Topic of this week is ‘An Initiative to Rally the Eritrean Lowland Societies … This initiative is a call to reunite all sectors of this society in order to enable them to properly defend their
Topic of this week is ‘An Initiative to Rally the Eritrean Lowland Societies … This initiative is a call to reunite all sectors of this society in order to enable them to properly defend their legitimate rights and interests…’. (in Tigriyna = ሐንቲ ኢኒዝያቲቫ/ሐሳብ ናብ አክከበ/ጠርነፈ አርትራዊ ቆልላ ማሕበር … እዛ ኢኒዝያቲቫ ኢያ ሐንቲ ጽውዓ ናብ አክከበ ኩልሎም ሰትቶሪ ናይ እዛ ማሕበር አብ ስርዓት ናብ አስለጠ ናብ አግገባብ ሐልለቐ ናቱ ቅኑዓት እውን ሐረጻታት).
From different political views an idea that wants to divide Eritrea is not new. It was in its great form during the British administration in Eritrea but thanks to Eritrean wisdom it was tamed. Also it is too naïve to exclude the old Cairo’s political wish that search the whole or part of Eritrea as guard area for its water resources. But make no mistake. There was/is also another politics, like that of Italian colony that wants to see Eritrean lowland and highland untied in order to boost its military might, tax, etc. So the real and desired national unity that costs a lot is still to come.
First let us see Eritrean geographic divisions. Many books divide Eritrea into two: ቈልላ (=lowland: an area of land that is fairly flat and not very high above sea level) and ከበሳ (=highland: an area of land with hills or mountains).
But also there is another division that has local character:
a) Danakil depression ደሰርት (-120 … 0 meter): Of true deserts in Eritrea did not have any more than in the Danakil, volcanic region that is lowered to 120 m. below sea level and where it almost never rains.
b) Quolla ቈልላ (600 to 1700 m): where cotton, thorny acacias, doum palms, ዑቦል/obol, ጊንዳዕ-ኦም/ ghindà, etc. grow
c) Weinedega ወይነደጋ (1701 to 2399 m): Occupying the upper portion of Quolla. The natives call it weinedega, because you can grow vines. As an example Decamare town that enjoys Weinedega farms vines. Plus as that of ጊንዳዕ-ከተማ/ Ghindà, ፊልፊል/Filfil … belongs to a great for coffee farming. But above all Weinede-ga is famous of its ቈልቋል, ዳዕሮ, ጨቐምመጠ, ለሐም , ምልዖ … It is a natural zoo of many species of birds.
d) Dega ደጋ. in the upper part of the weinedega … the area that the natives call Dega and its limits elevation ranging from 2400 to 3700 m., which is in Ekkeleguzia. Senafe is one of the best places where to live.
Addikhuala 2054 m
Addiqheyh 2423 m
Aqordet 638 m
Asmara 2347 m
Barentu 980 m
Decamare 2018 m
Keren 1426 m
Mendefera 2022 m
Naqhfa 1650 m
Senafe 2445 m
Ekkeleguzai enjoys both Quella (as Zula), Weinedega (Decamare) and Dega (Addiqheyh and Senafe). But Seraye enjoys only two Quella and Weinedega.
This proves that Eritrea or Eritreans cannot be divided by an area of land that is fairly flat and not very high above sea level or by an area of land with hills or mountains, etc. This puts our Eritrean Muslims brothers who have an idea that divides Eritrea by its geographical nature not on the right side of history.
Also the Eritrean Rivers can’t serve for the idea that wants to divide Eritrea, because they have only one task of unification Eritrean provinces and nationalities. For example the three rivers, Mereb, Barka and Anseba, their birth place Hamasien, leave their origin, Mereb to south and then to west and rivers Barka and Anseba to north of Eritrea. In their course in addition to unification share their waters. I was in Barentu in September 1970. In that moment I heard and saw while the town was welcoming the arrival of Mereb flood of that season. To arrive there the flood took many days.
Plus, can we divide Eritrea into two or more according to religion, history, tradition, etc.? No, we can’t because all Eritrean people have the same history of oppression that teaches unity as the only way out. The perpetrators can be from inside or outside of the circle. Folks have no problem to know foreigner perpet-rators. But there is always confusion when we talk about native perpetrators like Bet Asgada of the past and PFDJ (People’s Front for Democracy and Justice) Iseyas Efewerqi lead ruling party of present. Let us learn something from history of oppression of Bet Asgada in Eritrea.
