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A Swiss court has ruled that the nation’s policy toward Eritrean refugees needs tightening.

The Federal Administrative Court’s decision handed down on Thursday says Switzerland will no longer recognize Eritreans as refugees solely on grounds of having fled their country illegally. The policy automatically granted refugee status to some

The Federal Administrative Court’s decision handed down on Thursday says Switzerland will no longer recognize Eritreans as refugees solely on grounds of having fled their country illegally. The policy automatically granted refugee status to some Eritreans.

However, the court decided, “The illegal exit from (Eritrea) cannot in itself justify recognition as a refugee” because of some recent cases of Eritreans returning safely for short home visits after gaining asylum status in Switzerland. The ruling came on Monday and cannot be appealed.

The government’s policy for processing asylum requests from Eritrean refugees is important because Eritreans make up the largest single nationality among asylum seekers in Switzerland – some 5,000 a year.

Human rights

Eritrean refugees are one of the largest groups trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to start a new life in Europe, where more than 47,000 Eritreans applied for asylum in 2015.

Last year, a U.N. commission of inquiry said the small Horn of Africa country’s “systematic, widespread” human rights abuses should be referred to the International Criminal Court as crimes against humanity that include enslavement of up to 400,000 people among Eritrea’s 6 million population.

Eritrea and Ethiopia feuded over their border ever since Eritrea gained independence in 1993 after a 30-year guerrilla war. The United Nations sent in peacekeepers under a 2000 peace agreement that ended a 2 1/2-year border war in which at least 70,000 people died.

Review overview
  • Tes February 3, 2017

    what can I say? Who is wrong the switze or we Eritreans. In my humble opinion Eritreans as people are confused in state of dissolution . We are in state we could not understand a very simple thing starting with identify our enemy and try to resolve our issue. Our main enemy is ignorance. Many of us believe that the situation in Eritrea is normal. coupled with sill act such as dancing in the PFDJ festivals and going back to Eritrea. Image feeling from the hell in earth through horrendous journey and after a few year going back to you tormentor, doesn’t only look bad but also invites far reaching consequence. A sane person will fight back and liberate his people in any way possible. No what we do is that try to go back at any cost. It doesn’t surprise switze to take harsh measure against all Eritrean.

  • Maekele February 3, 2017

    Well done the Swiss Court and the government of Switzerland. You can’t eat or have two mouths of one person!
    All European countries should be deporting the so called Eritrean refugees visiting Eritrea and supporting PFDJ.
    Indeed Tes, ‘A sane person will fight back and liberate his people in any way possible’.
    May be the Eritrean person is not sane enough to fight back against his oppressors and abusers!!

  • asgedom1 February 3, 2017

    Please not delete my comments.i do not know what the reason was that you deleted my previous comments, Thanks.
    I think Europe is saturated with Eritrean organs.Those patients who were in que for organ replacements have already their organs got Europe does not need them and it can send them back to their country and if Europe does not send them back it is going to activate ITS chackals to make for the Eritreans living hell in Europe.One thing i agree with the Dictator is that there is conspiracy going on against the Eritrean people,but if i were in his place i take a drastic action to save my people.In the city i live that is in central Europe Germany ,the authorities are very cruel(truely i do not blame them ,it is we who come to them)so they give shelter to Eritrean refugees in a very filthy,red light districts,of prostitution,drug dealing,drug addicts,crimes ..The area is the dirtiest,filthiest place ever i saw in my life…in Europe the people who live and frequent such area are animals like,sick,criminals,immoral…and our young new comers young Eritreans house in the middle of such kinda of people…very young boys estimated age 18,19,20,Why the German authorities are exposing these young innocent Eritreans to that dirty environment of immorality and crime? their plan is simple , to destroy them.Imagine guys you come straight from Africa you do not have any clue about the area,the culture of the people.tricks and gimmicks,the language and many more and straight at you door step are the dirty junkies,the prostituts,the homosexuals,the drug dealers,the criminals…what the german authorities are doing is a big crime…first when my young Eritreans told me they house in this district ,i could not believe what i was hearing….and i asked them if they informed the Eritrean community and they said “they do not know about it”. Well it sad,to see these young boys being exposed to crimes and immorality on their daily basis.For me the German authorities who put the young Eritrean refugees in that situation are criminal and should face justice.We have to be very smart and stop being naive brothers and sisters.

