ክሳብ መዓስ ኢና መርዚ ጥፋኣትና ክንሰቲ?!!!
ዑቕባይ ገብረመድህን (ከምብሪጅ፡ ማሳቹሰትስ፡ ሰ.ኣ.) ጥቅምቲ 11፡ 2013 ክሳብ መዓስ ኢና መርዚ ጥፋኣትና ክንሰቲ?!!! ይኣክል! ይኣክል! ስቓይን ውርደትን ፍጹም ይኣክል ንበል ንሓዋሩ!!! ኣይ! ኣይ! ኣይ! ሕጂ ኸኣ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ (መዲተራንየን ሲ) ንሕስያ ዘይብሉ ናይ ኣማኢት ህይወት ግብሪ ሓቲታትና!

ዑቕባይ ገብረመድህን (ከምብሪጅ፡ ማሳቹሰትስ፡ ሰ.ኣ.)
ጥቅምቲ 11፡ 2013
ክሳብ መዓስ ኢና መርዚ ጥፋኣትና ክንሰቲ?!!!
ይኣክል! ይኣክል! ስቓይን ውርደትን ፍጹም ይኣክል ንበል ንሓዋሩ!!!
ኣይ! ኣይ! ኣይ! ሕጂ ኸኣ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ (መዲተራንየን ሲ) ንሕስያ ዘይብሉ ናይ ኣማኢት ህይወት ግብሪ ሓቲታትና! መዕለቢ ዚሰኣኑ ህዝቢ ኴንና ረኺባትና ኢያ’ምበር ንመንዶ ተደጋጋሚ ብማኢታት ካብ ሓደ ህዝቢ ወሲዳ ትፈልጥ ኢያ?! ብዕለት 10-3-13 ክሳብ 360 ሰባት ኣጥፊእናስ፤ ነዛ ጽሕፍቲ ሒዘ ከለኹ፡ ሎሚ ዓርቢ፡ ዕለት 10-11-13 ኣስታት 200 ኤርትራውያንን ሶማልያውያንን ዝሓዘት ጃልባ ከም ዝተገምጠለት ኣብ ኣልጀዚራን ኣሰናን ዳግማይ መርድእ ምስ ነበብኩ፡ ንደቓይቕ ኣእምሮይ ደንዚዙ፡ ኣዒንተይ ፈዚዙ ክጽሕፍ ኣይከኣልኩን። እታ ካብ ድቕድቕ ጸልማት ስቕታና እተባራብረናን ከም ሓደ ህዝቢ እንምክተላን ካልኢት ደኾን ኣኺላ ትኸውን ክብል ንነፍሰይ ተወኪሰያ። ይግበረልና ጥራይ ኢየ ክብል ዝኸኣልኩ።
ነቲ ጠንቂ ጥፍኣትናን ዕንወትናን ብሓደ ማዕበልን ቅልጽምን ህዝቢ ምሒውና ደርቢናዮ እንተ ን ነብርዶ እዚ ኹሉ ኣበሳ ምወረድና’ዩ?! ዓለም ሓዘና እናገለጸት፡ ኤርትራዊ ሬሳ ከም ዓሳ እናተገፈፈ ኣብ መሬት ተሰጢሑ እናረኣየ –ዘይሕጋውያን ስደተኛታታት ካብ ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃ- ኢሉ ከይሓፈረ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝብን ዓለም ኪዛረብ ኪሎ መንዶ ኣዒንትኻ ተደፈን፡ ኣፍካ ተለጐም ዝበሎ ኣሎዩ? ከም ልማዱ ብዱዕ ቃላቱ ካብ ምፍናው መን ከልከሎ? እዚ ድኣማዕበላዊ ናዕቢ ኣልዒሉ ምስ ኣገልገልቱ ኪጸራርጎ ዚግባእ ኩነትዶ ከይኮነ? ኣብ ወጻኢ እንነብር ካብ ሽምዓ ምውላዕ ሓሊፍና እንታይ ጌርና? ንግብሪ ክንዝቲ’ኳ ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘይተኣከብና! በዚ ድርብ ጥፍኣት ኣሓትናን ኣሕዋትናን ዘይነደርና ድኣ ብምንታይ ኢና ናይ ሓባር ቁጠዐና ከነርኢ?! ካብ ሕሉፍ ታሪኽ ዘይመሃር ኪደግሞ’ዩ ዚነብር- ንዝተባህለ ብሂል ሓቅነቱ ከነረጋግጽዶ ንነብር ከየለና። ንነብሰና ብዕትበት ዓገብ ክሳብ ዘይበልናያ፡ ንሕልፈታትና ከነሕልፋ ብሓባር ከም ሓደ ህዝቢ ክሳብ ዘይመከትና ኸኣ ንሳ ኢያ እታ ዘይትለቅቕ ዕጫ ተኼላ ጥፍኣትና።
አረ ኣብ ውሽጢ፡ ብፍላይ ኸኣ ኣብ ወጻኢ እንርከብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣንታይ’ዩ ወሪዱና! ኣብ ክንዲ በቲ ታሪኻዊ ተኣምር ዘመዝገበ ጽንዓት ሓድነትና ሓርነትና ጨቢጥና ኣብ ቤትና ከቢርና ንነብር፡ ብዘይረብሑ ሕልፈታት ሃገር ስለምንታይ ተፋላሊና ንጥፍኣትና ርዒምና?!!! ጠፍአ እናተባህለ ብጽንዓቱ ዝሰሰነ፣ ንርእሰ ሓያላን በዲሁ ካብ ልፍንታዊ መግዛእቲ ብናጽነት መሰስ ዝበለ ህዝቢ ከመይ ኢሉ ሎሚ ብጻብዕ ብዝቝጸሩ ዘይረብሑ ጐሓላሉ ንጥፍኣቱ ይደንን?!
