Ask Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to stand with the Eritrean People against dictatorship!!!
Dear Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, PhD Amazed by your determination to break the status quo by taking huge, historical, and unprecedented steps in such a short period of time in office, including the most recent rare, unimaginable conciliatory gestures you
Dear Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, PhD
Amazed by your determination to break the status quo by taking huge, historical, and unprecedented steps in such a short period of time in office, including the most recent rare, unimaginable conciliatory gestures you took to release political prisoners,
Witnessing that your thoughtful strategy to defeat hatred and animosity through love and dialogue is yielding such an unprecedented result,
Convinced that encouraging countries in our region to adopt your thoughtful strategy for peace and unity may help to transform the region for peace and regional security at a faster pace,
Encouraged by the unprecedented and growing intimate relationship with the main players of the region and the president of the state of Eritrea, Mr. Isayas Afeworki,
Concerned with the fact that Eritrea still hosts the largest number of prisoners in our continent, that include teen age children,
Disappointed by the fact that Mr. Isayas Afeworki has not yet shown any sign of conciliatory gestures that would give some sort of relief to the people of Eritrea,
Alarmed by the president’s intent to establish a monarchy system and elevate his son, Abraham Afeworki, as his successor and
Motivated by the Presidents’ several public endorsements for you to lead the two countries and that you have already started assuming the role by calling the UN to lift the sanction against the regime,
We, at the EriMedia Watch Group, and the signers of this petition would like to ask you to seize on the opportunity and to help to quick-start the reconciliation process between the Eritrean Government and its people in as soon as possible.
EriMedia Watch Group,
United States
Uncle Sye July 19, 2018
እቲ ናይ ኣምሓርኛ ዝሰምዔ ገንዘብን ማእሰርትን ዘቕጽዕ ዘይውርዙይ ሕጊ ከም ዝፈረሰ ምስ ይቕሬትኡ ኣያ ማንኪ ሓቢሩ.
የቐንየልና ኣያ ማንኪ
AHMED SALEH !!! July 19, 2018
I love Eritrean , Ethiopian and Sudanese music .
Go to hell haters .
Asmerom July 19, 2018
HARADI, TEGOMBAHI, MAHAYIM aslamay, as a specialist of hell and savage Islamic killings tell us more about your hell lovers moslems! Go to your bastard Arab barbarians.
Asmerom July 19, 2018
Dearest brother/uncle Sye, thank you for your great satires and please come back with more to entertain and educate us. Yemane would be the next Foreign Minister of united Eritrea/Ethiopia.
Asmerom July 19, 2018
obviously meant Yemane monkey the skillful and smooth operator. Viva monkey & Isu.
rezen July 19, 2018
Hey, Hey Hey Meretse I think we are going to be PERFECT example of TELEPATHY.
By the way, I am going to keep that POETRY in my pocket. rezen .
meretse July 19, 2018
As usual thanks to you rezen!
Simon G. July 19, 2018
ውዒልኩም ‘ዶ ኣብ ሓድሽ መርዓ
ር ኢኹመን ‘ዶ በዓል መንጠግቦሽ ክስዕስዓ
ተዓዚብኩም ዶ በዓል ኣማረሽ ኣልጋነሽ ክበልዓ
ዝኣረገት መርዓት ተቐይራ ኣብ ቆልዓ
ኣደ ስውኣት ግን ተሓቢአን ክነብዓ
ዝገርም ‘ዩ!
ይገርም ‘ወ ከመይ ዘይገርም
ዓሻን ብታሕጓስ ክዘልል: ልቡ ክሃርም
ለባምን ከኣ: ይሳቐ ይሓምም
ኢሱ ተመርዕያ!
ሓዳስ መርዓት ኮይና: መን ኢኻ ኢሎ’ሞ ሰብኣያ
ኣንታ ተጸኒሕካስ: የዒንቲ ክንደይ ዘይርእያ!
