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A mass grave of Eritreans found in Sinai

A mass grave of Africans, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese was found at mountains of Sinai. These victims of Trafficking, Slavery, Torture and Rape were found by a team of investigating journalists of a major station,

A mass grave of Africans, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese was found at mountains of Sinai. These victims of Trafficking, Slavery, Torture and Rape were found by a team of investigating journalists of a major station, Channel 25. Disclaimer: THESE VIDEOS CONTAIN VERY DISTURBING GRAPHIC IMAGES THAT SOME OF OUR VIEWERS MAY FIND IT DISTURBING.



Review overview
  • g October 30, 2011

    Barentu and ahmed saleh
    Some people are just ignorant you have to spoon feed them what asmarino is saying is something else. Try to understand before you open your mouth.‘
    ”Neither Muslim nor Christian could do this”…. obviously they have not heard of PFDJ’
    means no normal muslim or christian could do this however such crime is normal for pfdj to do. You guys couldnt understand simple line and you try to bring change in Eritrea.

    • ahmed Saleh October 31, 2011

      My reaction was not to asmarino, it was his coment to bring their religion. For the fact they find an ID
      of one body, but how stupid to jump to christians or moslems at the time we are in shock and in disbeleive.
      On the eyes of outsiders we are Eritreans, you don’t get a pass because of your religion. Sorry, I don’t
      appreciate such language. Our destiny is the same to the end.

      • g November 1, 2011

        I know he wrote something ugly but you follow him by saying Moslems have their own unspoken misery too. You should have talked about the article and his comments only.

  • A fellow Erutrean October 30, 2011

    Issais Afeworki and his cronies are the only and only cause of this all misery. TO HIS SUPPORTERS I HAVE ON WORDS BUT SAY SHAME ON YOU!!!

  • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

    a. Salih Ghadi Johar/Ali Salim writes “Language and Religion In the Eritrean Politics’ and I developed a sub-title for each …”
    This is the man whose both parents are originally from Temben-Tigray though he grew up in Keren. However, like many voluntary-Arab-Abeeds, he is ashamed of his Tigrinia language. Without shame he wrote: “I am a Moslem and my language is Arabic.”
    One hears such vulgarity only in Eritrea. One does not see such low level inferiority complex among the Somalis, Afars, Zanzibaris, Ogadienians, Iranians, Turks, Khurdish … even the Talibans. Only in Eritrea! … b

    • Abdi October 31, 2011

      @Haqi Nzarb
      What are you up to?he has the writre to describe himself the way he wants(evil,saint,angle, Arab even stone)its none of our business as long as he doesn’t generalize the whole population ,but Im wondering what would you say about the ppl who want to unite us with Ethiopia like you?

  • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

    ኩርዓት ብመነነት ካብ ዝጸሓፎ :
    መብዛሕትኦም ሰባት ብመንነቶም ባህሎም ውርሸኦም ቋንቅኦም ሕቡናትን ኩርዓትን እዮም :: ገለ ገለ ካብ ዓቕሞም ንላዕሊ ብዝኾነ ጸቕጥን ተጽዕኖን : ውርሸኦም ባህሎምን መንነቶምን ንምዕቃብ ኮነ ንምሕብሓብ ዘይሕሰብ ወይ ዘይከኣል ይኾኖም :: ንኣብነት ኣብ ሃገራት ኣዕራብ ከም ባሮት : ብፕሮፌሽናል ስፖርት ወይ ካልእ ስራሕ ዝኸዱ : ዜጋታት ክቑጸሩ ኣሽማቶምን ሃይማኖቶምን ክቕይሩ ይግደዱ :: ንኣብነት ኣትሌታውያን ደቂ ኬንያን ኡጋንዳን ኣብ ኩወይት ኢማራት ቀጠር … ምጥቃስ ይከኣል ::
    ገለ ገለ ግና : ንመንነቶም ውርሽኦምን ቋንቋኦምን ግዲ ዘይብሎም : ወረ ገሊኦም እሞ ዝሓፍሩን ዝሓብእዎን ኣለዉ :: ንኣብነት መበቆሎም ካብ ትግራይን ኤርትራን ክነሱ : “ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ኣይተስምዑና ” ዝብሉ ኣለዉ :: ገለ ድማ ኣብ ከረን ኣቑርደት ወይ ሕርጊጎ ዓብዮም : ትግረ ኣይተስምዑና ዝብሉ : መንነቶም ዝጸልኡ ኣለዉ : ወረ “ዓረብ ጥራይ ” ኢሎም : ካብ ዓረብ ንላዕሊ ዝጭድሩ ኣለዉ ::

  • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

    ኩርዓት ብመነነት ካብ ዝጸሓፎ:
    መብዛሕትኦም ሰባት ብመንነቶም ባህሎም ውርሸኦም ቋንቅኦም ሕቡናትን ኩርዓትን እዮም :: ገለ ገለ ካብ ዓቕሞም ንላዕሊ ብዝኾነ ጸቕጥን ተጽዕኖን : ውርሸኦም ባህሎምን መንነቶምን ንምዕቃብ ኮነ ንምሕብሓብ ዘይሕሰብ ወይ ዘይከኣል ይኾኖም :: ንኣብነት ኣብ ሃገራት ኣዕራብ ከም ባሮት : ብፕሮፌሽናል ስፖርት ወይ ካልእ ስራሕ ዝኸዱ : ዜጋታት ክቑጸሩ ኣሽማቶምን ሃይማኖቶምን ክቕይሩ ይግደዱ :: ንኣብነት ኣትሌታውያን ደቂ ኬንያን ኡጋንዳን ኣብ ኩወይት ኢማራት ቀጠር … ምጥቃስ ይከኣል ::
    ገለ ገለ ግና : ንመንነቶም ውርሽኦምን ቋንቋኦምን ግዲ ዘይብሎም : ወረ ገሊኦም እሞ ዝሓፍሩን ዝሓብእዎን ኣለዉ :: ንኣብነት መበቆሎም ካብ ትግራይን ኤርትራን ክነሱ : “ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ኣይተስምዑና ” ዝብሉ ኣለዉ :: ገለ ድማ ኣብ ከረን ኣቑርደት ወይ ሕርጊጎ ዓብዮም : ትግረ ኣይተስምዑና ዝብሉ : መንነቶም ዝጸልኡ ኣለዉ : ወረ “ዓረብ ጥራይ ” ኢሎም : ካብ ዓረብ ንላዕሊ ዝጭድሩ ኣለዉ ::

    • Negash October 31, 2011

      “aslamay inteznegs mharede imber neymferede ! ” How gruesam the moslems are, we are seeing what is happening upon our people every where in the arab countries, especially in Sudan (abd/barya/mesih,…etc) and Egypt. The most bad thing is, there is no protest from all moslem societies world wide while the poor bedouins/Rashaida [who don’t even anticipate what their lords (Egypt/DIA/UN/EU) told them to do] are slaughtering victim christian refugees in Sinai. Why didn’t happen such killings in the past? Question your self !!!!

      If the young Eritreans can’t tolerate the worst governing of DIA (because of his disabilty), then what can they otherwise do; the unlucky youth with no perspectives in sight!

      Yerhwo Amlak!!!!

      • ahmed Saleh November 1, 2011

        I refuse to respond to your post because I see the stupidity.
        My motto is, to alert to every Eritrean with good will to be carefull from people with hidden
        mission. At this moment of confusion and sadness they get an opportunity to use religion
        to spread the hate and division among us. We don’t know who is who.

  • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

    Why are you blaming Abdi? This crime was committed by the evil Arab Beduines in the land of Moslem Arabs?
    You are so insecure, you are blaming a young PFDJ Abdi. This is not his crime. The people who did all the organ harvesting, selling and killing of the Eritreans was done by the Arabs!
    Blame the freaking Arabs.
    The evils in the PFDJ have many jails and many people are dying in their jails but this is an a Moslem-Arab crime. Blame the freaking Arabs! You are all a bunch of cowards … Speak up the truth!

    • Eritrean October 31, 2011

      Who forced him to leave his country for search of dollars in Israel. After the independence 100 thousand of Eritreans returned to their home country to fell independent. Rather than to see your family die of hunger in their home country, It is better to die in the desert to feed you family.

  • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

    Compare the story below to your current shame in your identity, languages, heritage and our shameful deaths in the hands of the freaking Arabs. The coward Arabs despise you so much they are harvesting your organs alive.
    Compare to your Habesha ancestors who defended themeselves from the savage Arabs for centuries and centuries.
    Read, the young Zerai Deres. Does this ring a bell in your lazy minds?
    On May 21, 1937, in Rome, Italy was celebrating its fourth anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Empire. The celebratory parade was attended by Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and King Victor Emmanuel III. Thousands of subjects from Italy’s African colonies marched during the parade. Among them was a young Eritrean man named Zerai Deres. He was carrying the sword to salute the King, the Führer, and Il Duce, at the grandstand. As the parade marched past the Vittorio Emanuele monument, Zerai Deres looked up and saw the golden Lion of Judah, the symbol of the ancient monarchy, to which his ancestors had long owed allegiance, erected as a war booty in the heart of Rome. The shock was too great for him, and he drew his sword and with it he slew five fascist guards[1], as well as wounding others, before he himself was killed[2] on the spot in a hail of gunshots.

  • SAM October 30, 2011

    haile drue ,said when he was giving interview to don connell.he said he is a family of degazmat bahta hagose by his father side.
    and by his mother said he said ,he is from ras tessema. if this is true ras tesema is a cousin of ras seyum of tigray. and he can not be endogenous because, he is not a KUNAMA. HE IS HABESHA a mixed rice .

    • diana October 31, 2011

      how can you do not know that haile drue is a man who born from eritrea and tigray.

  • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

    Assenna should find some Eritrean survivors who were in this specific areas who can remember this location and any names of the people who perished in this desert hell? Let the victims tell us what had happened?
    Who was Almaz, wedi shashu teseney, Yerus, … ? Anyone who can get hold of these ID cards and written papers through the Red Cross? Some mother or sister o some father or brother … is out there in pain and crying or sick in grief …
    what a curse! said someone? The Gedli curse!

  • Yordanos October 31, 2011

    the cancer of Isayas is still life in the life of Gedli….
    he always make the people patriotic.. so as to divert questions regarding democracy, justice, development, freedom….
    so let’s try to get out of this cancer hell leader

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