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ASSENNA: Daily News -Tsehaytu Beraki, Isaias , Eritreans in Las Vegas, Friday, May 24, 2018

Review overview
  • Degoli May 25, 2018

    Have you heard Issaias’ speech? I was watching the recent speech of the new Ethiopian PM Abiy to young Ethiopians at Millennium Hall Addis Ababa this week.

    PM Abiy said, “the Saudis and the Gulf Arabs are asking to give us money and support that we never asked them for, what I had asked them was to treat our people fairly and free them from the Arab prisons.”

    Do you know how much Arabs respect to people who respect their own languages, identity, ancestors and heritage? The Ethiopians, Iranians, Turkish, Americans, British, Germans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese … all respect their own languages and identity; they never ever burned their own languages to replace it by alien identity nor are they self hating people, as a result every Arab leader and nation respects them.
    Clear your eyes now and tell me how the Arabs treat self-hating and language burning slaves and Abeeds such as Omar al Bashir, Issaias Afeworki and the worthless Jebha leaders with fossilized brains.
    If one does not respect who he is, his own languages, identity and millennial history, he lives in delusional hypocrisy all his life to become a copycat of his disrespectful masters.
    Issaias and the servant Jebha elites should have known long ago that an Arab comes to your house to belittle your languages, burn your identity, snatch your kidney, enslave your sister and sell you to slavery. Every Arab slave Abeed knows this fact, including Omar al Bashir and the bankrupt self haters and language burners. See them below bark to protect the honour of their masters. such is the fate of slaves who disown themselves.

  • Danny May 26, 2018


    I simply hate the picture you designed for this program. How dare you place the murderer Isaias and the beloved Tsehaytu side by side in one frame? I understand you meant to reflect the contents of your program, but you should have thought about the after effects of your poster. You would not put a picture of Satan and Jesus side by side on your wall, would you?.