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Eritrea: UN rights expert urges end to crippling media restrictions

GENEVA  (2 May 2018) –  As the world marks Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2018, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, Sheila B Keetharuth, has called on the Government

GENEVA  (2 May 2018) –  As the world marks Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2018, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, Sheila B Keetharuth, has called on the Government to end its crippling restrictions on freedom of the press.


“Journalists remain at risk of arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and enforced disappearance in efforts to intimidate and control them, and these human rights violations happen with total disregard for the fundamental right to freedom of expression and information, as well as individual rights,” said Ms. Keetharuth.


“Freedom of expression is an inalienable right and includes the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas, either orally, in writing, in the form of art, or through other forms of communication, including across frontiers,” she added.


“The actions of journalists are closely watched in Eritrea as a means of domination and instilling fear in an oppressive context where the media is fully state-owned. Arbitrary arrests and imprisonment are used to muzzle journalists and provoke a situation of self-censorship. No critical analysis or comment on government policies or actions are permitted,” the expert stressed.


According to public reports, the detention of two journalists in April 2018 following the funeral of the elder Haji Musa Mohamed Nur were recent examples of the continuing hostile environment in which journalists work in Eritrea, said Ms. Keetharuth. According to the reports, both journalists have now been released, but their arbitrary arrest was deplorable, she added.


The Special Rapporteur has documented more than 90 arrests of journalists in Eritrea since 1997. Although this figure is not exhaustive, she says it illustrates the precarious situation of journalists in the country.


Among those detained have been award-winning journalists, such as Dawit Isaak, who was awarded the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize in 2017 in recognition of his courage, resistance and commitment to freedom of expression. Dawit Isaak and other journalists arrested during a 2001 crackdown on the free press in Eritrea are still held incommunicado in an undisclosed location without charge, with no access to legal representatives and/or family, and with no indication that they will ever be tried in a court of law. Their state of physical and mental health is an ongoing concern.


“A free press is critical to the rule of law, ensuring that the population of the country is well-informed to foster participation and decision-making based on knowledge.  An atmosphere in which freedom of speech and the press exist and where journalists can exercise their profession without fear brings transparency, which is much needed to hold those in power to account, thus promoting justice,” said the UN expert.


“The restrictions imposed on a free press by the Government of Eritrea are not proportional, not necessary for the interests of national security, public order or even national unity and constitute a violation of the right to seek, receive and impart information,” the Special Rapporteur emphasised.

Review overview
  • amanuel May 3, 2018

    We are not eritreans. we are parrots. We do not seek information, we do not impart information, we do not analyse information. We do not receive information. We only repeat information digested, analysed, dicected, operated, manupulated, fabricated, processed, baked… one person in collaboration with a few hired and conceiled hitmen. That one person is the self imposed and self appointed for life president iseyas Afecherki.

    • Ghirmay May 3, 2018

      You are a sick parrot yourself and probably AfeChenawi of assenna.
      Who do you think you represent when you keep parroting ‘we are not Eritreans’ craps?
      Indeed, you may not and you are definitely NOT Eritrean but just a fake baked outsider parrot.
      Because you keep using fake Christian amanuel, almaz pen-names don’t make you an Eritrean.

  • AHMED SALEH !!! May 3, 2018

    Organization African Union , United Nations and others consist of members
    hired to perform the duty required by their bosses . United States and Europe
    contribute millions of dollars to their salaries and other needs . The rest is
    history .
    If we expect foreign intervention to solve our problems , keep day dreaming .
    Because we must admit and take the blame for our fault to this mess brought
    by ourselves . Eritrean people heard enough talks but who will lead us to
    take the walk become the issue we have been awaiting for long time .
    TEMEN AB IGRIKHA, BETRI AB IDKA . The message speaks for itself .

    • Ghirmay May 3, 2018

      You sound like a nasty TEMEN yourself sniffing around to intervene in our African affairs.
      The major problem and set backs in black Africa had been by the TEMENAT/snakes intervention of your kind nasty foreign interventions facilitators. Do us a favor and just stay away from our black African {i.e. Eritrean & Ethiopian} businesses, mind your own Arabic foreign interventions.

