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A mass grave of Eritreans found in Sinai

A mass grave of Africans, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese was found at mountains of Sinai. These victims of Trafficking, Slavery, Torture and Rape were found by a team of investigating journalists of a major station,

A mass grave of Africans, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese was found at mountains of Sinai. These victims of Trafficking, Slavery, Torture and Rape were found by a team of investigating journalists of a major station, Channel 25. Disclaimer: THESE VIDEOS CONTAIN VERY DISTURBING GRAPHIC IMAGES THAT SOME OF OUR VIEWERS MAY FIND IT DISTURBING.



Review overview
  • ተ.መድኅን October 30, 2011

    መናእሰያት ኤርትራ ብስርዓት ጥራሕ ኣይኮነን ተፈሪዱ።ብወለዱን በቶም ዓበይቲ ኣሕዋቱ’ውን ተፈሪዱ’ዩ።እዚ ኩሉ ክከውን ኣብ ኣስመራን ካልእ ቦታን ስለቲ ፖለቲካ ህግደፍ ዝስዕስዑን ዝስቅቱን፡ብዙሃት ር ኢና።ናይ ሎሚ ኤርትራዊ ኣተሃሳስባ እንተሪኢና ብሃቂ ሰማየ ሰማይ ዝፋንን ደው ኢሉ ዘየስተውዕል ባህሪ ሕሙም’ዩ።በዓልቲ ቤቱ ንነዊሕ ኦኣመት ኣብ ትሕቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ተኣሲሩ ዘሎ ዳዊት ይስሃቅ ዝበለቶ ኣካሊ’ዩ።ዝኮነ ይኹን ካብ ዝመጾ፡ኣብ ኤርትራ ናይ ምንባር ጸገም ከይህልዎ ንዝሞተ ሓው ከምዘይሞተ፡ንዝተሳቐ ከምዘይ ተሳቕ፡ንዝጠፍ አ ከምዘይጠፈ ቆጺሩ ደድህሪ ኦብዳን ህግደፍ ዝስዕብ ኣኤርትራዊ ካብ ንር ኢ ነዊሕ ኮይኑ’ዩ።

  • Amba October 30, 2011

    To all Eritrean, we have to kick eseya befor we get our in tigray

  • Eden October 30, 2011


    Thank you. Free speech shouldn’t be confused with stupidity and weakness on the host’s part. To be more specific, your generosity and civility to provide a free forum can be viewed by the ungrateful as stupidity and a weakness. You made a call and it is definitely the right call. Again, thank you.

    • Abdi October 31, 2011

      anti hataw amselu ,why you want me out?ain’t you fighting for freedom of speech which you claim to be denied by PIA?you are such a worthless selfish who wants to hear what he wants only,hashawi Elama albo,you must be one of those so called intellectuals whom ppl complainning about in addis for being drunkards.Eusub.

      • Maazza November 1, 2011

        Abdi or Abbadi

        If you read and re-read your message several times, you will finally understand that you are not fit for discourse and dialogue anywhere in the globe. You are an outcast. A foul-mouthed person who has so little self-respect that he is unable to see others with respect, even though they may have an opposed view. Those like you who kneel at the alter of DIA, are the only ones you regard with some sort of acknowledgment. There are some others in the forum that follow more or less the same line as you do but discoursing and dialoguing with them can be enriching for both sides. In your case, you castrate people with insults like you are doing with Eden and you did with me several times. A guy like you is at his best with his mouth shut because you most of the time spew venom when you open it. Kulatna yirda’eka ilnaka.

        • Abdi November 1, 2011

          i never started insulting any one even you were the one who stated say your sick English go to school and the rubbish stuff respect people to get respect otherwise why would i let you insult with out defending myself, moreover eti netselay habuni mukhanki kea natki gedifki nay Eden tTabeqi akhi,you are the idiot arrogant big filthy mouth not me.

  • Selam October 30, 2011

    What is the difference of the attrocities shown in this video clip and that done by PFDJ foot soldiers on follow innocent Eritreans inside Eritrea ?

    Both are the same, attrocity and attrocity now matter how and where it is done and wheither it is recorded and uploaded in youtube or not. So lets not condone the attrocities in side Eritrea and get angry the same action is performed by strangers on us.

  • Baree October 30, 2011

    Abdi & Kozami,

    President Issayas in his own words….Silence is betrayal…but watch the brilliance of how important it is to listen and synthesize your own judgement and no gallop and sallow Eri TV propaganda:

    • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

      Don’t waste your time , talk with real Eritreans, It is serious issue for us. But for them
      whoever they are is an entertainment. Better deal with your type, forget them.

