An Urgent Call to All Eritreans Worldwide
Dear Fellow Eritreans in the Diaspora, We are writing to invite you to be a signatory of a call that we will soon issue to all Eritreans in the Diaspora to join a Grassroots Movement whose

Dear Fellow Eritreans in the Diaspora,
We are writing to invite you to be a signatory of a call that we will soon issue to all Eritreans in the Diaspora to join a Grassroots Movement whose goal is to elect Global Leaders who will represent Eritreans in the Diaspora.
The independence of our country that was achieved at the terrible cost of hundreds of thousands of its sons and daughters who have been martyred and maimed, has not resulted in a better life for Eritreans. Quite to the contrary, the situation has been far worse than any time even when Eritrea was subjugated by colonial powers. In fact, the Eritrean experience, especially in recent years, has been one of the worst in world history.
Therefore, it is high time that we Eritreans in the Diaspora in the first place get united and organized to save our people and our country from the untold misery that we are all aware of. It is encouraging to know that there are already Eritreans in many parts of the world who are organized or are being organized at the grassroots level to save their people. However, to be more effective, such efforts must be linked up and reinforced by a democratically formed global body that can coordinate and guide the activities at the grassroots level. We believe that the absence of such a global body has been the Achilles Heel of the Eritrean opposition. We now need to provide this vital missing link, to wit, a global coordinating body. Clearly, such a global body is not meant to replace or weaken the work of the various grassroots groups at city or regional levels or political organizations, but rather to create a link between them and coordinate and forge their activities and bring about concrete results to remove the dictatorship and usher in democratic dispensation for our long suffering people. This has eluded us so far because of our disunity – which has to now change at the earliest. We have no purpose other than this.
The task of forming the said global body is open to any Eritrean who is willing and able to contribute to the success of the mission we have outlined. This is why we are making an open call to all Eritreans. With this in mind, the individuals whose names appear below will serve as a provisional task force to invite Eritrean brothers and sisters who are willing to be signatories of “An Urgent Call to All Eritreans Worldwide.”
This, we believe, is the most expedient way of facilitating the process of uniting Eritreans so that we can collectively elect legitimate global leaders whose charge is to prepare the groundwork for transitioning Eritrea to be a democratic country. In the process, an attempt will be made to involve all grassroots civic and civil Eritrean organizations and groups, political parties, religious, ethnic and language groups, both genders, the youth, etc. We understand change will come from within the country, and we believe that those change agents within the country will be more encouraged and emboldened if the Eritrean Diaspora, including the Eritrean opposition political parties, work together.
The Urgent Call to All Eritreans will appeal to all the various constituent groups in the Diaspora. We believe this call to all Eritreans in the Diaspora, will be more successful if more Eritreans in the five continents join hands as signatories of the invitation letter.
Those who may have good reasons not to lend their names as signatories, will have a role to play in the realization of the success of the Grassroots Movement in a variety of ways that will be described in the invitation letter.
We are requesting those who would like to be signatories of the letter to contact us using this email address If you have any questions or if you need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Those willing to be signatories will have the opportunity to read and suggest improvements before the Invitation Letter is made public
Who are we?
We, the undersigned, are a diverse group of Eritrean activists from all walks of life with different backgrounds located in various parts of the world. We are mainly composed of various groups who have been, as a group or as individuals, advocating the grassroots movement. As our name i.e. “Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots’ Movement (GIEEGM)” signifies, we are taking this initiative to pave the way for every Eritrean to participate in bringing positive changes in our country. What brought us together is our conviction that the bottom-up grassroots movement is the most expedient, all-inclusive and democratic way that can end our country’s problems. We are not a political organization, and the initiative we are taking is not motivated by our desire to assume any leadership role. All that we are doing is to facilitate the election of Global Leaders by involving Eritreans in the Diaspora at the grassroots level.
Member of the Task Force in Alphabetical Order:
Name | City | Country | Email address |
Ahmed Berhanu | Seattle, WA | USA | |
Amanuel Eyasu | London | UK | |
Prof. Araya Debessay | Newark, DE | USA | |
Ibrahim Mohammed | Amsterdam | Netherlands | |
Dr. Solomon G. Ghebrezghi | London | UK | |
Tekea Yohannes | New York, NY | USA | |
Hagherawi April 20, 2016
I support the idea but with a few conditions:
– This movement’s ultimate aim should be to completely remove Highdef.
– As Ms. Genet said, no move the so-called ‘vanguard’ organization.
– The grass root movement should not be another group that fights for supremacy.
– Unity should be about uniting Eritreans on some basic principles.
– The new generation should take lead role.
– It should look as diverse as Eritrea.
k.tewolde April 21, 2016
Hagerawi, if it doesn’t meet your conditions,you are out.Is that it? Are we expecting a solution to be presented to us in a well garnished plate with no flaws to be consumed? I remember in my high school days in Asmara, we were laboring to solve a math equation,after the Indian teacher demonstrated the solution, a student quipped,’that was easy’. The teacher retorts,’a problem is no more a problem when it is solved.’ So, let’s get involved in solving this quadratic equation at hand, instead of presenting conditions.We are not buying a car at the dealership, we are trying to save a national catastrophe through an opposition camp full of land mines.