      • AHMED SALEH !!! May 4, 2018

        I know better not to fool myself by following a foolish person like you .

        • Beraki T. May 4, 2018

          You’ve on Assenna fooling gullible readers with your hidden evil Arabic agenda. Yes, you are fooling yourself by trying to hide your muslim criminal nature, ignorance and evil long term intentions to Eritrea/Ethiopia, you are simply ungrateful evil muslim snake who should be grateful to our Habesha Christian people for giving you a shelter from your savage Islam monsters.

          • AHMED SALEH !!! May 4, 2018

            As usual Assenna NEFAHITO changes its skin color .
            Are you the same sick commentator with 100 nicknames ?

        • Beraki T. May 4, 2018

          Better than changing your evil savage muslim backside to 200 barbariab Arab slave masters like the barbaric Saudis, Kuwaitis, Egyptians, Turks, Libyans and etc..

          • Beraki T. May 4, 2018

            Correction/addition: please read barbariab as barbarian.
            Keep providing your filthy dried up and demented backside to your barbarian muslim Arab slave masters, as a life long savage evil barbaric Islamic Arab slave dog just keep supplying them you ignorant PIMP.

          • Simon G. May 4, 2018

            Beraki T/Sami/Ghirmay/Cow Face/and many many nick names:
            ካብ ድቃሰይ ኣተሲእካኒ: ኣታ ፈገር!
            ኣታ ፍርቂ-ሰብ: ኡስ በል: ሰክት። በዓል ክቡር ሓው ኣሕመድ ሳልሕ: መዛርብትኻ ኣይኮኑን። ነጂስ ዋሒድ።
            እንታይ ይግበር? ግዜ ናይ ደቂ ተምቤንኮይኑ!

          • Sol May 4, 2018

            Relay, the barbaric Arab Saudis, Egyptians and Emirates are allies of your boss DIA and are plotting against Ethiopia to stop the construction of the GERD

        • amanuel May 4, 2018

          Mis tesfa zikoretsu asmera ziabeyu deki temben gizieka aytetfie ahmed. Ignore migbar zibeletse melsi eyu.

          • ገብረአብ May 4, 2018

            Simon G.

            ሂዚ ኢሳያስ፣ ቅድሚ ኢሳያስ አሉላ አባ ነጋ፣ ቅድሚ አሉላ ስሁል ሚካኤል- ኣይናይ ግዘ እዩ ናተይ ትብለና? ብሱሩ ንስካከ መን ኢካ?

    • amanuel May 4, 2018

      Agree ahmed saleh.

  • rezen May 3, 2018

    Subject: Eritrea: UN rights expert urges end to crippling media restrictions, GENEVA (2 May 2018) – As the world marks Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2018, by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, Sheila B Keetharuth

    Commentary, 3 May 2018 “As the world marks Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2018….” so goes the text of the UN Expert. Needless to say, and to be honest, it does not help the Eritrean people. Eritrea has been through the charade of being a ‘LIBERATED, FREE, DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY’ since 1st September 1991: The Liberation DAY. It makes a mockery of the term >>> ”LIBERATION”. In any case, it is the day Eritreans saw the end of the Liberation War of thirty-years (30 Years) — from 1961 to 1991.
    Are Eritreans FREE and LIBERATED? The UN Expert answered it obliquely as the article is only devoted to the denial of “Press Freedom” in Eritrea. And that goes as far as the World Body is willing to go – and, in fact, as far as its inherent raison d’etre permits it to go. UN was not created for Africa –needless to say, and totally absurd even to think thereon. Anyway, the rest is ‘humanitarian’ gesture that we see on our TV screens in the comfort of our living conditions, in liberated and prosperous countries around the world.
    Eritreans are the second or third most disfranchised people in the world – roaming around the Globe at the mercy of affluent societies, for their daily existence. What a price to pay >>> thirty years of liberation war, only to wind-up being worst than the situation where the people sacrificing their LIFE to run away therefrom!!! What a contradiction!!! Even more contradiction and bizarre – about the nature of human beings – is that the whole misery is created and applied by ONE, and only ONE, creature against five or six million people!!! Conveniently, it seems, we make ourselves FREE from any guilt of association and coalition with THE DEVIL!!!
    What is so poignant, sad, and tormenting is the fact that the entire [almost entire] “Dark” Continent of Africa, having struggled to be FREE from colonial marauders, are in fact immersed in far more cruel slavery under their own created indigenous cruel dictators!!! And so, it seems, it is OUR AFRICAN STAR.
    What is the medicine against self-destruction? Ask the highly EDUCATED Africans, with the highest degree [Doctor of Philosophy – PhD] bestowed upon them, from well known Universities around the Globe. Good Luck. You will always find them at the head tables on their respective parochial association meetings, based on RELIGION, REGION, TRIBAL etc. considerations. By the way, note your calendars for summer convenient meetings (euphemism for vacation) — far away from Eritrea, of course — unless you are ardent believer of the Dictator. THE END

