The name of the people who attended the Dankera along their photo is placed in the file of dictator supporters.
This people will be asked to account in the future. There will be no mercy for such kind of people.
The file of is not limited to this sad event only, it includes many events in different cities.
Their stupidity and negligence, will not be seen lightly.
They are partly to be blamed for the death of the thousands of young people in and outside Eritrea.
Stupidity will not pay.
People must know that their masters containers will be their long term houses till they are departed to hell.
I’m so proud of my poeple in Boston, for their heroic standing
Against those lawless evil empire of hgdf and his animals.
The time has come for their fall. Too bad thier dumb and blind to see it.
My suggestion is we should starting taking names of those dumb and blind follower of hgdf so they can face Eritrean people when the dark cloud disappearice from our beloved nation.
Well I have some questions for all of you…1. what is the purpose of doing this? because from what i see is all nasty words coming out from elder and young people, and a little kid been told to say “dictator”….protesting is not about expressing HATE and dissing people with none stop….what is the point of that….you sweared at them and what you got in return a SMILE. Honestly, you want to be taken seriously DO IT IN A MANNER WAY!!! be very organized because this was not organized at all…chose wise words….don’t go up to people and start yelling & swearing…avoid SWEARING. PEOPLE U NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!
2. going after the supporters, how is going to bring CHANGE again? do the supporters ever knock on your door and start protesting? NOO they do their OWN thing because they don’t like to waste their by all means you are clearing wasting your time going after them, you should just focus on yourself and work on whatever your working.
lastly 3, you want PIA or PFDJ to go down, help me understand how are you going to change the inner problems after that if u ever happened to be succeed….are you going to stop Ethiopia to unimposing the war and no peace? are you going to help to lift up the sanctions? are you going to fight for to get back the land Ethiopia is controlling right now? so until those things are out of the way u will never bring change, in fact this change u are talking about you are just helping TPLFs …that is what they want from the beginning to overthrow the government so they can control Eritrea…so you are basically helping the enemy, the mint if the gov goes down the mint you see the enemy attacking and controlling …SO BE WISE AND CAREFUL what u are doing…think twice…funny thing is you don’t even have a regime to replace with other than the enemy regime. so this so called change comes with working together with our people not with enemy.
&& I will like to leave you with this: “We don’t know enough about ourselves and continue to be enslaved by a narrative about ourselves told by other people” – Thabo Mbeki
Hager…I am bit baffled by your point…you seem ‘as if’ to say it is better the enemy you already know than the one you do not know??? You also seem to condemn the behaviour of the protesters- in some aspects agreeable but…wise words or not, with whatever means they had those people went out their way to stand for what they believe in, WITH THOSE PICTURES/WORDS driven by strong emotions- THEY TRIED TO SEND THEIR MESSAGE.
I am not entirely sure about sticking up with the evil…because I am afraid of unravelling another evil….
Wedi hzbi
When I read your post, I don’t know what to think of your thought process. Either you are young and naive, but not necessarily stupid, or you are a mild PFDJ’s operative. On purpose you are taking the route of more civil and “can we just get along” approach, to prolong the dictator’s time in power.
Either way it is tragic.
I suggest, you review your understanding of Government. As an Eritrean, you shouldn’t take any thing as face value. We are at the worst time of our lives. Even worst than during the struggle. You can ask former freedom fighters. For any Eritrean, Government is suppose to serve the people.
Government is responsible to provide basic needs for the people its serves. Then, we all call it government. Government is responsible to lead people not squeeze the life out of them. Government is responsible to educate and prepare young people for the future. Government is suppose be accountable for its action. Government is suppose to explain its action and plan to the people it serves. Have rule of law for people to know their responsibility and their right. Government is suppose to respect the people it serves. Therefore, as Eritrean, to call the current “thing” in our country government is wrong. Your argument about the world calls the PFDJ a government is just poor. The question is what do you think? Does the “thing” in Eritrea deserves to be called “Government”? If this “thing” is doing what government does, if it is fulfilling or trying to do the basic task of Government, then yes, it deserves to be called government.
FYI, For people to agree to disagree with each other, they have to have similar level of moral judgment. If you think I need paper trail, to bring the dictator to Justice, for his crimes against the Eritrean people and crimes against humanity, you are misinformed. The Eritrean people are the evidence. He is trying very hard to completely exterminate from their own country or change the fabric of Eritrean society though social engineering. For example, taking the Eritrean fathers away from their families for years. This is leading to broken families with single mothers house hold. I suggest, you read the history of black-American families past and present.
If you are a genuine Eritrean who is naive about the state of our people and country, I would leave you with this quote. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” (Martin Luther King jr.)
Think independently, before you get involved in any issue. Don’t underestimate the power of COMMON SENSE. Good luck.
Berhe Tensea October 22, 2013
The name of the people who attended the Dankera along their photo is placed in the file of dictator supporters.
This people will be asked to account in the future. There will be no mercy for such kind of people.
