Eritrea must be hauled before ICC for rights violations – UN body
The United Nations (UN) human rights commission has urged the UN General Assembly to haul Eritrea before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes including enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances and torture. The UN Special Rapporteur on

The United Nations (UN) human rights commission has urged the UN General Assembly to haul Eritrea before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes including enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances and torture.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, who made the call was speaking for the Commission of Inquiry on the situation in Eritrea, in a presentation that stated that crimes against humanity have been committed since 1991 by Eritrean officials.
“The crimes of enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances, torture, other inhumane acts, persecution, rape and murder have been committed as part of a widespread and systematic campaign against the civilian population.
The aim of the campaign has been to maintain control over the population and perpetuate the leadership’s rule in Eritrea,” Keetharuth told the UN General Assembly.
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She added that the dire nature of the prevailing situation left no room for “business as usual” in the international community’s engagement with the Government of Eritrea.
According to her, the Commission did not see any political will nor the institutional capacity to prosecute the crimes we have documented.
‘‘The Commission therefore recommends that the UN Security Council refer the situation in Eritrea to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and that the African Union establish an accountability mechanism.”
She bemoaned that lack of laws because Eritrea did not have a constitution, nor a parliament. She said ‘‘indefinite national service persists, with its adverse impacts on individual rights; there is no free press and no NGOs, except for state-sponsored ones.
‘‘The population lives in fear and the government still controls their daily life, making the enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all Eritreans a remote possibility,” she added.
She said despite visits by several foreign delegations, journalists and others to Eritrea over the past year, the rampant human rights violations continues in isolated locations and detention facilities.
Keetharuth noted that Eritreans were among the largest numbers of African nationals seeking asylum in Europe. She appealed that countries where they sought asylum should accommodate them because of the situation back home.
“The findings of the Commission underscore that it is not safe to forcibly return those who have left Eritrea.
The Commission, in its first report, documented that individuals forcibly repatriated, with a few exceptions, have been arrested, detained and subjected to ill-treatment and torture,” she stated.
Eritrea is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights since 2002, to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights since 1999 and to the Convention against Torture since 2014.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 3, 2016
Michelle Obama said when they go low we go high . It is strong message for reasonable people .
Do not give him a chance to win in corrupting our mind set . Leave self absorbed person go down and bow his
head with shame while we stick on our principle with confidence and pride . At the end of the day it is about
Eritrea where he has no business to interfere . By now we can recognize our NEFAHITO regardless change
of colors or skin patterns . But we know its origin from the way it acts , hlksks , plus strange behaviors .
Do not forget their wicked intention to use offensive comments that frustrated participants of ASMARIONO
forum . Stay focused on matters that needs our attention and let the arrogant maneuver alone in bushes but
make sure to keep ourselves safe from infectious disease of his alike .
Samson November 4, 2016
The most ignorant moslem pimp, aregit mushmush Yemeni kelbi Arab, you are really a waste of time MEDAKHEMI bilash MEKHAN goHaf fitret, savage moslem snake WHORE.
You are a pathetic welfare dependent, crippled with no balls for life, food stamp collector (from Christians unashamedly), a lunatic cult follower, a savage evil moslem snake with two mouths – one being fed by the kind human Christians and the other being shitted by the savage evil moslem Arab slave masters, glued to assenna 24/7 spreading savage evil Islam.
Now, you said something like ‘on our principle with confidence and pride’. Big talk, but talk is cheap just as you are cheap. Your savage evil barbaric moslem ELF have trained you to talk big, walk big, pretend/lie big, bark big but when it comes to big action where it really matters or counts then all you do is run big wetting your shit jelebiya or pants or hide big in fox/rat holes. But please let us know what principle you really have in your poisonous moslem snake head, could it be the normal savage evil moslem destruction, abduction, bombing or beheading innocent people. Your so called pride is simply for being an Arab dog mercenary.
I also note that you are now jumping from the girly talk of “uwala, wedi sebeti” to nefahito thing which neither really bothers me at all. Keep repeating them like a typical moslem parrot.
Now, with your other pathetic cheap talk of southern neighbor thing, let me give you two quotes and I very much hope that even you with your aregit kelbi areb savage evil moslem snake would not miss it’s clear and precise message : “Abak’s keykedemuwo Abak elu yitsaref”, similarly here, you trying hard to deny your Wolkayit, Shire/Sheraro background that is before you’r expelled and dumped onto Eritrea. And the other quote is “ZeEbeKhuwo dimu’do yemitsealey temen’ye”, just like you savage evil moslem snakes the second generation Tigrayans (deki ArbaA), we took you and gave you refuge but you became monsters and cancerous in return.
I wish I was like you no work, no children, no life or any commitment to worry with all the free times but I suppose you have to wait for you savage evil barbarian moslem Arab slave masters to drill your sick old halal fagnatura snake ass. Get medication for your snake infectious disease before you infect your beasts savage evil moslem Arab wishimatatka.
tomas November 4, 2016
Good god please don’t call your self a Christian
AHMED SALEH !!! November 4, 2016
I learned evil exist inside of us and if you want to know how evil looks
like , you can his see the refection in a mirror .
You see , you are not talking to me or the readers with humans language
but to the nature of EVIL . My religious obligation and social upbringing
forbid me to harm others feeling deliberately . In Islam and Christian
understanding Evil is merely the absence of good just as darkness is lack
of light .
Therefore Mr. NEFAHITO leave me alone with relatively few ways I know
to do good than your countless ways to do evil .
Koubrom November 13, 2016
Yeah quote those who finance you for sure but you are low now and will be until your last ICC haha with what proof ?? Ah the picture the opposition draws or faceless ,nameless witness jock it’s a jock ,
How much you guy pay her ,you will never near about her again,no one will even hire that looser woman ,she will be soon join the bunch of useless opposition and rot with them
PH November 4, 2016
ኩቡር የኽብረካ መጠን ነብሱ፡ ሑሱር’ውን የሕስረካ መጠን ነብሱ።ዒብ ይሰማዕካ!ማስቲካ ተስፋጽዮን ኣይትሓይኽ።
alem November 7, 2016
Every body should ignore the intruder/s. Their aim is to distruct and or if they can to misinform. The later has prooven to be dificult in these age of IT information. Thus trying to bark their anger at every one who stunds against crimes. Stunding against crime is not stunding against any body or gtoup specifically but about making sure that it doen,t happen in future by any body or group. Unless someone is criminal there is no reason for any body to stund against those eho fight for justice. Do not go low with these individuals who are desperate unhappy and may be mentally unsound and unstable.
Koubrom November 13, 2016
You are the intruder go back to Tigray your
You corrupt daughter of murderer you have Eritrean blood on your hand soon we will ask revenge believe me