I don’t agree with the title of your article – “ሕድሪ ስዉኣትን ስንኩላንን ዝሕሉ ሕዝቢ ስኢና ዝዘኽተመት ናጽነት ኤርትራ!!!”, because I myself have seen neither “ናጽነት” nor “ህርነት” ! After ስዉኣትን ስንኩላንን we have only anarchy with unlimited corruption unknown goals and voluntary decisions as we have no constitution and laws!
How can you then talk about “ዝዘኽተመት ናጽነት ኤርትራ” that does not exist?
Dear Natnael,
I disagree with you because after our independent we are the people what we have seen all wrong we could’t change. so the title our Brother Ogbai used perfectly suites us.
Now it is time to find the solution, we already know the problem; it is the law less HGDF. Some selfish and corrupted citezens also are responsble. HGDF leaders stole the dream of Eritreans to govern by law and put the country in the dark. Thy brain washing the young to become weak and unpatriotic. HGDF also brainwashing Eritreans back home and abroad that the Oppostions are ANTI Eritrea. If you and I keep saying we dont beleave on Eritrea which had its sovrigety by paying blood and sweat, who then will trust us as justice seekers. Please let do less demoralization and more on building unity to free our people from the messengers of ignorance; THE LAW LESS HGDF.
We created the problem and we can’t find solution with same attitude which brought
us down . Let’s recognize and experience our inner beings and accept responsibility
on how to fulfill it . No matter how hard the problem human spirit always rise uo to
contribute to bring solution . Not pointing finger to one on other and complaining but
rather the will to understand our root problem is the question .
Thanks the honourable Ato Ogbay Gebreemedhin for very powerful massage. I always appreciate reding your matured article and comments. You are for me one of the highly respected writer, the true son of Eritrea with real Eritrean spirit. You are not like those fake, by disguising themselves like oppositions coming here , as if they opposing Isayas they wanted to push through their hidden anti Eritrean agenda. I wonder while there are real conscious matured Eritrean like you, when some people attempt to Present Yoseif Gebrehiot and alike as something extraordinary supper brain person (Philosoph). If yoseif means my massage is misunderstood, in the language most Eritrean understand in Tigrigna should to write. He speak fluent Tigrigna than his boring unreadable English or not? understandable Otherwise all its attempt would be interpreted for recognition and get money from his Ethiopian 98% audience.
Who ever person that shall blasphemy against the Eritrean spirit, gedli, interest like Sium Tesfay practised ,etc never has forgiveness, since from the beginning in its esprit going fallacious, even after in whatever angel language be pretend preach justice. Critic it should begin at oppositions, not only at Isayas. Anyway whatever critic devil (Isayas) will not listen. Destruction is devil´s nature.
Natnael May 24, 2015
Dear Ogbai,
I don’t agree with the title of your article – “ሕድሪ ስዉኣትን ስንኩላንን ዝሕሉ ሕዝቢ ስኢና ዝዘኽተመት ናጽነት ኤርትራ!!!”, because I myself have seen neither “ናጽነት” nor “ህርነት” ! After ስዉኣትን ስንኩላንን we have only anarchy with unlimited corruption unknown goals and voluntary decisions as we have no constitution and laws!
How can you then talk about “ዝዘኽተመት ናጽነት ኤርትራ” that does not exist?
ERITRAWIT May 25, 2015
Dear Natnael,
I disagree with you because after our independent we are the people what we have seen all wrong we could’t change. so the title our Brother Ogbai used perfectly suites us.
