Commemorating a martyrs’ day
The 20th of June is a day of commemoration for all those who sacrificed their lives for the Eritrean struggle for independence, and for those who lost their lives in the 1998-2000 border conflict with Ethiopia.

The 20th of June is a day of commemoration for all those who sacrificed their lives for the Eritrean struggle for independence, and for those who lost their lives in the 1998-2000 border conflict with Ethiopia. It is also a commemoration day for all those political prisonerswho lost their life in prison or were executed by the Ethiopian regime during the liberation struggle.
The same day is also an honour and a day of commemoration for all civilians, who were killed in Asmara during the demonstrations in 1958 and for all civilians who became the victims of the The Ethiopian government atrocities between 1962-1991
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also June 21, 2014
cry for the walking. as they are buried alive
walta June 22, 2014
the blood of our matryrs marks the lines of our identity as Eritreans
ERITRAWIT June 22, 2014
Mesinas Brother, your poem is very powerful very nice to hear it in the radio too. keep it up!!!!!!