ሕሉፍ ሓሊፉኮ ኣብ ዓለም ዘይተራእየ ሎሚ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ብሽፍታዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ናይ ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን በሕዋት ናይ ምሻጥ ዕዳጋ ተኸፊቱ፡ ኣብ ባንካታት ብወግዒ ገንዘብ ይኣቱ ኣሎ ክብሉኻ ትሓልም ከም ዘሎኻ ኮይኑ’ዩ ዝስምዓካ። ሕልሚ ግን ኣይኮነን፡ መዓልታዊ ፍጻሜ’ዩ፤ ልቢወለድ ግን ኣይኮነን፡ ግሁድ ሓቂ ኢዩ። ሎሚ ኤርትራ ከተዘንትዎ ኣማኒ ከይትስእነሉ ዘሰክፈካ ፍሉያት ናይ ሰብ ነጋዶ ፍጥረት ኣፍሪያ ኣላ። እወ፡ ዝወዓለ ይንገርካ፡ ዝኸፈለ ይምከርካ- ኢዩ። ከም እንስሳ ዘገዳም ኣብ መጻወዲያ የእቲዮም እናእወኻ ዋጋ ህይወትካ ንስድራ ቤትካን ቤተሰብካን ከም ትሓትት ዝገብሩ፡ ብህይወትካ ዋጋ ዕዳጋ ምግባር ከም ድማዕ ዝርእዩ፡ ከይተሰከፉ ኣብ ባንካ ኣቐሚጦም ብምርካብ ደሞዞም ካብ ሽፍታ ኢሳያስ ዝቕበሉ ኣረሜናውያን መሬት ተነዚሖማ ኣለዉ። እዞም ሎም ቅነ ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ከም ቀዳሞት በማኢት ስኢናዮም ምኽንያት ውዑይ ሃገራዊ ሓዘን ኮይኖሙና ዘለዉ ንጹሃት ዜጋታት በዚ ዕዳጋ’ዚ ህይወቶም ገዚኦም ዝሰገሩ እኳዮም ኔሮም!!! ብተወሳኺ እቶም ኣብ ገማግም ሊብያ ኮይኖም ለካሚት ጃልባ ዘዳለዉ እኮ ነቶም 518 ተሳፈርቲ ነፍስ ወከፎም ሽሕን ሽዱሽተ ሚእትን ዶላር ኣኽፊሎም ኢዮም ናብ ሓደጋ ጥፍኣት ኣሳጢሖሞም። ከምኡውን ነቶም ሎሚ ዝሰዓቡ ክልተ ሚእቲ ግዳያት ምጥሓል ጃልባ። ካብቶም ብዕለት ሰለስተ ሓምቢሶም ካብ መዓት ዝወጹ ብዛዕባ ሓንቲ ወላዲት ንደቃ -ከጥፋኣኩምዶ ሒዘኩም መጺአ! – ዝበለቶ ክነግሩ ከለዉ ክትሰምዕ ኣእምሮኻ ደንዚዙ መንጸሮር’ዩ ዝሕዘካ። እቲ ምጾታት ዘብል ካብዚ ዚኸፍእ ድዩ? ኤርትራውያን ንመጥፊኢና ኣብ ክንዲ ነጥፍእ ስለምንታይ ባዕልና ንጠፍእ ኣለና?!!!
ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ እቲ ንበረኻ ዝወፈረሉ ዕላማ ንደሞክራሲያውያን ደቀባት ብምሕቃቕን ሓድሕድ ኲናት ብምውላዕን ንዓወት ሰውራና ከቘልዕ ዝነበሮ መደብ ብጽንዓትን መስዋእትነትን ጀጋኑ ፈሺሉዎ፡ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ነቲ ካልኣይ ናይ ምዕናውን ምጽናትን መደቡ ከይወዓለ ከይሓደረ ከም ዝተተሓሓዞ ኣዒንትና ዝዓመትናሉ ሓቂ ኢዩ። ድሕሪ ናጽነት ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ናብቶም ዘይጸዓዱሉ ቀንዲ ጸላእቱ መንእሰያት ከተኵር ግድነት ኢዩ ኔሩ። ካብ ነዊሕ ጊዜ ዝሓንጸጾ መደብ ትርጉም ኣልቦ ኲናታት ወሊዑ ኸኣ ዓሰርተታት ኣሽሓት ወለዶታት ኣጥፊኡልና፤ ዝተረፉ ካብ መኣዲ ትምህርቲ እናመንዘዐ ኣብ መዓስከር ወፍሪ ባርነት ዳጒኑ ናይ ምጽናትን ምልማስን መንእሰያት ተግባሩ’ውን ዳርጋ ዛዚሙዎ። ዝተረፈ ባዕልና ሒዝናሉ ኣለና፤ ዘቲና ዘይነፍሪ ምስ ኮንና ዝብድሆን ዝኣልዮን ሓይሊ ከም ዘይትንስእ ተኣማሚኑ ኣፍ ልቡ ገቲሩ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝብን ዓለምን ዓጀውጀው ይብል ኣሎ። ህዝቢ ናይ ምጽናት ሃገር ናይ ምዕናው ተግባሩ ብሰሪ እናረአና ምዕማትና፡ እናሰማዕና ምጽማምና ካብ ዝተጸበዮ ንላዕሊ ዝሰመረሉ እመስለኒ። ከምቲ ንመደረጋሕ እምኒ ኣብ ገምገም ኣብጺሕካ ምስ ደፋእካዮ ባዕሉ ዚንከራሮ፡ ንሕና’ውን ብስቕታናን ግብራዊሓድነት ዘይምዕጣቕናን፡ ባዕልና ተዋሳእቲ ጥፍኣትና ኴንናሉ ኣለና።
እዚ ግርምቢጥ ተርእዮ ኢዩ ኸኣ ንኹነታት ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ብግቡእ ዚገልጽ ቃላት ንኽትረክብ ዝሕርብተካ። እወ! ኩነታት ልዕሊ ዓቕሚ ቃላት ካብ ዚዓርግ ነዊሕ እዋን ሓሊፉዎ’ዩ። ብርዒ ካብ ሴፍ ትሕይል ዚብል ብሂል ቃል ብግብሪ ምስ ዚስነ ጥራይ’ዩ ሓቅነቱ ዚረጋገጽ። እምበር ዚፈሰሰ ቀለም ድኣ መዓስ ውሒዱ።
እቲ ዓሚቝ ምስጢር ህይወት እንታይ ምዃኑ ንምግላጽ ዓቕሚ ናይዚ ጽሑፍ ኣይኮነን። ኮይኑ ግን፡ ካብ ተመክሮን ትዕዝብትን እንቐስሞ ነገር እንተ’ሊዩ፡ ምስጢር ህይወት ኣብ ኩሉ መኣዝኑ ብሕጊ ናይ ባህሪያውን ሰብኣውን መንኰርኰር ለውጢ ዚግዛእ፡ ዘይቋረጽ ቃልሲ ዘሰንዮ ምዃኑ ኢዩ። ኣብ መንጎ ህይወትን ሞትን ዘሎ ባህሪያውን ሰብኣውን ለውጢታት ብጊዜ ይዕቀን፣ ብናይ ጊዜ ምቅይያራት ከኣ ይልለ። ንኹሉ ጊዜ ኣሎዎ ዝበሃል ከኣ ኣብዛ ዓለምና ካብ ጊዜ ወጻኢ ዚፍጸም ነገር ከም ዘይህሉ የረድኣና። ምስጢር ሓድነት ንሓያላን በዲህና ጐይቶት መሬትና ክንከውን ዘኽኣለና ክነሱ ግን ከመይ ኢሉ ሎሚ ንኤርትራውያን ጓና ኾይኑና፡ ከም ደቂ ዛግራ ፋሕ እናበልና መንገዲ ጥፍኣትና ንጐዓዝ ኣለና? ሓቢርካ ዘይምምካት ተባታቲንካ ምጥፋ ከም ዘስዕብ ካብ መን ኢና ትምህርቲ ክንደልየሉ?