    • Beraki T. May 4, 2018

      Very well said brother Rezen the great, please as usual just keep entertaining/educating us with your tremendous knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, what is the medicine against self-destruction?

    • Sol May 4, 2018

      For sure DIA is not doing all these destruction alone, he has many socially sick individuals that are doing the dirty job.

  • Amare Resom May 4, 2018

    The medicine against self-destruction is self-preservation. Unfortunately, we see people act against their interests as individuals or groups and invite their own downfall. We need to stop selling our souls to the devil and instead use our better self to help save ourselves and our people before it is too late.

  • Danilo May 4, 2018

    መልሲ ንሓው ገብሪኣብ፡
    ” ህዚ ኢሳያስ፡ ቅድም ኣሉላ ፡ቅድሚ ኣሉላ ሚኪኤል ሱሕሉል, ንስኻ መንኢኻ? ”

    ግርም ጉርማጽ ዘረባ! ሓው ገብሪኣብ።በዞም ዝጠቀስካዮም ሰባት ኣይትነየት።ሚኪኤል ሱሕሉል ሓንጎልካ ኣስቢሑልካ ከይኣል ኣሉላ ፈሰስ ኣኪቡልካ ኢዩ ።እንተ’ቲ ኢሰያስ ግን ንምጥፋእ አሪትራውያን ኣጎዛ እዩ ክይንካ ዘሎ።መንነት simon G ንምፍላጥ ንዓይ’ውን ስለዝተንከፍካ ኣነ እየ ኤርትራዊ ነቶም ትንየተሎም ኣልዒለ ዘኽብሮም።እንተኣበዩ ዝስጉዶም።

    • Tesmin May 4, 2018

      Indeed, first to the last all tegaru never been honest towards Eritrea.I wish Tgray was Gambela.

      • solemon May 5, 2018

        ካብ ሱዳን ፈሊስካ እንተዘይጢኢሙካ ተመሊስካ ንሱዳንካ!- ወዲ ከበሳ ትግራዋይ- “ተጋሩ ገዝኡኒ!” እንድህር ኮይኑ መረረካ- ስለምንታይ ንህልፈትካ ተገዚእካ?- ከምሰብኣይ ዘይትገጥም?- አዲ ገዲፍካ ሀዲምካሲ ቁርምርም እንታይ ኪኣብሰልካ?- ኢሳያስ ደሙ ወዲ ተንብየን እንተኮነ’ውን እቲ ሂሊናኡ ከም ኩሉ ወዲ አስመራ ርስሃት ጣልያን’ዩ- ርስሃት ጣልያን ኩሉ ግዘ ቅልውላው’ዩ- English Somalia peace – Italian Somalia failed state” – Italian Libya failed state, Ethiopian Tigray peace but Italian Tigray failed state- Only three former Italian Colony in our world and all of them failed states!That is not a coincidence it is a designed work Think for a moment!

        • Tesmin May 7, 2018

          The bad thing is when you try to divide the undivisible Eritrea. If you keep trying over trying you loose your tigray village.

