800 ጉምቦ ኣእዳውን ክንድኡ ሚኢቲ ጉምቦ ኣእጋርን። 5ይ ክፋል
800 ጉምቦ ኣእዳውን ክንድኡ ሚኢቲ ጉምቦ ኣእጋርን። 5ይ ክፋል፡ 02-04-14፡ “ጠንቂ ስዕረት ወራሪ ግዝኣት ጣልያን ኣብ ውግእ ዓደድዋ እንታይ ነበረ? ኣብቲ ዓወት ኣስተዋጽኦ ደቂ-ኤርትራን ዓስቦምንከ እንታይ ነበረ? ‘ጥልመት’ዶ ኢልኩም ሓቀይ”! ኢለ ንዘበገስኩዎ ሓሳባት፡ “ዓወት ዓድዋን ግዳያቱን”

800 ጉምቦ ኣእዳውን ክንድኡ ሚኢቲ ጉምቦ ኣእጋርን። 5ይ ክፋል፡ 02-04-14፡
“ጠንቂ ስዕረት ወራሪ ግዝኣት ጣልያን ኣብ ውግእ ዓደድዋ እንታይ ነበረ? ኣብቲ ዓወት ኣስተዋጽኦ ደቂ-ኤርትራን ዓስቦምንከ እንታይ ነበረ? ‘ጥልመት’ዶ ኢልኩም ሓቀይ”! ኢለ ንዘበገስኩዎ ሓሳባት፡ “ዓወት ዓድዋን ግዳያቱን” ብዝብል ኣርእስቲ ኢና ንኣር ባዕተ ክፋላት ሓጸርቲ ታሪኽ ነጋውስ ኢቲዮጲያ ን ውዲታቶምን ክንከታተል ዝጸናሕና። መቐጸል ትኡ ድማ እንሆ።
ብቐዳምነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዋላ’ዃ ካብ ጥንቱ እ ንተተበራረዩሉን እንተተሻረኹሉን ንወረርቱ ኣሜ ን ኢሉ ተቐቢሉ ከምዘይፈልጥ ምፍላጥን ምእማ ንን መሰረት ሓቀኛ ታሪኽ ኢዩ።ካብ ትገርም ሓን ትን ኣውራን ነገር፡ ሃገርና ከምቀንዲ ስትራተጂካ ዊት (ብኣቀማምጣኣ፡ ቁጠባኣን ባሕራን) መጠን ኩሎም ገዛእትን ልኡኻቶምን ከም ቱርኪ፡ማህዲ ግብጺ፡ እንግሊዝ፡ ጣልያንን ኢቲዮጲያን፡ ነናቶ ም ረብሓ ወጢጥዎም’ዃ እንተመጹ ዝበዝሐ ግ ዜ ኣብክንዲ ነንሕድሕዶም ዝዋግኡ ኣንጻር ናይ ቲ ዝምክት ወዲሃገር ክሰምሩ ምርኣይ ልሙድ ምንባሩ ኢዩ። እታ ንርእሳ ኣብ ትሕቲ እንግሊዝ ዝነበረት ግብጺ ንሱዳን ብምስላዅ ክልቲኦም ድማ ብሽፋን ሃይማኖት ንመ በገሲ ፈለግ ኣባይ ክቆጻጸሩ ስለዝተዋደዩ ኣፍደገ መእተዊቶም ከኣ ኤርትራ ብምዃና ህዝብና ቀንዲ ግዳይ ገይረሞ ነበሩ። ኣማ ስያኡ ብመሰረት ናይ 1884 ናይ በርሊን ውዕል ወራሪ ጣልያን ምስተቐልቀለ፡ ደቂ መታሕት ኣንጻር ናይቶም ዘሸግርዎም ዝነ በሩ ማህዲስት፡ ግብጽን መሰልቶምን፡ ደቂ ከበሳ ድማ ኣንጻር ናይ ኢቲዮጲያ ወረርቲ ንምምካት ክቕበሉዎ ግድን ነበረ። ጣል ያን ድማ ክሳብ ዝደላደል ክቱር ክመባጻዕ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ኣብ ሓደ ጥሪ 1890 ኤርትራ ከምሃገር ካብ ዝቐርጻ ንዳሓር ከምቲ ዝኣተዎ መብጻዓ ዘይኮነስ ከምግዝኣቱ ምስኣወጀ፡ ኤርትራዊ ወዲቆላ ከበሳ በቢዘለዎ ክቃለስ ንበረኻኡ ተመርቀፈ።
