Eritrea must be hauled before ICC for rights violations – UN body
The United Nations (UN) human rights commission has urged the UN General Assembly to haul Eritrea before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes including enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances and torture. The UN Special Rapporteur on

The United Nations (UN) human rights commission has urged the UN General Assembly to haul Eritrea before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes including enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances and torture.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, who made the call was speaking for the Commission of Inquiry on the situation in Eritrea, in a presentation that stated that crimes against humanity have been committed since 1991 by Eritrean officials.
“The crimes of enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances, torture, other inhumane acts, persecution, rape and murder have been committed as part of a widespread and systematic campaign against the civilian population.
The aim of the campaign has been to maintain control over the population and perpetuate the leadership’s rule in Eritrea,” Keetharuth told the UN General Assembly.
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She added that the dire nature of the prevailing situation left no room for “business as usual” in the international community’s engagement with the Government of Eritrea.
According to her, the Commission did not see any political will nor the institutional capacity to prosecute the crimes we have documented.
‘‘The Commission therefore recommends that the UN Security Council refer the situation in Eritrea to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and that the African Union establish an accountability mechanism.”
She bemoaned that lack of laws because Eritrea did not have a constitution, nor a parliament. She said ‘‘indefinite national service persists, with its adverse impacts on individual rights; there is no free press and no NGOs, except for state-sponsored ones.
‘‘The population lives in fear and the government still controls their daily life, making the enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all Eritreans a remote possibility,” she added.
She said despite visits by several foreign delegations, journalists and others to Eritrea over the past year, the rampant human rights violations continues in isolated locations and detention facilities.
Keetharuth noted that Eritreans were among the largest numbers of African nationals seeking asylum in Europe. She appealed that countries where they sought asylum should accommodate them because of the situation back home.
“The findings of the Commission underscore that it is not safe to forcibly return those who have left Eritrea.
The Commission, in its first report, documented that individuals forcibly repatriated, with a few exceptions, have been arrested, detained and subjected to ill-treatment and torture,” she stated.
Eritrea is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights since 2002, to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights since 1999 and to the Convention against Torture since 2014.
Z. Hagos October 31, 2016
Only those mentally disturbed can cause such hellish condition on earth. People are never seen to fear hell after life as the one dreaded hell in the Eritrea of Isayas. Very sad to see such a kind of a hell being run by the rascal tyrant and his generals imposed on the Eritrean people.
Now, when the COIE made sure no one can escape accountability for the crimes committed against humanity in Eritrea, the tyrant and his agents including MeskeremNet are speaking of a fresh start lest not be like Somalia and Yemen. The mass murders, the mass imprisonments, the mass starvation and the mass disappearance can only end when the Eritrean people only end the rule of Isayas and his generals. Their finger prints are on all mass murders and as criminals; they must stand trials at ICC.
k.tewolde November 1, 2016
There is no escaping that,the pundits are throwing a desperate hail-merry to score a touchdown,but the end zone is full of justice seeking defenders,my Eritrean American football fans and those who are not,our Superbowl is in sight,keep rolling,it is the season of the underdog.
koubrom November 1, 2016
For those who dream hell to eritrea for those so called opposition or fithi deleyti, for those desperate,failure ,hopeless always wishing ill upon our people I tell you as long the mighty God exists you will never achieve your dream because he knows the trues like weyane always diging for eritrea that hull will be his own grave soon .
And if you guys are eritrean not sure after all well time will come for justice for undermining the security, sovereignty, integrity of our country, * never to forgive never to forget ) believe me
k.tewolde November 1, 2016
Let me rephrase that Koubrom,for those who dream hell to the core of HGDEF”S killing machine,don’t worry,Eritrea will rise on their ashes,Kibretka halu.
Shimendi November 1, 2016
Who do you think you are then to warn or threaten commentators and are you also watching your back and Kibretka tiHiluw’do alekha? May be your hell dream is to send poor Eritrea and Eritreans to the dark old ELF hell of killings and destruction.
k.tewolde November 1, 2016
No no, Shmendi,it is not a threat,it is a warning for those few remaining who are trying to hide the murderers of the innocent in their backyard from facing persecution,and this warning is coming not from me,it is coming from the victims- the disfranchised Eritrean masses. This has nothing to do with ELF,stop playing the old turntable in order to deflect the issue from its target,nobody is buying it today.
koubrom November 2, 2016
Where are they hein ??