‘Italian policy in the western lowlands of Eritrea faced problems very different from those of the plateau. On occupying the western provinces the Italians were confronted in the Keren and Agordat region with a unique type of social structure whose generation of fighting has resulted in the emergence of two district social groups, in the Asgada and the Tigre, who have been described respectively as an aristocratic and a serf class. The power of the former are said to have been once so great that they could declare one of their vassals a slave for the smallest offence, the later being then obliged to serve his master until he could purchase his freedom. Such manumission (ጋዕሲ) cost 20 Maria Theresa dollars in the case of a man or 30 dollars in that of woman.
The Italian authorities were on the whole outraged by his system, which was denounced in 1921 by Cont Rossini who likened it to <<a human octopus of a few thousand parasites exploiting great number of vassals>>’ (1).
Also Eritrean highland tells old piece of history that was closed 150 years ago.
<< The land of Gundet were ‘gulti ጕልቲ ’ of the Enda Accolom of Meraguz family, and the Surrucso were gaining user ship rights, paying the relative royal tax subjecting them to heavy taxe by the ‘guleteyna ጕልተይና’ for the yearly delivery of rudders and yokes for one plow or another. At length, the Gundets began to show their dissatisfaction for the continuous abuse of power from part of Enda Accolom. One day …
… the Gundets fought with the gulteyna of Maragzu, achieved victory, and obtained their complete independence>> (2) .
We have seen two contradictions of the past that were between Asgada and the Tigre and between Gundets and Enda Accolom of Meraguz family. Plus we have mentioned today’s prevailing Iseyas Efewerqi lead dictatorship. What do we call these kinds of contradictions? We call them antagonistic or hostile contradictions. These contradictions can be solved only if we get organized, fight, achieve victory and declare independence like the Gundets.
All the other contradictions that we find between individuals, neighbors, groups, nationality and nationalities, religions, town and countryside, state and church, political parties, etc. are non antagonistic contradictions. These can be solved peacefully. Education is their best effective medicine.
In my understanding the idea (of our Muslim brothers) that wants to divide Eritrea has highlighted the contradictions that we find among the exploited people. In other words they tried to teach us that the non antagonistic contradictions weigh more than antagonistic contradictions. This is not right and bears no fruit. Our goal must be how to eliminate exploitation and to minimize ignorance born contradictions. Of ignorance to be or not to be free depends on the education that Eritrea offers. But exploitation produced contradictions, between exploiters and exploited, must be eliminated not tomorrow but now because we are fed up of being exploited. Nobody dares to say this unless he/she is not from Gundets or Tigre social class.
Here is example of wisdom. A mirror that shows past history of a nation called today modern Ethiopia. This nation is where it is thanks to right brain problem solving. The heavyweight Ethiopian nationalities Ormo and Amhara have determined to bury the unburyable past to make untied, modern and great Ethiopia. I believe that in genera all, and in particular Tigre and Tigriyna Eritrean nationalities must learn from this.
In Ethiopia, slavery was legal and widespread; slave raiding was endemic in some areas, and slave trading was a fact of life.[10] The largest slavery-driven polity in the Horn of Africa before the nineteenth century was the Ethiopian Empire. Though its intercontinental slave trade was substantial, the Ethiopian Highlands were the largest consumer of slaves in the region.[11]
In 1880, Menelik II, the Amhara ruler of the Ethiopian province of Shoa, began to overrun Oromia. This was largely in retaliation for the Zemene Mesafint (“Era of the Princes”), a period during which a succession of Oromo feudal rulers dominated the highlanders. Chief among these was the Yejju dynasty, which included Aligaz of Yejju and his brother Ali I of Yejju. Ali I founded the town of Debre Tabor, which became the dynasty’s capital.[12]
In 1889, Menelik II became emperor of Ethiopia. He thereafter set out to conquer Oromia, completely annexing the territory by 1900. The Oromo inhabitants were subsequently severely repressed by Menelik’s troops, with the majority reduced to tenancy and paying heavy tributes for the use of land. Thousands were killed, and large numbers were also sold into slavery.[13] Menelik II and Queen Taitu personally owned 70,000 slaves (3) .
(1). Pankhurst, Richard, Economic History of Ethiopia 1800-1935, Addis Abeba, 1968, p.175.
