Eritrean survivor cries on the casket of her sister who died when their boat capsized October 12, 2013 7:04 pmassenna2005229Views SHARE
samuel October 12, 2013
dear sister we know that is unbearable pain. i wish you God gives you strengthen and power to overcome the the pain
amuca October 12, 2013
Hafash October 12, 2013
May God give you sister the strength to go through this painful and difficult time.
kilite mot October 12, 2013
Tsinatu yihabki fetari haftey mearey.
temie October 12, 2013
I can feel yr pain sis.God gives u strength & for dictator isseyas & for those whose surrounding him they’ll get what they deserve.
ኤፍሬም October 12, 2013
ንኹሉ ቤተሰብ ፅንአት ይሃብኩም
ፅንአና የሃበና
ንቶም ዝሞቱ ድማ መንግሥተ ሰማያት የዋርሶም።
E. Ahmed October 12, 2013
M deep condolence to you dear sister. May God give you the strength to go through this tragic loss.
Ermias October 12, 2013
eway ane ahwatey. adekin aytiray. this is beyond any human being should be subjected to. aleka do anta Amlak. tselotnan gaarnan eba bejaka simae. bel nezom nitsuhat ahwatnan ahtnan hadera tekbilka ab tsibuk ye’erifelna.
hawkum October 12, 2013
May the comfort of Gog help you during this difficult time.
danny October 13, 2013
May God give you strength through this difficult time.