ምናልባሽ “ኣብዝጥዕም ቦታን ግዜን፡ ንጸላኢ ብጥይቱ ብብረቱ፡ ደጀን ሰውራ ባርካን ሳሕልን”፡ ዝዓይነቱ ወተሃደራዊ ጥበብን ዛንታን ድሒርና ሰሚዕናዮ ክንከውን ንኽእል። ብተወሳኺ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ካብ መስከረም ሓደ 1961 ምጅማሩ ነድምቖ ንኸ ውን። ሰረቱ ግብ ጽኑሕ ኢዩ። ከምኡ እንተኾይኑ ሰውራ መዓስ ኣበይከ ተጀመረ? ቀዳሞት ተጋደልቲኸ እኒመን ኢዮም? ወዘ ተ ክመጸኒ እንድዩ፡ ብተወሳኺ ደጃዝማች ባህታ ሓጎስ ካብቅድም ከምዓስከር ጥልያን፡ ራእሲ ወልደሚካኤል ድማ ምስተኣሰ ረ ዝሞተ ዝመስሎ ስለዘሎ ዝፈለጥኩዎ ክምልስ ኣብቃልሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ የራኽበና። ንሎሚ ግን ኣሕጺረ ጥራይ ክትንክፎ።
ዓለም ናብ ርእሰማላዊ ፖለቲካ ዝተሰጋገረትሉ እዋን ድሕሪ ካልኣይ መፋርቕ 19 ክፍለ-ዘመን ምዃኑ ንሰማማዕ ንኸውን። እ ዚ ማለት ድሕሪ 1850 ዓ.ም ምዃኑ ኢዩ። ምስ ምምጻእ ርእሰ-ማልነት ድማ ነበረ ሃገራዊ ዶባት ዝተሳእለ። ‘ቅድሚኡ መሬት ወይ ዓለም ኣይነበረትን’ ኣይበልኩን። እታ ቅድሚኡ ዝነበረት ዓለም ‘መስፍንነት’ ከምትበሃል እምነቱ ገዲፍና ተማሂርናያን ተ ማሂርኩማን ኢኹም። ኣብቲ ዝቐነየ ታሪኽ መስፍናዊ ወራራት እምባኣር መሳፍንቲ ሃገርና’ውን ተሳተፍቲ ምንባሮም ዝሕባእ ኣይኮነን። እንተኾነስ ሓባራዊ ገዛኢ ስለዘስምሮም ዝነበረ፡ ኣንጻሩ ዝተገብረ ቃልሲ ጎሊሑ ክርአ ክኢሉ ኢዩ።
ሃገርና ብሓደ ጥሪ 1890 ከምሃገር ድሕሪ ምቛማ ተጻብኦ ገዛእቲ ንምኹላፍ ድማ ሃገራውያን ተቓለስቲ ብ1892 ሰውራ ከም ዝጀመሩ፡ ደጀኖም’ውን ከምሓልሓል-ቦጎስ፡ ጎልጎል መጋርሕ፡ ከም ሓባብ ዓጋምቡሳ ዓጋማዳ ዝኣመሰሉ ፍሉጣት ዕርዲ ተቓ ለስቲ ከምዝነበሩ ታሪኽ ይምህረና። መታን ከይነውሓና ድማ ናይ ክልተ ሓርበኛታት ጥራይ ከምኣብነት ክንጠቕስ ኢና።
ደጃዝማች ባሕታ ሓጎስ ሓደ ካብ ተቓለስቲ ምንባሩ ኣብዝኽሪ ኩሉ ዜጋ ዘሎ ኢዩ። ንሱ ከምቶም ኩሎም ተጋደልቲ ኣብያ ወ ረርቲ ኢቲዮጲያ ክምክት ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ኣብ 1875 ንእምባየ ኣርኣያ ወዲ ራእሲ ኣርኣያ ምስቀተለ’ዩ ህቡብነት ክረክብ ዝኻአ ለ። ራእሲ ኣሉላ ንዝገበሩሉ ፈተና መጻወድያ በናጢሱ ድማ ብ1880 ኣብ ከረን ምስ ግብጻውያን ወተሃደራዊ ስምምዕ ገበረ። ብ1885 ጣልያን ንግባጻውያን ኣብዝተካኣትሉ እዋን ድማ ብተስፋ ምስኦም