(2). Eoyb Ghebreziabhier, Tigriyna Popular poetry As Medium of Communication, Switzerland, 2010, p. 4.
(3). Slavery in Ethiopia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plus: Marinelli, Olinto, Uno sguardo geografico all’Eritrea, in, Martini, Ferdinando, Eritrea Economica, Novara-Roma, 1913, pp.20-60. Eyob Ghebreziabhier Swiss 10. 04. 2014
Wereket Taesa April 11, 2014
ELF started struggle for freedom
EPLF allied with foreign forces (Woyane Tigray) and eliminated ELF
pfdj eliminated EPLF
EPDP mesfun Hagos wants to eliminate BAYTO
eysc deos not like EYSNS
in short there seems no hope
If Lowlanders want to standup for their rights what is your problem
I challenge the highlanders to organize and standup for their interests like the lowlanders
Organising does not translate to breaking the nation in any way, How on earth can you relate rallying lowlanders to break up?
Lowlanders have been persecuted by Haile selasie, Mengistu and Isaias. let us be honest PFDJ is supported by highlanders. highlanders attracted by pfdj land policy happily took over the land of lowlanders who were persecuted by haile selasie and ended up refugees in Easter Sudan for decades. I have never heard of a highlander who simpathizes with the predicament of the 1967 refugees who were deliberately blocked by PFDJ (this does bring harmony does it. If highlanders were persecuted like the lowlanders we would have seen highlanders organize and fight. Instead they are at each other’s throught on awraja politics.
The only hope for Eritrea is (again) from lowlanders. Wo dahankum.
Tezareb April 11, 2014
Wereket Taesa writes deceitfully: “ELF started struggle for freedom” What freedom? Is the slavery at home and in the savage Arab world your stinking “freedom” ?
Here the greatest article ever written on Ghedli: Romanticizing Ghedli by the one and only YG responses:
Exculpating Jebha
Source Romanticizing Ghedli (I): the Excuses
For many in the opposition of the Jebha mold, the crisis in Shaebia is all they needed to make a full time job out of rehabilitating Jebha and some of its dubious heroes. But this sounds more hypocritical than the Highdefites’ task of defending Shaebia because, while the Jebha defenders do want us to remember all the atrocities committed by Shaebia, they do not want us to remember even a single event that seems to mar the image of Jebha. All this despite the fact that this organization, throughout its history, has inhabited the worst of two worlds: although it emulated Shaebia in almost all its failings, it lacked the focus the latter displayed in fighting the enemy.
But if there is anything that defines Jebha aptly, it is its sectarianism. This is an organization that was born out of sectarian motives, with ethnic and religious overtones; lived throughout its existence in sectarian squabbles (religious, regional, ethnic, linguistic and ideological); and understandably died as a result of its sectarian malaise. Its only half-hearted effort to reform itself in the 70’s soon floundered because it was never able to distance itself from its sectarian past, all along having been unwilling to let go the sectarian leaders of its past. No wonder that in its ashes, the Jebha factions that have survived it have now neatly aligned themselves along the very fault lines that doomed it to self-destruction. Only now, having come out of their respective closet, they openly wear their religious and ethnic hats all the way to their EDA meetings.
The contradictions that Jebha supporters display could be seen everywhere: They have been diligently digging up all the skeletons they can find in Shaebia’s past (as it should be). But if you point to similar cases in Jebha – Falul, Suriyet Addis, Menfere, Rasai, and all other pre- and post-Adboha massacres. – they throw tantrums. They love to criticize Isaias for every blunder that he makes and for every crime that he commits (again, as it should be). But not only do they not want to hear any negative attribution about their leaders, however inept, undemocratic, sectarian or murderous they were, they also are in the active business of giving them a post-mortem “make over.” They never tire of reminding us of the marginalization of Kunamas under Shaebia (again, as it should be). But if you tell them that in this marginalization, which has a long history behind it, Jebha played a major role, with many of their villages burned down to the ground, many Kunamas killed and their cattle pillaged, they go nuts in anger. Day and night, they never tire of pointing out the inhumane treatment of prisoners under the hands of Shaebia/PFDJ (again, as it should be). But it is in one of the most shameful history of ghedli in Eritrea that Jebha summarily executed its Ethiopian prisoners at a time of its retreat in the late seventies. In this regard, even Shaebia didn’t match this atrocity. I could go on and on: the horrors of giffa (which actually started with Jebha), sexual abuse of women (especially by corrupt cadres and military leaders), endemic corruption of the leadership, etc – all areas that Jebha had excelled well before Shaebia came to be fully identified with them.
