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Cincinnati, Ohio Candle Vigil for the Victims of The Mediterranean Sea, Lampedusa and Sicily, Italy

Review overview
  • dekibat October 11, 2013

    Our penitence has expired long time. Amnesty to Supports of HEGDEF and Eritrean Government has expired. Now it is time to revenge and destroy them as they are celebrating the savage killing of our children. How can they dance and party on the body of a baby born minutes before he drowned with his mother.the baby said “Hello world and the next minute he said bye bye savage world” Please assenna and asmarino publish pictures of bodies and their coffins again and again and lets give them the shame they deserve. I hardly ate or drink or slept since the tragedy. How dare they dance and sing. Lastly we should defend them to be buried in Italy. They run away from dictator alive we should not give their bodies to the dictator. The dead has spoken already they do not want to go back to Eritrea.

  • Footscray October 11, 2013


    More Killings and detentions are going on in Different Eritrean Refugee Camps in Ethiopia. Assena, please help those helpless Eritreans. Radio Erena and VOA are broadcasting to inform the world

  • Michael October 11, 2013

    Is he a priest or texarari.

    His Polible (Political Bible)is new Edition.

    • Almaz Gaul Asmera October 11, 2013

      ምኪኤለ (ዘይግብኣካ ናይ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ሽም ኢኻ ሒዝካ)። ሓቂ ዚዛረብ ኩሉ ባእስኹም እዩ ምሽ? ካብ ሕጂ ንድሓር ድኣ ግን ምድፍፋርውን ኣሎ ብዘረባ ጥራይ ዝሓልፈልኩም ከይመስለካ። ኣያኻ ከም ዓርኩ ቓዛፊ ኣብ ትሕቲ ቢንቶ ተደርብዩ ክትርእዮ ኢኻ። ንዘልኣለም ተረጊጹ ዝነብር ሕዝቢ እኮ የሎን። ጀጋኑና ኣብ ዒራዒሮ ሓደ ብሓደ ቀቲልኩም፣ ቅድሚ ናጽነት ዝለመድክምዎ ግፍዒ፣ ብሕቕኦም ዝተወግኡ ክንደይ ጀጋኑ ኣዲኦም ቱቕጸሮም። ኣማስይኡ ኸኣ ንኤርትራ ውላድ መኻን ኪትገብሩ ዝወጠንክምዎ ተኸሺሑ እዩ። ካህናት ከኣ ሓደ ካብ ተልእኾኦም ድኻ ተበደለ፣ ፍትሒ ጠፍአ፣ ሕዝቢ በረሰ ኪብሉ እዩ ዝግብኦም። ነቲ ሰይጣን ኣረሜነ ካልእ ሽም ክንረኽበሉ ኣይንኽእልን ኢና። ጨሪሱ ኪጠፍእ ዘሎዎ ጋኒን እዩ። ንፓትርያርክ እንጦንዮስ ኣብ ማሕዩር ከእቱ ዘይሓመኸ ሽፍታ ኪትሕለቕ ውጥም ቅልቅል ምባልካ ተሐዝን ፍጥረት ኢኻ። ኣቦይ ቀሺ ከማኹም ይብዝሑ፣ ብትብዓት ምርሑ ሕዝቢ ኸኣ ኪስዕበኩም እዩ።