It’s a myth it never happen ,that stupid keetharuth say something never heard about it in eritrea don’t even want to pronounce the world it’s so ugly. she assaulted our tradition and culture and my sure you ok with that.
Any way your treat mean nothing to us you and your kind want change and power if you are a man come and claim it coward.
Shimendi November 2, 2016
Everyone is mad at HGDEF leadership. But we don’t need to be lectured or reminded by an old crock a die hard of criminal barbaric Islamic ELF fanatic and propagandist.
‘Bzemen Wube TsemiMKa’ aytetsimena HGDEF’s killing machine endabelka! How about your worst ELF’s killing machine?
The most evil deed was also done by your savage evil moslem ELF on the entire people of Eritrea. Those who done these evil crimes and those who are entertaining these tragedy will receive the dues and justice will prevail soon.
Otherwise, let’s also hope some members of a Kunama tribe get the opportunity to remind you about “atrocities” and “genocide” that has been committed on them by your savage evil Islamic ELF and ghedli.
Finally, an obsession (a mad obsession) that condemns one to live in the past permanently, forgetful of the present and the future, would result in a zero sum game, benefiting nobody.
PH November 1, 2016
Dear shemendi. who are you to blame the era of ELF as dark age of killing ? As far as I know, there was mistake but not much grave. at least that moviment was democratic. Reformist, and nationalistic. by the way, if you are brain washed up by any against means tray to investigate. IN CASE, who knows, Higdefist or WEYANIST may you are , I beg a pardon! No need to argue.
Shimendi November 1, 2016
Are you too ignorant and blind ELF zombie talking through his damaged ELF backside?
Your childish scribbles don’t make any sense at all but it is expected from a retarded ELF zombie. You will be sent back to your ELF Sudan shit hell soon or to your Tigray for good.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 2, 2016
Mr. Nefahito can change appearance but no matter what you are the known
zombie in this forum . Your comments are full of lies and deceit which need
to be ignored because it has been clear that your presence comes with some
kind suspicious motives . It is not worthy to give attention for arrogance .
Samson November 2, 2016
We are well aware of your suspicious Yemeni wild dog background and the way you were dumped from Yemen to Ethiopia and then from Ethiopia onto poor Eritrea, so don’t bore us to death with your “tsemam hade derfu” Yemeni wild dogs barking. You also love the sound of your Yemeni mushmush aregit kelbi voice about going on all the time NEFAHITO, nefahito shit crap.
Well, we all know very well who the real nefahito on assenna forum is, don’t we? Let me refresh your aregit kelbi areb you stinking old Arab poisonous snake with his latest deceiving savage evil moslem rat’s Saho pen-names : Robel, Habtu, Safi, Kyia, guest on top of the usual of Mohammed, Khalid, WoBawzon, Sol, Wedi Hagher – Wedi Halima, comedian Sheikh Ali, Abdurobo, Kalighe, Hagherawi, to name just a few.
Now, you as a gutless mushmush coward hypocrite poisonous snake would not dare call your own MOSLEM NEFAHITO snake Arab dog, will you? No, rootless nomads the savage evil moslem Arab dogs have to stick together no matter whether operating as moslem nefahitoes or as poisonous moslem snakes.
Compulsive liars like yourself and your cousin rootless deki Halima sahabti gimel nomads, bend the truth about everything, large and small. For compulsive liars (moslem nefahito Arab dogs), telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right and easy. But there is no surprise here in the evil Islamic or moslem behavior, it is as per evil savage Islamic norm, following their negis murderer thief liar Mohammed. Once a moslem snake whore always the same snake whore.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 2, 2016
Mr. Nefahito hidden under nick names rug .
I am sorry you are not welcome in Eritrean forums . Go ahead
spit the filth from your mouth . Anta uwala sidi wedi sebeyti.
Z. Hagos November 1, 2016
Focus, focus, Assenna family on the darkest issue of our people, who are being exposed to all the crimes as found by the COIE. No peace of mind under the tyrant. If we aware of that, let discuss it deeper to know what has gone wrong with Isayas and his supporters.
