My fellow Erireans, I am so proud to join the Global Initiative! I urge you to join! Please do so!
I joined the Global initiative, after I read the global initiative’s initiated call in Asseana, and I become one of the first in the list of hundreds of signatures for the initiative. I joined the

I joined the Global initiative, after I read the global initiative’s initiated call in Asseana, and I become one of the first in the list of hundreds of signatures for the initiative. I joined the global initiative simply because, I humbly acknowledge the lack of leadership in the Eritrean Diaspora justice seekers crucial for the success of our mission to end dictatorship and for a peaceful democratic transition.
I sincerely believe that having a global leadership will break the status quo; the paralysis of Eritrean diaspora politics and discourse, promote a new political environment more conducive to democratization. It will take our demonstration induced unity and solidarity, to a more tangible action oriented, to reach our ultimate goal, remove the evil regime, by bringing together a wide spectrum of Eritrean nationals of different political affiliations, last but not lease, I simply believe that I am accountable for failing to do my part not only to facilitate to promote a global leadership, but for its success, after elected.
Nobody disputes the dare situation in Eritrea and of Eritreans, the respected author, brother Futsum, just rightly expressed in his previous article in Assena that the degree of suffering, to which Eritrenas are subjected, in all forms; cultural, political, economic and social and religious oppression, in a way never seen before by other past and present oppressive dictators on earth. Issaias has changed Eritrean into some sort of a concentration camp. We just don’t know the number of people dead in the slave camps of Gelalo, Wia, all over the country, dead by extrajudicial killings, died in the hundreds of prisons, disappeared, committed suicide of the economic hardships as a result of the regime’s policy and killed by the shoot to kill order while escaping the regime. Under this regime, what is committed in Eritrea is not simply crimes against humanity, but it amounts to genocide. Let’s be honest!
But to address this, we, Ertireans needs to have an honest leadership elected by us that serves from within us not above us. Alexander the Great once said ‘I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion”. And I don’t think, we, Eritreans miss the importance of honest leadership for any group at any level to meet its goals. And this is what exactly happened in the Eritrean opposition in the Diaspora, in fact, every person in the opposition is no less than a lion, because he/she has liberated from the tyranny of fear, and is at the forefront in the fight for justice and regime change. But she/he is also responsible to make sure that we have a leadership, elected by us to lead us on the mission not only to get rid of this evil regime, and save the wounded nation, before it succumb to its wounds, but beyond, for a peaceful transition in Eritrea.
People across the board agrees on the need for such kind of a global leadership, but blessed they are, few people took the courage and initiative to facilitate for electing a global leadership. It is worth to mention their names in this piece, not only for their brilliant and courageous initiative, the outmost important issue for every Eritrea concerned about Etireean, but for their decade long service to Eritrea and Eritrerans before and after independence, including the current struggle for justice, human rights and to end the suffering of Eritreans. Prof Araya Debesay, Ahmed Berhanu, Amanuel Eyasu, Ibrahim Mohammed, Dr. Solomon G.Ghebrezghi and Teka Yohannes. Words are inadequate to express their service.
The art of the state of the Ertirean opposition in diaspora is very clear, one that political parties blaming each other, including the different youth movements, out of pity politics. And all of them unites when it comes to demonstration on issues against the Ertirean regime, even working together on planning, and making sure the demonstration goes peacefully, but the next day goes to the normal routine, blame game. One that the grassroots blame the elite for failing to take the lead, and the elite blaming the grassroots for its arrogance. This is the status quo, this has been the case for more than a decade.
There is no such a deep political or ideological divide in the Ertirean political parties in the Diaspora, definitely should not be in the different youth movements, which many of them are not even political parties. In fact, the problem within the Ertirean opposition is that every conceivable group, some deserving, others less so, has demanded legitimacy, parity, and often preference. Without out even bringing a tangible ideological or political road map that convinces people to join them. Which ultimately fails to forge a successful leadership, but instead subject themselves into endless self victimization and blame game.
