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ERITREAN artist Michael Adonai says he is obligated to tell the world of his country’s situation

In 1977, at the age of 15, Adonai joined the Eritrean People's Liberation Front. Much of his early work centres on his experiences as a "freedom fighter". Now a world-renowned artist, Adonai has won Eritrea's top art

In 1977, at the age of 15, Adonai joined the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front.

Much of his early work centres on his experiences as a “freedom fighter”.

Now a world-renowned artist, Adonai has won Eritrea’s top art prize and exhibited internationally, including at a United Nations-sponsored global art show in New York.

Adonai, who lives in Werribee, is exhibiting prints of his paintings at Altona’s Joel Gallery until Friday.

The originals remain in Eritrea, from where he was forced to flee in November.

“My solo exhibition was supposed to be in January at Federation Square, but the situation back home forced me to leave earlier,” he says.

“I came on November 1 because there was a very bad political situation in Eritrea and someone, a head official from Eritrea, told me to leave the country to save myself.

“I didn’t bring my original work because I ran away from my country because of the political situation.”

Adonai says his country’s culture is his favourite subject matter, but painting about politics is inescapable.

“Some of my paintings are political because I am living in a volatile area of east Africa, so it’s unavoidable for me as an artist and a citizen to express my inner feelings. The situation is really deteriorating.

“We have had this deterioration in Eritrea for this past eight years. We don’t have any free press, elections, no constitution. Even now in Eritrea, there are massive arrests.

“There was also an army mutiny in Eritrea these past two or three months. It was not a successful mutiny because they started to arrest a lot of people and the Eritrea area is known for its cruelty.

“Art for me, it’s my life. That’s my life: whether it’s under this cruel Eritrean regime . . . for me, it’s an obligation.”

Wyndham Council has given Adonai studio space and in return he will pass on his skills.

“I have volunteered to help my community, to teach promising young artists, to share my experiences with them.”

More details: michael or 0470 592 548


Review overview
  • selam berhe April 10, 2013

    Bravo Michael Adonai! we have to speak up wherever we are.

  • birhane April 10, 2013

    Way to go Mr.Adonai BRAVOOOO!!!!!!

  • concerned Eeritreawi April 10, 2013

    Welcome to the side of your people, it is about time. I can only say I cannot wait and also for others to follow.

  • tedros April 10, 2013

    well done, and hope your actions and bravery will help convenience other well known artists to side with the unfortunate people of Eritrea and finally get rid of the brutal non Eritreans that are ravaging our people and society.

    Well done again!!!!!!!!!!

  • Araya-11 April 10, 2013

    Michael Adonay we proud of you that you decide to tell the world the truth; that you follow your correct conscience by remembering who left behind, and the duty which was given to you by every single martyr. I wish if you published it and we can read it again and again. You will be a tremendous example for those hide their self’s. I would like to appreciate you be halve of the Eritrean victim.

  • jack April 10, 2013

    Why don’t you say i left home to make better living,than to say i am important person.You think you all that.

    • Eritreawit April 10, 2013


      LOL Eat your heart out any Eritrean with kind heart going to denounce the PFDJ government.

    • Jonas-1923 April 10, 2013

      Anywhere outside Eritrea is offers a better living, including hell.The dictator says anyone who leaves is an economic refugee and yet he was in charge of the economy for 21 years, he is a failed.

    • Tamrat Tamrat April 11, 2013

      Jack ass

  • Leah Negash April 11, 2013

    He is ours whereever he go.We want to finsh Weyane and CIA’s monay.Welcome in time to Eritrea.Our heart is big as always.

  • ahmed saleh April 11, 2013

    I happened to see his paintings long time ago and always gave me pride to have one of us who
    represent Eritrean society through arts in such level . Now to know his background as one of
    the forgotten freedom fighters , it high-toned my respect and admiration toward him.

  • habte April 11, 2013

    wekariya, ab dege koinka dika dea afer fer tibil, sebiay koinka nay sebiut kitiserih nieruka, hiji hadimka kemzi ba kemzi ba aytibelena, nijubaka kitinebir kem zideleka zitefiana yimesleka, zehegusom keytezarebkas kea ba hiji zelekayo nabra kitinebir aytikielin ika. wekariya kem shinti gemel nidihirit, blash mikiel adonay.

    • Eritreawit April 11, 2013


      Emo entay koynu ni jubau sigab zi sein kouno,? Eritrawi do mitesede abzi gizze Ezi adnna mis werka bhara,tebba hizba. atum eddetat degefti aynkum kifetuwo,

  • Asgedom April 11, 2013

    the good news is now everybody come together for change and must welcome like M.Adonai and otheres.

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