Hagherawi April 22, 2016
As it happens very often, if this movement takes a wrong direction, because of it’s leaders selfish agenda, I won’t waste my time trying to change things I cannot. That this the very reason why many in the opposition landscape are unpopular. But let’s hope this time around we are really witnessing the birth of a genuine popular movement.
k.tewolde April 22, 2016
Hagerawi muses,’I won’t waste my time trying to change things I cannot.’ I know you are an intelligent person,however, let me ask you an honest question,who is going to nurture the “things” that are conducive for a genuine popular movement so that you can fully engage??????? Who is making the opposition landscape look unpopular and who are you expecting to change that?? Who elected those leaders you mentioned with selfish agenda to speak on behalf of us?? If you answer these questions genuinely, your doubt,reluctance,and skepticism of this grassroots approach will dissipate,Guaranteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!
k.tewolde April 22, 2016
Brother Hagerawi, I am not picking on you, don’t take it personal, but this attitude is so pervasive among deleyti fithi that it is becoming the number one detriment to our collective punch to knockout HGDEF and it’s tenets cold.Kind regards my dear fiends.
Hagherawi April 20, 2016
Please read: – As Ms. Genet said, no more the so-called ‘vanguard’ organization.
David April 21, 2016
I agree, we should all support our brothers and sisters, so we can all be the voice for the voice less.
k.tewolde April 21, 2016
Roll out the carpet, those individuals named above might be compared of their conviction to our struggle to the pioneers who fired the first bullet that ricochet in the hills of Adal in the modern version, it takes few high caliber characters to ignite a firestorm. It is a calling from above, grab the bull by the horn your people are ready to follow suit, reincarnate the Eritrean dream that seems to be lost temporarily. We will win this fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hagherawi April 21, 2016
A few things that will help the leaders of this movement to succeed in their effort to unite Eritreans.
– Please keep what is priority number one (Unity) always in your mind.
– We need less theory, less talk and more practice and work in this context.
– Avoid controversial issues, some may raise them to purposely delay change.
– We are so divided that only minimum programs will rally people at the start.
– Declare universal principles on which all Eritreans are expected to agree.
– Reintroduce the notion of respect for law, that Higdef has removed from our culture.
– At some stage work on draft constitution, without the latter, the way ahead will be very difficult.
– Tolerance, tolerance … learn to look at differences in opinion as natural.
– Either to agree on all or nothing is a bad idea, please avoid it.
– Diversity should be considered in everything you do and say, else there will be mistrust, which is very damaging.
– What you are about to do could be a small step, but a significant one, so just do a small step at a time. Let Eritrea learn to walk in the right direction.
Zewoldi April 21, 2016
Dear Kidane,
We have fixed the gmail on the configuration now; it is working; please go ahead to your support the initaitive
Thank you
Zewoldi April 21, 2016
Dear Genet
First of all you have all the right to ask million question that make the PUBLIC engagement more fruitful; signing your support mean by default expected to participate to build sold leadership at the public or community level.
Those listed names; does mean necessarily the only people in this journey as initiators; we are significant number around 20 people which we were discussing in the last few month over the closed pal-talk; and nominated those task force instead of listing all our names.
We come together based on our prior knowing each other or knowing each other from other similar initiative; such as our voice; Ngabea; Hizbawi mil’al. …etc.
Then we agreed to share this initiative with the public for support; therefore our role is explicitly taking “facilitation role” once each city managed to elect their own leader; moved to the global leadership; it will end our task; we do not have any agenda beyond touching the ground.
Secondly, we are not working to replace or removing the existing initiative rather to strength them; our main goal community to establish their own “BAYTO”
This group are trying to seek different approach to solve our national political crisis using “bottom up approach” that involve each and every citizen in diaspora; ultimately electing legate global leader.
Take note that public engagement it is not only has technically or theoretical sound importance, but also it has strategic importance. That will able can bring common consensus, understanding of each other, inclusive and will bring sustainable solution through the fully public participation and ownership; that can achieve and mobilize public or mass that benefit our nation and end our continued suffering.
These concerned group; does not necessary mean that have unique telnet; skill or knowledge that can give us magic solution to every problem. But we believe “at this critical time dedicated service to the community is as equal as worship”. During this time of when the biggest need at critical moment to put our resource, energy, knowledge and effort to save our national crises.
Please support this initiative and take your stake in this process; and accept your willingness to participate in this process.
Thank you
AHMED SALEH !!! April 22, 2016
Every mass movements in the world including Arab spring uprising
have courageous architects to organize and mobilize people behind
the scene . If they succeed on gaining support to enough number
section of the society particularly the young generation , it is
abate sign of new born political revolution .
Genet April 22, 2016
Thank you for the decent explanation. You have made a lot of things clearer. And thank you for acknowledging my democratic right to ask question unlike some judgmental individuals. I really appreciate it. You should be around often.
Senait April 21, 2016
I saw a small footage of April 03 in Asmara. I didnt see it in assenna. Why?
rahwa April 21, 2016
Count me in!!! Let’s do this brothers and sisters. Well done!
Nur April 21, 2016
It is high time for this initiative. Proud of you for doing this!! Keep raising awareness in mind and keep the momentum going. We also have to be vigilant and steps ahead in our game. There would be persons who would do all they can to crush our movement but we have to be ready for them. After all it is about our people and our country.