It makes no sense at all for us to have several tens of political parties and youth movements for standing in solidarity when it comes to demonstrations against the Eritrean regime, when it comes to mourning on the continuing tragedies of Eritreans. While we don’t listen one another, directly or indirectly, to do much more than that, and end these tragedies. While we suspect one another, but did nothing about it, and waste time and energy bashing colleague, and finger-pointing. A tired excuse for inaction, ducking of responsibility, and redirection of blame. And we are stuck in this situation.
We just can wait and see if things will somehow get better by themselves. That somehow, the questions what is next after New York? What is next after Geneva? Would be answered. We just need to act and work together, and the first step is to elect the global leadership, through the grassroots movements to get us out of the current situation, to break the status quo, to break the political paralysis, upgrade our unity more than solidarity for demonstrations. Which ultimately supports the goals of political parties, civil societies, and other grassroots movements.
The last but not the least, I simply believe that I am accountable for failing to do my part to facilitate to promote a global leadership, as an Eritrean who stands for the rule of law, democracy and justice in Eritrean and end suffering. But this needs not only my individual responsibility but also a shared accountability for the global initiative to succeed. It is not enough for me to go to demonstrations, to speak and write openly against the regime, or call for justice, but I need to work with others, and acknowledge my shared accountability to end the rule of the evil regime and bring justice.
That is why electing global leadership must be embraced by all Ertrean justice seekers, political parties, and civic organizations for the sake of Eritrea and its people! And that is why I am urging all my fellow Eritreans in the Diaspora to follow suit, take individual responsibly and shared accountability.
Let’s elect our global leadership!
wedi Toronto August 3, 2016
The only people who put greater emphasis on the role/removal of an individual leader are foreign interests; …. And their interest could be protected by simply removing a single leader that is hostile to their interest, with a corrupted one who is willing to destabilize his/her country to serve their interests.
Now why can’t the author of the above article give us his name, background and also his past experience or involvement in Eritrean politics instead of just an ugly photo? The photo could well be of Castro or Hernandez of Colombian drug operators! Furthermore, if you have ex-tegadelti of the evil-ghedli in your groups then you are not to be trusted or to be taken seriously. Simply, we want you to be clean and humans not like evil-ghedli’s shefatu bandits beasts and crocks. You see, once bitten twice shy sad shock experience still fresh in the minds of Eritreans.
Eritreawit August 4, 2016
Wedi Toronto, why you want to talk about Eritrea if you are butting the Entire Gedli guilty, you are funny and no one buying your fake anger. And you think foreign interests are keeping the dictator? you got that right, because he is doing the destabilization and destruction of Eritrea and it’s people. It is funny this days you fake nationalists cult followers and right out Eritrean enemies are sounding the same. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE NOT WANT FOR Eritreans to mend their communities? what is scaring you?
yorda August 4, 2016
Bravo brother wedi Toronto, very well said indeed. All in all you have said it more or less what I had in mind and there is no much more to be added except to thank you for being straight and open/honest/frank all in one. It seems sadly that secrecy and cover ups are still the normal accepted practices in Eritrean politics and the terrible gedli still has the negative effect.
MT August 4, 2016
Absolutely!, I wouldn’t just join it if it does have any political elements or structure motivated by region or religion, some twisted ideology that has less to do with current disturbing situation in my country Eritrea-forgotten by the so called greedy and back-warded ‘opposition’ elite.
Berhe Tenseat August 5, 2016
MT, you are the zombie called Wedi Toronto, who is a paid agent of the regime who is trying to undermine and disrupt this forum.
You and your must be banned from this forum.
People who have never had the the chance of free speech DON’T DESERVE TO BE ON THIS SITE.
This site is not ‘ the animal farm”, and therefore, caws, dogs, horses, donkeys, must be sent to the animal farm run by Mr Jones, opps, mr Iseyas.
Please don’t allow donkeys Assena must be of limits , to this ignorants who shootthem selves on the foot and head and who are working hard against their own interest..
Death to the Tembenay, and his puppies.
Berhe Tensea August 5, 2016
MT, you are the zombie called Wedi Toronto, who is a paid agent of the regime who is trying to undermine and disrupt this forum.
You and your likes must be banned from this forum..
People who have never had the the chance of free speech DON’T DESERVE TO BE ON THIS SITE.
