Algeria hails relationship development between Ethiopia, Eritrea
ALGIERS, June 23 (Xinhua) -- Algeria's Foreign Ministry Saturday welcomed the recent development in relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Abdelaziz Benali Cherif Saturday said in a statement that Algeria welcomes the decision

ALGIERS, June 23 (Xinhua) — Algeria’s Foreign Ministry Saturday welcomed the recent development in relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
The Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Abdelaziz Benali Cherif Saturday said in a statement that Algeria welcomes the decision of Ethiopian authorities to fully implement the Algiers Agreement, signed in December 2000, as well as the conclusion of demarcation of the border.
He added that Algeria also welcomes the positive reaction of Eritrea, which marked its readiness to renew dialogue with its Ethiopian neighbor.
He stressed that such encouraging development that deserve all the support of the international community are likely to contribute to the definitive settlement of the border conflict between the two countries.
The two neighboring East African countries fought a border war from 1998 to 2000 before signing a peace accord, dubbed the Algiers agreement, in December 2000.
On June 5, Ethiopia’s Executive Committee of the ruling party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), passed decision expressing Ethiopia’s commitment to an unconditional implementation of the December 2000 Algiers peace agreement with Eritrea. ADDIS ABABA, June 22 (Xinhua) — Recent positive developments concerning the relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea have given the global community with more confidence that relations among the two arch-rivals are normalizing.
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Danilo June 24, 2018
Good wish! After all, Ethiopia won means of dialogue. Eritrea is forced to send delegates to Addis to face the outcome. I hope Algeria and other peace procurators will be present. However, the agenda should be how to implement the already ruled. Otherwise, Eritrea should demand all territorial cleam upon bored treaty post colonialism no more no less. In case miss understanding the Algers agreement will or should be nil and void leaving aside to the people concerned for durable solution.
rezen June 24, 2018
Algeria’s positive reaction is understandable, as it was a mediator between the two countries. But no problem is ever solved unless the ROOT source of the problem is solved. And no mediator on Earth can solve the problem without unreserved full cooperation and willingness of the protagonists. And that is outside the realm of probability when dealing with Dictators.
k.tewolde June 24, 2018
I am all for peace,it is through a genuine peace that all good things can happen to a society,however a society which is in chronic internal turmoil and never experienced inner peace for a long time because of its leaders,how is it possible the very leaders who reduced it to a state of destitution negotiate for peace on behalf of the people they are trampling under their feet? it sounds like the hyena negotiating with the lion over what portions of the prey they gonna chomp on because the prey have no say. I think the young PM is smart enough to know who he is inviting to his house,and I don’t think he is putting all his marbles on the regime in Asmara to bring a lasting peace between the 2 brotherly nations,if so,this is going to be the most important regional and diplomatic matriculation of his leadership.
k.tewolde June 24, 2018
In other words,the inevitable winds of change are here,however the right players are missing.