One does not betray the peace of his country and its people simply to appease the tyrant. If the tyrant is hell wrong, let his supporters joint the justice seekers to let Isayas hell know that what he is doing is totally unacceptable. If Isayas listens and corrects his mistakes, well and good. The transition will be smooth. Otherwise, he is leaving no choice for the Eritrean people but to take the impossible and the unheard actions to fix the horrible mistakes committed by him, the tyrant.
Petros November 2, 2016
EPLF’s or higdefs crimes against Eritreans could be the size of a peanut if Eritreans have the willingness
to detail the crimes of the half-revolutionary and half banditry characteristic of the ELF who was mostly led
by Islamic fanatics and a group of Arab-wannabe Baathists and muslim extremist.
We should never also forget the crimes of ELF on burning and destroying native Eritrean books. Not also to forget
the inhuman killing murdering Ethiopian POW with no mercy or humanity. ELF was simply a monstrous killing
machine especially on Christians and innocent people and belongings. It is just insane to defend it.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 2, 2016
Poor Christians betrayed by their own kinds like Petros and alike . No wonder their young
generation are abandoned to face miseries . Even though we observe intruders who seem
anti-Eritrea to preach their agenda , it is sad scenario to see them entertain at the expense
of their people suffering from their comfortable zone .
They can come with fabricate theories but time proved the truth that cowards ,shameless , selfish , twisted mind and cursed people conveyed wrongs to ruin the whole society .
We are not discussing about a show , movie or drama , it is about real life in our place
of origin . Now the losers can not blame us for expressing our frustration .
Samson November 2, 2016
It is very bizarre to see some so-called people but really rootless Arab dogs who claim to be “Eritreans”, consistently jump in to cover the barbarian savage evil moslem Arabs behind. If the savage evil bastard moslem Arabs have a single shred of care for Eritrea, the only thing they have to do is pull or take their snake mercenaries lowland moslems out of Eritrea and then use them as usual as their cheap slaves/abeeds or as spare toilets to shit on them Arab dogs.
Poor Eritrea has only two enemies who are existential threats to it and they are : PFDJ with those who sanitize its crimes and the worst of all being the cancerous and poisonous rootless nomad moslems of lowland. These rootless savage evil nomad moslems who relentlessly work hard against the interest of Eritrea should simply be weeded out eliminated out of Eritrea for once and for good.
Who is the REAL loser here then? You started your Islamic savage evil shifta/banditry sewra and what happened to you? You were kicked out of Eritrea chased away with your tails behind your snake legs into the Sudan and with your wet pants or jelebiya wetting like hell. But next time around you would be dumped onto your savage evil moslem Arab slave masters with NEVER to return to Eritrea slaughtering and a proper reminder/message that you never ever belong to Eritrea.
alamana November 2, 2016
Have a little respect to general public . To launch foul language and
cursing makes us look ignorant . We have a lot of things ahead off us
to consider , so take it easy man .
Samson November 2, 2016
Fair enough but strange that the same old savage evil moslem NEFAHITO Abdurobo has no shame or respect to general public to yet again come up with “alamana” out of a blue!!!!
Wedi Halima saHab gimel kondaf rootless nomad, until I get you out of your stinking Saho rat hole and then break up your ugly savage taliban face into pieces and shit on it, if you want to defend your aregit kelbi areb pimp WHORE cousin then simply stop provoking people with your poisonous moslem snake acts and also the “pure” nationalist Eritrean fake acts.
Simply. do we have a deal here, never insult our intelligence with your savage evil moslem old Yemeni shitaratat! Deal!
Otherwise, don’t give me your usual wise talk of ‘we have a lot of things ahead off us to consider’ crap. My only thing to consider is to clean up and sort out the savage evil moslem snakes with evil destructive taliban agenda and missions.
If I remember correctly you were asking or boasting about me to come back after I complete taking my medications! Well, I am now waiting for you to come back to me once you’ve finished with your snake medications. I promise I am going nowhere, I shall wait for my meskin Arab dog as long as it takes to free him from his savage evil slave captivity..