  • Barentu October 30, 2011

    1. one of my former favorite Eritrean web sites has a wrong title on this gruesome organized organ-harvesting operation run by Arab Egyptians on Eritreans. In this organ harvesting operation, Arab Egyptian doctors, nurses, police and the Arab mafia, and Arab Beduins were involved.
    In this crime hundreds of Eritreans have lost their lives and their graves are dotted all over the Sinay desert. This documentary film only shows the known ones; a lot of these unmarked graves and the crimes hidden in them may not be known. As often, the Arab regimes and madia will cover it up. We will never know the whole truth.
    This is not happening in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, South Africa, Angola or other sub-saharan Africa. This organ harvesting operation is taking place in the heart of the Arab nations by the Arabs on kidnapped asylum seeking Eritreans.
    … 2

    • Barentu October 30, 2011

      2. The Hgdef regime has its part but the entire blame rests in the entire Ghedli or Sewra business. Sadly, it is going on.
      Like an ostrich that hides its head in the sand,’s title says:

      ‘”Neither Muslim nor Christian could do this”…. obviously they have not heard of PFDJ’

      Asmarino, shame on you! What are you trying to cover up? What do you mean? If you want the whole truth, all the criminals here are Arab moslems and all the victims are asylum seeking poor christians. What the hell are trying to imply?
      You are only adding insult to injury. Shame on you. What a coward statement! Either speak up or shut up!

      • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

        What the hell you saying , all victims are christians only. Brother don’t say something
        you don’t know, you are offending me with your comment. Are you saying moslems are
        rich and previleged people. Shame on you, man. I don’t understand though what are
        you up to, please stop this nonsense. Moslems have their own unspoken misery too.

        • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

          Barentu did not say Moslems do not have problems. In this news all the criminals fom the doctor to the bedeuine guard are Arab moslems and the victims are mostly 99% Eritreans, mostly christian.
          I challenge you to prove Barentu otherwise.
          He is talking about this news. shame to the people who are defending this criminal Arabs.

      • elias October 30, 2011

        Mr. Barentu
        You wrong when you claim the criminals were Muslims and the victims are Christians… I believe you did not really understand what they are talking about in this Tv program except the names written in Tigrinja… you did not realize that those people who are fighting the mafias arabs(muslims) too. Mr. Barentu the issue is not about religion ..but it is a struggle between people who value human dignity and those a group of thugs. Religion has no role at all in this case…..

  • Barentu October 30, 2011

    1. one of my former favorite Eritrean web sites has a wrong title on this gruesome organized organ-harvesting operation run by Arab Egyptians on Eritreans. In this organ harvesting operation, Arab Egyptian doctors, nurses, police and the Arab mafia, and Arab Beduins were involved.
    In this crime hundreds of Eritreans have lost their lives and their graves are dotted all over the Sinai desert. This documentary film only shows the known ones; a lot of these unmarked graves and the crimes hidden in them may not be known. As often, the Arab regimes and madia will cover it up. We will never know the whole truth.
    This is not happening in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, South Africa, Angola or other sub-Saharan Africa. This organ harvesting operation is taking place in the heart of the Arab nations by the Arabs on kidnapped asylum seeking Eritreans.

  • Tsahaye October 30, 2011


    It is very saddening to see Eritreans becoming victims of Arabian savagery. Still leaving in a time of antiquity, divided by tribes and adhering to a religious belief that allows the killings of others outside that belief as a gateway to the havens, the desert men of the Middle East are the most inhumane animals that have so far roamed on this earth. But this does not mean that those who are falling victims to these Arab barbarians are also blameless. Many of the victims are believed to have been aware of the dangers that refugees face on the Sinai Desert before they embark on the journey to the “promised land”. We can also blame the PFDJ regime for making life unbearable for Eritreans inside their own country, but it does not make sense to put all the blames on the regime for the choices the victims had made.

    • Tsahaye October 30, 2011


      Hence, people should show some rationalism and not analyze and discuss this issue based on their personal feelings. When it comes to the blame-game, those who are parroting with the barbaric woyane regime have also their large fare-share. In fact, it is because of these notorious opposition traitors that the unity of Eritreans has so far become so elusive. The disunity of Eritreans is indeed the main reason why the PFDJ regime is refusing to establish a government of the people. The prerequisite to the unity of Eritreans also rests on the most critical issues: Condemn the barbaric woyane regime for the occupation of our land and resettling it with its own people. Condemn it for refusing to abide by the final and binding border verdict.

      • Tsahaye October 30, 2011


        When the opposition has the guts to do that and put Eritrea’s territorial integrity unquestionably at heart, the Eritrean people will trust you as a viable choice and provide you the necessary impetus to challenge the PFDJ regime. As of now, however, the people within the opposition are only accustomed to listening themselves, and the critical issues I have raised above in order to effect unity of the Eritrean people are not going to ring a bell on their ears. The sad part is that the crooks are using it to generate a living by writing bogus books, some are using it to live and retire on woyanes allowance and others are wandering without knowing what to do about the tragic situation of the opposition they support.

        hadnet hzbi ertra ksab zeiteragagetse iti hashewiye kqtsil’yu.

        • Haqqi Nezareb October 30, 2011


          PFDJ is the one to be blamed for all . The rest of your comment does’t make sense unless some one is a zombie.