      • amanuel May 6, 2018

        I wish tigray did not exist at all. Tuwuyway libi. Wedi adom (iseyas, kisha, yemane, wedi kasa, wedi kebede etc) azengiom denakur kem filipos asibom gozaziyomuna ember nitigrays meranayen nerna. Tenkol, sirki, hadot kemzeyewatsie timihirti mihabnayom nerna. Eti alem zifeleteto merietna badme zeyokones kab mekelewin nekilna metfaenayen.

  • የማነ May 6, 2018

    ረንጂ ሰ’ብዩ ፣ UN, common wealth– ዝባሃሉ ውዳበታት ናይ ኢድ አዙር ውዳበታት’ዞም ኮለንያል ሀይሊታት’ዮም፡፡ ወያነን ሻዕብያን መሳረሂ እቲ ህግታት UN’ዮም፡፡ ጥንቲ ካብቶም ዝገነኑ አርባዕተ ሀገራት ሀደ ነይርና፣ ብድህሪኡ’ውን ኣብ 18-ክፍለ ዘመን ተጋሩ ወለድና ን 17-ዓመታት አንፃር ወረርቲ ተኳሺሆም ብዐወት አድዋ 1888- ዛዚዘምዎ፡፡ ኣብ ውግእ 1888-ዓ/ም ሰራዊት ምንሊክ ስኧት 5፡00 ረፋድዩ ናብቲ ውግዕ ተፀምቢሩ – እዚ ኩሉ ገድሊ ዝፈፀመ ጀግና ሕዝቢ ብከመይ ብሃደ ጨናዊ ምንሊክን፣ ሕጊ UN፣ ፃምእ ሥልጣን ወያነን ሻዕብያን ግዳይ ኮይኑ በቲ ብአምሃራ ይቁርመም በዚ ክኧ ብአረብ ይቁርመም- ኣብ ክልተ ተገሚኡ መንነቱን መፃኢ ረብሁን ናብ ዋጋ ዕዳጋ ያውርድ?- ዘርኢ ተገሩ ኣብ ትህቲ ሀደ ፖለቲካዊ ሥርዓትን ፣ ትህቲ ሃደ መራሂን ክንሃብር አምሃሩ አይደልዩዎን ናይ ኤርትራ ዕስላም’ውን አይደልዩዎን- አፍንጨኦም ይንከሱ እንታይሞ ከያምጽኡ – ልዕሊ 10-ሚልየን ስለንከውን ዘይኒትንከፍ ሃያል ሕዝቢ ኮይና ክንቅጽልን ክንምዕብልን ንክእል’ኢና! ኩላትና ዘርኢ ተጋሩ ምዕንተዚ ንሥራህ፣ ንጽኧር! — ጽባህ ክኧ ኪጋሀድዩ!

    • የማነ May 6, 2018

      Read it as ፈረንጂ

      • Mesfin May 6, 2018

        Ato Yemane,
        The courageous strong and brave people of Tigray are the pride of black Africa.
        With the union of highland Christian people of Eritrea & Tigray soon to be made to be achieved, the Amara or the foreign moslem reactionaries and extremist would be defeated and wiped out of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Desperate and weak people only make desperate and weak noises out of desperation and out of hopelessness.

    • amanuel May 7, 2018

      Zereka titfae kondaf, komal, agame. Bakum zitalel ertrawi yelen. Merietna arekibkum tirah rehakulna.

  • Asmerom May 7, 2018

    Brother Yemane, the EPLF and the TPLF spent most of their time working for their interest {tQmom} and survival.
    Of course they did: because, like all ruling class and colonialist like the Italian, British and Amharu, they equated their interest with that of the people’s interest. Because, remember this, “Hafash tQmu ayfelTin iyu”……..
    Like Ethiopia, Greece also had ancient history and strength but today the Greeks are living on hand outs from EU.

