A year ago, we released news of the G-15 mock trials. The idea was to film the trials which we have done. If you need short introduction, we offer you the news-report at this link: http://cpj.org/blog/2009/07/
A year ago, we released news of the G-15 mock trials. The idea was to film the trials which we have done. If you need short introduction, we offer you the news-report at this link: http://cpj.org/blog/2009/07/
The people of
Eritrea, a nation in the Horn of Africa, has won the struggle for independence on May 24 1991. During the armed struggle for independence, there were numerous evidences that the leadership from ELF and EPLF were persecuting their comrades who attempted to introduce leadership accountability and promote sustainable unity and freedom among the Eritrean people.
The UK Ambassador, Tesfamikael Gherahitu, an avowed puppet of the polpotian President Isaias of Eritrea, in a rare interview with the BBC Outlook, on 31.5.2010, denied that Eritrean parents are made to pay Nkfa 50,000 ($3,300)
By Goitom Emam
As any other nation with diverse nationalities and beliefs, the Eritrean people have commonalities and differences in many aspects of their livelihood, beliefs and experiences.
SALIH EBRAHIM ANJABAThe Eritrean democratic Alliance is passing through a rough road and the dream of creating a healthy environment to build a solid democracy is fading gradually.
By Petros Tesfagiorgis
Political parties, civil society, human rights organisations and professional associations need to explain their objectives to the public to justify their activities and lobby for support.
23 April –
The Association of Eritrean Journalists in Exile (AEJE), expresses its utmost grief and anguish, after learning from a credible source the death of five of its prominent journalists, who were detained in September 2001 media crackdown.
With WaEla N’HaGrawi WaEla
For the very reason that we do not have another alternative, we are bound to instruct the leadership of “kidan” to bring its act together and begin to listen to the critics of citizens. One aspect of leadership is about listening the heart beat of fellow citizens and be guided by it. This piece deals with the issue of ‘HaGeraWi WaEla for Democratic change’, which its English version is ‘National Congress for Democratic Change’.
The story began in a dusty, hot village in Eritrea , and ended in an icy wood in Halifax just a few weeks ago.That day, Habtom Kibraeb was told that his refugee claim had been denied by Immigration Canada Deportation was almost certain. Now – on Habtom’s path – from shepherd boy to young solider, from runaway to laundry worker – there was an obstacle he couldn’t face, a fate from which he saw no escape.
It’s one of those photos. The type you can’t get out of your head. There’s just something about it that draws you in. You keep coming back to look again.
“The Administrator of Afabet sub-zone, Mr. Abdu Mohamed pointed out that the destruction of Nadow Ez paved the way for bolder military endeavors and heralded the onset of the final battle.
19 March 2010 – The Security Council today agreed to extend the United Nations panel of experts monitoring compliance with sanctions related to the conflict in Somalia for another year and to expand its mandate to try to maintain the arms embargo imposed in the region.
The EPLF during the liberation era used to apply clandestine means to liquidate political opponents in the Sudan. Thanks to Sudanese corrupt officials, no EPLF liquidator was ever detained or held accountable. However the EPLF Mafia did not stop their clandestine operations in the political arena.
With “MeniEsey Eritrea”
In my previous piece, I indicated the impact of campaigns against Eritrean intelligentsias, which is one of the segments of our society. The campaigns were by EPLF/PFDJ during the struggle for independence and have been continuing in post independent Eritrea.
Release of a new list of “Enemies of the Internet”. Russia and Turkey added to the “Under Surveillance” listOn March 12, Reporters Without Borders celebrates World Day Against Cyber Censorship. This event is intended to rally everyone in support of a free Internet, accessible to all. The fight for free access to information is being played out to an ever greater extent on the Internet.
Rresponse letter from The Honorable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada, concerning the plight of the Eritrean refugees in Libya to the letter sent by the President of ECCC.