ንኹሉ ጊዜ ከም ዘሎዎ መጠን፡ ከምቲ ንወለዶታት ወይ ዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ኣብ ከብዲ መሬት ኪጕህር ዝጸንሐ እሳተ ጎመራ ሓደ መዓልቲ ዚትኰስ፡ ኣብ ዚተፈላለየ ኵርናዓት ዓለም ንዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ኣብ ከብዲ ህዝቢ ፈኸም ኪብል ዚጸንሐ ጓህን ሕርቃንን እዋኑ ኣኺሉ ሓንሳብ ምስ ተንስኤ ዘይድፋእ፡ ንድሕሪት ዘይምለስ ማዕበል ህዝቢ ይኣክል ስቓይ! ይኣክል ጸቕጥን ሓሳርን! እምቢ ንጭቆና መርሓባ ንሓርነትን ማዕርነትን ይብል ኣሎ።
ህዝቢ ኤርትራኸ ድኣ? ነዚ መኣዲ ህዝባዊ ማዕበል ንለውጢ ጀመርቲ ክንከውን ዚነበረና፡ ስለ ምንታይ ኢዩ ዛጊት ዘይተጸምበርናዮ? እዚ ኹሉ ብዓሰርተታት ኣሽሓት ኣብ ፈቐዶ መሬት ስደት ዚሳቐን ዚሓስርን ዘሎ፡ ኣብታ ብረቱ ደርቢዩ ዝወጸላ ሰዓት ንሓደ ኣብ ጥቓኡ ዚህሉ መራሒ ለኪሙ እንተ ዚወጽእ ዛጊት ጠንቂ ስደት ኣብቂዑ መንእሰይ ኣብ ሃገሩ ቀሲኑን ኰሪዑን ይነብር ምሃለወ ክብል ከንቱ ሕልሚ ትሓልም ኣለኻዶ የብለኒ?
ንኹሉ ጊዜ ከም ዘሎዎ ንምርዳእ ካብ ተመክሮ ህይወት እንቐስሞ ዓቢ ትምህርቲ ኮይኑ፣ ፍጻሜታት ከየቕለብናሎም ምስ ዚሓልፉና ግን ዕዳ ከም ዘሎዎ እዚ ሕጂ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ትሕቲ ፋሺስታዊ ውልቀ ምልኪ ዘሕልፎ ዘሎ፡ ብቑዕ መግለጺ ቃላት ዘይርከቦ ስቓይን መከራን፡ ከርተትን ሞትን ንባዕሉ ምስክር ኢዩ። ከም ህዝቢ ንናጽነትና ከቃላጥፉ ንሓርነትና ከውሕሱ ዚኽእሉ ዘምለጡና ምቹኣት ኩነታት ቀለልቲ ኣይነበሩን። ግን ከምቲ ብቕድሜኻ ዝውሕዝ ማይ ናብ መስኖ ኣሊኻ መግብኻ ክንዲ ተፍርየሉ፡ ስቕ ኢልካ ኪፈስስ ብምርኣይካ ጠንቂ ድኽነትካን ዓጸቦኻን ትኸውን፡ ለውጢ ንምምጻእ ዓቢ ተኽእሎ ዚህበካ ሳሕቲ ጥራይ ዚርከብ ዕድል ስቕ ኢልካ ምስ እተሕልፎ፡ ዝኸፍአ ኩነታት ከም ዚስዕብ እነሆ ኣብ ቅድሜና ንርእዮ። ናይ 93 ምንቅስቓስ፡ ድሒሩ ምህራም ኣካለ ስንኩላን፡ እቲ ስራዊት ሓርነት ዝበሃል ዝነበረን ህዝብን ሰሚሩ ለውጢ ከምጽኣሉ ዚኽእል ዝነበረ ምቹእ ኣጋጣሚታት’ዩ ኔሩ። ከይተጠቐምናሉ ኪሓልፍ ሓዲግናዮ። እነሆ ኸኣ ዘይከኣል ፍዳኡ።
እሞኸ ድኣ እንታይ ንግበር? ኣቦታት ብሓያል ፍትሓዊ ባህሊ ዓቂቦም ዘጽንሑልና፡ በዕጽምትን ደምን ስዉኣት ንናጽነት ዝተጸምበለት ሃገር ኣዒንታን ብርካን ዝኾኑ መንእሰያታ ከሲራ ክትምህምን ትም ኢልና ክንርእያ?! ደጊምስ ኣይንውዕሎን ግዲ፣ ታሪኽና ታሪኽ ሕልፈታት ኪኸውን ኣይንፈቅድን ንኸውን ግዲ! ኣንጻር ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንቃወም ኢና እናበልካ ንዓመታት ብጓል ዘረባ/ጫሌዳ ዘረባታት እናተሰሓሓብካ ንስቓይ ህዝብኻ ምንዋሕከ ምስ ምንታይ ኢዩ ኪጽብጸብ? ብልሓቱ እንታይ ኢዩ? ብዙሕ ከይበልኩ ተቓዋሚ ጨቋኒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢየ እናበልካ ሓድሕድካ ኪትመናጨት ወርቃዊ ጊዜ ተጥፍእ እንተ ድኣ ዄንካ ሓልዮት ህዝብኻ ዘይምህላውዶ ኣይእምትን? ይኣክል ዕሽነት! ብዘይ ውህደትን ስኒትን ኪመጽእ ዝኽእል ለውጢ፡ ኪትከል ዚኽእል ፍትሓዊ ስርዓት የለን። ህርፋን ዕሩቕ ስልጣን ሳዕቤና መርዚ፡ ጸበባን ጥፍኣትን ከኣ ፍሬኣ ምዃኑ ርኢናያ ኣለና። እሞ ነዚኣስ ትፍንፍና’ምበር ትብህጋዶ?