This site is not ‘ the animal farm”, and therefore, caws, dogs, horses, donkeys, must be sent to the animal farm run by Mr Jones, opps, mr Iseyas.
Please don’t allow donkeys Assena must be of limits , to this ignorants who shoot them selves on the foot and head and who are working hard against their own interest..
Death to the Tembenay, and his puppies.
Berhe Tensea August 4, 2016
Wedi Toronto, I am bewildered as always, by your stupid comments, “tsemam hade deru’ you need kilte shewaate
You are a laughing stock on this noble site, and as such people must ignore you , just by saying ‘ mehret yewrdelka”
k.tewolde August 4, 2016
As I mentioned above,some commentators are confused,some indifferent,and some outright lashing out with distrust, the intellectual facilitators have their work cut out for them,it is not easy,it is a daunting task that needs to be approached with care,great attention to details,with patience,skill and sensitivity.Decades long tyranny has left deep scars seared in the psyche of Eritreans rendering them refractory to change even if it is in their own benefit which is a natural reaction of a protracted victim-hood. The slick tyrant,he didn’t only kill us physically,he also killed us mentally,spiritually,psychologically….. ,can you imagine those people back home under his rule,it is a total beat down.unflinching submission to the monarch,that’s the kind of peace ‘hagerawi dihnet’ talks about,and that is why winds of change is not welcomed readily.if not at all.So, besides the murky political atmosphere in the opposition camp,there is this fundamental underlying festering wound that needs to heal,so that the victim can fully engage with clarity and vitality.Now,are we ready and do we have the patience,skill,dedication to nurse this wound full time to recovery and at the same time lead the wounded to the promise land.That’s what is gonna require.Those who are stepping up to lead,I tip my hat for them,because it takes a special breed,the rest lets make it easy for them by cooperating,it is not fun to lead except for the tyrant.
k.tewolde August 4, 2016
Continuation- Because the tyrant doesn’t care if you disappear in the desert sand,organ harvested alive,drown in the sea,raped,sodomized,beheaded………it is not easy to undo the damage he did over the years.The grassroots movement is throwing us a lifeline,lets make the best out of it..
Wedi Hagher August 4, 2016
“Furthermore, if you have ex-tegadelti of the evil-ghedli in your groups then you are not to be trusted or to be taken seriously. Simply, we want you to be clean and humans not like evil-ghedli’s shefatu bandits beasts and crocks. ”
wedi Toronto
You hate him because you are against his idea of uniting our people for the sake of Eritrea.
You hate him because he is against Iseyas and his shifta regime.
You are against Ghedli because you are Eritrea’s enemy, being a ex-Torserawit (the butchers).
Look after your business and problems, because you have enough of them in your country.
Just see what happened recently in Gonder. The situation will get worse as many Ethios feel they are dominated by a minority government, that should be your worry.
PH August 4, 2016
Dear fellow justice skiers with out our participation in ether side whether to grassroot or to all ready existing poletical parties no unity no hope. No matter how difficult it is, by simple representation let start pls!
z August 4, 2016
Dear Wedi Toronto
You do have all the right to be disagreeing with the author; rather than using character accusation pointing figure to the person look the fundamental issue should be to challenge the idea and present alternative better product/service; it is easy all the time to criticize the driver without taking the driving seat. Also remember blaming Ghidli or Tegadalia is not right approach; rather few individuals hijacked the ultimate goal of Ghidli; tegadalia has scarified than anybody and currently the victim of the betrayed for whom they trusted.
Let also be fair in our judgement, rather than blaming the foreign will destabilizing our system; the damage that causing by regime is irreversible; just absenteeism rule of law , nation being one show man, is it destroying the nation?
Thank you
AHMED SALEH August 5, 2016
Assenna staff
Why can’t you silence this commentator with sinister agenda using multiple names to corrupt our
forum ? For too long he enjoyed to abuse the given free speech right with his provocative remarks
that offend Eritreans in general .
Wedi Toronto had never contributed positive comments to join justice seekers good will on our national issues and he proved that he is neither with opposition nor HGDF supporter .
In fact he advocates more for Weyane political establishment interest . By the
way I learned enough not to give attention for suspicious wicked participant .
Berhe Tensea August 4, 2016
Excellent, I and my friends agree with you and are ready to join you. Keep it up..