ተኣሳሰረ። ጀነራል ባራቲየሪ ከኣ ከምኣማሓዳሪ ኣከለ-ጉዛይ መዘዞ። ንሱ ኣብ ዓዱ (ሰገንለይቲ) ኣትዩ ህዝቢ ካብ ወረርቲ ተናጊፉ ነብሱ ባዕሉ ከምዘማሓድር እናኣተስፈወ ብ 1889 ሃገራዊ ሰራዊቱ ሃነጸ። ኣብ 1893 ድማ ምስ ጥልያን ኮይኑ ኣብ ኣቑርደት ኣንጻር ማህዲ ውግእ ገጠመ። እንተኾነ ነገር ገዛእቲ ኮይኑ ስራሖም ስለዘይገደፉ ክማረርን ከንጸርጽርን ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ መለሳን መዋጽኦ ከምዘይብላ ኣጣሊሉ ኢድካ ምሃ ብ’ውን ስለዘይወረሰ ከምቀደሙ ንናጽነቱ ኣብታ ተቓውሞኡ ተደርገመ።
ኣብ 1894 ሃጼ መነሊክ ንጣልያን ክወግኡ ይዳለዉ ከምዘለዉ ዝብል ናይ ተስፋ ወረ ተሰምዐ። ስለዚ ምትእኽኻብ ተቓለስት ን ምምስራት ሓድሽ ግምባርን (ግምባር ሓበሻ) ኣገዳሲ ታራ ሓዘ። ስለዚ ባህታ ምስብጾቱ ምስቲ ኣብ 1889 ሃጼ ዮሃንስ ካብ ማእሰርቲ ንዝፈትሑዎ ራእሲ ወልደሚካኤል ተራኺቦም ክመኽሩ መሪጾም ከዱ። ራእሲ ወልደሚካኤል ካብቲ ፍትሒ ጠሊ ሙ ‘ዕድመይ ይፍታሕካ’ ዝበየነ ውሳነ ተጋሩ ማእሰርቲ እምባ ስላሰ ምስተፈትሐ፡ ካብ ነቲ ዝጠለሞ ሃጼ የውሃንስ ወይ ድማ ንጣልያን ምግልጋልስ ኣብስደት ምጥፋእ መሪጹ ኣብ ኣኹሱም ተቐሚጡ ነበረ። ውሳነኡ ልክዕ ከምዝነበረ ብነብሱ ይፍለጠኒ ኣሎ። ከመይሲ ዋላ’ዃ ንዓዱ ክኸይድ እንተተፈቕደሉ ደርሆ ኣንዊሕካ ምእሳራ ድማ ሽዑን ብተጋሩን እንድያ ተጀሚራ ተመ ሊሱስ ዘይቅፉድ’ዩ’ሞ እንታይከ ክገብር ኢሉ? ብተወሳኺ ንሱ ሓንሳብ ከምኣምበሳ ዝጓዘመሉ መሬት ሃገሩ ከም ማንም ብሽ ልብ ግልብ ክምለሶስ ወየን ብሩንዶ ዘልመደን ወኻሩኸ እንታይ ክብሎኦ? እሞ ተፈቲሑ ኣብ ኣኹሱም ምቕማጡ ኣይኣበሰን ። ኣውራ ድማ ኣብ መጀመርታ ወርሒ መስከረም 1879 ዝተፈጸመ ጥልመት ኣብ መጀመርታ ወርሒ መጋቢት 1896 ፍሉይ እምነት ከፈጥር ከምዘይኽእል’ዃ እንተተረድአ ብፍቕሪ ሃገሩ ተዘኒቡ ብማንታ እምነት ኮንዶኾን ብማለት ምስደጃዝማች ባህ ታን ካልኦት ተቓለስትን ሓቢሮም ናብ ንጉስ መነሊክ ብምቕራብ ብሓባር ክሰርሑ ከምዝደልዩ ሓበሩ።
ሃጼ መነሊክ ንርእሶም ሓይሎም ከደልድሉ ይቃለሱ ስለዝነበሩ ንጠለብ ኤርትራውያን ብዘይቅድመ-ኩነትን ብሙሉእ ሓጎስን ዝተቐበልዎ መሰሉ። እቲ ቀንዲ መብጽዓ ሓንትስ ጥልያን ይሳዓር’ምበር ካብ ገጽ ምድሪ ኢቲዮጲያ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ እንኮላይ ካብ ገጽ ምድሪ ኤርትራ ከጥፍእዎ ኢቲዮጲያ ክሳብ መወዳእታ ክትሕግዞም ተሰማምዑ። መሬት ትግራይ ድማ ከም መጠርነ ፊኦምን ደጀኖምን ክጥቀሙሉ ተሰማምዑ’ሞ ወያ ገርሂ ልቢ እምበኣር መሊሳ ኣብ መጻወድያ ማሸላን ማሕላን ተጸምደት።
