BREAKING THE “VICIOUS CYCLE” OF RESENTMENT By Haben Zeray (Those of us who believed in common sense diplomacy have been advocating the need to forge peace, simply because the Eritrean and Ethiopian people can benefit from each
By Haben Zeray
(Those of us who believed in common sense diplomacy have been advocating the need to forge peace, simply because the Eritrean and Ethiopian people can benefit from each other if they can create a process that heals the wounds inflicted on both sides in the last 50 years. I posted this article last year on Assenna and I feel it fits our times to repeat with some minor modifications).
I once heard a wise man say, “Bitterness is a poison pill you take-in and expect the other guy (enemy) to die from it”. Well, if you take the pill you will die from it, guaranteed! Bitterness is like the root of a tree buried inside, and manifests itself by the words you utter, the actions you take, the stress you feel or the opportunities you miss .
Bitterness can be very destructive to individuals, communities and countries.
For example, Eritreans have reasons to be bitter. We have been betrayed for many generations, namely by Italians and the British, we were indiscriminately massacred by Ethiopians (Haile Seleassie), Menghistu Haile Mariam (1960-1991), and now independent Eritrea lacks freedom because of its military dictatorship. Eritreans have every reason to be resentful. For generations we have been betrayed, and this betrayal have created bitterness, and unless we deal with betrayal and resentment, we may end up self-destructing both as individuals and as a nation. As stated above, bitterness is a poison pill you take expecting the opponent to die from it, however, whomever takes the pill dies. For the sake of the Eritrean people and for the sake of the Ethiopian group who are also mired in resentment, we must devise a plan to break this destructive vicious cycle of resentment. And I hope Ethiopians realize this hurtful cycle as well and want to heal themselves.
In the past 12 years the Issayas government has been stuck in the vicious cycle of resentment against Ethiopia. and is having debilitating effect on the Eritrean people and economy. The PFDJ repeated statements have been, not to have any negotiation with Ethiopia on the issue of Badime, and has put the nation in a military alert for over 12 years. I have heard many of the arguments against making peace with Ethiopia. The pre-requisites and conditions of abiding by the “Badime” ruling has been repeated by PFDJ and its supporters. Eritreans have sacrificed a lot. But I want to ask those who refuse to talk, what do we do next? What options do we have? Should we continue to suffer and continue this road of stalemate? The consequences of refusal to talk, I believe have hurt us more than Ethiopia. Here are some of the reasons why I think we are hurting more:
a) Port of Assab could have been a source of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, instead we are suffering from unemployment and poverty, while our neighbor Djibouti is reaping the benefit of our “bitterness”. Why should we suffer?
b) The people of Eritrea are separated from the people of Ethiopia in all aspects. PFJD and EPRDF have let their political differences to create walls among the people. Thousands of Eritreans who have families are separated and are not able to enjoy family life. Some have likened Eritrea and Ethiopia to N. Korea and S. Korea respectively. Eritreans can’t even make telephone contacts to their children who reside in Ethiopia. Why shouldn’t the civilian Eritreans be able to have contact with their own families who are mostly an average one-hour flight away from them?
c) In underdeveloped countries like Eritrea human aresources is the main asset and its people are the future hope for development. PFDJ or the government of Eritrea does not seem to care when thousands of capable and many educated Eritreans are leaving the country. Most are now making their ways to Ethiopia. Why shouldn’t Eritrea be a welcome home for its own citizens?
d) PFDJ have used the walls that got created in the late 1990’s to become an excuse to put Eritrean youth and even the elderly on military alert; while the Ethiopian government is having a field day welcoming the able-bodied and military fit Eritreans to their country. The result is going to make Ethiopia stronger while Eritrea weaker. Of course the GOE leadership will not agree with this assessment. They may not realize it but President Issayas and his followers are laughing themselves to death. The policies of PFDJ work against the interests of Eritreans and are going to be suicidal for the leadership. Does PFDJ care about its own citizens leaving the country? Why don’t they create an inviting environment for Eritrean citizens to stay in their own country?
e) For an Eritrean merchant it is natural and easy to trade with Ethiopians. Most Eritreans know the country, they can relate with the citizens and have a commanding understanding of Ethiopian culture and marketing strategy. Eritreans should make peace with Ethiopia and open the door for trade with Ethiopia. What is wrong with giving Ethiopians tourist visas to visit Eritrea and vice versa?