Hame August 5, 2016
Some how the author’s name is not written at the bottom of the article, it is not intentional. The author is Habtom Mehari, based in Israel, who joined the Global Initiative. Those interested could join the Global Initiative (GI), you just need to send your contact details: Name, Email to this address:
rezen August 5, 2016
Article: “My fellow Eritreans, I am so proud to join the Global Initiative! I urge you to join! Please do so!” Author: A Photo, unaccompanied by a Name
Date: August 3, 2016 , 2:44 am
Note: This is in reaction to commentaries submitted by Readers with respect to a question posed by regarding etiquette with respect to contents in commentaries.
Alright, let us get rid of all who have divergent ideas from our own! OK?
How about TOMORROW with ANOTHER person that we don’t like what he/she writes?
When and where do we STOP? Possible answer: when we meet a Dictator like Mr. Issyas Afewerki who hates our guts in totality – and order us to keep quiet and be loyal citizen to his personality!
What do we do then? NOTHING, except be heroes, from a safe distance, sending barrage of insults to HIM who, YESTERDAY, we believed, he was Earthly God. Anyone who had an inkling of different view at that time would be risking his Life in the Center of Asmara – just as we are NOW itching to do and stop someone next to us from expressing his/her opinion. In the wisdom of our ancestors it is: ዓንጺ – ዓንጾ፡ ንማዕጾ, something like that. Forgive me, I am ignorant of my own culture and wisdom “thanks” (tongue-in- cheek) to modern education system where my own being was undermined — anemic to my own identity, history and philosophy. I am quick to admit that I would be a laughing stock of my own country folks for using the term “philosophy” in connection with our own history. We have reached a low point in our Life where such concepts cannot be visualized by, and applied to, us Africans – no matter how many degrees we amassed and displayed them for people to see (or hear about).
Dear Readers: I wouldn’t leave you without a trace of hope. Please read the following quotation; an
answer to the’s enquiry on the subject.
“… this forum should be open for discussing the issues , personal attacks, defamations and generalization should be discouraged ,…” Eritrawit, August 4, 2016
If the message by the above seventeen words were to be truly heeded in earnest by ONE percent of modern educated sector of the Eritrean population (yes, only 1%), the struggle for ‘New’ Eritrea would have been a glaring phenomenon for the benefit of Eritrea. Less than that, we will be on our own comfortable merry-go-round for eternity – until our LIFE is, once again, determined and guided by external forces. It is a mysterious behaviour for a hard working and honest people with confidence upon themselves! Perhaps, WE CANNOT HELP IT. It is a Classical TRAGEDY. Prove it, otherwise.
Let me come to an end with a sincere question. I am curious: Eritrea has more than three-hundred (more than 300) highly educated. with Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) Degrees, from Ivy League universities around the Globe. Why is it not possible for them to have ONE organization (instead of fractured entities – about seven, presumably all working for the same goal) and come up with a master plan to save Eritrea from disintegration??? It is imperative that this question be answered honestly, realistically and daringly. I believe, WE ALL know what it is. The ‘psychiatrist’ is waiting for us to confess, accept and be FREE to do the job required of us.
k.tewolde August 6, 2016
rezen,fond of you comments always.Quote.’…We are here to liberate Eritrea,if any of you have another personal motive,religious,regional or for revenge,put down your weapons and leave’ Hamid Idris Awate. This poignant and historical words did’t come out from the mouth of an intellectual,but from a peasant’s son with elementary education born in a quaint village called Gerset. In other words,you don’t have to be an intellectual to galvanize people into action,as a matter of fact,besides the inaction of majority of our intellectuals,some of them are doing more harm by dividing us.All we need is more people like the character of the father of our revolution,selfless,visionary,insightful,dedicated,heroic…………who can come up with uniting words and actions compatible with our time and dare to lead the way. You don’t need an ivy league grad to achieve that. The most dumbest thing I ever heard in my life came out from the mouth of a doctor I work with,go figure. This doesn’t mean we don’t need the expertise in their field..
rezen August 8, 2016
Greetings! k.tewolde.