ሹማምንቲ ኤርትራ ብተስፋ ናብ ሃገሮም ተመልሱ። ደጊያት ባህታ ሓጎስ ድማ ፍናን ሰራዊቶም ብሙሉእ ሞራልን ሓሞትን ደበስዎ። እዚ እናኾነ ገዛኢ ጥልያን’ውን ዝኸውን ዝነበረ ስለዘይተሰወሮ ብ17 ታሕሳስ 1894 ንሜጀር ቶሲሊ ምስ 1500 ወተ ሃደራትን 2 ዓበይቲ ብረትን ኣዕጢቑ ለኣኾ። እንተኾነስ ሰገንለይቲ ብዘይተጻብኦ ተደርገማ። ለካ ባህታ ሓጎስ ኣቐዲሙ ዝመ ጾ ስለዝፈለጠ ኢዩ ወፊሩ ዝነበረ።
ንጽባሒቱ ዕለት 18፡ ሜጀር ቶሲሊ ባህታ ናበይ ከምዘብል ስለዘይሰሓተ ትኽ ኢሉ ንሓላይ ሓለፈ። ደጊያት ባህታ ድማ ድሮ ነታ ኣብኡ ዝነበረት ነቑጣ ከዋልኣ ጸንሖ። ደጊያት ምስ ሰራዊቱ ንዓጋማዳኡ ከንቆልቁል፡ ንእምባሴራኡ ክስቀል እናኸኣለ ኣይ መረጾን። እሞ ከምቃሉ ምስህዝቡ ወናኒ ናጻነቱን ሃገሩን ክኸውን ምስቲ ሓድሽ ዝመጸ ሰራዊት ከይተረፈ ብድፍረትን ቆራጽነ ትን ተሓናነቐ። መዓልቲ ሕልፈት ኮይና ድማ ተወጊኡ ተራዕርዐ። ኣይደንጎየን’ውን ብኡንቡኡ ካብዛ ዓለም ተፋነወ።ኣቐዲሙ ንሰራዊቱ ብዛዕባ ተታሒዙ ዝነበረ መደብን ውዕልን ኣስኒቕዎም ብምጽንሑ ከኣ ንሳቶም መራሒኦም ብስዉር ቀቢሮም ዝያዳ ብምሕራን ብሙሉኦም ናብ ትግራይ ሰገሩ።
ወዮም ረኻብጸገም ራእሲ ብሞት ደጊያት ተኾምተሩ። ግናኸ ዝተታሕዘ መደብ ክትግቡሩ ቆሪጾም ስለዝተላዕሉ ምስ ወተሃደ ራት ደጊያትን ከምኡ ድማ ካልኦት ከምእኒ ኣበራን ኣውዓሎምን (መንነት ናይዞም ክልተ ንምፍላጥ ከምዕዮገዛኹም ውሰድዎ) ምእንቲ ናይ ሓባር ዓላማ ክብሉ ንዓወት ዓድዋ ክስየፉላ ኣውዓሉ። እቲ ወረ ድማ ብኡንቡኡ ኣብ ዓሳክር ጥልያን ዝነበሩ ኤ ርትራውያን ሙሉእ ተቐባልነት ረኸበ። ንኣብነት እቲ ብ1840 ኣብ ጸዓዘጋ ዝተወልደ ኣበራ ሃይሉ ብ1891 ጣልያን ‘ክሽፍት ኢዩ’ ብዝብል ጥርጠራ ክማርኾ ንካፒተን ባቲኒ’ዃ እንተልኣኾ፡ ደጊያት ኣበራ ንካፒተን ቀቲሉ ኣብ በረኻታት ሃገሩ ክምክት ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ፡ ወረ በዓል ባህታን ራእስን ምስሰምዐ፡ ወተሃደራቱ ጠርኒፉ ኣብ ውግእ ዓድዋ ብምስላፍ (ከሺ ኣማራ…… ኣ ይትረስዑ) ታሪኽ ሰርሐ።
