Eritrea: A Thin Voice from Sanction Cage
Eritrea: A Thin Voice from Sanction Cage አርትራ: ሐንቲሐልቃምድሀይካብእታጋብብያናይሳንዝዮነ (=ውስሳኔ) On occasion of his national festival, that took place on 24.05.2014, the Eritrean dictator Iseyas Efewerqi opened his mouth from his Asmara sanction cage to say that

Eritrea: A Thin Voice from Sanction Cage
አርትራ: ሐንቲሐልቃምድሀይካብእታጋብብያናይሳንዝዮነ (=ውስሳኔ)
On occasion of his national festival, that took place on 24.05.2014, the Eritrean dictator Iseyas Efewerqi opened his mouth from his Asmara sanction cage to say that he is still active. But as usual also this time he has failed to improve his nonsense speech. Ì wonder what is on his mind. How a man pollutes Eritrean political climate and literature for more than thirty years mercilessly. This proves that the closure of Asmara University brought more harm to him than to the Eritrean people.
The following broken Tigriyna paragraph is part of his long speech that is in his press. From this quoted passage many kinds of interpretations can be extracted, but not literal interpretation (an interpretation based on the exact wording) because the speech is not composed according to the rule of a grammar. From this we can safely say that not only his administration that doesn’t know the rule of law but also his speeches and writings don’t know the rule of grammar. Of these weaknesses of impact Eritrea will weigh for years. Now let us scrutinize Iseyas by reading passage quoted from his speech.
“ኣብመቓንናይሃገራዊህንጸትዕማማትና፡ፖለቲካዊህንጸትከምመብጽሒ (ወሲላ) ኣገዳሲእጃምስለዘለዎ፡ምስናይ’ቲጉዕዞናንምስንኻልኪካየድዝጸንሐንዘሎንተጻባኢግዳማዊሓንካሪህቀናታት፣ብዙሕተማሂርናንተመኲርናንስለዘለና፣ንመጻኢመንግስታዊስርዓትመርሓፖለቲካዊጐደናዝቕይስቅዋምምንዳፍክጅምርምዃኑ፣በዚኣጋጣሚ’ዚከፍልጥእፈቱ”(ቍ. 267 ሓዳስአርትራ 25 ግንቦት 2014, ገጽ 3) ።
In this case the words መቓን, (ወሲላ),ግዳማዊ, መርሓ, ቅዋም … they appear that they have Tigriyna tongue roots but in reality all are part of his new and old strange and empty introduced words. By now they become Tigriyna tongue n. 2. It is true Tigriyna tongue n. 2 doesn’t have words, phrases and meaning like native Tigriyna n. 1. Notwithstanding this Tigriyna n. 2 is the language of the propaganda machine. Both they don’t have political terms, but native Tigriyna has a futurity thanks to its rich peasant terms.
Now as an example we will talk about the term ነደፈ. This peasant word has range of meanings but our focus will be on what matters the most.
ሀ) ነደፈv.t. = to engrave→egነደፈልዕሊማርሞ = to engrave on marble. Synonymous ቀፈጸ; ቀረጸ; ፈንክሐ; በርቅሐ
ለ) ነደፈv.t.= to prick, sting →egአነበርኩንዱፍብሞስቍቶ = I was stung by mosquito. Synonymous ወግአ
In Tigriyna there are many abused terms that made to lose their true senses in favor of the dictator. One of these is the word ነደፈwith its forms likeምንዳፍ፣ንድፊ፣ንዱፍ… The dictator deployed it since the day he started to teach us false. He is really very clever at misusing words in order to mislead our thoughts. So after years of false teachings it is now almost a taboo to shade light on the true meaning of the term because we became as stubborn as Eritrean mule. Owing to this for many of us ንድፊ= draft.
But the term draft in Tigriyna means ጽሕፈትወይድራፍት; → eg መጀምመርያጽሕፈትናይሐደሮማንዞ/ነቮልfirst draft of a novel.
Also when we think about the term ‘መርሓ‘, we must not confuse it with the word መራሒ(from መርሐ)= guide. → eg ንስሱነበረናተይመራሒ he was my guide.
What we are trying to show is that Iseyas words have no message to convey. Iseyas is always as good as his word. But this doesn’t mean we don’t try to read or interpret his intentions. This is always subject of our study.
So what is his intention when he says ‘ቅዋምምንዳፍክጅምርምዃኑ’?
The first right move that connects Eritrea to the rule of law is:
a) to free thousands Eritrean prisoners of conscience,
b) to stop practicing any form of slavery in Eritrea and
c) ending of Eritreans press, speech, information violation. These are the elements that have priority over draft of constitution.
But the dictator favored the opposite priority. Why? For a moment it seems very hard to catch the reason (s) that hit the nail on the head. But based on our past experiences we can make two strong hypotheses.
a) It seems the phrase ‘draft of constitution’ is placed first on his diplomatic agenda in order to rally nations that help him to break the renewal of cycle of sanctions. But this game made him out of ring more than twice. This is not because of USA or other countries as he narrates but his aggressive policy allowed him to get it. This is the fact on the ground. And this is what the international community wants to see changed. But the dictator drunk with power has no time to hear reality. Now helped with nation (s) that wants to see him out of sanction cage for their political games, he might try to be back in the ring for the last merciless final diplomatic kick.
b) His bad health can also be a factor. As we know General Wcchu ውጭጩ knew before his death that his life was in danger. This can be also true with Iseyas Efewerqi a man who has the Eritrean fate in his hand. What will be Eritrea after him has national and international concern. Based on this there might be a talk on the table. But what is not on his table is a true plan for the draft of constitution.
Eyob Ghebreziabhier
Swiss 28. 05. 2014
Smael June 2, 2014
BravoEyob! this bloddy dictator in Asmara has nothing to do with the true Constition or real democracy. However, he is trying to repeat the empty and old mischievious words.
Hellen Miller June 2, 2014
This is a weakness!
Mr Eyob, you look Tigrigna expert and if you think Esseyas used broken speech, why don’t you tell us the correct one? Your weakness is that instead of focusing to what he said and meant for Eri, you just wondering to a nonsense comment. Anyway I see here that you are nothing to Eritrea, zeyhagerawi!!!
Ambabi June 2, 2014
This dictator will end his life in unspeakable way
silent June 3, 2014
And now comes or pops-up Mr.Eyob, aka Dante Alighieri of the Tigrinia language to tell us poor illiterates that, PIA is not fluent in (his) Tigrinia ?!
Good Lord have mercy!!
betrihaki June 3, 2014
why dont you write in Tygrina. Your English is horrible, man!!!!
Hidat June 4, 2014
aus 17 June 5, 2014
Many people think Isayas is clever in tigrinya (language) wrongly. I think he is the most corrupted user of tigrinya wrongly because his word selection, phrase construction is based merely by traslating English to Tigrinya. Thus, he misuses it, corrupts it and in the long run the lanuage will be misshaped from its proper grammatic forms, that’s what we witness in all his speeches.
I urge the linquistics to check and analyse the language pattern/grammatic formation used by this man. And find out how he negatively affects that language.
josef June 5, 2014
Intay zmeselwo we’el feses zkone merahi iyu ta zi? Zengar tekal mehawru.