Eritrean government demands lifting of UN sanctions
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle September 29, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) –The Eritrea government has once again stepped up the push for lifting of United Nations sanctions imposed on to the nation since 2009. At the ongoing UN General Assembly

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
September 29, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) –The Eritrea government has once again stepped up the push for lifting of United Nations sanctions imposed on to the nation since 2009.
At the ongoing UN General Assembly meeting in New York, the Eritrean minister of foreign affairs, Osman Saleh, said the sanctions were politically-motivated, unjust and would have negative implications on the socio-economic welfare of the population.
“The sanctions must be immediately and unconditionally lifted. Once again no nation or people should be left behind”, said Saleh.
The Eritrean foreign minister made the remarks while addressing the UN summit on the adoption of the post-2015 development agendas.
In 2009, the UN Security Council slapped sanctions on Eritrea for supporting al-Qaida allied Islamist militants in Somalia, which continues destabilising the East African region. Asmara, however, denies aiding al-Shabab or any other armed groups and demands for immediate lifting of the sanctions.
The Red Sea nation has repeatedly been appealing to the Security Council to lift the sanctions after a UN monitoring group, in its previous report, revealed that it found no evidence Eritrea was supporting al-Shabab.
The resolution imposed an arms embargo on Eritrea, a travel ban and an asset freezes on Eritrean political and military leaders.
The resolution came after the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member countries and the African Union requested the Security Council to take action.
Eritrea, however, continued pointing fingers on arch-rival Ethiopia and United States as the countries that allegedly engineered the “unjust sanctions” imposed six years ago.
Saleh has also met with the secretary general of the world body, Ban Ki-moon, during whic the two leaders held discussions on a range of areas, including international and regional peace and security matters as well as on other issues of mutual concern.
During their discussions, the Eritrean foreign minister stressed the need for Ethiopia to withdraw from the town of Badme, a flashpoint town claimed by Eritrea and Ethiopia.
“This would contribute to the enhancement of regional peace and security” he said.
Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a 1998-2000 war over border dispute which killed an estimated 70,000 people and ever since then, their disputes remain unsettled.
An independent UN border commission set up to demarcate the border and their delimitation and demarcation awarded Badme to Eritrea. Eritrea immediately accepted the ruling but Ethiopia demanded for more dialogue before implementing the ruling.
“It is therefore high time for the United Nations and all of us to shoulder our responsibility and urge those countries who don’t respect international law and their treaty obligations to do so”, said Saleh.
“No nation big or small should be allowed to occupy sovereign territory of another state”, he added.
Eritrea, a former province of Ethiopia, won independence from latter in 1991.
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 30, 2015
The world want hear from Eritrean officials speak about changed right policy of government that represents people’s desire for democratic reform and support for human rights .
If they want to defeat UN sanction , they must recognize
the stake of bad government incompetence unable to
respect rule of law .
Osman Saleh and his colleagues in Eritrean government
reputation has been to follow Issayas order at any price
regardless it’s consequences . I doubt they give prior attention for grave condition of young generation lost
in front the whole world .
hp September 30, 2015
ዕቀባ ብኹሉ በቲሓደ ብሑቡራት ሃገራት፡ ብ’ህግደፍ በቲ ካልእ፡ንህዝቢ (ነቲ ጳዕራም) ፍጱም ኣልሚሱዎ ኢኮ-ኢዩ።
ኢቲ ቀዳማይ ሑቶ ኢምበኣር ቅድሚ ኩሉ ንቆንጲን ቱኻንን
ሚእላይ ግዳ ዘይንመርጵ።
Ali September 30, 2015
Ni HIGDEF Foe nibelo
cherhi Abashawul September 30, 2015
For the last 5 yrs since the imposition of sanction on the PFDJ, nothing serious happened to the PFDJ
but poor Eritrea as a nation and Eritreans as a people have suffered a lot and this should be looked and
taken into consideration by the UN because so far they have not really punished PFDJ gangs severely.
Simon G. September 30, 2015
Osman S.,
You have a chance to ask for an asylum. The clock is ticking. Inik, lama, adu’h, afar, kon, lih, mal’hin…….
Birikhiti September 30, 2015
Sanction against the mad man in Asmara should never be lifted rather they should be enhanced and tightened.
It is also a good lesson and a good warning for his (the mad man Esayas) comrades in other part of the world.
koreri October 1, 2015
“ጸማምሲ ሐንቲ ደርፉ”
አቶ ዑስማን ሳልሕ፣ እታ ንማዕቀብ እትአሊ (እተልዕል) መፍትሕሲ ምሳኹም /አብ ጁባ ኣያኻ ኢሰያስ/ ከም ዘላ
ከመይ እይርድአኩምን። ወይስ ንስኻትኩም ጥራይ ኢኹም ፈላጣት፤ ናይ ዓለም ህዝቢ ብሙልኡ ደንቖሮዩ ኢልኩም ስለእትአምኑዩ።
ከምይ አይስቆረኩምን ውይ አይስልክየኩምን። እንተኾነ ግን ንስኻትኩም እንታይ ጎዲሉኩም ይዋእ ድአ እቲ ዓቕሚ ዘይብሉ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እምበር። ዓቕምን ኒሕን ዘለዎሞ ዓዱን ህዝቡን እንዳደለየን ከምዝምለስ እንዳተሰቆሮ ራሕሪሑኩም ከይዱሎ።
አቶ ዑስማን እዚኸአ ትፈልጦ ኢኻ።
aus 17 October 2, 2015
why + to torture more more
Yemane October 3, 2015
Look how ignorant and useless our old “officials” are. Simply detached from the world and eritrean people. There is no sanction placed on Eritrea but the gangs like iseyas and and your likes. Do not wiry about embargo since u are too old to live and u are on ur way to your grave with ur dirty history.
Fisehaye October 3, 2015
If any one ask the Pfdjs officers for implmentation of constitution release of poletical prisnors they call you agame
So how can think positive their mind and heart.
For the last 24 years they did nothing except war mongoring, round-ups rape of young women, and enslaving the young Eritreans.
Eritreans we never ever expect any good thing from these people.