Country Target Remaining uk 50 sweden 50 Germany 50 Norway 30 Italy 30 Netherlands 30 Canada 30 Switzerland 30 Australia 30 France 10 Belgium 10 US- East Coast 75 US- West Coast 75
Sir, the reason I am writing to you today is that I am concerned over the situation of refugees from the African countries, particularly Eritrean refugees in
The youth, the women, the intelligentsias, and the general public are segments of our society upon which the success or failure of the struggle for Democracy & justice is based. All have to be in the same wave for a maximum impact and speedy progress in the struggle. The first three are the main determinants of the direction of the struggle with a varied degree of responsibility.
Listen to Poem{loadposition poem}
As all we know, the ruling Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) regime in Eritrean has been violating very basic rights in Eritrea. The victims of this brutal regime have scattered all over the world including your country, and you have been granting asylum in Switzerland. Read More As a matter of fact, no one would leave behind his loved family members and his hamlet without concrete reason. Decades ago, all Eritrean nations and nationalities took an initiative and paid their invaluable life to liberate their country once for all their country from their colonizers.
There is a part and a whole. The whole consists of parts; each part is a whole in its own right with its own parts in it. Similarly, there is a cause and effect. The effect becomes a cause with its own chain reactions, which can be termed as effects. The UNSC-1907 Resolution is an effect.
Dear Eritrean National Forces,
I welcome your efforts to make Eritrea better and safer to live. I look forward that you take. your reponsiblity to defend the rights of the Eritrean people that are the foundations of our society.
Paul Biondani, Fabrizio Gatti and Michael Sasso
There is an Italian involved in all the NATO summit. And in a few days will hold talks in Rome on the United States Defence Secretary, Robert Gates. Talk of war with Al Qaeda, to send more soldiers to risk their skin and new threats, from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa.
Today I am presenting to you the full content of a sample letter of the petition written by the PFDJ and given to its squad to be paper mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to the White House (to Barak Obama), the UN ( to Ambassador Rice) and the State Department (name not mentioned). The aim of the petition according to their dehai website reads as follows:
There has never been heard in the revolutions of people that people who fled from the persecution of dictatorship rally dictatorship in their home lands while they live in democratic countries. Eritreans are exception to this theory.
Rallying and encouraging our people to challenge the UN Security Council’ s Sanctions would be not only a luxury but an absolute waste of human resources, an irrelevance bordering, no pun intended, on the criminal.
When Eritrea won its independence in 1991, nearly every Eritrean was applauding of the dawn of a new Era, an era of, prosperity, peace and democracy. That was every body’s expectation because it was the promise behind our 30 year bitter and rocky struggle. But we were all fooled
Development and management of educated citizens is imperative in guiding a nation in a right development direction. Our forefathers new the importance of education and sending their young child into school has been given a top priority. A famous proverb in Eritrean society ‘Zeytemahre Ne’ydhin Zeytewekre Ne’yetihn’ – shows how education is valued in the society. A gracious wisdom preserved for ages. Currently this positive social understanding of education seems to be turning around and assuming a new ungrateful course.
By Fesseha Nair
The Security Council imposed an arms embargo, travel bans and asset freezes on top Eritrean officials. The sanctions imposed on the regime in Eritrea can have comparative. advantage for the opposition forces if they use it efficiently while it has absolute disadvantage to the dictator in Eritrea.
Edited by Michael Abraha
Embracing unity in diversity is key to peace and harmony in Eritrea, says Mr. Hassan Salman who is Head of the Sudan based Eritrean Islamic Congress – one of the 13 members of the opposition Eritrean Democratic Alliance. In a paper prepared for a conference organized by CDRiE’s Eritrean scholars, intellectuals and professionals in London last week,
Michael Abraha (London) One of the most important outcomes of the January 9 London conference of Citizens for Democratic Rights in Eritrea, CDRiE, has been the heightened readiness to tackle the unfolding Eritrean refugee catastrophe. CDRiE rose to the challenge and decided to form a new Eritrean relief and recovery agency. It is hoped that the proposed agency will adopt effective methods in securing donations of such items as food, clothing and medicines to be delivered without delay to refugees stranded in Eritrea’s neighboring countries.
By Fesseaha Nair
All transitions to democracy that started from 70s up to 90s( Waves of democratization/ Huntington) have only 40 transitions that were successful but the rest were all failed.