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A Swiss court has ruled that the nation’s policy toward Eritrean refugees needs tightening.

The Federal Administrative Court’s decision handed down on Thursday says Switzerland will no longer recognize Eritreans as refugees solely on grounds of having fled their country illegally. The policy automatically granted refugee status to some

The Federal Administrative Court’s decision handed down on Thursday says Switzerland will no longer recognize Eritreans as refugees solely on grounds of having fled their country illegally. The policy automatically granted refugee status to some Eritreans.

However, the court decided, “The illegal exit from (Eritrea) cannot in itself justify recognition as a refugee” because of some recent cases of Eritreans returning safely for short home visits after gaining asylum status in Switzerland. The ruling came on Monday and cannot be appealed.

The government’s policy for processing asylum requests from Eritrean refugees is important because Eritreans make up the largest single nationality among asylum seekers in Switzerland – some 5,000 a year.

Human rights

Eritrean refugees are one of the largest groups trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to start a new life in Europe, where more than 47,000 Eritreans applied for asylum in 2015.

Last year, a U.N. commission of inquiry said the small Horn of Africa country’s “systematic, widespread” human rights abuses should be referred to the International Criminal Court as crimes against humanity that include enslavement of up to 400,000 people among Eritrea’s 6 million population.

Eritrea and Ethiopia feuded over their border ever since Eritrea gained independence in 1993 after a 30-year guerrilla war. The United Nations sent in peacekeepers under a 2000 peace agreement that ended a 2 1/2-year border war in which at least 70,000 people died.

Review overview
  • Fewsi February 4, 2017

    I am convinced that the solution starts first at the symptom people are not exposed first to the wrong environment or European culture first. The first exposure was the inhuman actions in Eritrea under ignorant gang leader. Gereb bihakla! Deal with Isaias not with Europe political elite and court system.

    Action words does serve but only to a certain extent until it sharpen the sword that holds to take action.

    Leader or people with a vision gift seek God

    Historians educate the youth how our forefather mind set and virtue allowed them to resist the outside enemies – the ottomans, the eqypian, the Italians
    The historical relevance of gedli is very small and needs a lot of historian studies to give historical value. As a society in the horn Ethiopia as it was in the 18th century and before is what constitutes the values of our people.
    Traders document historical relevance of who our for fathers used to trade with people of the Middle East before the black jewelry- the oil.

    With the authority Eritreans has given to Isaias and later confiscated it, more of destitute route is yet to come unless we take action

    Who takes action- WE WE as a people we as soldiers

    If there is a doubt as to how will be WE then wait for awhile the argument
    “People who live in the land called Eritrea can not rule themselves- one of the arguments after the 2nd world war ” will prevail
    As alternative which appear to be more reality -Eritreans will be consulted how they need to be governed by the one world order drafter
    The alternative route button has not be on partly because of less significant of the resources in Eritrea to the burning global issues faced the one world order leaders

    May be a subcategory of the one world order or pseudo will prescribe how Eritrea be ruled – the two potential guesses will be Ethiopia or Saudi Arabia
    The possibility of pseudo or alternative global choosers are seen – Gambia influence bySenegal
    -Somalia by Ethiopia and Kenya
    – Liberia and Seralyon by their own or hybrid diaspora elites

    • Maekele February 4, 2017

      You need our local ‘kilte shewAte nay enda Gabir’ as your fewsi hateftef poor talking monkey.

  • PH February 4, 2017

    I support the Swiss court decision despite that lacks some concerns. first the proof they got. second, how many people were involved . third, are they really going to deport them back? unless the 1% agents of HGDEF, most of them were poor and genuine refugees committed mistake. The worst thing is when they signed pepper of regret in embassy and embarked in the Asmara airport. as all we know, the tyrant regime allow intrance with out passport. therfore, Swiss court has received least of people directly from the isaias regime i.e, the court should consider!!!

  • Negusse February 4, 2017

    Eritreans meguhayiti fitretat, please simply and just fight back against the black devil Esayas man eater.

  • Degoli February 4, 2017

    To Eritreans in USA,
    Please mail this to President Donald Trump and the US Secretary of State.

    • AHMED SALEH !!! February 4, 2017

      anta donkoro
      Donald Trump signed executive order for 100 visas a year to Ethiopian travelers
      under the nose of fools while people with principle and moral value show resistance .

      • Daniel February 4, 2017

        anta mushmush rootless aregit kelbit Arab WHORE/PIMP
        It is a lost cause, can’t teach an old dog a new trick especially when the old mushmush kondaf aslamay aregit kelbi/dog happens to be a savage evil Arab slave dog of the old criminal barbaric Islamic ELF mendef shit.
        The savage moslem Arab soiled slave mind can’t clean itself, things that self-clean like oven and other objects may be far smarter than this savage old Arab dog polluted sick mind who lives to bark and to defend the vicious Islam and the cancerous muslim terrorist beasts.
        Yes indeed, Donald Trump is coming after your kind of rootless ignorant muslim terrorist scavengers and welfare dependent crocks food stamp collectors beggars/lementi goHafat deki negis monster evil Mohhammed beast. You’ll be deported to your savage evil Yemen and would soon rot in your muslim shit hell.