ብተወሳኺ ክዝከር ዝግብኦ ውዕለት ናይቲ ብጀነራል ባሪያተሪ ታአማንነት ዘጥረየ ድሒሩ ብ(ዳብል ኤጀንት) ዝተሰምየ ሰላይ ናይ ክልቲኦም ወገናት ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ ዝነበረ ባሻይ ኣውዓሎም ሓረጎት ኢዩ። ንሱ ብጀነራል ባራትየሪ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ብራእ ሲ ኣሉላ’ ውን እሙን ነበረ። ባሻይ ኣብቲ ክልቲኦም ወገናት ተፋጢጦሙሉ ዝነበሩ ግምባር ዓድዋ፡ ኣብቲ ብ’ሕሹኽሹኽ’ ዝ ፍለጥ ላሕዂ ሓበሬታ ዕዙዝ ተራ ስለዝተጻወተ ከምእኒ ራእሲ ስብሃቱን ደጊያት ሓጎስ ተፈሪን ምስብዙሓት ወተሃደራቶምን ኣጽዋርን ካብ ወገን ጣልያን ናብ ሰራዊት ኢቲዮጲያ ብሰላም ክሕወሱ ዘኽኣለ ተባዕ ባሻይ ነበረ። ቀጺሉ ‘ንጉስ መነሊክ ኣብ ውሽጢ ክልተ መዓልቲ ክሃድሙ ቴንዳኦም ይጠቓልሉ ከምዘለዉ’ ዝብል መንደልሓቒ ሓበሬታ ሓሽሎኸ’ሞ፡ ንጉስ ድማ ነገ ራቱ ተረዲኦም ሓቂ ክመስል ምእንቲ ካብቲ ኣብ በሪኽ ጎቦ ኪዳነ-ምህረት ተዘርጊሑ ዝነበረ ቴንዳታቶም ብግብሪ ስለዝዓጻጸ ፉ ጀነራልት ፈረንጂ ሰራዊት ኢቲዮጲያ ይሃድም ከምዘሎ ኣሚኖም ብዘይእኹል መጽናዕትን ምድላዋትን ወጋሕታ ዕለት ሓደ መጋቢት 1896 ውግእ ዓድዋ ባዕላቶም ተረቢጾም ጀመርዎ።
ኣብ መዓልቲ ምዝልዓፍ 1600 መሓውር የራኽበና።
msgna April 2, 2014
ahmed saleh April 2, 2014
Brother Godefa
I apologize to jump on conclusion at your previous article . They used to teach us history excluding Eritreans
patriotic heroism . I admire your effort
to tell our side story .
Again sorry for misunderstanding .
Wolde April 2, 2014
Godefa, you amaze me; do you know how the Quohayin (Eritreans) were treated during the Ghedli Era? And the whole Eritrean now, in the 21 century? you seem to have an issue. Shame on you!
ahmed saleh April 2, 2014
What is behind all of this to divert the
attention irrelevant to the subject . I
start to get suspicious from forces with agenda who push hard to defame
and degrade the history of our revolution reputation.