Z. Hagos November 2, 2016
The real respected and informed people, when discussing always seek to improve their arguments. But, the pro-tyrant, as empty people, cannot be expected to enrich discussions here because they never come here to seek and obtain the truth. Indeed, their gaining the truth from our discussions here, as to why Eritrean of Isayas is become and behaving like a failed state, would have helped their master Isayas to improve his ugly rule. That is why all the crimes committed against the Eritrean people must be blamed on the pro-the-tyrant people because their support for crimes is empowering Isayas to keep and continue committing crimes against the innocent Eritrean children, mothers, and the elderly.
As a matter of fact, the pro-tyrant do not have it (the truth or decency) to be engaged in any productive discussion in order to produce positive results to save Eritrea and its people. As always, we see those pro-tyrant here today name calling and distracting the ongoing discussions. I think, they are, deep inside, ashamed of their views and their support for the tyrant and his criminal generals. Their restlessness from fighting defending Isayas on all fronts against the whole world including the UN, EU, USA, AU, and all peace loving countries and institutions, made the pro-tyrant behave irrationally like their crazy master.
PH November 2, 2016
Yes but they are not only pro -tyrant. In fact, agents of weyaniye using multiple names olso abusing this forum too.
Samson November 2, 2016
The poor assenna house is infested with rootless savage evil moslem cockroaches. Why do you try to think or punch above your stinking mosquito moslem weight? It is you who is being poorly abused by supplying 5 times a day washed backside to his savage evil barbarian moslem Arab slave masters. Next time Wedi Halima asshole mosquito try to know your limit as well as to watch your fagnatura Halal moslem ass.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 2, 2016
uwala sidi wedi sebeyti .
Samson November 2, 2016
Thanks, you proved me right that you are aregt sebeyti WHORE.
Because only our grand mothers the weak old women would answer back with “uwala, sidi wedi sebeyti” thing.
Indeed, very sorry but I can’t respond to you with the same “wedi sebeyti” thing as you are truly wedi Yemeni kelbi mushmush aregit gerewegna Arab dog pimp WHORE. So simply I am a lot better than you as at least I am wedi seb. Unlike you, rootless and poisonous moslem snake lemani/beggar, corrupted, crippled physically and mentallyfor life. A loner born so small and you will die so small. Pathetic.
alamana November 2, 2016
If you put lipstick on a pig it is always a pig going back to sleep on its own sheet . And don’t get offended
to call you WEDI SEBEYTI because initially from the beginning you present yourself street boy SIDI .
Reread the expletive words out of your mouth . I hope you agree that inferiority complexion indicates how
often people make themselves into idiots by misusing proper language .
alamana November 2, 2016
Passive aggressive person express anger directed to get back another person without
knowledge of the underlying anger . It is a lesson to understand their traits and try to
deal with them and control your productivity ,
Samson November 3, 2016
Abdurobo TeraAraA
Forget about all your garbage halewlews and hallucinations but just tell us what you and your aregit kelbe areb or WEDI YEMENI KELBI are actually fighting for by being on aseenna 24/7 apart from spreading Islam and defending Arabic language?? No jumbo mambo answers
Just the same old rootless kondaf nomad sahab gimel talkative with no real substance at all. A snake remains snaky even after crawling through a bamboo especially when it is also a rootless moslem snake. You know what really disgusts me about you cancerous illegal immigrants moslem Arab dogs is that you have no shames to act as genuine dekebat Eritreans but as they rightly say, “Not having shame is the worst shame”, indeed.
Now, to some serious questions to the rootless savage evil moslem Arab dogs, why do you think the cancerous poisonous snake moslems are conspicuously absent from the struggle for change in Eritrea? The salvation of Eritrea is default entrusted to the highlander Christians as usual. The weak opportunist moslem Arab dogs just want an Arabic language and identity in Eritrea from the sacrifices of others. Please also tell us about your snake moslem history and language in Eritrea, don’t however try to give us the history and language of your savage evil barbarian Arab slave masters. I know how much you suffer from evil savage Islam’s inferiority complex and as such all your chauvinism and superiority fake acts.