ኣብ ቦትኣስ ህዝብኻ ብዝባረኸልካ ኣገልጊልካ ጽቡቕ ታሪኽ ገዲፍካ ምሕላፍ፡ ብውዑይ ንብዓጥ ፍቕሪ ህዝብኻ ክትፋኖን ኣብ ልቢ ህዝብኻ ብጽቡቕ ክትዝከር ክትነብርን ሳሕቲ ብውሑዳት ዚርከብ ዕድል ክንጽገዎ ምትምናይ ይምረጽ። ሰናይ ዕጥቂ ጥራይ ኢዩ ዚሓትት። ከም ህዝቢ ኣብ ትሕቲ ብርሃን ሓርነት ክንስስን ምእንቲ ብሓደ ድምጺ ብስሙር ቅልጽም ንፍትሒ ደው ንበል። ህዝቢ ሰሚሩ ምስ ዚቃለስ፡ ኣብ ርእሲ’ቲ ናይ ገዛእ ርእስና ተመክሮ፡ ህዝቢታት ሰሜን ኣፍሪቃ ብዘይ ክማህ ጽንዓት ዘካየዶ ኣብነታዊ ቃልሲ ብዝወሓደ ክሳራ ተኣምር ኪስራሕ ከም ዚከኣል ኣብ ግብሪ ርኢናዮ ኣለና። ስለዚ ክቡራት ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን፡ ተራና ነጸብቕ ዕጫና ምእንቲ ኪጽብቕ!
ክቡራት ደቅ ሃገር ኣብ መወዳእታ ክብሎ ዝደሊ፡ ቅድሚ ሕጂ’ውን ከይሰልከኹ ዝበልኩዎ ክደግም፡ ዘቲና ከነድምዕ ምእንቲ ቅድሚ ኹሉ ብመንነትና እንልለየሉ ቋንቋናን ባህልናን ነኽብር። ንኹነታት ኤርትራ ዝምልከቱ ዘካራኽሩ ኣገደስቲ ጽሑፋት ብቛንቋ እንግሊዝኛ ኪጸሓፉ ጸኒሖም ኢዮም፣ ይጸሓፉ’ውን ኣልዉ። ምንም’ኳ መብዛሕትኡ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዚርከብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዚዋስኣሉን ብዚለዓለ ዚረዳዳኣሉን ቋንቋ ትግርኛ እንተ ኾነ፡ ንኤርትራ ብዚምልከት ብቛንቋ እንግሊዝኛ ምጽሓፉ ኣበር የብሉን። እቲ ዕላማ ናይቶም ዚጽሕፉ ነቲ ዚበዝሐ ብሓሳብ ንምብጻሑ እንተ ድኣ ኾይኑ ግን እንግሊዝኛ ባዕዲ ቋንቋ ከም ምዃኑ መጠን፣ ብናይ ሓሳባት ምትሕልላፍ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሃገራዊ ቋንቋታት ኪስራዕ ኣይኽእልን’ዩ። ስለ ርትዒ ንምዝራብ፡ ብእንግሊዝኛ ይኹን ብኻልእ ቋንቋታት ዚቐርቡ ሃገር ጠቀስ ጽሑፋት ብውሑዱ ናብ ትግርኛ ተተርጒሞም ይቐርቡ እንተ ዚነብሩ’ኳ፡ ኣብ ጽፍሒ ምውህሃድ ኣረኣእያታት ዝያዳ ጥቕሚ መበርከቱ፤ ኣብ ብስለት ኣተሓሳስባ ኸኣ እጃም ምሃለዎም እብል። ካብኡ ዚተርፈ፡ ጌጋ ይኽለኣለይ እምበር፡ ከምዚ ትዕዝብተይ ኣብ ውሱናት ዚተሓጽረ ዕላል ምሁራት ጥራይ ኮይኑ ዝተርፍ ዘሎ እመስለኒ። ከምቲ ለባማት ዝመሰሉዎ “ላምሲ ብኢዳ ዝቐርባስ ብእግራ ትሓክኽ “” ከይኸውን ክላቦ እደሊ። ነቶም ኣብ ሃገራት ስደት ዚተወልዱ ደቅና ገዲፍና፡ ካብ ቋንቋ ሃገር ቋንቋ ባዕዲ ኢየ ዝመልኽ ምባል ከኣ ዘዅርዕ ኣይኮነን። ኣብ ሓደ እዋንስ እኮ ቋንቋ ሃገር እንግሊዝኛ ኪኸውን ይሓይሽ ዚብል መስደመም ርእይቶ ኣብ ጽሑፍ ተራእዩ ኢዩ፤ ስለ’ቲ ክብሪ መሰል ናይ ርእይቶ ሓርነት ክትሰምዖ ግድን’ዩ፡፡ ግን ጽባሕ ኤርትራ ምስ ወግሓላኸ ምስቲ ብሃገሩን ብቛንቋኡን ኒሕ ዝውንን ህዝቢ ብኸመይ ኢየ ክዋሳእ ኢልካ ምሕሳብ የድሊ። መንነት ከኣ ብዘይካ ባህልን ቋንቋን ካልእ መለለዪ ከም ዘይብሉ ምስትውዓል ይግባእ። ባዕዳዊ ቋንቋ ንባህልን ያታን ሃገር ከም ዘጥፍእ ስምብራቱ ገና ዘይጠፍአ ታሪኽ መግዛእቲ ኢትዮጵያ ባዕሉ ዝምስክሮ ኢዩ፡፡
ዘለዓለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና!
