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ERITREANS FOR FACILITATING NATIONAL DIALOGUE (EFND) & ERITREN GLOBAL SOLIDARITY (EGS) WILL MERGE INTO ONE CIVIC ORGANIZATION After extensive conversation the two civic organizations have agreed to merge. This positive and timely decision was made after a


After extensive conversation the two civic organizations have agreed to merge.

This positive and timely decision was made after a thoughtful consideration and dialogue on the advantages of consolidating the complimentary agendas of the two organizations.

The critical need to consolidate and strengthen the fledgling civic society organizations of the Eritrean diaspora was a key factor for the merger.

Eritrean civic organizations have been undertaking various measures to do their part to bring about solutions to the dire crisis that has befallen their country and they have registered measurable positive results.

Yet, it is clear that civic organizations can increase their achievements several fold if they can work under one umbrella organization that coordinates their activities.

EFND and EGS have reached a conclusion about the need to coordinate the activities of diaspora civic organizations to strengthen the struggle to democratize Eritrea. The agreement reached by the two organizations underlines the importance of building from the ground up a unified civil society organization, which is independent from the control and intrusions of the government and those of the political opposition. This strategic perspective is the foundation of the civic agenda and it is the strategic foundation for the merger of the two organizations.

We will have more PRESS RELEASEs in the future as the process of the merger proceeds step by step. We appeal to all Eritrean civic organizations to join us in creating the spirit and mechanisms for working together in bringing about democratic transformation of our country.


September 15, 2016

Review overview
  • AHMED SALEH!!! September 16, 2016

    No matter the hurdles we face , there are forces who has the key of wisdom to resolve political issues . If
    we do not dare to try and make commitments we will never solve our problems . It is a struggle to keep the dream alive not to lose our hope , vision and faith in life For too long we speak about UNITY but short fro
    executing it . I hope merger of these two organizations will bring positive results to influence others follow
    their foot steps . We lack a united strong civic group in diaspora that discouraged talented individuals from
    getting involved . Great ideas can turn impossibility into possibility that bring progress .

    • Wedi Hagher September 17, 2016

      Brother AHMED SALEH

      The guy who continuously insults Eritrean Muslims on this forum using different nicknames (Teclay) could be an agent of Higdef who was sent to create a rift among Eritreans based on religion.
      If you are following FORO’s revelations you already know what I am talking about.
      Unfortunately, for reasons difficult to understand Assenna admin is not taking this seriously. .
      He just needs to tick an option in the configuration pane, to enforce proper authentication of visitors to get access to comments section. The IP of this notorious shifta can be traced also by looking at logs of hosting server. Those in UK can help us to do that.
      If Assenna fails to do so then we will try to get help from someone in UK.
      But let’s first leave it to Assenna, because it’s Amanuel’s responsibility to stop a shifta who abuses people using his forum.

      • AHMED SALEH!!! September 17, 2016

        Dear Wedi Hagher
        We Eritreans have weakness that forbid us from confronting our common enemy at its early stage . We hear them here and there to spew their venomous speech in
        social media . But they forgot our present unfortunate state affairs will last on time
        and their wicked agenda of lies , mistrust and division has no place in our social or
        political state affairs issues . Our main problem lies on our misfortune to surrender the country at the hands of non trustworthy leadership .
        By the way based on his anti-Eritrean sentiment I believe he is neither HGDF nor opposition supporter ., In case ASSENNA staff I agree they should protect this
        forum from infesting by TUKHAN-KUNCHI bugs .

  • Wedi Hagher September 17, 2016

    ” The agreement reached by the two organizations underlines the importance of building from the ground up a unified civil society organization, which is independent from the control and intrusions of the government and those of the political opposition.”

    Thank you

    We need to civil societies that can put pressure on any political organization that fails to work for interest of people.

  • PH September 17, 2016

    Bravo WEDIHRKAM.
    keep it on!

    • PH September 17, 2016

      Pls read it WEDIHAGER
      keep it on! I really regret my mistake. Perdon me.

      • Wedi Hagher September 17, 2016

        You made it a habit to insult Eritrean Muslims and took it as something inconsequential and a stress releasing exercise.
        Look, we are not going to accuse our Christian brothers and sisters for that, because that is what you want. We won’t allow your dreams of seeing Eritreans killing each other to come true. We will join hands with them and protect our dignity.
        You just need to know one thing …. time is not your side.

  • Geladios September 17, 2016

    It is the best call so far to see two or more organizations to merge to narrow their gap and to become strong forces for change.
    We have to remember the dictatorial system is going work hard either way to interfere to dismantlement unity among the opposition groups. I am hoping others will follow the merging procedure to speed fast the unity of the opposition in large. lets disregard those bad apples who wants us to bite each other in order to prolong their unlawful manner and to impose justice on our people. Twenty five years is more than enough to see pain and suffering. It is time to move fast to save our nation from this evil system.

    Gelgele Mesqele Dhan Teqelqele
    nay gzate higi dewel ydewele
    Milki kab suru ynqele
    Fithi ybqol ytekele!

    Hamli qurae wxae hadish ekli yeto
    ytfae yboqox ezi zeraghito
    gifen bedelen gedel yeto


  • PH September 17, 2016

    If the civic organisations be came in one umbrella the question of ELF &EPLF due to ,the created 40 Wdbettat could be dissolved to the end have only three parties in the future of Eritrea to leading up be right future.

  • Russom September 19, 2016

    Indeed, very great move dekiadey halalat. we are behind you and will as well dialogue and follow your foot to be under your umbrella of the different civic organizations in the African continent..

    I wish the political parties could also borrow a leaf and form one big front to bring the long awaited change in Eritrea.

    Thank you.
    Yours Russom