    • Isak February 3, 2017

      If you are not happy in Germany and Europe then go back to your stinking Abashawul or Adwa.

      • Isak February 3, 2017

        Big talk but little action, why don’t you fight the people who are making you a refugee first instead of bullshitting?
        Did you really expect Germany or Europe to roll out the red carpet for “super Eritreans” or accommodate them in palaces??
        Day dreamers and morons like yourself need and deserve devil leaders like Esayas for life. Get real and fight back your enemies in Eritrea.

        • asgedom1 February 3, 2017

          Your brain is up to your ass ,mate, i am only high lighting the dangers our young boys/girls are exposed to when they have arrived Europe .

          • Isak February 3, 2017

            You are a mate of evil, may be it is about time that your evil mate examines and lubricate your cursed ass with its evil oil or bullet.

          • Yemane February 3, 2017

            asgedom or andom
            Why are you doing so much halewlews and nonsense?
            The Germans or the Swiss never invited your young boys/girls to their countries. Your kind of mafia and opportunists are using and corrupting them to your advantages. The young boys and girls vulnerability is being manipulated by nasty criminal people.

    • AHMED SALEH !!! February 3, 2017

      Sorry Asghedom
      You start with complaints for deleting your comments . We be judged by our worst
      act to lead life the easier wrong than the difficult right . Honesty , integrity and positive
      inspirations are the result from honorable character of our conduct .
      Your comment looks to speak for the life of our minds and the life of habits to act in
      certain way far from reality .
      You want us have issues with Arab countries and now with Germany . No my friend ,
      it is matter of choice to make our minds in support either for GOOD or for EVIL . I
      guess the majority vote against any form of EVIL .

  • Godaif February 3, 2017

    This Swiss court decisions needs to be mailed and presented to the Homeland Security of USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden … and every nation on earth.
    Asking asylum and returning to Eritrea should be reexamined by these humanitarian nations. Anyone who asked asylum and returned will be dealt with.

  • AHMED SALEH !!! February 3, 2017

    Couple of years ago Issaias Afewerki said ” don’t worry they will come back after their picnic end ” .
    Well some of them proved that he was right . And some countries try to argue either they are
    political refugees or economical refugees . Again well except some hypocrites the majority are
    victims of oppressive regime . A portion of bad apples act like cowards to make their peers feel
    worst than they already do .
    Cowardice inside the country .
    Cowardice in neighboring countries .
    Cowardice in Europe .
    It is interconnected since SAWA training camp aspiration of neglect and moral degradation produced
    generation deprived from normal life in hostile no-war-no-piece environment .

  • Hailu February 3, 2017


    Is not is a foolish thing to do?
    If you claim you are persecuted by Eritrean regime and on the back yard you go vacation to Eritrea with the little welfare money you get. It is the biggest sin ever.

    I think many people from Eritrea are so distorted thinking and they just also want to live a distorted way of life , like what they learned from the authoritarian regime. You cannot not live such a crooked way of life (Shatr) in Europe they will find you and deport you.

    I heard one of my friend who got asylum in Swiss some years ago and went to visit Eritrea and i know for sure his claim was he cannot live and stay in eritrea for fear of being imprisoned.
    So guess what is to happen, his case is by default fortified and he can not any more be eligible for the protection.