Ogbai Ghebremedhin May 24, 2015
ክቡር ናትናኤል፡-
ተገዲስካ ርእይቶኻ ብምሃብካ አመስግነካ፣ ምርድዳእ ዝመጽእ ኣብ ትም ምባል ዘይኮነ ሓሳብ ንሓሳብ ምስ ዝጋጮ ዝለዓለ መሳልል ምርድዳእ ይፍጠር።
ናብ ትሕዝቶ ነቐፌታኻ ክምለስ፡ ናጽነት ኣብ 1991 ናብ ቤት ከም ዝኣተወትን ህዝቢ ጻማ መስዋእቲ ብሩራት ደቁ ረኺቡ ብዕልልታን ብወሰን ዘይነበሮ ትፍስህትን ኣፍ ልቡ እናሃረመ፡ ንመዓልታት እኽሊ ከይበልዐ ቤቱ ገዲፉ ኣብ ኣደባያት ከታማታትን ገጠራትን ሓጐሱ ከም ዝገለጸ ኣብ ክዉንነት ዝተመስረተ ሓቂ ስለ ዝኾነ ክንሕዶ ኣይንኽእልን፡ ንስኻውን ትኽሕዶ ኢኻ ኣይብልን። መዓስ ኢና ንቘልዓ ዘኽቲሙ እንብሎ? ብህጻኑ ወይ ብዕሸሉ ኸሎ፡ ዓቕሚ ኣዳም/ሄዋን በጺሑ ርእሱ ከይከኣለ ኣቦኡን ኣዲኡን ምስ ዝስእን ዘኽቲሙ/ማ ንብሎ/ንብላ። ብተመሳሳሊ፡ እታ ኣብ ቤት ኣቲያ ናጽላ ኸላ፡ ንበል ክሳብ ሰለስተ ዓመት፡ ብተስፋ ጸኒሓ፡ ካብ 1994 ንደሓር ግን በብቝሩብ ፍትሕን ግዝኣተ ሕግን እናዓረቐት ተተይ ድሕሪ ምባላ ኣብ 2001 ፍጹም ዓሪቓ ሕድሪ ስዉኣት ዘይተንጸባርቕ፡ ባህጊ ህዝቢ ፍትሕን ግዝኣተ ሕግን ዝሰኣነት ሰንደቕ ዕላማ(ባንዴራ) ገና ተውለብልብ ኣላ። ከምቲ ህጻን ኣቦን ኣደን ስኢኑ ዘኽታም ንብሎ፡ ፍትሕን ግዝኣተ ሕግን (ከም ኣቦን ኣደን ጥዕና ናጽነት ዝሕልዉ) ስለ ዝሰኣነት ከም ዘየላ ዘኽታም ኮይና ኣላ። እዚ ፋሺስታዊ ስርዓት`ዚ ምስ ወደቐኮ እንደገና ብፍትሕን ግዝኣተ ሕግን ህያው ኮይና ሰላምን ራህዋን ህዝቢ ከተስፍን ኢያ።
Eritreawit May 24, 2015
Now it is time to find the solution, we already know the problem; it is the law less HGDF. Some selfish and corrupted citezens also are responsble. HGDF leaders stole the dream of Eritreans to govern by law and put the country in the dark. Thy brain washing the young to become weak and unpatriotic. HGDF also brainwashing Eritreans back home and abroad that the Oppostions are ANTI Eritrea. If you and I keep saying we dont beleave on Eritrea which had its sovrigety by paying blood and sweat, who then will trust us as justice seekers. Please let do less demoralization and more on building unity to free our people from the messengers of ignorance; THE LAW LESS HGDF.
AHMED SALEH !!! May 24, 2015
We created the problem and we can’t find solution with same attitude which brought
us down . Let’s recognize and experience our inner beings and accept responsibility
on how to fulfill it . No matter how hard the problem human spirit always rise uo to
contribute to bring solution . Not pointing finger to one on other and complaining but
rather the will to understand our root problem is the question .
Truly Truly i say to you May 25, 2015
Thanks the honourable Ato Ogbay Gebreemedhin for very powerful massage. I always appreciate reding your matured article and comments. You are for me one of the highly respected writer, the true son of Eritrea with real Eritrean spirit. You are not like those fake, by disguising themselves like oppositions coming here , as if they opposing Isayas they wanted to push through their hidden anti Eritrean agenda. I wonder while there are real conscious matured Eritrean like you, when some people attempt to Present Yoseif Gebrehiot and alike as something extraordinary supper brain person (Philosoph). If yoseif means my massage is misunderstood, in the language most Eritrean understand in Tigrigna should to write. He speak fluent Tigrigna than his boring unreadable English or not? understandable Otherwise all its attempt would be interpreted for recognition and get money from his Ethiopian 98% audience.
Who ever person that shall blasphemy against the Eritrean spirit, gedli, interest like Sium Tesfay practised ,etc never has forgiveness, since from the beginning in its esprit going fallacious, even after in whatever angel language be pretend preach justice. Critic it should begin at oppositions, not only at Isayas. Anyway whatever critic devil (Isayas) will not listen. Destruction is devil´s nature.