Resentment is destructive and costly. We must break this vicious cycle whether the Eritrean leadership works on it or not. Even though the government of Eritrea have opted not to start the road to dialogue, the people, especially those in Diaspora are subtly co-mingling with the people. There are more Eritreans visiting Ethiopia in 2012 than any other year in the last 12 years. For many Eritreans, Ethiopia has become the vacation destination. Thousands of Eritreans have made Ethiopia their temporary home now by crossing the border.
I believe Eritreans are tired of wars, rumors of wars and they are also tired of being ruled by military dictatorship that cares more for the dead than the living. Eritreans are starving for peace. They want peace in their homes, they want normal family life where teen-agers are not separated from their homes prematurely. Eritreans do not want to be alienated from the rest of the world and especially from their neighbor countries and want peace so that they can trade and travel freely.
The point I am trying to make is the need for dialogue with Ethiopia is a must in order to complete the process for peace. PFDJ and its chairman have the responsibility to work out ways to implement by further negotiating with Ethiopia, for the best interest of both countries. When you resolve a conflict it is never “my way or the highway” resolution. It has always been, how can I get what I want by giving what they want. All Conflict Resolution Models (CRM) suggest that, in order to resolve a conflict, you must have a concern for self, and at the same time you must have a concern for others. In our case, the Eritrean government is not even willing to sit and discuss. In my opinion this stand-off is the “ poison pill” that is killing us.
While the brave Eritrean military performed their jobs superbly, the leadership of the Eritrean government has chosen a hard-liner policy that does not solve the current crisis. The government of Eritrea has the responsibility to negotiate for the best interest of its citizens. The government defiance has worked to go against the welfare of its own people. The consequence right now is many Eritreans are taking matters into their hands and are beginning to speak out and ignore their stubborn government. We must think “outside the box” and break the “vicious cycle of war and rumors of wars” and forge peace with our neighbor. Eritreans and Ethiopians will benefit from this and can be done.
I understand time is of the essence in our quest for peace for Eritrea. I believe the “youth” of Eritrea are the hope who can bring the dignity that all Eritreans deserve, a democratic process that the people desire, and peace and reconciliation within ourselves and with our neighbors.
Concluding remarks:
We need to learn from history. In a war situation everybody is a looser. No one wins. Even the super-powers with all their technological might have a hard time winning a war. Peace is only achieved when “enemies” sit on the table and mediate for peace.
Talking about reconciliation is a complicated subject in a country setting, because the wounds that were inflicted on both sides are still fresh. As neighbors though I believe we need to learn to step aside from politics and make business decisions. We need to set aside our emotions and use our intellects and become rational. The options now are either we continue this road of a non-ending tantrums and bitterness, or we break this resentful vicious cycle and choose the road of healing the wounds and ultimately achieve peace. Are Ethiopians capable for bringing more misery to Eritrea and keep us from developing? Yes, they can. Can Eritreans do the same to Ethiopians? Yes, we can. But to go this road is to choose death, destruction, poverty and ignorance. We must be courageous enough to stand for peace and achieve healthy living, economic development and respect among ourselves and with our neighbors. I applaud those who have already started this process. Ethiopian and Eritrean churches are praying to God (as we must) for peace in our countries. Eritrean university students and professors are now collaborating with their Ethiopian students and professors to bring understanding with the two brotherly people. We have began to see “light at the end of the tunnel”. Ethiopian leaders during this current administration have shown the need to move forward and forge peace with Eritrea. We should respond in kind. Let’s remember peace starts within each one of us.
Kokhob selam May 2, 2013
It sounds as if our problem is the no peace no war situation of Eritrea and Ethiopia.that is not true. our problem in first place is PFDJ not Ethiopia.this all films was only created to prolong the life of PFDJ and again talking about those nonsense things only will prolong the life of PFDJ. PFDJ don’t represent us any more and have no any legal base to talk and negotiate about Eritrea at any level. there is no alternative path toward peace except to remove the virus called PFDJ.
belay nega May 2, 2013
Let me ask you a simple question, do you know that ethiopians made clear their stand
All what you mentioned is a consequence, which happened because ethiopians never believed in eritrean freedom.They ever look at it from [temkehti]point of view.
As far as i am concerned we have two choices:
-GOING FORWARD taking into consideration that eritreans SKIM is over,all what we are left with is “I DO NOT SMELL THE ROSE ON MY GRAVE” oriented generation.
