Dutch ministers summon Eritrean ambassador ‘to express concerns’
The Eritrean ambassador to the Netherlands has been summoned to appear before ministers in The Hague on Friday to discuss last weekend’s events which led to the cancellation of a conference in Veldhoven. The aim

The Eritrean ambassador to the Netherlands has been summoned to appear before ministers in The Hague on Friday to discuss last weekend’s events which led to the cancellation of a conference in Veldhoven. The aim of the meeting is ‘to express our concerns’, caretaker social affairs minister Lodewijk Asscher told MPs on Wednesday evening. The People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, the only political party permitted in Eritrea, had planned to hold its annual youth European conference in the Netherlands from Friday to Sunday. However, Veldhoven mayor Jack Mikkers banned the meeting from taking place after police arrested 128 protestors outside the conference centre. All were released later. The speakers were due to include Yemane Gebreab, who is an advisor to Eritrean president Isaias Afewerki. Demonstrators said the conference is a sign of the grip the government tries to maintain on Eritreans abroad, many of whom fled the regime as refugees. They also claimed that people attending the conference would be asked to spy on their fellow Eritreans and that people who refused to pay a €50 contribution towards the organisation were being put on a black list. Grip Tilburg University professor Mirjam van Reisen told NOS last week: ‘The government wants to show the Eritrean community that it still rules in the Netherlands.’ Eritrea has been condemned by the UN for crimes against humanity and the UN estimates hundreds of thousands of Eritreans have fled the country in recent years. Dutch government ministers said earlier they were unhappy about the meeting being held on Dutch soil but that there were no grounds to ban it in advance.
k.tewolde April 21, 2017
A summon to The Hague,this is an ominous and symbolic sign to come for the tyrant and his inner circle.
andom April 22, 2017
A summon is not enough. The dirty game of the dirtiest regime on the planet needs to come to end. It should be ordered to close down and leave. Pfdj regime has no value to promote but its evil wishes and dirty games. Illegal money loundering, collecting money through extortion, panishing families of opponents and ordinary citizens who express their oppinion are not good values to promote in holland or europe.
Sol April 22, 2017
The possessions of the drawing regime in Netherlands are considering this summoning of the so called ambassador as a victory.
Lasting region April 22, 2017
Pfdj made a mistake. They should have sent zemihret instead of Yemane monkey , the socalled justice seekers would not have sabotaged one of their own..what a regionalst shame..
Sol April 24, 2017
Lasting region,
You are socially sick individual, Zemehret Yohanes is worst than monkey because when he was in ELF he pretended to be a democrat element but when he joined EPLF/PFDJ his real face appeared to be one of the yes men of the worst dictator in the world.
k.tewolde April 26, 2017
Sol, he was the debutante of the tyrant from the get go and so were many shady elements like him strategically placed within the fateful organization who triggered its implosion from within.I still can visualize the stunned faces of the battle hardened freedom fighters like yesterday to what was happening to their organization at the time.
alem April 27, 2017
What an ignorant kurkur. Ur comment measures ur ignorance. Both yemane and zemihret are from same region. Both are rotten pfdj old guards. We talk issues, unlike u ignorant junkie, not region. If a region rejectet a leader, then there is a problem that needs be addresed. For junkies like u and ur pfdj, the problem is the entire people of the region and u want to dismiss it as such. Well, problem can not be dismissed one. 2. The pfdj and support for it is diminishing to one region. Think about these two facts.
alem April 22, 2017
We should always remember that yemane who said that his regime should be commended for keeping all the innocent eritreans who are either dead in prison, lost their eye sight or are languishing in prison without any contact to outside world including loved ones alive and in good conditions. This is verry very outrageous and deserves to be cut to pieces.
Semere April 23, 2017
All ypfdj chapters in every country need to be reported to security forces and all their activites monitored. The evil regime is brainwashing young impersonable youth to work against Eritreans in diaspora who do not support the dictator. This is an extension of the dictatators regime of intimidation and silencing the mass.
Semere April 23, 2017
Parents need to immedately stop sending their children to these groups Who knows what kind of illegal activities they are doing besides teaching them to hate their fellow Eritreans under the pretex to teaching them culture.
Sol April 24, 2017
Dear Semere,
Do you think these young boys and girls joined the fascistic party on their own political satisfaction and decision, they all inherited the Eritrean taboo of sub national beliefs from those parents.