ዝጠፍኡ ዜጋታትና ዘለዓለማዊ ዕረፍቲ ይቀበሎም?
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሓርነትን፡ ሰላምን ራህዋን ይደበስ!!!
belay nega October 19, 2013
“ክሳብ መዓስ ኢና መርዚ ጥፋኣትና ክንሰቲ?!!!”
ክሳብ ሳዕቤን ገዲፍና ጠንቂ ጸገምና ነለሊ
ERITRAWIT October 19, 2013
belay nega, emo ngerena tfelto entekonka?
belay nega October 19, 2013
“belay nega, emo ngerena tfelto entekonka?”
ጉዳይ ኤርትራ ሱር ክምዘለዎ እታ ሱር ክአ አብ ኢትዮጵያ ክምዘላ ምፍላጥ እኹል እዩ
ERITRAWIT October 19, 2013
I would like to know more about the sur if u don’t mind?
belay nega October 19, 2013
ኢትዮጵያውያን ንነጻነት ኤርትራ ትምክሕቲ እዮም ዝብልዎ
ERITRAWIT October 19, 2013
belay nega, what about u what do say about Eritrea natnet?
belay nega October 19, 2013
To be frank,as an ex member of the E.P.L.F ,I feel guilty for contributing my part to the suffering of my people.
But worst of all,I feel more guilty, for being “ክጅብ የማያድን የአህያ ባል”, to the people whom I pushed to say “እወ ን ነጻነት”
ERITRAWIT October 19, 2013
belay nega,First of all i would like to thank u for answering my Q, i have so much respect for people they serve there people who am i to judge i didn’t even do anything i’m just hagerawit grow up very hagerawyan family i have so much hope and expectation FROM E.P.L.F i feel deep for people they spend there golden ages and to see this u have a point to be very disappoint and anger but with respect it will be more help full to come with u idea than criticism and we can learn more TXS.
belay nega October 19, 2013
Thank you too.For your information, all Eritreans including the president, are victims for choosing to be Eritreans.
But the saddest part is that for understood reasons,we could not disprove Ethiopians’ quoting quote:
“if both of you are identical,one of you is unnecessary”. And with confidence they say,that they have the might to survive.
Maekele October 20, 2013
“If both of you are identical, one of you is unnecessary”
You are really funny so either Eritrea or Ethiopia should exist, not both of them.
And you said you were in E.P.L.F not in T.P.L.F are sure of that?
Do not play tit for tat just express your mind freely. Preach for unity if you believe that is a solution.
I know you will start your nonsense argument again and again then at the end …to unity.
Then again nonsense argument ……………then Unity
Then again nonsense argument ……………then Unity Oh………….
belay nega October 20, 2013
Maekele[the cheap]
My comment,which I mean it,is not for Ethiopians or, the founders and privileged class in shimelba,which you belong to one of them.
I was targeting the genuine Eritreans,not be caught by surprise by objective oriented like you as ever.
“You are really funny so either Eritrea or Ethiopia should exist, not both of them.”
True,that is the final objective of Ethiopians.
“I know you will start your nonsense argument again and again then at the end …to unity.”
Nonsense is you, and your cheap argument “Eritrea is sold to Eritreans”
“Then again nonsense argument ……………then Unity
Then again nonsense argument ……………then Unity Oh…”
ሓድነት ደአ መን ክህበካ ክቢሩ ዝሓሰረ ክኽብር አይርአናን
አብ መወዳእታ ግን ክላወበካ ዝደሊ ትግራዋይ እንተ ኮይንካ ብደዐኻ ቀንሰሉ
ካብዞም ድሕሪ ውግእ ኤርትሮ/ኢትዮጵያ አፎም ዝኽፈቱሞ ብናይ ተጋሩ መብጽዓ ዝነ
belay nega October 20, 2013
ዝነብሩ እንተኮይንካ ክአ ቅበጽ ሕጂ ተጋሩ ኢትዮጵያዉያን እዮም::
መልሲ ናይ ሕልምኻ ክአ
“ክብራ ዝሸጠት እንተ ጸዓንዋ አድጊ እንተ ጋለብዋ ፈረስ”
“And you said you were in E.P.L.F not in T.P.L.F are sure of that?”