Paradiso April 2, 2014
ዕላማ ጽሑፍካ ብዙሕ ኣይተረደኣንን። ምንላባት ሓድሽ ታሪኽ ንምጽሓፍ ካብዚ ሓሊፉ ድማ ኣብ ኣሕዋት ህዝቢ ትግራይን ኤርትራን ሓድሽ ሓዊ ንምእጓድ እንተኾይኑ ጽሑፍካ ትሩፍን ከንቱን እዩ። ኣንፈቱ ዘይተፈልጠ: መእሰሪ ዘይብሉ ሃተፍተፍ ::
ጎደፋ ይብል: ” ኣብ ሓደ ጥሪ 1890 ኤርትራ ከምሃገር ካብ ዝቐርጻ ንዳሓር ከምቲ ዝኣተዎ መብጻዓ ዘይኮነስ ከምግዝኣቱ ምስኣወጀ …።”
ብዚ ዝበልካዮ ዕለት ይኹን ብቕድሚኡ ኤርትራ ትበሃል ሃገር ኣይነበረትን: ወይ ኤርትራዊ ዝበሃል ሰብ ኣይነበረን ። ኣብዚ ዝበልካዮ ዕለት ኮሎንያላዊ መግዛእቲ ኢጣልያ፣ ነታ ብድሕሪኡ ኤርትራ እሎም ባዕሎም ዝሰየምዋ ይጅምር። ንባዕሉ እቲ ኤርትራዊ ዝብል ስምዒት ኣብ እዋን ወተሃደራዊ ምምሕዳር እንግሊዝ ዝተቐልቀለ እዩ።
Paradiso April 2, 2014
Tsehaye’s response to your previous article is enough:
“Distorting history in order to sanitize the lunatic ghedli and to keep the hatred against the Ethiopians alive is nothing but pure insanity. There are so many other just causes you can do at this moment. How about fighting tooth and nail against the ruthless PFDJ mafia to save the Eritrean people from the verge of extinction instead of spending your valuable time to write about a century old history hoping to keep the flame of hatred between Eritrea and giant proud nation of Abyssinia? Ertrawian meguhaity!”
Berhe Tensea April 2, 2014
Thank you for for the historical lesson, that you have presented,in logical manner.
asghedom April 2, 2014
Mr. Godefa it was good for you to write History but not politics.
Yohannes gave power to Woldenkiel, after the battle of Godagudi, as all Ethiopians brothers do ,Woldemichael he asked help to the Egyptians grap power. he has been given enough army to fight against his brothers of Hamasien and the Ras of other regions of the Tigrigna speaking people. It is normal in our region to be SHIFTA and became a ruler. In fact Toders was SHIFTA and he became the very famous king of Ethiopia, Yohannes was SHIFTA too and he became atze Yohannes or emperor of Ethiopia.
In that time until now the SHIFTAS are the rulers of the country. even the Actual Governments in Ethiopia and Eritrea are SHIFTAS.
the SHIFTAS are undemocratic governments rulers without the will of the people or they take advantage of certain situation of the population and they grab to power.
If we go back to the people you have nominated except few they where SHIFTAS and cruel leaders.
Ras Woldenchiel of Hamasien was Cruel Bahta Segaineti of Akeleguzai was Cruel.
what is thier real contribution to the Eritrean people specially the Kebesa people.
1. Woldemicael was fighting against Tigrians, why not fighting against the Egyptians while they where in keren very close to Hamasien and the whole lowland of Eritrea. have you heard Woldemichale fought against foreigners occupying very close to his house. I have never heard , instead with his brave Hamasien SHIFTAS he was siding the Egyptians in the Battle of GURAE.
if the battle of Gurae was in fever of Egyptians was not all Eritrea , tigray was falling under the dominion of Egyptian rule.
what was the benefit and idea of Woldemichael to kill all his brothers of Hamasien and King Yohannes arms, fully armed and trained by Egyptians in keren. Do you think he was fighting for the independence of Eritrea country which was not existing.
But you forgot one thing, Woldemichael was obliged to give his hand forced by the Egyptians and British, because he was not any more necessary to them. who is Keda and who is not KEDA.
Fever has been done to Woldemichael to take him to Adwa , because he was endanger for his life because he had a lot of enemy in Hamasien and all Kedessas.
only ignorant historian like you can write such history , it is possible to the Hamasien people to be ruled by a person who was killing them and have killed several of their family. Mr. Godefa you accept such situation with actual government to rule you again after he resign or defeated. may be it is possible in Eritrea but in part of the world who kill should be killed taken to prison or judged .
