“ንሕናን ንስኹምን” – ወርቃዊ ግዜ ዘባኽነልና ዘሎ ኣዕናዊ ኣተሓሳስባ!!
“ምጽሓፍ ኣይተቋርጽ” ዝብል ምሕጽንታን “ደሃይካ ጠፊኡና” ዝብል ናይ ኢሜይል መጸዋዕታን ክመጸኒ ካብ ዝጅምር ነዊሕ ገይሩ። ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ቅንያት እውን “መሲናስ” ብዝብል ስም ዝጽሕፍ(ዝገጥም) ግን ከኣ መን ምዃኑ ዘይፈልጦ ሰብ ዝጸሓፎ ናይ “ደሃይ ሃባ” ቅሉዕ መልእኽቲ ብመልክዕ ግጥሚ

“ምጽሓፍ ኣይተቋርጽ” ዝብል ምሕጽንታን “ደሃይካ ጠፊኡና” ዝብል ናይ ኢሜይል መጸዋዕታን ክመጸኒ ካብ ዝጅምር ነዊሕ
ገይሩ። ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ቅንያት እውን “መሲናስ” ብዝብል ስም ዝጽሕፍ(ዝገጥም) ግን ከኣ መን ምዃኑ ዘይፈልጦ ሰብ ዝጸሓፎ
ናይ “ደሃይ ሃባ” ቅሉዕ መልእኽቲ ብመልክዕ ግጥሚ ኣብ ኣሰና ወጺኡ ኣንቢበ። ነቲ ‘መሲናስ’ ዝጸሓፎ መጎስ ዘይበቕዖ እኳ
እንተኾንኩ “ዓጽሚ ይሃብካ!” ክብሎ ግን እደሊ። ትሕቲ’ታ ግጥሚ ውርድ ምስ በልኩ ግን ኣብቲ ርእይቶ ዝወሃበሉ ሰናዱቕ
ሓደ ዘስሓቐኒ ርእይቶ ኣንቢበ።
Kabbire December 22, 2013
It is well written article Amanuel on the subject of what the Hgdefites call “Agame” which is a small district of a proud people in Ethiopia.
Eritrea’s political issues have no end of paradoxes like this. As you wrote ayte Weldeab Weldemariam was a very proud Tigrayan, its language, proud long history and the empire’s leaders, including the name sheqa Alula Aba Nega, later became Ras. Ayte Weldeab’s son is named Alula.
Here is another paradox, there are also many Eritreans who settled from Tigrai, Wello and Gonder of Ethiopia recently during the Italian colonization 1920s and after during the Ethio-Eritrea federation 1950s. These are mainly of ethnic Amhara and Tigray, also very few from Sudan and Jebeli Yemen. Most etnic Eritreans are proud of the languages of Eritrea, its history, heritage, customs and norms. But one wonders why some of these new settlers hate their own heritage and the native languages of Eritrea. Some of these even burned Eritrean languages and do not want to see Eritreans use their own languages. Without any shame some of these new recent settlers do not want the Afar, Kunama or Tigre of Eritrea to protect, preserve and use these own languages.
There are also some few elites suffering of identity crisis who will do everything to wipe out Eritrean language to Arabize the land at the cost of Eritrean identity and languages. These had been tried several times under Jebha by burning Tigre language textbooks prepared by its own department of education.
People who have no sense of self respect can hardly create a worthy and proud nation.
Aman December 22, 2013
“If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare me a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German, and Germany will declare that I am a Jew.”
― Albert Einstein
Hazhaz December 22, 2013
Some tidbits from the responses of yg:
Yosief Ghebrehiwet on December 17, 2013 said:
The spirit of internationalism at mieda Eritrea
Saleh, I am starting to earnestly believe the “smokescreen theory” that Eyob attributes it to you may after all be true. You are asked a simple question, and you go on off tangent to produce a lot of smoke around that question, in the hope that people will be impressed by the smoke and forget what the question was all about.
So let me put the issue in simple terms. You quoted Mahmoud Said Naud to show that the Eritrean revolution had international influence and hence was mainly informed in liberal and secular ideology. My question was, starting from a shared premise (mine and yours) – that Mahmoud Said was an intellectual, that he was a founder of the ELM (or Haraka/Mahber Shewate), that he was propagator of a secular ideology, but nevertheless a leader of an organization that was wiped out by Jebha – could we extrapolate from his thinking to that of the revolution in general? My answer was simple to understand: No, we cannot; simply because it would be absurd to define the Eritrean revolution by those organization that not only FAILED but had brief duration before they were extinguished (like Menqae, Falul and of course Haraka). Instead we ought to seek that Cause in those that lasted long enough, involved many, and whose ideologies have survived in one form or another: The Union Party, the Muslim League, Jebha and Shaebia.
Instead of sticking to a question that you yourself raised, you use the kitchen-sink strategy to throw everything and anything that comes to your head, in the hope that something will stick. Well, let me again ignore the fluff and take what is only pertinent to the issue that you yourself have raised. If so, your point would be: that Mahmoud Said’s thinking is representative of the Eritrean revolution. Since what comes out loud and clear in his thinking is that of internationalism (that is, at minimum), this would be a good pretext for me to revisit the response I gave you then (in asmarino). I will mention only the example I gave you to show that there was not the slightest bit of internationalism in Jebha despite the leftists revolutionary rhetoric it had used throughout its mieda life.
Here is how it went: …
Hazhaz December 22, 2013
Here is how it went:
“ … I will use one parameter to test Jebha’s supposed internationalism … : how it treated its war prisoners. The abc of internationalism as proclaimed by all leftist movements starts with this simple credo: that there should be a distinction between the Ethiopian rulers and the oppressed masses, from which the foot soldiers hailed from. But even if we ignore this leftist credo, there is still the Geneva convention that states for the fair treatment of war prisoners. In 1978, at the time of retreat, Jebha executed all of the hundreds of Ethiopian prisoners that it had at its hands then. Others have come with a more exact number: “800 Ethiopian POWs massacred at the cliff of Jemiel Mountain near Keru, Akordet of lower Barka in 1978”. [ Kidane, Aida; Ibrahim Gedem, a Respected Friend; Asmarino.com; Dec 16, 2010.] And I don’t believe this is the whole story, for Jebha was killing all the rest as they were captured. It didn’t even spare the Raya militia that came on spontaneously in the 70s without any military training. Many of them were to perish in the hands of Jebha due to maltreatment, starvation, diseases and execution while still in custody. The fact the Jebha was killing all its Ethiopian soldier prisoners all along in its 20 years of mieda life – something that neither Ethiopia nor Shaebia did – has a simple reason: pure barbaric hate at its most elemental. …”
Now, Saleh, if you believe that the true heir of Haraka’s spirit of internationalism was Shaebia, and not Jebha, you only have to say so and we will talk about that.
rahwa December 23, 2013
Well done, Amanuel Mahdere! proud of you brother. thank you.
Truly Truly i say to you December 25, 2013
You people what a ridicule, what a paradox tell tell narrate are you commenting here? I never mean to Amanuel Mahdere, i even pleased because i understand for good motive as he wrote. But How could you believe the one who is opportunist and because of his anti Eritrean independence stand because selected to be the Eritrean head of state in year 1952, (during federation time), Ato Tedla Bairu only because self claim and his puppets rebroadcasts as if Tedla Bairu is real Ertrawi origin; and how could you belive and talk the one because fought for Eritrean independence and whole life dedicated at a result by seven times Assassination riot because hit by bullet to the one who wounded and his blood shaded Kibur Ato Woldeab, Wlodemariam you never ashamed to present him as if a Tigrai origin? I tell you this is a big ridicule! Let alone that time, this time Isayas when self claimed like Tedla Bairu as if he real Eritrawi, by imprisoned those real dekebats as if are woyane agents, traitors and Temberkekti when fooling that you do not understand, how could you understand before 70 years was defaming?. I tell you 1000 lie, never be one truth. Only dead determines from where origin someone is. Unless as i told you above in my other comment the colonizers using God´s wisdom appointed upon us, with the reverse origin identity people have to govern us. As far as i know the name Tedla is typical Ethiopiawi, but Woldeab Woldemariam is Ertrawi.
Truly Truly i say to you December 26, 2013
correction, Please read the fifth line from bottom written sentence like this, Only deed determines.