100% sure,and one more time, I regret for contributing my part, to the suffering of my people.
Maekele October 20, 2013
How come Belay Nega is Eritrean and Maekele is Ethiopian by what measurement?
Could you please say your name loudly (Belay….. Nega….) then tell me who is Ethiopian(by the way I do not discriminate people by their name or country, but if you brought it yourself then here we go)
You regret you were E.P.L.F which I don’t believe, If you were there then Identity crisis must took you there after all.
Genet October 20, 2013
Well, Mr Nega,
So, you are here day in day out to tell Eritrean, we made a mistake for fighting for our freedom from Ethiopia. You insult us nonstop so we can be ashed of ourselves. You don’t even spare the new generation. You claim you are ex EPLF fighter. You don’t care about the new generation. You support the dictator to change Eritrean people to a broken people and family. What is that you want to see in Eritrea? You are against any kind of change in our country. You are old, but no wisdom. All Eritrean people are not the same. Even in one family with one mother and father children usually are different. You like to put all Eritrean in one dark box that has no good thing. You think Eritreans are evil and we deserve what we are getting from the dictator. You are hammering us day in day out, hoping we will believe what you are telling us. You forgot we don’t have to look up to you. We have mothers and fathers who are not politicians but ordinary people. Some times you tell us we are Tigran/Ethiopian. Other times, you tell us we are jerks and arrogant. If we are Tigran/Ethiopian, then how come we are the only one jerks and arrogant? If you think we are all Tigrayan and Ethiopian, why can’t you leave us alone and go to Ethiopia and Tigray where all the good, honest and perfect Tigrayan and Ethiopian people leave. Why are you wasting your time dealing with us no good Eritrean? Why are you wishing the worst? Wishing the dictator kill us all? You have no feeling for young Eritreans dying like wild animals. What do you stand for? You always say, “our problem is deep”. You don’t want to criticized the dictator. It is a fact that he is a dictator. You get upset because the Eritrea people despise him. Why are you here? What are you getting out of this? I used to be very annoyed by your comments. Then, I felt that you may be are one of those people who make their leaving by becoming a destruction. Because It makes no sense otherwise. Many old men and women always want to make a difference in the new generation lives. But you are different and kind of confused. You want to crush the new generation because you haven’t accomplished any thing in your life. You are bitter and sad. So, before you exit this world, you want to make it worst than you found it. Think about it, money is not everything. You don’t have to seal your sole to the devil. What is your legacy?
Maekele October 20, 2013
“If both of you are identical, one of you is unnecessary”
You are really funny so either Eritrea or Ethiopia should exist, not both of them.
And you said you were in E.P.L.F not in T.P.L.F are sure of that?
Do not play tit for tat just express your mind freely. Preach for unity if you believe that is a solution.
I know you will start your nonsense argument again and again then at the end …to unity.
Then again nonsense argument ……………then Unity
Then again nonsense argument ……………then Unity Oh………….
belay nega October 21, 2013
“Could you please say your name loudly (Belay….. Nega….) then tell me who is Ethiopian”
To start with, I never judged you by your name, as name is only a code,and has nothing to do with someones’ ID,personality,character….etc.Which otherwise the first victim would be Ras Tessema
All what I said was,considering your comment, either you are an objective oriented Ethiopian, or one of those who depend on the outdated Tegaru’s promise.
Let me tell you some, that in private, for sure you agree with me:
Eritrean issue is a [pozzo nero],and whosoever swims in it,if not turning to shit he/she obviously smells shit.
“You regret you were E.P.L.F which I don’t believe, If you were there then Identity crisis must took you there after all.”
I wish I never been there[E.P.L.F],but what makes me laugh is, the self infected ID which disown it’s creator Esayas Afeworki.
Maekele October 21, 2013
Are you Isayas himself?
Is Isayas your creator?
Belay Nega,You are the one that who have deep rooted problem.(as the Eritrean saying goes, if two people told you that your head is not in it’s place double check!)
People including me are telling you that you are in the wrong side of the history (you told us you regretted that you were E.P.L.F.
You will also regret this time once more because you are in the wrong side of history.
Do not support or advocate to Dictator Just for few benefits. (Whether it is for psychological or material gain).
If People’s comments dose not make you understand you have serious health issue. My advice is please see your doctor (The sooner the better).
belay nega October 21, 2013
“You will also regret this time once more because you are in the wrong side of history.”
Believe me, I will never regret for not being you and alike.
“If People’s comments dose not make you understand you have serious health issue”
Which people you talking about
those who judge the president for where he comes from?
Those who hate more the president, than they love Eritrea?
Those who for them, Eritrea is only one part of the country,and Eritreans are those who comes from that area?
“(as the Eritrean saying goes, if two people told you that your head is not in it’s place double check!)”