ጉዳም! ከላእ! እዝስ ናይ ሎምዘምን ቅያ
በዓል ሳባስ ‘ኳ ክንደይ ከይበኽያ
ፋልማየን ኣይኮነን በዓል ቤተን ክዝሙ
ናይ ሎሚ ግን ፍሉይ’ዩ
ትማሊ ሰብ ኣይ ኔርካስ ሎሚ ናብ ሰበይቲ?
ኣንታ ትጻሕሊውን ክቕየር’ዩ ናብ ድስቲ
ግን: ግን’የ ዘልኩ
ባጎኒታት ህግደፍ ግን: ኣይተዓደሙን
ወረ ኣይሰምዑን: ጠሪሶም ኣይፈለጡን
ከም ሰቦም ኣብ ቲቪ
ኢሱ I do ክትብሎ ንኣቢ
ፈዘዙ! ከም ሰቦም
ትምድንዛዝ ‘ኳ ናይ ቀደሞም
ሓቂ ሓይሽ ግን: ሽዑስ ከማና ገረሞም
ኢሱ ኣብ ሰብዓታት
ካብ ስረታት: ናብ ቀሚሻት
ብዘይ ገለ ኩነት
ሰበይቲ ኣብዪ ኮነት
ሃቦም ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ቅናት
ንናይ ህግደፍ ባጎኒታት
ዚዚዚዚዚዚዚዚዚዝ! ክብሉ
ኢሱ ተመርዕያ ‘ሎም ክዕንድሩ
ሽዋን ኣስመራን ክዛወሩ
‘ዞም ቋሕማታት
ካብኡ ሓሊፎም እንታይ ከይገብሩ
ሓንጎሎም ዝሸጡ
ኣብ ሳልስቲ ናብ ኢትዮ ተለወጡ
ብላሽ! ብፍርሒ ‘ንካ ሕልናኦም ዓበጡ
ስዒርና ድማ በሉ! ባቃ!
ወያነ ጥራይ ትጥፋእ: ናይ ኤርትራ መን ከቕልበሉ
ኤርትራ ኣጥፊኦምስ: ዓወት ንሓፋሽ ክብሉ
እኩባት በጋሚዶታት
ናይ ሓንጎል ድኻታት
ዝነደዩ ዓዋሉ
ሃገሮም ‘ዳተሸጠት ኣበይ ከቕልብሉ
ንኺድ ጥራይ ይብሉ
ናብ መርዓ ናይ ኢሱ
እንዳ ንሕና ንሱ
ኣብ ዘዝተሰደድዎ ንዘልኣለም ተጣየሱ
shilan July 19, 2018
Sully Arkey MaArey, please translate your sexy and erotic poem into our HatellaGuzay please!
I am completely lost with this Hama chided – Kharneshim type lousy poem!!!!!!!!
When and how did you convert into this brilliant/romantics deki Hama way of writing/expressing?
As you know Sully nebsi, I am still stuck with our old HatellaGuzay craps and need to be rescued!
shilan July 19, 2018
addition: please translate into our HatellaGuzay language urgently!!!!!!
meretse July 19, 2018
ብዛዕባ እቲ ገዝሚ ‘ባ
ፍጥር እንካብ ዝብል ዝምድና ዘይብሉ
እንስሳ – ዘቤት እንታይ ክዓብስሉ
ነይሮምኩም እንድዮም እንሳሳ ናይ በዱ
ዋልያ እንተ በቀቅኩምስ ዝብኢ ናበይ ከይዱ
ዘይተነግረ ከኣ ዋሕስ መን ኔሩ?
ህበይ ዶ ሚሒሉ ወዓግ ተሓንጊሩ
ኣባት ነብሲ ኢማራት’ያ ኢሎማ
ብዶሎር መውሓሲት ነዚ ዓቢ ጋማ
meretse July 19, 2018
Brother Simon,
You did put the big the big picture precisely in words. How else can someone explain it? Nice read and please keep writing.
