Two gumamatat beleEti seb zimesilu animals.
Amanuel Eyasu, please invite normal human looking guests next time!
As soon as you see their ugly pictures, it just puts you off from hearing their stories.
And it gets a lot worse when you hear their animal bush like voices and outdated ideas or arguments.
ተወልደመድህን August 8, 2018
ሳላ ምዕቡል ጌዜስ ኢሳያስ ዝገበሮን ዝተዛረቦን ሰሚዕናዮ።ጥዑይ ኣእምሮ ዘይውንን ምኳና ፈሊጥና።ግዳስ ንሕና ንህና ኢና።
Lilo August 11, 2018
Two gumamatat beleEti seb zimesilu animals.
Amanuel Eyasu, please invite normal human looking guests next time!
As soon as you see their ugly pictures, it just puts you off from hearing their stories.
And it gets a lot worse when you hear their animal bush like voices and outdated ideas or arguments.