    • alem February 4, 2017

      U are right dogeli! I did present anonymous letter with pics taken using my mobile phone exposing two fake refugees who are ardent supporters of dictator iseyas. Both of them could not dispute the evidences i submitted and are now served with orders to leave us after their residence was revoked. This is sacred action that we eritreans should take against fake refugees.

  • Degoli February 4, 2017

    The Eritrean opposition right from the disintegration of Jebha ELF into more than ten groups or Gujles have been declining in the last thirty years, however, the new comer called Tesfazion, only armed in a channel has the most number of followers.
    What makes Tesfazion of the this astounding progress while others can not attract more than a dozen people? What do we learn from Tesfazion?
    Here is Tesfazion in one of his chitchats:

    • Daniel February 4, 2017

      Brother Degoli the great,
      Excellent and very well said brother and just keep it up ignoring the rootless savage evil moslem Arab dogs as mere noisy and disgusting toilet flies and moslem cockroaches.
      Indeed, the super man Tesfazion is getting so many followers the rootless meshamish aslam the savage Arab dogs are so scared they are shitting in their women’s jelebiya as usual.
      Remember, for savage evil moslem Arabs and their riffraffat korakur mercenaries the lowlander Arab dogs, the highlands of Abyssinia (Ethiopia & Eritrea) are unfinished business and without Ethiopia, Eritrea would be a naked and defenseless poor nation.
      Bedowuin Arab chauvinism and barbarism also known as savage evil vicious Islam is the cause of all miseries, destruction, bloodshed, poverty, wars, murders, kidnaps, mayhem and ignorance/backwardness. Deki evil monster beast peadophille murderer Mohammed should be burned alive and dumped at dogs graveyards and let them rot in their vicious cancerous Islam hell where they all belong and come from in the first place.

      • Daniel February 4, 2017

        please add in our region that the vicious cancer Islam and its savage evil cancerous muslims causes of all the miseries, mayhem and etc in our region and in particular, in Eritrea and Ethiopia but also poor Kenya.

        • AHMED SALEH !!! February 4, 2017

          Agazian influenced evil ideals ; SERAKI MOBA’E BAELU YILEFALEF
          Nobody mentioned about the perpetuators of killing machine field in Eritrean and Ethiopian recent histories . And your mentor Tesfazion can
          preach hatred and division because of his cursed nature , Words that
          come out from his mouth are venomous as a snake’s poisonous bite .
          Do not forget that God has mysterious way to deal with ugly people and
          pray for his safety because his stupidity may send him to his grave .

          • Daniel February 4, 2017

            How can the savage evil rootless mushmushat lowlander moslem Arab dogs be called “Eritreans” when they pray facing the direction of a foreign Arab land or savage Arab moon, aspire to imitate a savage evil foreign Arab culture and mannerism, consider a foreign savage alien language to be holy and hold everything savage moslem Arab to be superior????????
            Where is the loyalty of these savage evil illegal immigrant rootless Arab dogs? If anyone trusts these twisted asshole scumbags moslem poisonous snakes then they must be total stone heads and dunces. The loyalty of the savage moslem Arab dogs is always and only the desert savage evil Arab moon. As we speak the savage evil deki barbaric terrorist beast Mohammed muslims who follow the Meccan moon god are conducting suicide missions in their evil monster allah name causing all manners of atrocities.

  • Filmon February 4, 2017

    I don’t understand why the whites }Europeans, Americans, Australians and Canadians} pay for their living to the
    Muslims when in truth their Arab masters should pay them for serving them and for being obedient servants of the
    Arab world. But at last I feel D.Trump and Putin of Russia would be teaching and sorting out the dumb backward
    bastard muslim Arabs. Our world would only be peaceful once the mulims from hell are all eliminated/murdered.
    Deki stinking Halima, Fatima only understand savage force as after all their poisonous Islam shit came along by savagery killings and swords and can’t exist without killings and savagery.
    In short, the western world should stop supporting the savage moslem terrorist murderers and instead put/lock them in cages and burn them alive before dumping them in the savage moslem deserts.

    • alem February 4, 2017

      Fili lemanit. Mariam titkobelki.

      • Filmon February 4, 2017

        alem teKhoradi. Sheyitan yiKhuredika
        Your hooker muslim mother must have conceived you from a muslim sheyitan ghost.
        How many legs and hands have you got then and are they all from one ghost father?
        alem or alamin the evil moslem drakula shit, go and bend for your allah shit drilling.