The file of is not limited to this sad event only, it includes many events in different cities.
Their stupidity and negligence, will not be seen lightly.
They are partly to be blamed for the death of the thousands of young people in and outside Eritrea.
Stupidity will not pay.
People must know that their masters containers will be their long term houses till they are departed to hell.
Shaq October 22, 2013
I’m so proud of my poeple in Boston, for their heroic standing
Against those lawless evil empire of hgdf and his animals.
The time has come for their fall. Too bad thier dumb and blind to see it.
My suggestion is we should starting taking names of those dumb and blind follower of hgdf so they can face Eritrean people when the dark cloud disappearice from our beloved nation.
Hager October 23, 2013
Well I have some questions for all of you…1. what is the purpose of doing this? because from what i see is all nasty words coming out from elder and young people, and a little kid been told to say “dictator”….protesting is not about expressing HATE and dissing people with none stop….what is the point of that….you sweared at them and what you got in return a SMILE. Honestly, you want to be taken seriously DO IT IN A MANNER WAY!!! be very organized because this was not organized at all…chose wise words….don’t go up to people and start yelling & swearing…avoid SWEARING. PEOPLE U NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!
2. going after the supporters, how is going to bring CHANGE again? do the supporters ever knock on your door and start protesting? NOO they do their OWN thing because they don’t like to waste their by all means you are clearing wasting your time going after them, you should just focus on yourself and work on whatever your working.
lastly 3, you want PIA or PFDJ to go down, help me understand how are you going to change the inner problems after that if u ever happened to be succeed….are you going to stop Ethiopia to unimposing the war and no peace? are you going to help to lift up the sanctions? are you going to fight for to get back the land Ethiopia is controlling right now? so until those things are out of the way u will never bring change, in fact this change u are talking about you are just helping TPLFs …that is what they want from the beginning to overthrow the government so they can control Eritrea…so you are basically helping the enemy, the mint if the gov goes down the mint you see the enemy attacking and controlling …SO BE WISE AND CAREFUL what u are doing…think twice…funny thing is you don’t even have a regime to replace with other than the enemy regime. so this so called change comes with working together with our people not with enemy.
Hager October 23, 2013
&& I will like to leave you with this: “We don’t know enough about ourselves and continue to be enslaved by a narrative about ourselves told by other people” – Thabo Mbeki
weygud October 23, 2013
Heroine Adiam and Brikti God bless.
Nella October 23, 2013
Hager…I am bit baffled by your point…you seem ‘as if’ to say it is better the enemy you already know than the one you do not know??? You also seem to condemn the behaviour of the protesters- in some aspects agreeable but…wise words or not, with whatever means they had those people went out their way to stand for what they believe in, WITH THOSE PICTURES/WORDS driven by strong emotions- THEY TRIED TO SEND THEIR MESSAGE.
I am not entirely sure about sticking up with the evil…because I am afraid of unravelling another evil….
Genet October 26, 2013
Wedi hzbi
When I read your post, I don’t know what to think of your thought process. Either you are young and naive, but not necessarily stupid, or you are a mild PFDJ’s operative. On purpose you are taking the route of more civil and “can we just get along” approach, to prolong the dictator’s time in power.
Either way it is tragic.
I suggest, you review your understanding of Government. As an Eritrean, you shouldn’t take any thing as face value. We are at the worst time of our lives. Even worst than during the struggle. You can ask former freedom fighters. For any Eritrean, Government is suppose to serve the people.
Government is responsible to provide basic needs for the people its serves. Then, we all call it government. Government is responsible to lead people not squeeze the life out of them. Government is responsible to educate and prepare young people for the future. Government is suppose be accountable for its action. Government is suppose to explain its action and plan to the people it serves. Have rule of law for people to know their responsibility and their right. Government is suppose to respect the people it serves. Therefore, as Eritrean, to call the current “thing” in our country government is wrong. Your argument about the world calls the PFDJ a government is just poor. The question is what do you think? Does the “thing” in Eritrea deserves to be called “Government”? If this “thing” is doing what government does, if it is fulfilling or trying to do the basic task of Government, then yes, it deserves to be called government.
FYI, For people to agree to disagree with each other, they have to have similar level of moral judgment. If you think I need paper trail, to bring the dictator to Justice, for his crimes against the Eritrean people and crimes against humanity, you are misinformed. The Eritrean people are the evidence. He is trying very hard to completely exterminate from their own country or change the fabric of Eritrean society though social engineering. For example, taking the Eritrean fathers away from their families for years. This is leading to broken families with single mothers house hold. I suggest, you read the history of black-American families past and present.
If you are a genuine Eritrean who is naive about the state of our people and country, I would leave you with this quote. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” (Martin Luther King jr.)
Think independently, before you get involved in any issue. Don’t underestimate the power of COMMON SENSE. Good luck.
Bahabar. NtsarI January 6, 2015
They are a dictators,they need more than that i