Colonel Gaddafi Dead: First Photo Of Bloodied Gaddafi Emerges (Picture)
Soaked in blood and looking empty eyed into the camera lens - is this the image of Colonel Gaddafi the world will remember? It is the first photo to emerge which claims to show the fallen
Soaked in blood and looking empty eyed into the camera lens – is this the image of Colonel Gaddafi the world will remember?
It is the first photo to emerge which claims to show the fallen dictator moments after he was apparently shot in the legs and lower abdomen.
Gaddafi’s hair looks lank and greasy and his clothes dripping with dark blood in the mobile phone image which has been distributed by Getty and AFP.
He appears to be flanked by numerous people who are also covered in red blood and seem to be dragging him along.
If it is Gaddafi, then data on the screen suggests he was still alive today at 12.23pm Libyan time – 10.23am UK time.
At this stage the source remains unconfirmed.
A senior National Transitional Council official, Abdel Majid, told Reuters by telephone that Gaddafi has died of wounds suffered during his capture in Sirte.
Reuters reported that he was wounded in both legs as he “tried to flee in a convoy which Nato warplanes attacked.”
An NTC spokesman told Sky News that Gaddafi “is dead and his body is being taken to Misratah”. He said that Gaddafi was “shot in the legs and in the head”.
Dawit Tsehaye October 20, 2011
hilmi hilmi bhilmi inateskekhum kitmotu ikhum
Eritrean people is not like libian people
Haqqi Nezareb October 20, 2011
You are really depressed today. The death of another dictator in Libya is sending a message to all members of the Zombie Land: the last days for Issais are in sight.
I understand you frustration. But do something: detach yourself from the tyrant and his system. The system has bunch of rats, not lions.
Balancing_Act October 20, 2011
You are one of the beneficaries of the dictator, before it is time save your self the liberators soon will be at your doorand then you will have your day of reckonning.
Yea, it will happen the will of the people and the unjust treatments of citzens will catch a fire, when it does there is no hiding from the wrath of the oppressed, we are witnessing it in Libya and other countries.
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Wise up…remember when the libyan opposition movement people like you libyans in green square and even woman equivalent to our Komaros and men equivalent to our zemach brandishing their guns…in the end they abandon the dicataor and run …that is why he was found in the seweages of tripoli…thus he had to escape…next is Bahir…your DIA we do not need to get there and I agree with you…we do not need Weyane or even the west….we just need a tilt to truth 300,000 strong army is well trained….to deliver justice and I hope pecefully.
I wonder if Issayas will be allowed to go for Gadaffi’s kebri!! burial ceremony, it is an Eritrean culutre not to abandon your friend…thus we will see what he will comment….he will not because his tail is shoved in his cracks likea scared dog.
You keep drewaming! like those fooled libayns in green square telling him we will die for you gadaffi.
turana October 20, 2011
Believe it! one day it will be over before you know it.
Nobody was expecting the dictators’ downfall including the tyrant himself,
but it happen! Lords of poverty, misery and mayhem your days are counted
take a lesson from Kezzafy and leave before it is late
joseph asefaw October 20, 2011
colonel Gadafi made a big mistake by kneeling down to the west. Day dream is so easy, you can dream as much as you can
but don”t ever think that weyanes dream to come true in our LOVELY Eritrea
God bless Eritrea
Huluf, October 20, 2011
the mistake he is made one and one only…he brought a revolution to Libya credit to him, then he made it a one man rule extended to his kids to some extend….that is what happens ! One man rule call it dictatorship. You die alone, ususually people like those that gathered in New York , Zemachs and Komaro dissipate when truth appears….they have no stomach that is what happended to those brandishing weapon in Green Square …they hit the road , some of them will shift and clap …..we have people that were kebele dergeue supporters that began to prostitue with higdef…they shoved up real fighters….that is the plight on manupulative one man rule….
Semhar October 20, 2011
Gaddafi is dead Isayas is next!
– His boss (Mubarak of Egypt) is thrown out of power.
– The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
– The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself — that it needs to be overthrow.
This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.
Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
Let freedom ring in Barka!
Let freedom ring in Denkel!
Let freedom ring in Hamasien!
Let freedom ring in Sahil!
Let freedom ring in Semhar!
Let freedom ring in Senhit!
Let freedom ring in Seraye!
Let freedom ring in ERITREA!
Let freedom ring allover Eritrea!
Let’s LIVE FREE OR DIE with dignity.
Our martyrs did not die to crown the tyrant.
We must reclaim our constitution, our Highi Indaba our land (our provinces), our people, our flag and our culture.
DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and the PFDJ his terrorist organization where ever they are.
Eritrea will be free soon!
haki yihayish October 20, 2011
issias is king of kings long live eri,long live issias
Neguse October 20, 2011
Dawit Tseghaye i hope you wake up from you dream face reality you god isyas is next
Barentu October 20, 2011
The Arab leaders who keep on boasting and terrorizing their people are dying a horrible death like rats. Coward rats like Sadam, Abdela Salah, Mubarek and now Issaias’ friend Ghadafi.
ኣንታ እንታይ ውርደት እዩ፤ እዞም መራሕቲ ዓረብሲ ጉሮኦምን ፈኸረኦምን ዘይንጽንቀቕ።
ንዓመታት ብምርዓድን ምእሳርን ብምሕቃቕን፥ ብዘይተኣደነ ስልጣንን ሃብትን ይነብሩ እሞ፤
ወይ ኣብ ጉድጓድ ኣናጹ ከም ሳዳም ሑሰን፥ ወይ ከኣ ከምዚ ናይ ገዳፊ ክፍርጥጡ ወይ ኣብ መትረብ ቱቦ ፋኛቱራ ተሓቢኦም ይርከቡ። እቲ ዘሕዝን እዞም ኩሎም መራሕቲ ኣዕራብ፥ ክተሓዙ ከለዉ ፈጥፈጥ እንዳበሉ ምሕረት ክልምኑ ምርኣይ እዩ።
እዚ ዘርኢ ውለቀ መለኽትን፤ ደቂ መዛሙርቶም በዓል ኢሳያስ ስጋብ ክንደይ ፈራሃት ምኻኖም እዩ። ኣብ ቪድዮ ከም ዘርእዮ፤ ገዳፊ ከምስል ከም ኣንጭዋ እንዳዋጨጨ አዪ ዝሞተ።
እቲ ሕቶ ድሕሪ 42 ዓመታት፥ ሊብያ ከም ኢራቅ ናብ ህኮት ዶ ተምርሕ ወይሲ ከም ግብጺ እብያኣ ይጭወይ? እዚ ግዜ ዝምልሶ እዩ።
Barentu October 20, 2011
ኢሳያስ ብሓዘን ገዳፊ ተንኮቦት ኣንጺፉ ይድቅስ ኣሎ ተባሂሉ ሓቂ ድዩ፧
ቲቪ አረ ውን ባንደራ ኤርትራ ንዝኽሪ ገዳፊ ንሰለስተ መዓልቲ ለጠቕ ኢላ ክት ስቀል እያ ተባሂሉ፤ ሓቂ ድዩ፧
addiss October 20, 2011
shaebia Nizelaalem!!!
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Shaebia is in jail…yes they will be eternal….But Hidgdef is about to go down like Ghadaffi,
Long Live Hizbawi Genbar/Shaebia- G15 and the rest….Hiddef is dictatorship.
I appreciate your wisdom.
Hagos October 20, 2011
what a moment for the Libyan People! What a moment for the Brave people who are fighting dictators!! Brave Eritreans be asured your moment is not far!!!