Gideon April 12, 2014
You are as brilliant as the one and only one our super intellectual Mr YG. The question is was independence meant to be sustained by commercializing human organs in the Arab commodity exchange? Or do all Eritreans have to be sacrificial lamb to the political and economical failure of DIA? It is sad where human trafficking victims are cursing the day they were born. It is undoubtedly true that we have seen nothing but misery and suffering since the so called “independence”. Enough of this “ELF started struggle for freedom” deceitful shit.
Nahom April 12, 2014
YG, you and your likes are frustrated to see Eritrea separated from MAMA Ethiopia. Due to what YG wrote about sectarianism of ELF is nothing except hate towards Eritrean Muslims for starting the independence war.
rezen April 12, 2014
Indeed, ‘Tezareb’! Say it hundred times! You brought that immortal ARTICLE by the ONE and only ONE YG >>>”Romanticizing Ghedli”! Ahhhhh…. you made my DAY. “Eritrea” was not the same since then — and that is why a certain segment went berserk into the high pitch of polemic, from left to right, from high to the base, alas having no clue as to what to do with “their” fractured “Eritrea” that they meticulously build for a long time. The tremor of “Romanticizing Ghedli’ was too much to maintain their artificial coolness, rationality, logical analysis and high standard stature — all coming down crumbling. And so we will hear rattling insults, name callings, profanities, and branding all others as cowards, without guts – without glory – without vision – without spirit of determination ad nausea………..
Gideon April 12, 2014
Indeed,”rezinkaan kebirkan niber nizelalem.” You made my day too brother, very well said and continue your great inputs and contributions. The normal rattling insults and name callings are nothing but out of desperation for the coward losers.
Tezareb April 11, 2014
ሓንታ ሓውና፤
ከበሳ ደኣ ቀደም እዮም ኣባሓጎታቶም እነታቶም ኣቦታቶም፣ ጀጋኑ ደፋራት ሰብ ሓሞት ዝነበሩ። ሕጂ እሞ ንደቆምን ደቂ ደቆምን፣ ርኹሳት ደቂ ተካሊት ብስም ሰውራ መሪሖም፣ ኣብ ዳስ ሓውያ ይሓቁ ኣለው። እቶም ዝተረፉ ድማ ከም ደቂ ዛግራ ፋሕፋሕ ይብሉ ኣለው። ንእግሪ መገዶም ድማ ዘይጠቅም መሃይም ኣረሜን ዓረብ፣ ጓሳ ገመል ናይ ሱዳን ግብጺ ሊብያ ከምዘደለዩ ይጻወትሎም። ገንዘቦም ራስዮም ኩሊቶም ሰሪቖም ከም ጎሓፍ ኣብ ጎድፍ ይድርብዮም።
ህዝቢ ከበሳ በዘይ መለሳ ይጸንት ኣሎ። ኤርትራ ድማ፣ ሓደ እግራ ኣብ ጉድጓድ ኣትዩ፣ ት ስሓግ ኣላ። ተዋሪዶም ዘዋርዱ፤ ሓሲሮም ሰብ ዘሕሰሩ፣ ኣሕዋትና ክነሶም፣ ስግር ባሕሪ ባሮት ናይ ባዕዲ ተለዊጦም፣ ይገዝኡና ኣለዉ።
m April 12, 2014
i think you are wested time to say kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklelelelelelelelellele
Tezareb April 11, 2014
Thank you bitew ahferom for posting the modern day Qolama Hizboch. This is what the likes Mahmud Lobinet and his Arabist apes used to beg Mengistu Hailemariam for.
Worthless people with worthless purposes hidden in the civilized West and still they want to be more Arab than the Arab, even though they run away from the savage Arab world.
bitew ahferom on April 5, 2014 said:
ሽም ውድብ: ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት መታሕት
ቋንቋ: ቋንቋ ዓረብ
ውድብ ዝኽተሎ መምርሒ ናይ ኣርባዓታት ሃይማኖታዊ መራሒ ,ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ ሸኽ ኢብራሂም ሱልጣን
መሪሕነት 1. Ustaz Mahamud Mohammed Ibrahim UK
2. Hamid Omer Izaz- UK
3. Miss Amna Idris UK
4. Mahmoud Aderob USA
5. Ismail Suliaman USA
6. Mohammed Ishaq Swed.
7. Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim Ger.
