ESAT Ethiopia SAT TV Played a big role for the System chang in Ethiopia.
Please Brother and Sister, we must suppert Assena Tv.
Eritrea cannot afford another 27 years of Dictatorship.
majorty of eritreans i know didn’t support the dictator but very few are aktive to do some thing to end his regime.
You’re already terrorized by the presence of an alternative media reaching the Eritrean people from the comforts of their homes. poor EriTV, what are they gonna do now? Dawit, go cry with your pals. It doesn’t matter how imperfect ATV is, but now the Eritrean people will have another Eritrean channel to watch, which will update them for the news of their own country. The lies and the suppression of the regime is now futile.
Pathetic Pit, it is not of lack of info or TV and media that is prolonging the Eritrean people suffering. You deserve Higdefs for life and in the meantime keep on crying and sulking.
Found your web site through search. Couple days watched your conference in London U.K.
I understand it might be an individual effort to launch this medium but have noticed that no fair representation of Eritreans. You are only focused in one segment of the Eritrean people therefore repeating the same policies of Issias. In fact continuation of Issias policies .
Of course you are entitled to your opinion and your means of struggle against Issias but I am just giving you a brotherly advice to do your best and make your medium inclusive.
Thank you
Mohamed Khair Osman
I want to live in ERITREA January 2, 2019
ESAT Ethiopia SAT TV Played a big role for the System chang in Ethiopia.
Please Brother and Sister, we must suppert Assena Tv.
Eritrea cannot afford another 27 years of Dictatorship.
majorty of eritreans i know didn’t support the dictator but very few are aktive to do some thing to end his regime.
Filimon Kidanemariam January 2, 2019
Assena TV xibuk Sarah
Dawit January 3, 2019
Fake, fake assenna tv, it would only have fake news and fake guests. What a waste of money space and time.
Pit January 4, 2019
You’re already terrorized by the presence of an alternative media reaching the Eritrean people from the comforts of their homes. poor EriTV, what are they gonna do now? Dawit, go cry with your pals. It doesn’t matter how imperfect ATV is, but now the Eritrean people will have another Eritrean channel to watch, which will update them for the news of their own country. The lies and the suppression of the regime is now futile.
Dawit January 6, 2019
Pathetic Pit, it is not of lack of info or TV and media that is prolonging the Eritrean people suffering. You deserve Higdefs for life and in the meantime keep on crying and sulking.
rahwa May 25, 2019
dawit, dont be dumb, degafi isias aitkun
ዓወት ይካአሎ March 10, 2019
መደብኩም ጽቡቅ አሎ ናብ ኤረትራ ውን ስብ ጽቡቅ ምክትታል ጀሚራ አሎ ገለ ገለ ምትዕርራይ ዘድሊይዎ አሎ አብ መደብኩም ክቲሪይዎ ተስፋ ይገብር ኻልእ ዝብሎ አብ ዝቅጽል መደብኩም ብዛዕባ እዚ አብ ልብያ ዘጋጥሞም ዘሎ ሽግር ተተቅርብዎ ከምእውን ጸለውቲ ስባት ከም ብዓል መስፍን ሓጎስ ጀነራል ተኽስተ ሃይለ ወዘተ ስፍሕ ዝበለ መደብ ሒዝካ ተተቅርቦም ጽቡቅ ይመስለኒ የቀንየለይ።
musamohammed April 10, 2019
musamohammed April 10, 2019
ተክለ April 29, 2019
musamohammed ንምንታይ ኢካ ቀሚስ ኣደይ ሐንኪልኒ ዓይነት ምክንያት ተቅርብ ዘለካ ወያነ ዘመሓድሮ ዘሎ ትግራይ ኤርትራን ዘመሓድራ ዘሎ ድማ ኢሳያስ እዩ ስለዚህ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ዓፈናን ጭቆናን ከመይ ዜርካ እዚ ፀገም ምስ ወያኔ ተተሓሕዞ አለካ ልዕሊ 20 ዓመት ሀለዋቶም ዘይፍለጡ ኤርትራዊያን ናይዚ ፀገም ከመይ ጌርካ ንወያኔ ተሳብቦ ንሰካ ናይ ኢሳያስ ተለኣኣኪ ኮይንካ እናሓሰውካ ክምቸወካ ይክእል እዩ ነገር ግን ከብድካ ጥራሕ ኢካ እትመልእ ዘለካ ካልእ እትፈልጦ ነገር የለን ኢሳያስ ካብ ካብድካ ወፃኢ ካልእ ክትፈልጥ ስለዘይገበረካ ካብ ከብድካ ወፃኢ ስለ ካልኦት ኤርትራውያን ስቃይ ምንም ኣይርድኣካን እዩ ግን ጊዜኡ ሓፂር እዩ ተፀበ
Mohamed Khair Osman April 24, 2019
Good day
Found your web site through search. Couple days watched your conference in London U.K.
I understand it might be an individual effort to launch this medium but have noticed that no fair representation of Eritreans. You are only focused in one segment of the Eritrean people therefore repeating the same policies of Issias. In fact continuation of Issias policies .
Of course you are entitled to your opinion and your means of struggle against Issias but I am just giving you a brotherly advice to do your best and make your medium inclusive.
Thank you
Mohamed Khair Osman
Selam Tewelde April 25, 2019
And you waste your time to write for every single negative comments
What a shame.
Remember Adi-Mongoti May 18, 2019
AssenaTv, great job, you have got all of our respect and admiration.
Dear Eritrean people, it’s time to rise and take what is yours. They/Isaiasits throw us to the wolves and we are coming back leading the whole pack.
PFDJ and those who sympathize with them, I/we are coming for you and it’s your time to be in those prison cells.