Woldemichael betrayed yohannes rule while he was given power by taking from other Hamasien Rulers and when woldemichael sided the Egyptians the power was given back to those rulers yohannes betrayed them and woldemichael with modern arm given by the Egyptians have killed all of them.
as you present the history woldemichael you can write a lot , he was ambitious he want to became a king of Tigrigna speaking people by siding the Egyptians , but it was a wrong time. that region was already in problem by external enemies.
When Woldemichael gave his hand , then it was easy to clean the lowland of the actual Eritrea until Kessala, and Egyptians has been accompanied to Massawa for good.
the history you are writing is confused History of the Tigrigna speaking people and they have done a lot together, even in our time we have seen it , united they have succeed to overcome all the difficulties against DERG , but unfortunately we don’t know how to write the history and we started to quarrel I am the most powerful, I am the one to teach how to use the armies , without me you will never take over Addis etc. Tigrigna speaking people brave in fighting but lazy in writing their proper history.
2.Let go To Bahta Segeneiti:
who is the one who brought the Italians to the high land of Eritrea? , DEGYAT BAHTA SEGENEIT knowing the vacuum of power in the high land of Kebessa. His best friend was Major Toseli. He new perfectly the country was with out enough men to fight him, because most of them they went to MTEMA to fight against the Mahedists, even though no one was in Segeneiti he asked Italian help to became the ruler of Segenaiti. this history is not true Mr. Godefa? if it is not true ask the Segenaiti people and they will tell you truth.
of course he fought the Italians when they suffocated him more than the tigrian brothers , thanks for him we have the only battle done by kebessa alone against foreigners.
you see Mr. Godfa, this weak I have read in Meskerem .Com the meeting of the lowlanders, and I have seen in their resolution to write and rewrite the Eritrean history. I think they are right.
Remember , history should unite people by narrating mistakes and historical errors, but not catalyzing hater age, and writing wrong history.
the Brava Tigrigna speaking people have done a very good history , but we are misleading people with our poor information. it is necessary deep research to write history and be very carful. you see I admire woldemichal for his courage , Bahta too, they have tried to grab the power from their brothers but it was wrong time.
even know if we are not carful we shall be slave for ever with no return, Eritreans are so relaxed on writing nonsense and insulting each other. Eritrea is independent country but if we are not carful we can loose it.
Wedi Hagher April 3, 2014
“Fever has been done to Woldemichael to take him to Adwa , because he was endanger for his life because he had a lot of enemy in Hamasien and all Kedessas. only ignorant historian like you can write such history , it is possible to the Hamasien people to be ruled by a person who was killing them and have killed several of their family. ”
You are good at fabricating history. Woldenchiel, had defeat Tigrean in Adi Sogdo. They were terribly upset, so they resorted to their usual tactics of treachery and cunning to take him prisoner. The sent him a message saying something like this:
“Mariam Aksum Tabot awtzia tiztibeyeka Ala” (so, come to make peace).
He took is son and went. And never came back. He died in prison.
An eulogy to Ras Weledenkiel Solomon, and an epic song that celebrated his victory over the Tigrayean army of the notorious shifta Ras Bariay, was printed on a gramophone during Italian colonial period, and said some like this:
wakharya Adi Sogdo zteghibki do
Iwe zteghibe Wolday zxaredo,
bi idey xadighe bigumado
FORTO April 3, 2014
If your assertion is true how come the tigrians did not kill him when he was abandand by the egyptians after their defeat by the ethiopian army and was forced to surrender ???!!!!!!.
ahmed saleh April 3, 2014
Whose history is wrong and whose is right ?
Godefa laid the information depending on his ability . If you have points of disagreement bring it down respectfully
without going around to personal attack to discredit his efforts . Do not forget last time you said that we do not have
history prior whatever period . Every society have its own history and we Eritreans are eager to know our own true history .
At the same time his article based on events of ancient history and the way we interpret its findings depend on our mentality .
Negatively influenced and positively influenced people react according their own observations and thinking .
Tesfu Kidane April 3, 2014
Dala ksha April 3, 2014
You are doing a good job ,that is our past history with our neighbors in the south,the problem with our people is we keep forgetting everything what happened to us.if we do not know our past we will not know our future.please if you’re real eritrean you can’t forget what happened in dergi times in haileselase time.