8. Taha Yaccob Ger.
9. Hamid Haj Ali Australia
ኣሕዋት ኤርትራውያን
Denden April 11, 2014
The Muslims from Barka Openly declared Barka with out Tigrinya speakers in other words they want to drive christians out of bark Ethnic cleansing. There was no Tigrinya wring or information on their slogan of Metahit(lowland)organisation. The two languages they used were both foreign to Eritreans and are arabic and English. They hate us too much those Jihadis of Barka(lowlands).No one from the opposition condemned them.
THE ERITREAN NOAH April 11, 2014
ክቡር ጸሓፊ ናይዛ መግለጺት፣Eyob Ghebreziabhier Swiss
ክቡር ሓው ምኽሪ ይኹን ርእይቶይ ካብ ዝስሕብ ክልተ ሰሙነይ ኮይኑ።ንኣኻ ግን ኣብ ስምዒት ዘይኮነ ኣብ ታሪኽ ተመርኲስካ,ጽላለ ዘይብሉ ኣረኣእያን ስለ ዘለካ ሓንቲ ሕቶ ክሓተካ።
ቃልሲ ኤርትራ ብኽልተ ፓርትታት ቆይሙ።
1ይቲ)ናይ ኣቦና ወልደ ኣብ ወልደማርያም ፣ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብጠቕላላ ማለት ትግራዋይ ናይ ትግራይን ናይ ባሕረ ነጋሽን (ከበሳ ኤርትራን)ብተንኮል ግዝ ኣት ኣምሓራ ስለ ዝተፋላለየ ኤርትራ መስሪትካ ዓቢ ሕብረት ተጋሩ (ከም ናይ ቀደሙ)ምጕንጻፍ
2ይቲ)ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ / ሕብረት ኣስላም ፣ብጀበርቲ ዝበዝሑዋ፣ኣብ ትግራይ ብሃጼ ዮውሃንስ ወይ ሃይማኖትኩም ቀይሩ ወይ ዕደ ብልዑ ዝብል ኣማራጺ ተዋሂብዎም ንከበሳ ኤርትራ ዝሃደሙ ፣…..ምኽንያቱ ድማ,ኣቦና ሃጼ ዮውሃንስ ካብ ስዑዲ ተሰጕግኩም ኢትዮጵያ ኣጸጊዓትኩምሲ፣ከመይ ኢትዮጵያ ብደርቡሽ ኣስላም ናይ ሱዳን ክትውረር ከላ ንሱዳን ትድግፉ ኢሉ እዩ ኣሳጕጕዎም። ጌሮሞ ድዮም ኣይገበርዎን ናይ ባዕለይ ግምት ኣለኒ ።
እቲ ሕቶይ ግን ብቐደሙ እውን ሕቶ ናይ ኤርትራ
-ሕቶ ተጋሩ ኤርትራን ትግራይን
-ሕቶ ናይ ሃይማኖት ኣስላም ከም ዝነበረ ኢዩ ዘርኢ …..ስለዚ ኣስላም ሓቢሮም (ከም ቀደሞም) ሕቶ ሃይማኖቶም እንተ ሓተቱ እንታይ እዩ ፈላላዪ ዝገብሮ ሕጂ፣ካብቲ ኣብ ኣርብዓታት ዝነበረ እስላማዊ ሕቶ እንታይ ይፈልዮ፧
ወይሲ ናይ ከበሳ ክርስትያን ኣጀንዳ ተኸየሉ ኢና ንብሎም ዘለና ፧
ንሓደ ኣስላማይ ቅድሚ ኩሉ ሃይማኖቱን ደቂ ሃይማኖቱን እዩ።ንምንታይ ናይ ሃገር ቀዳማዊ ሕቶ ንብሎም፣እዚ ናይ ክርስትያን ኤርትራውያን ሕቶ ዩ።
ሓደራ መልሰለይ
ሓወቦኻ ኤርትራዊ ኖህ
m April 12, 2014
you are right well done
Gideon April 13, 2014
Great observation on your part. Making valid points as usual. Please continue your excellent inputs and contributions.
tarikh April 11, 2014
I admire Eyob’S wit and his sense and approach of history eventhough I somehow disagree with the methodology he adamantly adheres. Eyob’s understanding of linguistics and his efforts to make tigrinya a literary language and easier to learn is very commendable. Keep up the good work my brother Eyob.