-GOING BACKWARD taking into consideration the consequence of UP BOTTOM approach[disgrace]
Other than that, any EXIT will take us to square one.
fetsum abraham May 2, 2013
What is your solution? I Please let us hear it if you have one. You just can not sleep on issues like this without any solution!!!! Everything in life as a consequence of something: why do u always project the notion that our case is exceptional when we know there are people with more complicated issues in this world (Palestinians for example), and many more similar to ours from Zimbabwe to N.Korea. What is unique for Eritreans to ask for freedom knowing the demand is the consequence of dictatorship? WhAT IS GOING ON BELAY? We know there is a problem but do u have a solution?
Zerai Hzbi May 2, 2013
Belay has changed his behaviour, he was saying that weyane, agame…ethiopia…bad…etc..etc and now the only solution you will expect from this guy is, he will tell you giving Asaba to Ethiopia pfdj to sttay in power. Belay is not an Eritrean, he is a person pretending to be Eritrean during the hgdef rule, because he is building home in Asmara and once Eritrea become democracy, he will tell us he was Eritrean and was given home in Asmara. Because Eritrea at this present time has no one to care and any Arab,Rashaid, Sudans…Melalit…are building house in Eritrea, so don’t expect any good from Belay. They have no constant purpose, they changed every minute and they forgot what they were saying every minutes. They are a drag CHAT eaters, just know by his name, BE LAY. AMRAIC knijt
belay nega May 2, 2013
zerai hezbi
“Belay is not an Eritrean, he is a person pretending to be Eritrean during the hgdef rule, because he is building home in Asmara and once Eritrea become democracy, he will tell us he was Eritrean and was given home in Asmara.”
It took us 30 years, to convert KERNELIOS, from ethiopian to eritrean.
How long are you traveling, to convert BELAY, from eritrean to ethiopian?
A.A Yassin May 2, 2013
Wedi Abraham,
What is your definition of freedom in the present Eritrean context?
belay nega May 2, 2013
“WhAT IS GOING ON BELAY? We know there is a problem but do u have a solution?”
The fact that we are victims of our choice[FREEDOM],either we defend it or we give up.
ahmed saleh May 5, 2013
WHAT IS GOING ON BELAY ? ta ta ta ta…………… , keep repeating someone else words
YA PAAPPA GALLO ( PARROT ) in this forum .
aba_chegora May 5, 2013
belay nega, you are really neg-nag hangol. Eritrea has no military and diplomatic power to take badme from Ethiopia. The onluy solution is dialogue. Weyane weyane kitiblu iza hager ab hawi dergimkuma. zeyhzin iyu.
ahmed saleh May 5, 2013
aba chegora
Due my respect , the only primary solution we have is to take back our country from the hands of those thugs who
run the country . Then we will deal with Ethiopians on civilized way for common advantage with pride & confidence .
Negash May 2, 2013
This is just a diversion. Woyane is facing opposition and humiliating defeat everywhere. Now it is seeking for diversion. How? By instructing woyane and their affiliated Eritrean websites to post issues related to the border problem. The truth is, it is a dead issue. There is no need to fight over it while woyane is dying from inside. Just wait for the right time and the land will not go anywhere. We Eritreans know how to get things done and will do it when the time comes.
Genet May 2, 2013
I don’t think there is an Eritrean bitterness toward Ethiopian. I think we are more man as hell the fact how we did get this point. Bitter disappointment about how we got let down by Mr Afewerki. Bitterness how this man failed miserably to right by us.failed to negotiate on be half of our people no matter how hard it is.
About Eritrean people going for vac. to Ethiopia, Most of the people doing that are actually, PFDJ operatives. On one side they are spreading heat,by calling Eritrean Woyane, agame because they oppose the PFDJ system. On the other they are eating their cake too.
What we need is to get rid of the toxic PFDJ and the dictator and get on our lives.
Genet May 2, 2013
Correction, We are more Mad as hell.
A.A Yassin May 2, 2013
“About Eritrean people going for vac. to Ethiopia”
gele kab ‘zom ‘ oppostion ‘ zbehalu nab gez’om HIV Hizom ymeSu alewu:: zeHzn ‘yu:: ‘kele bmntay Arifu ‘nte belkas aSqT: kem ab may z’atewet anCHwa::
belay nega May 2, 2013
You cannot discuss with a strong nation,you just stop dreaming, and start living in reality.