    Please those who got asylum should come to your senses and start to be logic and think logically

    No wonder how the culture of Eritreans so damaged by the authoritarian regime and started to pop up every where, and in every action we are engaged in. .
    These bad culture infused into the mind of the new generation are;
    1. pretension though you are a welfare dependent
    2. dancing with a shining dress in festivals though you are depressed and empty pocket
    3. vacation to Eritrea just to take photos and create jealousness on those who still live in Eritrea and those in military

  • Z, Hagos February 4, 2017

    The cruel tyrant and his embassies are being implanting their agents into Eritrean communities, Eritrean opposition groups, and even Eritrean families. The implanted agents infiltrate as instructed to disrupt the peaceful lives of the Eritrean Diaspora.
    To Isaias, every Eritrean is an enemy. Wherever the Eritreans are, must be reached with his long arms. Wherever the Eritreans are, the agents are sent to keep them under control. If they cannot be controlled, they must be destabilized by causing those troubles with their host countries including by pushing them to hide and visit Eritrea against the host countries’ advices that such visit violates their cases or claims for refugee status so as to be granted asylum.
    So, who are these agents? If these agents are Eritreans, why are they against Eritreans? It is found that those who serve Isaias are mostly drug addict or are blackmailed into doing what they are doing. Spoiling the name of the Eritrean refugees is their goal. Doing whatever that causes trouble with the good name and trust of the Eritrean refugees is the work of Isaias embassies through their implanted agents into the communities and Eritrean families. To the host countries such hide and travel back act of one idiot puts a question to all Eritreans. Thus, don’t blame those host countries. Blame the implanted agents who are pushing the innocent kind hearted youth who miss their parents/friends. Blame also those behind the implanted agent or: the embassy people and Isaias.

    • Eri February 4, 2017

      What proof you have for your claim ?

      • Maekele February 4, 2017

        The proof is in the pudding, ‘you’ as the implanted agent of the cruel tyrant.
        Similarly and unashamedly, your monster leader would also ask ‘where is the evidence’, you’ll be sacked for not asking evidences rather than just claims!!!
        What proof do you need you dead brain ignorant zombie? Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you’d had enough oxygen at birth?
        When you die, you should have your dead brain donated to science. I hear they’re trying to come up with the perfect vacuum.

  • stefanos temolso February 4, 2017

    If you claim that the regime is so brutal and evil and it tortured you and then go back to salute it and kowtow, then it is like swallowing what you vomited. So, I stand with the Swiss govt. The bad thing is BSENKI NQUX YNEDID RHUS,Other innocent people are suffering the consequences as well. s

  • Mehari February 4, 2017

    “ነፃነት ዶ ባርነት!” ሬፍረንዶም 1993!!!

