ኣይምሃርዎን ።ስም የሱስ እናተጠቕመ ወንጌል እናጠቐሰ ብህይወትኩም ይጻወት ኣሎ ።እቶም ንህግደፍ ዝድግፉ ፣ኤእይርትራዊ ሽም ዘለዎም ተጋሩ ኦም ይብለኩም ኣሎ።ኢሳያስ ይሕሱ እሞ ናይዚስ ንበይኑ እዩ ።ቅድሚ ሕጂ`ውን ርእይቶይ ስለ ዘይፈተዎ ፣ሓሰማ ኣይትኹን ኢሉኒ እዩ።
መንእሰያት ምስ ሓው ትሩሊ ትሩሊ ባእሲ የብለይን።ግን እቲ ሓሶቶም ፣ንዕኡ ዝመስሉ ብስምዒት ድያብሎስን ጥፍ ኣትን ዝተመል ኡ ብሂወት መንእሰያት ይጻወቱ ኣለዉ።ኣነ ሂወትኩም ከድሕን እምበር ኤርትራውነትኹም ከጥፍእ ኣይተበገስኩን።ጥራጥ ዘይብላ ሃገር ግን ንኣኹም መንእሰያት ኣብ ስምዒት እናእተዉ ነቲ ብሓሶት ዝተለቕለቐ ፣ናይ ጽልኢ ወንጌሎም የጥፍእኹም ኣለዉ።መንነትኩም ፍለጡ ክብለኩም ከለኹ፣ ብዘየገድስ ኩላትና ኤርትራውያን ኢና ይብሉኹም ኣለዉ ።ኩላትና ኣቦ ኣለና ኢልኩም ንዝረኸብኩሞ ኤርትራዊ ኣቦ ፣ኣቦይ እናበልኩም ዶ ወርቅን ጨርቅን ትገብርዎ፣እቲ ናይ ብሓቂ ኣቦኹም ከሎ።ወዲ ዓዲ ቀይሕ ንዓዲ ቀይሕ ከይፈተወን ከይተገደሰን ንወዲ ዓደርደ ክሓመሉ ኣይክእልን እዩ።ወዲ ከረን ኤርትራዊ ቅድሚ ምዃኑ ወዲ ከረን ብሌነታይ ፣ትግረ ወዘተ እዩ።ንኸባቢ ኡን ቀቢል ኡን ከይሓለየ ን ኤርትራ ክሓልየላ ኣይክእልን እዩ።ትግራዋይ ናይ ከበሳ ህዝቢ ይኹን ክንዮ ኡ ትግራውነቱ ከይ ኣመነን ከይፈተወን ንሓደ ኩናማ ወይ ዓፋር ክሓልየሉ ኣይክእን ዩ።እቲ ኤርትራውነት ፣ኢትዮጵያውያን ድሑራት ስፓጌቲ ብ ኣዋዘ ጌሮም ስለ ዝሰርሑ ካብቲ ፊውዳልዝሞምን ፋራነቶምን ጸሊእና ተቓሊስናዮም ፣ነጻነቶም ረኺቦም ንነብር ኣለና።ንባዕሎም ዘይገብርዎ እናዓሸዉ ከንብሩኹም እንተመሪጽኩም ኣነ ድሙና ጥራይ እያ ተሪፋ ወጻ ኢ ዘይወጸት ፣ንሱ ኸማን ሻዕብያ ድሙን ድሙ ድሙን ስለ ዝፈትዉ ምውጻእ ከሊኦማ፣ሓደ ጊዜ ድማ ከም ናይ ተጋሩ ኣክሰንት ጌራ ኛው ኢላስ ወያነ ኢሎሞ ጠርጢሮማ።መሳኪን ደቀይ ፣ኣይ ካብ ኣቦታትኩም፣ኣይ ካብ ሓዎቦታትኩም።ንሓሰ ዕስራን ሾሞንተን፣ድሕሪ ወርሒ ንራኸብ ።ለብሙ።
ሓወቦኹም ሓድሽ ተስፋ ኤርትራ
Truly Truly i say to you July 29, 2013
NHE you think because you talk much, you can change the realty, or you can convince anybody. First of all my friend you have to know, no one with words quantity could change any thing reality, be it regarding identity or whatever theme it be. I can not change my original identity you too, nobody. A sheep because born or grownup where lions live it doesn´t mean he can change its true nature, what ever it pretends like be a lion finally it will be known as will be exposed its true color when it belts Baaaaaaa! That is what exactly you are doing here. You claim you are Ertrawi and calling self smart, who fighting to save the nation and young, but other side you compromising with our nation interest by accusing as igniter of the war. What a shameless arrogant guy! You reasoning by ask Didn´t Isayas accepted about. So what! Who make Isayas Ertrawi? As ignited the war he acepted doesn´t mean real Eritreans are accepted. Howmany times we told you Isayas as have another motive which is to destroy our nation and people because he is not one of us? As about what reasons ignited the war and who at first ignited like to know, two days ago under the title, ” UNSC extends monitoring group for Somalia, Eritrea” on written article i commented, i tried to described it all . Sorry i have no time to repeat it write again. I am not like you a paid writer here and there all time . If you like read it below again carefully. Even Ethiopia as still threatening to cause another war because still not swallowed the Eritrean indipendence, if you like to know, i not only insist you to listen what be it all oppositions daily Officially, or woyane regime self systematically from what they doing and singing . Or if you like very current evidence listen to Ethiopian Satellite TV the 28 July “yehud weg” program, only listen the music content what socalled Shambel Belayneh song. By then you will realize it the cause of the badme as was same reason.