Genet May 3, 2013
Mr Nega
What? “strong nation” “stop dreaming” What is reality to You Mr Nega?
Haben May 2, 2013
Belay Nega,
I appreciate your comment. Every country looks for its best interest and so do we. I am not naive and we may not get to the level of “brotherly love” level but at least we should be able to start a dialogue for peace. Further, this will take time maybe another generation to heal completely but our own generation should be courageous enough to start this peace process. In my opinion locking horns indefinably will only result in weakening the people of both countries.
fetsum abraham May 2, 2013
Thank u for the article: we need to move on through dialogue to retrieve Badme and to discuss buisness with the Ethiopians. We can not continue trapped by this Badme stuff that can easily be solved through discussion. Who do u want to discuss with if u don’t do it with your enemy? U don’t dialogue with friends but with enemies. Dialogue is made to settle differences on things and there is no reason why we don’t ccept it at equal level of the matter with the Ethiopians. Ethiopians are ready to give us Badme because they know they must give it up eventually but we need to talk with them about it (not about its ownership but on how it gets home peacefully). The reason Afwerki does not want to do this is to keep on using it as excuse for his dictatorship. Afwerki will fail to cease the moment again because he does not want Badme in Eritrea for that would raise other issues screened by it for years. The fact remains that we either need to get it by force or by dialogue: there is no other way of making it. The president has to pick one of the means of getting Badme back and he can not sit there uselessly without any action.
What does he want? Go get it if u can or get it through dialogue.
Daniel May 2, 2013
Generally I appreciate your comment regarding dialogue of both countries. However, I felt uncomforatble on how you dealt about Badime or other disputed border areas.
Being nationalistic(prejudiced) and looking for peace are different thing.Do you realy think that the Algers agrement incuded the will of the people at these areas and invited somehow to decide themselves? It is the grass suffer, when two elephants fight for the retieve or lose Badme and disputed areas. We come to the ground the people there don’t need something give and take dialogue for already lived in peace with own possession.
ahmed saleh May 5, 2013
belay nega May 2, 2013
“our own generation should be courageous enough to start this peace process”
Rather our own generation should be courageous enough to say:
Zerai May 2, 2013
Thank you Haben Zerai. The best positive article I ever read. A real and good Eritrean. The comment from Belay Nega is shallow, is only a reflection from the likes of his boss. I am living I Ethiopia like all Ethiopians although I have strong feeling for the soverenity of Eritrea. However, I am for peace with Ethiopia; the only country who is standing with us during this difficult period. It accepts Eritreans rejected by Egypt and other countries and offering scholarships to Eritrean refugee to persue their studies in Ethiopian universities. Haben we are on your side keep it up and take care.
A.A Yassin May 2, 2013
Your comment is shallow. That says a lot about your intelligence. bEshnetka z’akl Hade meAlti geli’om Haf-Haf abilom ab baHri kdrbyuKa ‘yom:: Wedi gerhi lba nSela’i suQ ilka ay’menn ‘yu::
belay nega May 2, 2013
” Ethiopia; the only country who is standing with us during this difficult period.”
You should refer to ethiopians saying:
Ethiopians are smart enough, to take advantage of your under nationalism, to beat the nationalists
ghezai May 2, 2013
Balay he thinks super smart. nay rebash wedy shuq (Lampen)mentality zhaze ftret eu
A.A Yassin May 2, 2013
Belay is smart. nsKa medargtu sle zeykonka kelbi Woyane koynka terifka! ms Edlka teragem!!
Bini May 2, 2013
It is really good to have this kind of analysis but we have to come to the point of final and binding. Should thus agreement be reveresed and go the the five point of coming to a table and talk. I think in principle better to accept the decision and there is no reason after that we can sit anf talk and maje peace deal and work together. Correct me if I am wrong I am willing to know anf learn.
A.A Yassin May 2, 2013
” For an Eritrean merchant it is natural and easy to trade with Ethiopians. Most Eritreans know the country, they can relate with the citizens and have a commanding understanding of Ethiopian culture and marketing strategy. Eritreans should make peace with Ethiopia and open the door for trade with Ethiopia. What is wrong with giving Ethiopians tourist visas to visit Eritrea and vice versa? ”
You have a very simplistic view of the world. nay halayat zereba aytzarebi::
A.A Yassin May 2, 2013
What is kwatar? Is that the Agame way of saying QeTer?