    እዛ “ነፃነት!” ትብል ቃል ብጣዕሚ ሳሃቢትን ምቅርት ኩሉ ሰብ ዝምነያ’ያ፡፡ ይኩንበር- ወዲ መድህን በራድ ክጥቀመላ’በር ንክትግብራ ህቅን ኣይነበሮን፣ንሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምትላል ምርጽቲ ቃል ምኳና’ዩ አረጋጊፁ፡፡ ብድህሪኣ’ውን “ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ንፍትሂን ዲሞክራሲን(PFDJ)!”??? ፍትሂን ዲሞክራሲን ኩሉ ሰብ ዝደልዮን፣ መሠረት ዘመናዊ ምህደራን’ዩ፡፡ እንተኮነ ግን፣ ወዲ መድህን በራድ ከምታ “ነፃነት ዶ!?” ንክጠቀመላ’በር ናይ ነፃነት፣ ፍትሂን ዲሞክራሲን ኣሰር እምነት ያብሉን፡፡ እቱ እከያ ወዲ መድህን በራድ እዙይ ጥራህ ግን ኣይነበረን፡፡ ኣብ እዋን ቃልሲ አዕራብ ንምጥቃም መራሂ ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ተከታሊ እስልምና ንሱ ካልኣይ ኮይኑ’ዩ ተጓኢዙ፡፡ ኣብ ምቅርራብ ውድቀት ደርጊ፣ ነቱ ከመራሂ ነዊህ ዝተጠቀመሉ ገሊፉ እታ መሪህነት ጨበጠ፡፡ ኣብ ጉእዞ ቃልሲ’ውን ብሉጽ ሥራህቲ ኣባለት ናይ ነብሱ ምህዞ እናምሰለ ተጠቂሙሉ’ዩ፡፡ ወደ መድህን በራድ ንሜዳ ዝወፀ በዐመሉን ንዐመሉን’በር ንነፃነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ አይነበረን፡፡ ካብ ቁልእነቱ ካበ ፈለማይን ካልአይን ብርኪ ተምህርቱ ጀሚሩ ብዘይካ ባእሲን ለከፍከፍን ስንኪሳርን ብካሊእ አይፍለጥን፡፡ ሀደ ዝረከብክዎ ብመንግስቱን ብወዲመድህንን ገፁ ዝተፀፈአ ዜጋ ቢሂዎት እንተሀሊዩ ብዝበለፀ ይግለፆ፡፡ ኢሰያስ ከም እሸል ወዲ ተባእታይ ብታህዲድ ዝኣምን፣ ከመ ጎርዞ ጓል አነስተይቲ ብስገኡ(ምስሉ) ዝአምን’ዩ፡፡ እንትከፍኦ ዝስዎር፣ እነቲምችዎ ክኣ ወዛህዛህ ዛብዝህ፣ መጨበጢ ዘያብሉ ነዊህ ዝተጉአዘ ሀደገኛ ሴጣን’ዩ፡፡
    እዛ ወዛህዛህ፣ ኮደብደብ፣ታህዲድን ቀለትን ኣብ ወራር ባድመ ሰማይ ዐረገት! ፣ኣብ ዑደት ድፍዓታት ምክልካል ኤርትራ ግንባር ባድመ፣ ኢዱ አብ ጅብኡ ኣእት’ዩ ምስታህዲድ ከም ዐመሉ ወዛህዛ በለ!፣ ምእንተ ዐመሉ ንመንእሰይ ኤርትራ ናይ ሞት ድግስ ደገሰሉ፡፡ እታ ዝፃሀራ ክብሪት ተባሪኣ ሀዊ ንአስመራ ገፃ ምስላሀኮት፣ እዙ ጃጃዊ!!! ነብሱ ንምድሀን ንመራሂ ውድብ ሁቡራት ሀገራት ኮፊ አናን፣ ኣብ ኩውታ ድቃስ እንተይተረፈ ብጠፋእኩ ብጽሀለይ! ሠላሙ ዘረጋ፡፡ ብአሜሪካ፣ ብርዋንዳ፣ብአፍሪቃ ሕብረት፣ ብዩናይትድ ኔሽን ተለሚኑ “ጠንጠነለይ!!!” ዝበለ፣ ንመራህቲ አፍረቃ “ገፈጥ መፈጥ!” ኢሉ ዛናሸወ፣ ብናይ ወየንቲ ዱላ ተዘቢጡ አይኮነን ባድመ፣ ርብኢ ትርቢኢት ግዝአተ ሀገረ ኤርትራ- ካብ ተሰነይ ክሳብ ኣሰብ፣ ውንዝር ኢሉ ንከይረገፃ ፈረመ፡፡ንናይ ወፃእ ሀይሊ አረኪቡ፣ ንሱ ንየው ሪሂቁ አብከባቢ አስመራኡ ተኣልዩን ተሸቁሪሩን ነብሱ አትረፋ፡፡ ናይ ኢሰያስ ፍረ ዘያብሉ ታህዲድ ሂወት ብዙሀት መናእሰይ ቀዘፈት፡፡ እቱ ኩሉ ፀረ ነፈርቲ ሚሳይላት አብ አስመራ ወዲሩ፣ ወይን ጢሂሳ አትያ ወታደራዊ መእርፎ ነፈርቲ አስመራ መቆፃፀሪ “ራዳር ታወር” ብሚግ-23 ምስ አህረረታ፣ ወደ መድህን በራድ ምስ እተሀብአላ ጎጆው ከይሀርር ጃጂው! ስለኤርትራ ዘይኮነ ስለሂዎቱ ተጨነቀ፡፡ ዎ ናይ ሀሶት ጀግንነት! በኒና ጠፈአት መሬት አፋ ከፊታ እነተቲውህጦ አይፀልአን!!!፡፡ወይን ዝኮነ ሲቪላዊ መእርፎ ነፈርቲ ይኩን ካለኦት ሲቪላዊ ቁዋማት አየተንከፈን፡፡ በከበሮያ እንተበልዋሲ! ብህንብጣ! ከምዝብልዎ ወዲ መድህን በራድ ሀፊሩ ንዘላዓለሙ ደጋአፌቱ አጽዩ ኣብ ኣዲ ሀሎን አስመራን ተሀብአ፡፡ አምሃሩ፣ “እዩኝ! እዩኝ! ያለ ደብቁኝ! ደብቁኝ! ይላል ኮነ”፡፡ ድህሪ ዱላ ወያነ፣ ዐመለኛ አመሉ አይገድፍንሞ ሙሉእ ጽሊእቱን ኣእናዊ ውዲቱን ናብ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ አዞሮ፡፡ ወሊዱ ከይሳስን ብ30-ዓመታት ጦርነት፣ ድህሪ ነፃነት ከይጥጥእ በውትድርና ሳዋን፣ ብስደትን ፋህ ብትን ኣእትዩ፣ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ከምንቡር ወሊዱ ከቢዱ ደቁ ደቂ ደቁ ከይስእም ኤርትራ ንስደት “መውፀኢ ሳእኒ ሲእኑ ዝተረፈ ያእክላዩ!!! ኢሉ ብምንቁሻሽ ከም ደቂ ዛግራ ፋህ ብትና ኣእትይላ፡፡ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ተጠሊሙ ተታሊሉ፣ ዛእበዮ ድሙ ተመን ሂዝሉዩ መጽዩ፡፡ ኣብ “93 ነፃነት!” ዝተብሀለት “ባርነት!” ዲሞክራሲን ፍትሂን! ዝተብሀለ አረሜናዊነትን ግፍኢን’ዩ ነጊሱ:: ኤርትራ ሕዝባ ንተራእዩ ዘይፈልጥ ፀገምን ቅልውላውን ተሳጢሁ፣ሸጣናዊ መንፈስ ዝሰረሮ ሽንተ ርግማን፣ ዝቅየር ኣይኮነነን! ክቅየር ኣይኮነን፡፡ ወዲ መድህን እንክፍጠር ንሠላም ዘይኮነ ንጎይቂ፣ንምዝራግ፣ ንምስራህ ዘይኮነ ንምፍራስ ዝተፈጠረ፣ የማን ገዲፉ ፀፀጋሙ ዝከይድ ጠንቂን ሀደጋ ሕዝቢን’ዩ፡፡ ዝምራህ በኣመሉ ዝነብር ንኣመሉ!!!፡፡,, ንነብሶምን ስድራኦምን ኣብ አሜሪካን አውሮፓን ሠላሞም ኣውሂሶም፣ ብማስቃን ቁስሊን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ይፃወቱን፣ ንግፍአኛ ወዲ መድህን ሥላጣን ከይሀልከቱ ይሰርሁ ምህላዎም ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣገብ ክብሎም ይግባእ!
    ንመንፈሰ ሰይጣን ኢስያስ ዝነቅል መብረቅ ሀጋይ ያውርደልና! አሜን!!!

  • ሃብተ February 4, 2017

    አዚ ፍርዲ አዚ “ንምልካዊ ኢሰያስ” ( ኤርትራ) ዓቢ ዓወት አዩ ንምንታይስ ሕጂ አቶም መንአሰያት ኣብ ዓዶም ኮይኖም ትምህርቶምን ስርሖምን ክገብሩ ተፈቂድዎም ማለት አኮ አዩ።

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