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Candlelight Vigil in Remembrance of the Lampedusa Shipwreck Tragedy – Denver, Colorado

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  • dekibat October 15, 2013

    The community said do not talk about politics.The 360 victims were driven out of their beloved country because of politics. In fact every eritrean was driven out of his/her country because of politics being it because of haile silase, Mengistu or Vampire Dracula Eseyas
    The old man with gray hair and the man with baseball hat sound they are on the same side of politics which is to remove DIA but they were arguing against each other no body knows why? The way I see it Eseyas grandson going to be the ruler of Eritrea unless we form a formidable army and do the ground battle we can reconcile our differences later on.

  • Wedi Asmara October 15, 2013

    Hello Dekibat,

    I was the one recording the footage in Denver, the reason why they did that was to prevent division in the community (but the laws of the community predate the ever-growing resentment towards the regime). During the vigil and proceedings, it was not a one sided event. There were people who support the regime (as you can see in some parts of the video) and people who vehemently oppose it. I’ll put time stamps in the comments to make it easier to understand what was going on in the video. We were allowing people to speak freely whether they support or oppose the speeches being given, as for any solutions to the problems in the diaspora (especially here, they will be solved in the near future). Thank you for you correspondence.

    • Haqi October 19, 2013

      Thank you wodibat. Here is the issue:
      1. This is not about supporting or opposing
      2.e.g asking where is our president is not politics. ?
      3. What is the cause of youth running away from their homes,cities villages and that in total is Eritrea?
      Eritrea is a state and a government thus the are running from the government because the know the government will not give them a passport.
      4. But what is the surprise !!! Even President Issayas has 5 brothers and 2 sisters living in the USA.

  • simerrr2012 October 16, 2013

    Identify your enemies,
    Oh my God instead of talking about the cause of the problem the higdefawyan were pushing people to go to the food only. I will not be surprised anymore after I have seen people in Atlanta who mourn for the victims for 25 seconds and went dancing the whole night. What is wrong with our people? Thanks for some of the Eritrean who stood for the right of the victims and raised their voice. What the higdefawyan wanted us just shade tears and go back home and again do the same thing again and again. Enough is enough and I wouldn’t even mourn together with killer of my people. How can I light candle with the supporters of the dictators who say tsgibom weziom, Isayas do abahri sedidwom I wish I could see the face of that woman who shouted from the audience to oppose people to talk about the victims.Please guys from Denver post her ugly higdef face on Facebook and elsewhere, let people know who she is. What surprised me more is the religion people who blame God for all the misery. Did the Catholic pope blame God ? Of course not he blamed the politicians and the people of Europe for not doing enough . I opposed Karl Marx for saying Religion is opium of the masses but this time only this time I agree with him when I hear our opportunist priests blaming God for all misery. God who always forgive people instead of punishing. And others the sea in their poems …who has the sea to do with all these ..blame again the Eritrean men who put 600 people in small boat by charging 1500-3000 dollar per head in old broken boats. Please do not blame God and Sea blame the Isayas and his people and 1000 Isayasawyan Eritrean who put in danger the life of 100000 Eritreans. Our problem is made of Eritrea not Libya, Egypt or Mediterranean sea.

  • ghezai October 16, 2013

    the problem is the ghdefawyan they don’t understand or wont to understand eritrean people`s right they so ignorant low IQ

  • Kombishtato October 16, 2013

    … Another great messages from Manchester, UK:


  • Haqi October 19, 2013

    The bald woreja of Denver community chairman is living in illusion. Time to talk about our people our country

  • RAHEL October 21, 2013

    WANTED. The victimis of Pampedusa Italy are calling an individual action for any person living inside ERITREA .Against the leaders of this country.This call is for soldiers ,special security ,pilots (civilian ,airforce)doctors ,restaurant bar owners ,to help end the misery of ERITREA.ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

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