  • Filmon February 4, 2017

    Long live Mr Tesfazion and the Agazi Christian nation. All foreign moslem shits leave our beautiful Christian Habesha Eritrea and get lost to your boiling moslem hell and savage Arab worlds.

    • alem February 4, 2017

      But u are not eritrean though. Tesfazien, filmon, dogeli kulukum zerekum kab tigray teararyu eyu mexiu. Aklikum zebibukum hiji meetewi sienkum.maebel telaelu eyu bertran ethiopian. Meetewit yelan higi.

      • Daniel February 4, 2017

        alem mushmush kondaf goHaf nomad Yemeni aslamy kelbi Arab dog, are you still fucking your Yemeni goat? Savage Wedi Halima Saho rat/snake, why are you so ashamed to use your savage evil Mohammed’s Arab slave dogs name like that of your aregit ignorant WHORE/PIMP cousin ahmidi al-salihidi crippled beggar/lemani rootless goHaf garbage aslamay?? Stick to your fucking vicious cancer Islam names of Abdurobo, Taliban, evil Mohammed, Khalid/Khaled, Khaliffa and Mustuffa shits.
        Savage moslem Arab dog, rot in your vicious Islam hell wedi Halima dog mother fucker. Do you miss that much your Tigray of Shire/Sheraro/Wukiro/Welkayit? But they are going to have you back as you savage vicious moslems were cancers to them as you are vicious cancerous to our Eritrea. As we can’t dump you back to Tigray – Ethiopia we just have to slaughter/chop you into pieces, burn your stinking vicious moslem corpses and dump you into your savage evil moslem Arab slave masters.

        • AHMED SALEH !!! February 5, 2017

          Alem , expect insults as usual as NEFAHITTO does in here .
          I am sorry there is nothing to say that make difference for insane person except to laugh when he acts day and night like stupid kid .
          Do you know that he is old age retarded man with little education .

  • TeAges February 5, 2017

    The moslems of Arabs why don’t you go and disapper to your bloody jeberti, islam awate, taliban or other Arabs websites? It is quite clear that you are not welcome or you are not part of our Eritrean christian websites but you are forcing to be accepted or to be part of us. How do we make you understand to leave us alone and to mind your Arabs businesses? You are just causing so much troubles and nonsense all the time. If you are too poor to own your extreme moslem hatred websites then ask your Arab bosses to open jihadi websites for you to plan evils.

    • Mehari February 5, 2017

      It seems unfortunately that these Muslims can only understand Arabic language.
      You will need someone to translate to them the “we don’t want you” and go to your Muslim
      people and countries. The Sudanese should take them back and keep them as their shepherds.
      Their Arab bosses also don’t see them or treat them as humans but as garbage and condoms.

      • Aba thimmer February 5, 2017

        ኣብ ዓጨንሓረ የራኽበና።in case you don’t know? Pls google it.

    • AHMED SALEH !!! February 5, 2017 websites represent well informed nationalists who hail from Eritrea and Ethiopia
      both Christians and Moslems . Weyane and HGDF cadres and arrogant followers mental
      capacity only understand African jungle rule of sociopolitical affairs .
      That is why AWATE.COM has warning sign that says ;
      Amanuel Iyassu should learn their example than fall victim like .

  • PH February 5, 2017

    I wish to inform you that your “president of agaazian state “will be in prison because found guilty of dividing peace loving people who respect each once religion. you as ASKER ( LHASI TFAAI TESFASION ) will be deported. No matter what documents you have

    • Ketal wedi nugus February 5, 2017

      Spensso io on his arrival.

    • Biniam February 5, 2017

      PH – physically and mentally retarded ignorant & poisonous moslem snake.
      Do you still do your speciality of ‘meAkor nay Arab miliHas’ with whites as well?
      You over stayed your welcome/limit in Eritrea and will soon be deported and murdered.
      Start packing your garbage belongings like your old stinking goats, camels and filthy tents.
      We also sadly wish to inform you that your Arab slave masters refuse to take you back or even recognize you as human!!!! At least your savage dogs will keep feeding you with the “milks” and your goats and camels will hopefully stick with you!!!!

  • Biniam February 5, 2017

    Brothers TeAges and Mehari,
    You seem to forget that these alien foreign moslem mercenaries don’t have their own language, culture, history.
    As they are the second generation (expelled ones from Tigray) of Tigrayans their only language, culture and history is of that of Tigray and Ethiopia. Arabic language is the language of their evil bastards Arab slave masters.
    It is so obvious that they suffer from identity crisis and that’s what they are fighting for – to make poor Eritrea an Islamic nation governed by the evil backward Sha’ria law and destroy our century long civilazation and normality.

    • PH February 5, 2017

      You are trying to sell your famous dog “Tesfatsion “in the market. wekheria yhz do? iwe-Anbesakhe? Iwe! Negher feshila!

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