          • Tsahaye October 30, 2011

            Haqqi Nezareb,

            neza zombie tbl qal achnikaya. itom qedem zfeteruwa ahwatka etiopiawian ekuwa kab zgedfuwa newih koinu. slezi, melesa nkikoneka, beten woyane nmequshishka ilu sew zeblelka bir gerka kem ahmltn tremren zegelglu qalat fey kabmbalsi aithmeq daA. Variety is not only good, but it is also healthy.

          • Haqqi Nezareb October 30, 2011


            If see someone who is a blind supporter, lackey, and sycophant, call him a Zombie. So you are one of them.

        • Sahel October 30, 2011

          Tsahaye u and your DIA are the once who have a larg fare share. This is not about territorial integrity? In fact niether you nor your DIA and his Generals fought for Eritrea’s territorial integrity. Those victemes did their best for their beloved country Eritrea. But, when they were denied their freedom from DIA and his Generals they said “Yigfahalkum” and ascaped from the harsh enslavement of shabia. This vidio is not about Weyane or Meles. Besides this youth who disapeared in Senia, did u know how many Eritrean are losing their life in the mountains of Wia to Robrobia to Hebo to Adi keyih. did u know how many of the are eaten alive by hynas when they scape and run away from Wia ( enda zingo and under) Did u know about the one incedent that I witnessed that one stupied guard of under shot 6 Eritreans at one morning and no body quationed or arrested him. Enough ok don’t play with the blood of inocent Eritreans!! Plzzzzzzzzzzz

        • Huluf November 1, 2011


          There has never been an issue of Hadnet with our people until politicians like DIA and others in the opposition manipulate it…..Your number one duty to create Hadnet with our people is stnad up for them and not demonstrate a fake unity…(like nsu nehna nehna nsu….I love my brother but I am not him….what a lie he concoted). Do you know almost all his brohters and half his siters (13 of them) live in the USA. So stop deluding yourself, if you speak TRUTH for the oppressed UNITY is automatic…did you not see the people of Libya…..Oh actually even DIA believes one should not be silent…if you donot believe me:

    • Tsahaye October 30, 2011

      Please read “leaving” as “living”. Sorry for the spelling error.

      • Mahmoud Ali October 30, 2011

        Shame on you, Tehaye, you Barbarian. You put the blame on the victims! you are another desensitized, hamburger addict squalor and cannibal. I am sure, that you, like your god DIA, have a fat neck built on imbibing innocent blood.

  • Shikor October 30, 2011

    These grave nothing to do with eritrean government these people they fled from military service not to serve their own country it is by their will they decide to go they paid the price. Those who are serving the country they are proud to be serve and they live in dignity. One thing you should understand you a bunch of woyanie agent no body pay attention for these cheap comments on eritrean government. These people they paid price by their own WILL no body force them to go Sinai desert. If you blame anything has to be your boss Chenawi Zenawi who killed the innocent somalian people in their own land and atrocity against humanity on Ogaden. This is a crime killing in their own land. Otherwise your trash propaganda is not working for real eritreans.

    • PIA October 30, 2011

      you are just a fool

    • Sahel October 30, 2011

      what about those who are eaten alive by Hyenas? Have u been to Wia? have you ever heard about what happens in the valleys of Wia, Robrobia, Hebo, and Adi keyih? did u know how many Eritreans lost their lives in these valleys? some of them shot by Wia gaurds, some of them eaten alive by hyenas when they escped from Under prision!!!! You are the Chenawi one ok…… This is not about Meles or Ethiopia….. this is not about Eritrea or DIA these is about inocent people who lost their life!!! have some humanity…… Mahayo…. I know you are one of the mahayos of DIA

  • Michael Ghebremedhin October 30, 2011

    I don’t have enough words to express my emotion about the horrific tragedy happened to our brothers and sisters.
    My question is what action do we have to take from happennig in the future and how can we bring the perpetrators to justice.
    Let’s please focus on the action plan. We have to be the voice of the helpless brothers and sisters who were slaughterd on the Senai desert.

    • Abdi October 31, 2011

      I believe,the reason why they are abandoning their family and country is the unlimited national services more than it is economical problem,if you remember;
      Back then when the N.service was two years the youngsters were happily competing to put it aside and focus on their future,but since the N.service became unlimited they started to feel the pain which’s been pushing them to flee the country and adventure their life and we need to understand the problem and find a way to tackle it,i suggest all eritrean in diasporas to SIGN A PETITION ASKING THE GOV’T TO BRING IT BACK TO ITS ORIGIN OF TWO YEARS AND SUBMIT IT TO THE ERITREAN EMBASSIES WHERE EVER WE RESIDE,IT’S UNPRECEDENTED IDEA AND DEFINITELY WILL BE SUPPORTED BY THE MAJORITY WHO WANT TO SEE OUR YOUTH’S PARTICIPATION IN BUILDING THE COUNTRY THAN LOSE IN EXILE.


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