Who said that the under nationalists are right? Shame on you.
Maekele October 22, 2013
You are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome! seek medical attention
That is my only advise sir.
belay nega October 22, 2013
“You are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome! seek medical attention”
Is you who suffering from it, and defending Ethiopians from the main cause of our problem.
ዝኾነ ኮይኑ አበየና ደብተራ ክረአ ናይ ጎጃምዶ ናይ አኹሱም?
እምበር ወድ ዓደይ መዓረይ እታ ብተጋሩ ክትሕዛ ሓሲብካ ዝነበርካ ስልጣንሲ ቅበጸ
Maekele October 21, 2013
“Let me tell you some, that in private, for sure you agree with me:
Eritrean issue is a [pozzo nero],and whosoever swims in it,if not turning to shit he/she obviously smells shit.”
Why in private? I agree in public (I am not hypocrite). The thing is you and I had made mistakes and those kids are playing the price.
We created monster (which in private, for sure you agree with me) how we created him dose not mater whether in laboratory or he was a victim of his parents or victim of us or a victim of deep rooted problem is irrelevant).
With respect tell them what happened in the history of (E.P.L.F) clearly in detail why you regretted ….so on.
Admit Isayas is a Dictator (how he became is irrelevant to them). Give them fatherly advice If you are Genuine father (your identify is irrelevant if your motivation is genuine)
Isayas abused them. Is it morally acceptable to tell them that thy were only dreaming, they were not abused?
Or is it morally acceptable a father to abuse his children because he fights with his neighbors?
For god sake please stop saying deep rotted, deep rotted…… explain every thing that you know in detail. And let the decide for themselves.
belay nega October 22, 2013
“For god sake please stop saying deep rotted, deep rotted…… explain every thing that you know in detail. And let the decide for themselves.”
Now you are speaking,my perception about the deep root Eritrean problem, can be explained in few words
-If we never being colonized by Italians,or they colonized Ethiopian too, would be better
-Ethiopians should have given us time, instead of annexing us by force
-I feel the frustration,but I wish the army struggle never being there
-In 1991 we never realized that we defeated DERG,but not the people of Ethiopia, who had and still have reservation towards Eritrean issue.
-The friendship of E.P.L.F and T.P.L.F was tactical,especially in the case of the T.P.L.F,was natural for them to be more Ethiopians than Tegaru, and heal the wound of the their people, which was caused by the Eritrean issue.
-I feel their feeling,but Ethiopian gov started provoking the gov of Eritrea as early as 1991.
-Eritrean gov had no choice but to behave, for him to maintain the freedom, which was made to be possible by the fair contribution of Ethiopians.
-The war of 1998 which was erupted effectively by Ethiopians,and officially by us,was the end of the bigining
-After that was [fine dell’episodio] because Ethiopians knew, that ones we touch the man everything will go according their program.
Considering the attitude of all Ethiopians towards our ugly issue,and the world’s love towards Ethiopia.Sorry for my language but we are fucked-up.
Eritrean issue is ugly by nature, and it’s people including the president are victim of it.
Maekele October 22, 2013
I am following your arguments, you concluded too early though.
There are hundreds scenarios that could have or would have done, please do not underestimate your audience.
There are hundreds combinations and permutations Isayas also could have handled the situation.
Why is the government abusing his people is your explanation (defense mechanism sublimation) or denial?
Maekele October 22, 2013
Siltan tezideli dea kemaka mis Hgdef zymerasah.
Ethiopia Etiopia kea Aytibel klitiom abusers.
belay nega October 21, 2013
“Some times you tell us we are Tigran/Ethiopian.”
I do not have any better eyewitness more than you,that I never called you Tigraweiti,unless otherwise. Though in saying so, I never denied the brotherhood of Eritreans and Ethiopians.
There is nothing wrong, with me sharing my experience, with the young generations, so that they avoids emotionality,the cause of all the buncrapcy to my generation.
Otherwise taking easy Eritrean issue, just to make look bad the president, is not accepted at all.One more time Eritrean issue is deep rooted.
belay nega October 23, 2013
“Siltan tezideli dea kemaka mis Hgdef zymerasah.
Ethiopia Etiopia kea Aytibel klitiom abusers.”
For your information, I never been HEGDEF and I will never be.If recognizing the ugliness of Eritrean issue, makes you to think I am HEGDEF, something must be wrong with you.
Based on your comment stated on October 21, 2013 at 4:59 pm,I thought you were ready to exchange ideas genuinely.
But after your comment on October 22, 2013 at 6:25 pm I conciuded that you are not better than the tigrigna saying “ዑፉንሲ ክም ሰብአይ ይጭሕም እሞ ክም ቆልዓ ክአ ይሕዘል”
Maekele October 23, 2013
ዑፉንሲ ክም ሰብአይ ይጭሕም እሞ ክም ቆልዓ ክአ ይሕዘል”
Abey emo krekbo!