    • የማነ May 7, 2018

      የህዋት ዘርዒ ተጋሩ፡- እቲ ባህልና ኩሉ ግዘ task and mission oriented’ዩ:: እዞም ብሽም ኢትዮጵያ ተሸኪምናዮም ዛሎና ፍልሆ- ሽክሚ’ዮም፡፡ ንኣብነት ገዛእቲ አምሃራ ኣብ 600-ዘመኖም ሀንቲ ሀድጊ የብሎምን፡፡ አገው ኣብ 270-ዓመታት ንግሥነኦም ላሊበላ ገዲፎም ሃሊፎም፡፡ ወለዲ ተጋሩ ሽሞም ምስ ቻይና፣ሮማን፣ ፔርሽያን ማዕረ አመዝጊቦም- Original ጽላተ ሙሴ ኣቂቦም ፣ 55ዐዐ-ዓመታት ዛለዎ ካብ ዝመከከ አዕማን ዝተሀነፀ ያሃ ሃዲጎም፣መስተንክር ሥራህቲ አክሱም ሀወልቲ ሀዲጎም፣ ልዕሊ 120-ቅድመ ላሊበላ ውቁር ቤተክርስትያናት ሀዲጎም- ግዕዝ ፊደላት፣ ዜማ፣ እንጀራ፣ ዙርያ፣ ሽሩባ፣ ጀግንነትን ፈሪሃ እግዚሄርን ከምባህሊ አጨቢጦምና፣ ኣብ 1800-ክፍለ ዘመን ንወረርቲ አውሮፓውያን ደጋጊሞም አምበርኪኮም መጨረሽኡውን ኣብ 1888 ኩናት አድዋ ዝቀበርሉ ጀግንነት አውሪሶምና፣ ኣብ ዕድሜና ክኧ ንአምሃሩ ብረቶም መንዚኦም ሀምሺሾም፣ ብተዋስኦ መሪህነት መለስ ዜናዊ ነዞም ብስንፍናኦም ኣብ ሽንቲ አድጊን ፈረሰን ዝድቅሱ ዝነበሩ መካናት ሃቦ ገፈጣት ምስቲ ኩሉ ሥርቆም ግዕዝይናኦምን ድሁር ዐመሎምን እናጎተተ ናብ ቪላን ዘመናዊ መነባብሮ ሥርኧትን ካሰጋግር ምክአሉ- ብሃቂ ዘርኢ ተጋሩ- ባህልና ሀቦን ቅያን ምኳኑ ትርዳዕ፡፡ ሂዚ’ውን ብሳይንስን ቴክኖሎጂን ክንግስግስ – ዓለም ኣብ ዝበጽሃቶ ክንበጽኅ፣ ቅያታትናን፣ክብርታትናን መሊስና, ባህልናን ቋንቀናን ዐቂብና ኣብ ዐለምና ቦታ ኪህልወና እንድህር ድአ ኮይኑ – ዘርኢ ተጋሩ ኣብ ትህቲ ሀደ ፖለቲካዊ መሥርህን ሀደ መራሂን ተጠሚርና ባህሊና፣ ቋንቋና፣ታሪክናን፣ ክብርታትናን ዐቂብና ንመፃኢ ወለዶታትን ሥሪት ክንሃድገሎም ይግባእ፡፡ እዚ ንጎኒ ብምግዳፍ ናይ ወያነን ሻዕብያን ናይ ሥልጣን ሀነፍነፍ- ዘርኢ ተጋሩ ከፋፊሉን አዳኪሙን አደዳ ምሰፍህፋህ ዐምሃራን ዐዕራብን አሳጢሁና መንነትና ዛጥፍዕ ሰሪ ምኳኑ ተረዲእና ግዱሳት ኩላትና “The instinct of survival!”
      ንጥርናፈና(unification) ክንዋሳእን ፣ ኣብ ዝኮነ ቦታን ግዘን ክንደናገጽን ክንደጋገፍን ክንተሃባበርን ታሪካዊ ሃላፊነት ከምዛሎና ክንርዳእን ክንሠርሃሉን “ ሀየ!” እንዳበልኩ ይላቦ!

