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ATV: News – የማነ ቻርሊ ብዛዕባ ስደተኛታት ሊብያ – ምርኢት ዶክመንታሪ ብሳብሪና – ሱዳን – ወፈያታት ንኣሰና – May 01, 2019

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  • Warsay Adhanom May 2, 2019

    Yemane has the nerve to criticizes UNHCR..He knows very well why our Eritrean Brothers, and Sisters are suffering in Libya.It is the policy of DIA to eradicate, and separate Eritreans from Eritrea to destroy Eritreanizm. Where has he been when thousands of Eritreans were sinking in the Sea. How come he did not say anything about the victims of Lampaduza? He called them African refugee. You don’t have any moral authority to criticize any one. And as far as i am concern, you don’t have legitimacy to speak for Eritrean people..You are occupying your position illegally. We will handle our own affairs ourselves.. DIA, and his puppets just need to step down. Now when the rope is on their necks, they want to be seen concerned. Eritrean people will seek justice enough is enough..

  • Temesgen May 2, 2019

    The thug/psychopath in Adi Halo and his remote control( minster of lies) in Asmara are playing a cat and mouse game with the Eritrean people to delay the inevitable forced ouster of DIA. They will exploit every opportunity to distract the Eritrean people from political tsunami that is going to engulf them any time soon. The Eritrean people should disregard their crocodile tears and focus on taking the uprising to the streets in large numbers. It is time to draw a lesson from our Sudanese brothers and sisters! It is time to topple the dictator in Eritrea by breaking the culture of fear and intimidation. The time begs for decisive action because it coincides with the anniversary of our independence. Let us make it an Eritrean spring by staging mass protest/demonstration both inside and outside Eritrea every day until the dictator and his stooges are removed. God bless Eritrea.

  • Haben May 3, 2019

    Yemane G/Memel (Charlie) stop playing with Eritreans’ Lives. All you care is your money you never care about Eritreans suffering and dying everywhere. STOP YOUR EVIL PROPAGANDA!! Your days are being down-counted. The time has come THE ERITREAN SATAN ADI HALO AND HIS DEMONS (Yemane(monkey), Yamane(Charlie), Osman(foreign minister), Hagos Kisha, Fillipos Yohannes and others to be surrendered to Eritrean people and receive their punishment.