An Eritrean diplomat Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin has defected to the United Kingdom.
Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin, an Eritrean diplomat who worked in the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea has defected to the United Kingdom. There are also rumours that at least two other stuff

Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin, an Eritrean diplomat who worked in the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea has defected to the United Kingdom.
There are also rumours that at least two other stuff members of the Ministry are missing since last October. So far, we are able to confirm the name and post of Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin through our multiple sources who knew him in Libya and Cairo. sources said that he was one of the qualified, multilingual and dynamic members of the department of Desks (political affairs department). According to the information, he escaped to Sudan and from there made his way to the United Kingdom, in November 2013.
Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin was travelling frequently to the North and East African countries as part of the Ministry’s delegation and was an expert on the Middle East and African Affairs. He was also in charge of CEN-SAD dossier.
One of our sources who defected from the same ministry before him said that Mr Abdu joined the Ministry in 2003 as a ‘National service’. He also revealed that he was almost frozen after the Forto incident.
The sources said that the PFDJ ambassador in the UK, Tesfamichael Gerahtu (Wedi Gerahtu) and his collaborators have contacted some individuals in the Eritrean community requesting his address and telephone number in an attempt to blackmail him from speaking out openly against the regime’s policies.
Some indicated that he had good relations with Ambassador Osman Jeme and others who are being detained in Hegdef’s prison without any judicial process after the Forto Incident of 21/01/2013.
Although there are reports that many mid-level government officials have fled the country after the ‘Forto Movement’ for fear of the regime’s reprisal and harassment, this is the first confirmed defection of a diplomat from the PFDJ after the Forto incident and Lampadusa tragedy.
wedi akhreya March 2, 2014
After the Lampadusa tragedy he literally told me that ‘So far, I was hopeful that by hook or crook democracy will rein through internal reform, however, after the Lampadusa tragedy and the regimes rejection to console the families of those fallen youngsters, It became certain for me and others with rational mind that working with this regime is becoming accomplice to the ongoing violations. I will no longer continue with the dictator.’
He did it!!!!!!!!
Genet-orginal March 3, 2014
Wedi akhreya
Good for you for seening the light and coming to your senses. Your people need do you on their sides. Thanks for not cont. supporting their oppressor and killers. Thank you for feeling your peoples’ pain and suffering. Thanks brother!
awalom March 2, 2014
wedi-Gerahtu doesn’t understands diplomacy if he though that he can blackmail a diplomat and get credit from the dictator as he did it by continually harassing Eritrean students who refused to return to the country from south Africa. I hope he will be brought to the court in democratic Eritrea by what he did to us in Pretoria. I will be a witnesses against him tomorrow. I know abdu from the University days and he is not a person who runs for a meagre credits and personal gains. Abdu was a prisoner with the rest of about 2000 asmara university students in wia in 2001. The only reason for the detention was that we protested against the regime’s policies.
wedi germen March 2, 2014
Oh, my God, well come!!!!!! Congratulations! I heard that you were sent to the Gergera labour camp as punishment of some kind in 2013.
welcome!! I know you can contribute to the democratic change and I wish you will do so.
best luck
lewti delay March 2, 2014
So far so good! I hope he has a lot of information some day he will tell us all crimes of that dictator regime!!
ahmed saleh March 2, 2014
There are many of them who sacrificed their whole life on Eritrean cause under EPLF . The time came to divide the good and the ugly . At the end the good men/women will set free to satisfy their soul than becoming victims of evil if
they get the opportunity . That is why I keep saying not to accuse in general term because majority of ex-tegadelti are genuine good Eritrea who end up victims for the last years after independence forgotten in between dirty politics . What we see know is the continuation of wrong beginning from long time ago .
abyssinia March 3, 2014
Qualified, multilingual diplomat, expert in Middle East and Africa including CEN -SAD, National Service conscript, 2003. Hahahakikiki, I can only laugh. Amazing qualifications! hahaha
wedi-letay March 3, 2014
I have no doubt regarding his qualification and his post. Because, I have asked one of his former colleagues who is now in the United states, and he confirmed for me. since 2005 he was highly involved in diplomatic meetings held both in and out side of Eritrea. I was in the Ministry of Information and I remember him that he was taking part in a high profile meeting with one visiting foreign delegate and Ali abdu-dictators closest errand boy. Even Director generals like Asmelash were not participating in these kind of meetings. Ali had the habit of meeting foreign delegates alone. Paradoxically he was paid only 500 nakfa like all Eritrea national service members in Eritrea. It is grim reality!!!!
I wish him good luck!!
ተወልደመድህን March 3, 2014
ምእንቲ ሃገር ተቃሊስና ዝበሉ ሰባት ተጋጊኹም ክትብሎም ማዕረ ክንደይ ከቢድ ምዃኑ ደንጉዩ’ዩ ተረዲኡዎ።ደንጉዩ ብምርዳኡ ከኣ ክንወቅሶ ኣይግበኣን።ንዓመታት ከምድላዮም ሰብ እንዳኣዘዘ ዝመጹን ተቓውሞ ሰሚዖም ዘይፈልጡ ካብ ተጋጊኹም ክብሎም ክእለየሎም’ዩ መሪጹ።ብጽቡቕ ተግባሩ ክምጎስ ብሕማቕ ተግባሩ ከኣ ክውቀስ እንተኾነ ሽምጡ ገቲሩ ክቃለሶን ክወጾን ዘለዎ ዓቐበት ከምዘለዎ ክርስዕ የብሉን።እዚ እንድሕሪ ዘይገይሩ ከኣ ንህግደፍ ምግዳፍ ትርጉም የብሉን።
Wereket Taesa March 3, 2014
Do not be naive, Isaias is assigning his liutenants like Ali Abdu, Mahmoud Shengeb, Mesfun Hagos, The guy above and many others.’
Most people thought Idris Beriray deserted PFDJ. Well, they were wrong. Beriray is now supporting Isaias openly. Actually Beriray was sent to assasinate Suleiman Hindi, the former chief of Kifli Handesa.
Stop being naive.
Suleiman Salim March 3, 2014
I think WereQet was sent to kill Wereket! Don’t invent things.
Kalighe March 3, 2014
“Actually Beriray was sent to assasinate Suleiman Hindi, the former chief of Kifli Handesa.”
Wereket Taesa
Some say the guy who was sent to kill Suleiman Hindi is Mustafa Nurhusain.
Are you sure that it was Beriray ?. I don’t mean that should be totally excluded, since Iseyas’ tools
come in many colors and shapes, but just to know the truth.
Wereket Taesa March 3, 2014
When Suleiman Hindi deserted Isaias and entered to Port Sudan,Isaias sent Beriray to track down Suleiman Hindi and either abduct or assasinate him. As a reinforcement other (assasins) by the name Wedi Fitewrari” + “Wokiro” executed the plan. Fortunately the plan failed, the shooter missed killing Suleiman Hindi.
Suleiman was able to escape to Egypt.
Mustafa Nur Hussein was assigned in Port Sudan years before Suleiman Hindi deserted.
Kalighe March 3, 2014
Wereket Taesa, Thank you brother !!
haroon March 3, 2014
He is a traitor who finally left his country just to join the rest of traitors!!!!!!
Long life for president Issaias Afeworki!!!
He will be punished for committing high treason by escaping to hostile western nation.
ahmed omer March 4, 2014
Look Mr.Abdu was saying the same you said a bout him to others before he left
so talk against Ginbarist who leaving their masters and good-luck any way.