      • k.tewolde May 7, 2018

        Yemane,it is a beautiful historical tribute to the ethnic group however, where do you put Eritreans in this Axumite mural you painted? what do you mean by “(unification)”?….. “ዘርኢ ተጋሩ ኣብ ትህቲ ሀደ ፖለቲካዊ መሥርህን ሀደ መራሂን ተጠሚርና”….who do you have in mind I wonder? I will tell you one thing though, your intrusion into our national affairs early and often by using the excuse of same culture,same dialect,same way of life is what got us into this mess to begin with.Why don’t you just leave us alone to handle our demons and you do yours.You sound like the Habesha version of Putin annexing Crimea just because they look and sound like him.

        • k.tewolde May 7, 2018

          In other words,being proud of your history and heritage is one thing,weaponizing and devouring other people using it is another.

          • Gedamu May 7, 2018

            You still need lots of soul healing lectures and medicines. Are you another ‘ferah ms’Aserte betru’? Don’t try to boss around the assenna forum, if you have different agenda and flag of Eritrea then get out of assenna and advertise yourself in Arab websites. Otherwise, if you understand some Amharic, “Anghet yetefeTerew azuro lemayet new”, {the neck helps you to look around} before you say and do things or even before you post foolish things. But, that is of course, if you have a normal working/functioning anghet/neck.

      • Gedamu May 7, 2018

        Dear Mr Yemane,
        Please ignore this idiot so called k.tewolde Kedami banda.
        It seems sadly he is an expert at creating illusion and very dense smoke screen. Many unrelated stuff he usually talks about {to look smart guy} meant to just create illusion. He probably has nothing else important thing to do in his sad and ridiculous life.

      • amanuel May 7, 2018

        Ab ethiopia minilikn tedrosn ember kalie gigna aytefeteren. Tegaru tekoynom chibti akrib. Meles, abay tsehaye, gebru asrat geganuyom keytibleni sehak keymewit.

  • Danilo May 7, 2018

    Mr many nick name ‘why you are in assenna while you have tesfa news. There ‘ are many who understand your frustration but we here don’t even understand your tigrigna. Mr Agamino, do you know why we hate you? THINK TWICE please.

    • Gedamu May 7, 2018

      If your response was meant for me then where the hell is my Tigrigna that you don’t understand? You must be so thick and ignorant half-cast foreigner in our peaceful Christian Habesha land. You are deliberately twisting facts to satisfy your twisted small old zombie brain. Do you have to create confusion and chaos to spread your corrupted colonialists filthy agenda?
      “Qomatan Qomatan kalalut, abre lifetefit yilal”, In other word, talk and write about something you know {not that you know that much} and not just about your foreign half-cast hallucinations.

      • Gedamu May 7, 2018

        “Qomatan Qomatan kalalut, abre lifetefit yilal”, get it translated into your filthy foreign colonialist language of Italian or Arabic to understand it properly.
        Alternatively, get your half-cast foreigners at your TesfaNews to translate it for you.
        We the pure Habesha Christians should be asking you why are you on Assenna 24/7?

    • amanuel May 7, 2018

      Mehsebitu btenkol tetewawya endia kemey geru kihasib. Timali badme nay tigray eya 80 milyon ena n 5 milyon bahri keneetiwekin ena ela eta sgab afnchu tirah tihasib riesu hasiba wedia endiya. Hiji zeyhasebeto metsiuwa ab confusion atia.

      • Danilo May 7, 2018

        Dear Amanuel,በጃኻባ፡ቱርጁማን ኩነኒ።ገዳሙ እንታይ እዩ ዝብል ዘሎ?ብናተይ ርዲኢት፡ ቁማል-ቁማል ይብል ከይ ህሉ።ግን ምናልባት ሓፍለልቶ ዘድለዮ ዲኣ ከይከውን

        • Gedamu May 7, 2018

          As Kedami banda of your colonialist {Italian & Arabs}, you are simply like a cheap another commodity that can be bought and sold to the highest bidder at the lowest market. You might fool the naive and the stupid {ignorant banda like yourself} but your fake message is dead on arrival. The Tigrayans were absolutely right to kick you out of Tigray – Ethiopia and you will also be kicked out of Eritrea soon and you will never stop the reunion of Christian Tegaru of Eritrea and Tigray soon to be achieved, just stay tuned.