Last, keep consoling your aregit sheyitan kelbi areb WHORE as he is really going to need it because it sadly seems he has been abandoned due to his old age and his dementia by his savage evil moslem Arab ghusbands or wishimatatu. And please ask him on our behalf why is it that he gets ( you also life long crippled welfare dependent) his beggar welfare benefit from Western Christians instead of your savage evil moslem Arab salve masters that you served and continue to serve as mercenaries? Unlike you I got to get ready for a real days work but last you two should take a glass of your camel’s piss to wash it down your stinking savage moslem throats. Adios and I will keep watching you.
Samson November 3, 2016
quick corrections : please read as ‘the salvation of Eritrea is “by” default entrusted to the highland Christians the real and genuine stake holders of Eritrea,
Also correct and read ghusbands just as husbands,
Ahmidi al salihidi, don’t feel too down if you have been dumped or abandoned by your savage evil moslem wishimatat, I mean you can always get your wild Yemeni dogs as replacement to whack you as theywould not recognize from a new or old fagnatura.
Samson November 3, 2016
I really got to go MOSLEM NEFAHITO alamana or simply wedi Halima rootless kondaf sahab gimel Yemeni nomad.
k.tewolde November 3, 2016
Samson,what is the rush? do you have to go earn a Saudi riyale,or hung out in the duty free shop in Dubai? by the way ,why are you insulting the camel?you forgot it is the national emblem?hypocrite.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 3, 2016
In reference of his previous comments he disconnect himself from Eritrean issues.
If you read his comments on October 28 article about the two pilots defection ,
no doubt he is typical member of anti Eritrea forces from our southern neighbor .
It took us long time to identify and recognize Assena pet (NEFAHITO) .
Nowadays we see them spread like bugs everywhere in justice seekers sites .
Samson November 4, 2016
Wedi komarit Amete, wedi hirkam, kibretka tehalokha mihasheka!
This is a very kind and friendly reminder as not to cross the red line unnecessarily or unforced. For the time being let me just remind you without going any further or at length who the real hypocrite and coward really is; it was you a coward and a typical hypocrite who with your riffraff terefmeref remnants of the savage evil barbaric Islamic ELF korakur that slaughtered poor Amanuel Eyasu on his last article and for what? For merely not supporting your diKhala Arab flag. You clearly showed your true color and your savage evil moslem identity then! Now, as I said I leave it here refraining myself from any unnecessary languages.
PH November 3, 2016
Samson is wedi sharmutha. wedi mebelet , ibnel gahba. thus why he behave’s as street boy.
Samson November 4, 2016
PH, please tell us are you really a moslem tebekh or mosquito? Sorry but we just can’t take you seriously as a normal human. Sorry again but there is no vaccine against your savage evil moslem stupidity/ignorance but as Raza nay abue haza (like father like son), you are just like your ignorant, thief, assassin, slave trader, peadophile, rapist father the negis savage evil Mohammed.
Now, let’s deal with your savage evil moslem mosquito scribbles, shall we? First of all, you talking again through your damaged for life savage moslem fagnatura backside that you didn’t wash properly for your 5 times a day savage evil moslem praying/shitting as it stinks so much just as your backward savage evil Islam stinks.
With regards to wedi shotmuta thing, you see I was going to call you back wedi Hirkam too but your savage evil Yemeni dog fathers never pay the Hirkam. They just shit/fuck your Halima dog mothers for nothing. But the irony is that your stinking savage evil Halima dog mothers are so impatient to wait for their turn from the one savage evil moslem dog husband, they often get their wild savage moslem Yemeni dogs to fuck them hard and as the result you the savage evil disgusting, wild barking like typical Arab dogs come out of this savage evil moslem semi human- animal mating.
You savage evil moslems are the worst prostitutes and opportunists and this is supported by your savage evil Qu’ran, Hadith and Sira. One thing you should be reminded you savage evil moslem beast is that just as your negis peadophile and rapist savage evil Mohammed married a poor 6 yrs old girl/child and slept with her when she was 9 and he was 54, you and your savage evil moslem brother have to wait before you rape your daughter who gave you that frame for being the best abuser/rapist savage evil moslem dog father.
I think this should be just about enough for your tiny savage evil moslem mosquito brain to digest but if you require more of the same then just let us know and we’d be obliged to give you more to our goHaf rootless illegal immigrant savage evil moslem Yemeni nomad.