Kalighe April 11, 2014
The only beneficiaries of this unfortunate situation are a few rootless elements among us who miss ‘Mama Ethiopia’ and keep fomenting trouble by insulting Lowlanders as Arab slaves while many indigenous Highlanders who were supposed to condemn it seem indifferent. Iseys and many ordinary people in his group like ‘Tezareb’ aka Bokre, have nothing to lose. Pposing as Eritreans, they are busy dismantling Eritrea. Iseyas declared war on Lowlanders, to drive them away from their lands, and almost emptied Barka from it’s people by mid-nineties. They are living in refugee camps in Sudan. This was the time when people in the Highlands were giving Iseyas standing ovation where ever he showed up.
It’s true that partition is not a solution, but it won’t be easy to solve these problems as long as the owners of the country are not caring for each other or wait till those who are against the very idea of Eritrea manage it’s affairs in a way that serves the strategic interests of its traditional enemy.
Gideon April 12, 2014
You keep repeating ‘Mama Ethiopia’, ‘Mama Ethiopia’ so much people are getting sick and tired with your cheap and expired tactics. However, If you miss your ‘Mama Egypt’ or ‘Mama Afghanistan’ so much why don’t you go back to your roots then you loser mujahidin! You first need to clean your dirty heart and mind for people to take you seriously. Otherwise, stop acting as a super nationalist when you are a rootless coward yourself.
Anthony April 12, 2014
Nisikhan meseltkhan Eritrawtan temesilkum seb tedenagru alekhum
Wedi Hagher April 12, 2014
“You keep repeating ‘Mama Ethiopia’, ‘Mama Ethiopia’ so much people are getting sick and tired with your cheap and expired tactics. ”
Truth hurts. You are upset because your divisive tactics are exposed.
You are dividing Highlanders by posing as Hamasenites and insulting indigenous people ‘Agame’, while the truth is that You and your ‘Issu the brute’ are the only rootless in the country. Now, you are quick to support those misguided elements from the Lowlands (the very people you hate to death), not because you think their cause is just, but because now they into your divisive strategy to dismantle Eritrea.
We know you too well, you are simply wasting your time.
All those who are trying to divide us will never succeed.
ahmed saleh April 12, 2014
Just curious , why are some commentators who seem
Eritreans get offended when the name Ethiopia mentioned
but entertain to talk about Eritrean affairs . Hard to figure
out the whole scenario .
Gideon April 12, 2014
Wedi Hager and Kalighe is the same one Wedi Halima. ahmedin salehidin the same old aregit skunis nay enda suwa. Just go back to your roots in shire/tigray or to your normal nomad life. If one has no pride in his own, then he is worthless in somebody’s costume or makeups like the above coward and Afghan mujahadin loser.
Kalighe April 12, 2014
ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብ ንወድኹም ጓልኩም፣ ብደውኩም ከልኹም ኣንዳተጻውትሎም። ባሮት ዓረብ ኴንኩም ንዕዳጋ ወሪድኩም ንንብስኹም ሓሲርኩም፣ ኣፍሪቃ ምሉእ ኣሕሲርኩም ከለኹምሲ፣ ቁም ነገር ተሪኽብለይ፣ ሓደ ዘመን ዘሕለፈ ሃተውተው ከም ታሪኽ ተቓሚሙ ይሕንጠጥ ኣሎ።
YG, Ghirmay Yebio … Bokre, Tezareb, Paradiso …etc.
All these rootless ‘Tewelijes’ or Agames posing as Eritreans are hoping for Eritreans to go at each others throat so that their Mama can have a see outlet. Their dreams will never be realized.
A united and strong Eritrea will disappoint them.
eyob Ghebreziabhier April 12, 2014
Hello dear commentators
I am really pleased that yor have read the article.
As you know the key words are: Be more Eritrean unity building generation
In the near future I hope that you give me seeds of idea that grow in quella or weinedega or in dega.
All the best
andinet hizbay April 12, 2014
we died for the cause of arabs .we were better off with Ethiopia