          • AHMED SALEH !!! May 7, 2018

            Hahaha killu Mamo
            Do we need a dialogue with stupid person that
            speak nonsense and offensive languages day and night ?

          • Gedamu May 7, 2018

            Foreigner moslem mercenary, if you are given any chance {not that you’ll get any chance} but would sneak your al-shabab terrorists into Christian Habesha Eritrea/Ethiopia. The all mighty God help our peaceful Christian people from your stateless devil Islamists. Why do our peaceful Christian people of Africa have to submit to devil Mohammed’s brutal moslem butchers like yourself?? This moslem lunatics under their moronic butcher devil’s Islamic beliefs are forcing the free world to their backward devils stone age era. Who ever accepted you as escaping refugees in our Christian African lands is a life long curse for our young and future generations. Why can’t you flipping do us a favor and go back to your butchers devils Islamic Arab world and die butchering bastard Arabs.

    • Sol May 8, 2018

      Mr many names (Tekhlay) is non entity that doesn’t belong to any country or people. He is a hired agent of the mafia regime with one mission to destroy assenna by turning a trash of insults on bases of religion, region ethnicity etc.. Tekhlay as a sale out has no any human values and principles, he insults islam and Muslims, Christian religious leaders when they expose the regime. From the term Hatelaguzay which he uses sometimes one can understand that what he is posing about Habesha, Tigregna and Christianity is just disguise to hide his real identity and mission.

  • Yemane May 7, 2018

    K. Tewolde;

    I reject your categorization of Tigrians. I 100% reject a proxy colonial rules of UN with regards to colonized people. I have a natural right to represent the interest of North Mereb Tigrians as much as any north Mereb Tigrian has a natural right to stand and represent the South Mereb Tigrians. with that in mind I’m dedicated to see the Unification of my people. real unification means bringing the whole Tigrian family under the same political leader through real democratic process. I know some power mongers PFDJ, some terrified Moslems, and others that has suffered identity crisis in the City of Asmara will stand against this noble cause of family reunion but in a democratic process, will count to nothing. in many occasions I have rejected the Categorization of my brothers as refugees, and called for the Tigrian regional government to disband refugee Camps, allow our brothers to live and work any where with out restrictions. I will persist in my call towards full assimilation of our brothers among south Merb Tigrians. I totally reject Shabya and Weyane intention of demarcating a boarder line between those Tigrians and I do not care how the UN colonial rule has been applied on Others. if My forefathers has rejected Colonialism and buried it in Adwa at great human cost, then there is no reason that I need to accept its aftermath of dividing brothers to serve as a foot print of colonial history.

    • amanuel May 7, 2018

      Tigraway agame silezikonka dika hiji aferfer tibil zeleka? Baelikin zifeterkno shigir baelikin da fithoo. Abay tigray misrah abia mish!!! You see a an experiment based on theory that has no base bears no fruit. Halewlewka zikibel ertraw kemzeyele siletifelit, kulu ertrawi nay libom tiwiywayat agame libin tenkoln asebiku silezifelit emo nisika dima nezie siletifelto asmera abika tekenka harirka kemzeleka yifelit eye. Ertra nay ertrawyan tirah eya. Ebay asmera agame nitigraykum. Kalie kab addis win misgagkum Silezeyterif akedimkum hisebulu. Kab gambella dergi kabtigray misderekum zesferekum mihdam gemirkum alekum tsibuk eyu ketsiluwo.
      Kumalka silezicheneweni abzi kigedfeka yemane/beraki/sami/agaminos.
      Kedamay tselaena ab gebelana ze’ebenayo agame iseyas tekone kalay dereja komalat agame tigray mikankum filet.

      • Gedamu May 7, 2018

        amanuel or abdurahiman,
        Leave Eritrean/Ethiopian pure Christian Habesha issue or business for real dekebat authentic Eritreans/Ethiopians. If only character assassinations would change the reality on the ground. The reality on the ground is poor Eritrea is trapped in its own making of “independence”, with no way forward.. As a Kedami banda paid agent of the bastard Arabs, your cluelessness about Eritrean/Ethiopian politics is clearly showing. As a weirdo foreigner {Kedami banda}, you have more concern for Eritrea than the real dekebat highland Christian people who own it, what a delusional jerk foreign Islamist.

