AND NOW, ACTION TO SWIFTLY END THE ERITREAN NIGHTMARE Action Plan to Conduct Eritrean Local Assembly Elections (Summary Document) By Our Voice
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Tkle September 13, 2015
If you think DEMHIT is going to do the job for you good luck
fetsum abraham September 13, 2015
tkle, what the heck do u mea
fetsum abraham September 13, 2015
what are u saying here tkle? get to z point and spit openly what u got in ur mind. why did u bring demhit here?
Tkle September 13, 2015
Because MOLAASGOOM diffeCT because the ERITREAN opposition are not doing shut so weyane desperately need someone because Weyane give up of the failed Opposition
Ghezai September 13, 2015
Most of them they are not from this planet
There is a say asha zubuk allo zemed asha e u kefiuwo zeloo
Zalanbessa September 13, 2015
Dearest brothers and sisters of Our Voice well done for your hard work and devotion to finding lasting solutions to our poor Eritrea. Expect that you would come across many weird, cowards, twisted and hypocrites along your long and bumpy ways but hopefully you will have the wisdom and patience to tolerate it all. God bless you all and wishing you every success and cooperation from us all.
Simon G. September 13, 2015
Tkle, ብግምጥሊሽ ዲዩ ዝርደኣካ? ን ኣያኻ ኢስያስ ‘ኳ ‘ዮም ጠንጢኖም ናብ ሱዳን/ኢትዮጲያ ኣትዮም። ኣያኻ ኢሳያስ ሓራእራእ ኣቲዎ ቀንዩ። ንስኻ ውን ከምኡ ትመስል።
Tkle September 13, 2015
Go find out don’t forget there are pilots who diffeCT with their HELICOPTERS so whay don’t you to return it so shut the hall up beside SUDAN took all of their we pones and it is going to return it to ERITREA
k.tewolde September 13, 2015
Teclu, this is just a political platform , not a battlefield. ZIG BEL ZIHAWEY.
hagos September 14, 2015
Your thinking is like your English – bad!
ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 14, 2015
The socalled pilot is most likely a plant of Weyane /Eprdf, I guess you don’t know the smart of our enemies.
Kombishtato September 13, 2015
You guys are running too fast: what elections and what assembly? Eritrea’s problem is not democracy-project. Please, identify the problem and face it head on – the existential issue of the Eritrean people.
fetsum abraham September 13, 2015
you make me lough Kombishtato. how do u resolve existential issues without changing the cause of it, the dictatorship? what is ur solution to ur existential dilemma or illusion so to say? how are they fast when in fact our slowness has trethened our existential status that u are talking about? what else is the solution to dictatorship other than democracy? I feel u are totally confused brother and I advice you to chill down and remeditate your mind. we exist as people scattered around the world 6 million of us intact. we just need a stable home that guarantees peace and development through democracy! Your existential illusion is delussional to say the least, please wake up and play your part because u exist!
semere 2 September 13, 2015
The analysis and the action plan is praiseworthy. To install democratic mentality and institutions at grassroots level is also good. But my question is:
1. I don’t see the plan to remove the Isayas regime.
2. How can you implement the action plan within the country?
fetsum abraham September 13, 2015
dear semere, I think the plan should come after we organize ourselves; not now. It does not make sense planning to get rid of the regime before we get ready how to replace it. to me, getting rid of the regime is peace of cake once we do what the Voice are telling us to do. everything is proceduraly connected and our unity based on the voices bottom up strategy should be done first ahead of getting rid of the regime.
k.tewolde September 13, 2015
A crisp, civilized, wise , tangible, practical approach to solve our Eritrean specific problem by our Eritrean brothers and sisters who know us.What more can I ask? You have got my full cooperation.I have no doubt the inevitable success of this just endeavor. Victory is written allover it.