galaxy July 29, 2013
who ignited the war….kkkkkkk———read esat ——–kkkk—listen to the music then ..
what a fool are you?
Truly Truly i say to you July 29, 2013
And your another silly question is by siding Ethiopia, you asked me to give you evidence and the name of the killed soldiers who was sent to negotiate, which i called it was the ethiopian proovking act for war begins. Man! if i can not mention their names it doesn´t mean that deedn´t happened every body knows how PFDJ media maschin it works. Even it be for nation interst we know it as they don´t like to speak it loudly, because they have another hidden motive. But every real Ertrawi knew about and heard about exactly that happened, except you.
And finally i would like to ask you, who told Truly´s religious affiliation is evangelical? Actually what ever you call me it is not a shame, even i be proud if i be an evangelist. But as for me, however, i will boast only about the cross of my Lord and god Jesus Christ; for by means of of his cross the world is dead to me, above knowing that and witnessed about that i don´t mind to any religious affiliation. For me regardless religious affiliation anyone who fights for justice and truth is my friend.
Actually you are inforcing me to talk outside of the topic. However though i have my own political calculation about the purpose of of this deportation news, specially even i have an interest devil Isayas for what purpose as using this issue to express, but while i attempt to expose his deliberate evil tactic, on a way because scared and don`t like to spoil the other good wine purpose, i prefer to kept for self on air from sharing in Principe.
galaxy July 29, 2013
What halow low!. foolish
Kidan July 29, 2013
assenna urgent news: update your readers
rti July 29, 2013
Well done! I hope this brings positive change. Heart ranching the Eritrean plight.
muka kasa July 29, 2013
Who benefit from this lie:
Semhar July 29, 2013
As long as ድያብሎስ!Isayas and HIGDEF are in Eritrea misery and death will continue.
The only solution is to get rid of crazy mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.
Eritreans should unite and get rid the tyrant mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas, his son and his blind followers the HIGDEF.
muka kasa July 29, 2013
Semhar you tigray people who allow you to speak about HGDEf. Long live our leader issayas &GOD bless eritrea
meseley July 30, 2013
@muka kasa semhar is not talking about oromo peaple she is talking about eritreans so please leav her alon & go fight for oromo .
muka .kasa July 30, 2013
Meseley are you from the city of ( )