      • k.tewolde May 7, 2018

        Yemane,I hope you are not the same person I grew up with in my neighborhood,most of the youngsters then who had blood from tigray never joined the exodus to the field,back then we were just friends and school mates,it was the age of innocence,however,Yemane you don’t represent nobody but yourself,you were not part of that national consciousness, that patriotic lava which consumed the cream of the crop of our nation,that national psych that glues us like a bond regardless of our religion,dialect, region and political stand..You can’t come here in this medium today and preach the unification of two different people with 2 different national psyche,living in 2 different nations because they speak the same language and eat the same staple unless like many of your predecessors you’re salivating at the jewels of the nation.Gotcha!! like Rev. AL Sharpton puts it.

        • Gedamu May 7, 2018

          Mr fake big talker, and who the hell do you represent????????????????
          You don’t represent nobody but yourself and your selfish arrogant belly. It sadly seems that you are clueless about the genesis of the Eritrean/Ethiopian people. You need to dig deep and go beyond superficial surface analysis or imaginary wishes. You need to unlearn all those stories forced-fed to you as a Kedami wedi butler for decades by your colonialist rulers and abusers {the Italians and the bastard moslem Arabs}. You have only been badly trained/managed to bark and to make so much fake/empty gurrrrrrrras. Period. Once a Kedami always a Kedami banda.

          • k.tewolde May 8, 2018

            . “It sadly seems that you are clueless about the genesis of the Eritrean/Ethiopian people.”…….the last time I referred the bible,Adam and Eve.Is that a colonial indoctrination Mr. genealogist?

          • Gedamu May 8, 2018

            Mr diablos impostor, why the hell do you “shekortet” tebiziH?
            You are a certified Islam’s lackey, you need to wise up properly {cutting all your fake smart/intellegent guy acting}. Otherwise, even the diablos seyitan/devil quotes our good book the “Bible” like you but only for his convenience and deceitful nature and belly. You too are quoting it for materialistic and diablos’s gains. Your usual unsubstantiated comments can’t be anything but an attempt to confuse and you should not be allowed to dump your unsubstantiated hallucinations here on Assenna. You are simply an outdated papagalo of your colonialists and should be ignored as ESUB JASUS.

  • Simon G. May 8, 2018

    Shilan nebsi,
    I like your new nick, Gudamu (oh sorry, Gedamu) 🙂
    Just curious; who is assigning you these unique new nicks?
    It has about time to call Isu and I probably ask him about this. Something is fishy!
    BTW, attenuate your curse by say, ~100dB or so. Stay focused on the subject.

    • Gedamu May 8, 2018

      Another wedi butler {Kedami banda) sick parrot/papagalo conditioned to parroting.
      If your half-cast foreign name is indeed Simon G, which is a Christian name {given an African moslem enslaved can’t have a name other than of bastards Arabian – or Arabian’s camels name}.
      Wedi butler S.G, whatever Eritreanism ever was is now long dead {only the delusional foreign mercenaries like abdurahiman/amanuel probably think not}.
      Eritreanism has now acquired a new definition, ain’t nothing pretty about it, and no amount of red lipsticks or brutal Islam’s butchers blood on the dance floor can ever save it. Have blind emotional people like Eritreans ever gone so high from the so low only to return back to the bottom and below in one life time?????????????????????????????? Neh!

    • k.tewolde May 8, 2018

      Please Simon it is about that time,while you there please ask him to hire competent ones,I don’t know where he is picking up the pickle heads here,edaga derho!?

      • Gedamu May 8, 2018

        Let’s also ask your barbarous bastard moslem Arabs and Mussolini’s Italians if they have actually hired competent Kedemti/bandas? Your butler father was used to sharp Italian Koyos/shoes kickings right into his Kedami maAkor and you as a butler son must also be used to that kickings and insults as an enslaved Kedami/banda by Italians & Arabs.