Yitbarekh July 19, 2018
Apparently, he has been going to the top schools of excellency for deki Hama chided/korEdatat. Pity you are still stuck in your old dark criminal mafia Jebha slums.
meretse July 19, 2018
Correction: line 7, please read as
Weag do’mihilu hbey tehangiru
king July 19, 2018
Kabzom dikala, deki torserawit maas ina nighelaghel ?
AHMED SALEH !!! July 19, 2018
Assenna participants should concentrate on positive thoughts
and I beg you not to give attention
for negatives that deviate our
constructive discussion because
it is not worthy .
Therefore pls. learn how to resist and ignore such bad comments.
Yitbarekh July 19, 2018
Stop your usual pathetic baby crying and attention seeking pleas/Telebat sad begging!
Assenna don’t, repeat don’t baby seat savage evil muslim Arab dogs or criminal crooks. Period.
Yitbarekh July 19, 2018
please read as sad old beggar, a miserable old demented stinking loner.
Misghina July 19, 2018
Why did poor coward Eritreans wait until 1960 – 1970 to start a so called “revolution for freedom”
If they were really colonized by Ethiopians?
In other word, why the poor coward people of Eritrea didn’t rise and revolt against the Italians
for 60 yrs in the first place? These stupid confused people must love their white Italian/Arab tormentors.
God as a result gave Eritreans the most devil man Esayas for life as devils they deserved devil {slaves boss}!
And the most sad thing is when you see poor coward so called Eritreans celebrating independence or freedom day!!
Aba thimmer July 19, 2018
Misghina, please refer the history of Aba thimer Bahta Hagos, the martyred Halay. ባበነ ባህታ ሓጎስ ሰገነይቲ መን ድዩ ኢሉ? ጥልያን’ዶ ኣይኮነን? ንኢትዪጲያ ኸ! ኦሮማይ ኣየበለን ድዩ? Leave the the rest ዕንጢሾው ከይብለካ።
Degoli July 21, 2018
መብዛሕትኡ እዚ ኣንጻር ኢሳያስ ዝጸሓፍ ዘሎ ነቲ ናይ ኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ናይ ሰላም ውዕል ንምዕንቃፍ እኳ እንተኾነ። ኢሳያስ ኣብዚ መስርሕ እዚ ኣዝዩ ከም እተዓወተ ዝኽሕድ ሕልንኡ ኣብ ክንዲ ኣብ ኵውንነት ኣብ ጽልኢ እተላዕጠጠ ንኤርትራውያን ሰላም ከምጽእ ዘይክእል ድኹም ኣእምሮ ዝወለዶ እዩ።
ኢሳያስ ብዙሕ ዘኽስሶ ገበናት እንከለዎ ፤ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ሰላም ጌሩ ኢልካ ሃለውለው ምባል ፖለቲካዊ ውድቀትካን ስንፍናኻን ክሽፈን ኣይከኣልን።
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰላም ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ከምዝደሊ ኣብቲ ግንባራት ዘሎ ኩሉ መስኪርዎ እዩ። ሰላም ኣይደለኻን ፣ ነቲ ጎዳጉዲ ወኻሩ ንዓመታት ዝንበረ መንእሰይ ኬድካ ኣብርዮ።
Amanuel July 22, 2018
Abiy by his nature is a believer of peace through reconciliation and forgiveness. He stands firm against dictatorship in his country. Thus he does not have anything in common with iseyas. He abhoress everything iseyas’s represents. But I do not think he will confront iseyas for the sake of eritreans though he knows it can be a problem to the peace process b/n the two countries. He, I believe, hopes the tide will cross the border and iseyas can not stop it. Primarily though it is our duty, the duty of every citizen to stund up for our right to leave in piece and equality, expressing our feeling without fear, praying without fear, gathering without fear, engage in business without fear, move freely within and out of our country without fear.