Sudan’s ruling party says keen to boost relations with Eritrea
June 28, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) reiterated his country keenness to develop a constructive relationship with neighbouring Eritrea, pointing to the deeply-rooted relations between the two countries. Omer Atta deputy head

June 28, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) reiterated his country keenness to develop a constructive relationship with neighbouring Eritrea, pointing to the deeply-rooted relations between the two countries.
Omer Atta deputy head of NCP Africa secretariat Thursday paid a courtesy visit to the Eritrean ambassador to Khartoum Ibrahim Idris on the occasion of the Martyrs’ Day, an official holiday to pay tribute to those who died for the country’s liberation.
In a statement released after the meeting, the NCP official said he told the Eritrean diplomat that his party believes Eritrea is a brotherly neighbour sharing many interests with Sudan apart from the other social and cultural ties.
He further called for continuous efforts to boost bilateral for the benefit of both peoples.
The call comes after the tensions between the two countries and accusations against each other of support to opposition groups.
Last January, Sudan even closed the border with Eritrea and deployed thousands of troops along the frontier while President Omer al-Bashir declared a six-month state of emergency in North Kordofan and Kassala states.
According to the statement, Ambassador Idris thanked the NCP for the visit and the congratulation on the on the occasion of the Eritrean Martyrs’ Day.
He further pointed to the need to develop economic and political relations to between the two countries.
Relations between Asmara and Khartoum deteriorated following the rapprochement between Sudan and Ethiopia and the signing of several pacts including a joint defence treaty while Eritrea is at war with Ethiopia in 2014.
Also, Khartoum attempted several times to reconcile between the two countries and to end the dispute over Badme area but Asmara refused any talks with Addis Ababa before to withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from the disputed area.
Last Tuesday the Sudanese foreign ministry welcomed the visit of Eritrean foreign minister to Addis Ababa to discuss the implementation of Algiers agreement between the two countries.
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Amanuel June 30, 2018
Sudan changes it’s stand like wind. Does it has any principled stand? Very unreliable government in horn of Africa. She married iseyas in morning divorse him in afternoon and sleep with him at night!
rezen June 30, 2018
Subject: Sudan’s ruling party says keen to boost relations with Eritrea, June 30, 2018
Commentary, 30 June 2018
It is a gimmick. In fact it is a life-long occupation of politicians — dictators and otherwise. On the absolute top most level of political manoeuvring is the example of historical meeting that will take place in a few weeks >>> The Mightiest Presidents of the USA and Russia. And why – for goodness sake — shouldn’t the self-appointed Presidents of Eritrea and Sudan meet at their leisure time and comfort—with the population of their respective countries as their servants?
In the democratic countries the maneuvering by smart-Alek [or Tigrigna’s vernacular ወዲ ቩቅ ] leaders are done in a refined fashion. In the underdeveloped countries the maneuvering is crude and can be savage dictatorship. Yet, the ultimate appetite is exactly the same at the two extremes of Life. The common creature, in both strata, is the permanent victim, existing for the benefit of a few. I better STOP before I become even more obnoxious. Amen/Inshalah.
Uncle Sye July 1, 2018
ሱዳን ውን ትሰግደልካ ባባ ኢሳያሰ
ጀግና ኢትዮጵያዊ ብባዕዲ ዘይህሰ
ወደባት ሓበሻ ናብ ዋናታቱ ዝመለሰ
ወዲ ማሕበር አንድነት ስረ ዝለበሰ
ብሰንክኻ , ኣነ መሓሪ ክቱር ተሓጒሰ
ሕልሚ ሸፋቱ እንቅዋዕ ጥራይ ለመሰ !
ኣይደልን ኤውሮጳ ውሰድዎ አሜሪካ
ሽዋን ኣስመራንየ ዘብዕሎ ፋሲካ
ምስ ኢሱን ኣብይን ብጮማ ብስጋ
ኮምሽታቶን ኣዲሰይን ብጠጅ ለጋለጋ
ሸፋቱስ ተሪፎም ኣይዋጋ ኣይዕዳጋ
ኢትዮ ኤርትረያ ሓደ ኾይኑ እዩ በቃ !!!
Simon G. July 4, 2018
ኣይተጋገኻን! ስየ
ድቅስ ውዒልኩም ነገር ትፍሕሱ ምስ መሰየ
ወዲ ተምቤን ልኢኽኩም
ህግደፍን-ህወሓትን ተላፊንኩም
ኤርትራ ሓምሺሹኩም ከተእትውዋ ኣብ ኢድኩም
ብዘይ ስክፍታ ቀሲንኩም
ካብኡ ኣይትሕለፉ
ካብ ድኽነት ኣእምሮ ኣይትናገፉ
ሕጂ ተረፊትኩም ብሰላም ዕረፉ
ሰክቱ ኣይትለፍልፉ