Your comment is admirably supported by the following Tigrigna wisdom: “ ምህሮ ምስ ኣእምሮ”
Some where and some how we lost ourselves and denied our own civilization. Actually, we know when and how we lost our humanity. We were (and still are) deeply hypnotized — in imitation. Example: Why do we bother to use foreign languages to communicate AMONG OURSELVES, in our own written language, by its own grammatical rules? I am a perfect example. This is bizarre! How many of Ph D’s (in fact all of the “educated” strata of Eritrea (*) can write well (grammatically) in their own language? Let us attempt to be honest, if not to ourselves but at least for future generation……………… The subject is too complex to address it here in full..
So, k. tewolde, let me go to your other important point at the end of your commentary i.e. your conviction to let everyone live-up to the best of their “expertise in their field”. That observation has a paramount implication >>>” ኣብ ዘይመንጠቢትክን፡ ኣይተአትዋ ኢድክን ።” I hope it is applicable to what I am trying to say i.e. we, individually, should concentrate on what we do best. The End
(*) Even the name itself is NOT ours, having forgotten who we are — educate me otherwise. No insults, I beg the Readers!
Simon G. August 8, 2016
Brother rezen,
First, welcome back to Assenna forum, after long break.
Now, back to your wonderful comment, forgive my independent mind, I would like to say one or two.
1. PhD means permanent head damage. Joke aside, having a PhD sometimes leads you to focus sharply on a narrow subject. The side effect of that is that you may loose your other common sense. Do I hear jealousy? Highly possible 😂
2. Assenna gives an equal opportunity to us, as long as we are not way out of its guidelines. Some of the commentators are really outliers but the majority is within the bound. I would like to see complete contrary to mine. So, Assenna should give the those outliers as well. If we do not like their comments, what we have to do is to provide others. What about insult Eritrea and Eritreans? Not a big deal. Compare that to what papa isayas is doing and tell me how big deal that is. If I see a comment that I don’t like, I answered with my own. I have no right asking Assenna to ban them.
On the side note: I thought k.tewolde was rezen😂
No disrespect to my fellow Ahmed, Eritreawit, or k.tewolde.
Peace out.
assenna August 8, 2016
Dear Simon G.
You say, “So, Assenna should give the chance to those outliers as well. If we do not like their comments, what we have to do is to provide others. What about insult Eritrea and Eritreans? Not a big deal. Compare that to what papa isayas is doing tell me how big deal that is. If I see a comment that I don’t like, I answered with my own. I have no right asking Assenna to ban them.”
In our opinion, the only way people can cause havoc on a platform such as Assenna is by insulting Eritrea and Eritreans, by calling names- insulting Muslim Eritreans, Eritrean fighters or undermining our integrity as a people and demeaning everything Eritrean. Isayas, though we would not go as far as comparing him to anyone, is destroying Eritrea and Eritreans on the ground while those insulting Eritreans and Eritrea are waging a psychological war which is equally dangerous if not worse simply because it is not fought out in the front lines where lines are clear and rules are written on the wall.
N.B: We encourage commentators to inform us if they see behavior that is suspect.
Thank you,
Simon G. August 8, 2016
Hi Assenna,
No, when I say insult I don’t mean that they should insult any religion, region, or ethnicity. What I meant (in my mind) was if someone calling me I am an idiot for not understanding their view (for example), or if they say Eritreans are not smart, or Eritrea will not survive by itself, etc… I would reply them back with my view.
Personally, I prefer to see matured views that criticizing me but convince me thru their words. However, this is the nature of the web. You see all kinds of behaviors.
Thanks for giving us the forum, the chance of commenting and arguing with fellow citizens and neighbors.
rezen August 8, 2016
Dear Simon G.
I always enjoy your incisive wittiness.
But, first, my greetings to you for good old time’s sake. At one time, I tried to post a couple of responses to your insightful commentaries. But, I could not go through the ‘web’. I never knew why. I thought I was a nice, quiet and innocent guy who harms not even a fly!!! ኣቦይ ፍቃዱ ….
Coming to your commentary of today, I burst into laughter, all by myself, on the “permanent head damage”! Wow!!! Three words, equivalent to one thousand. I admire and envy your “independent” mind. At one time you wrote that you didn’t go to university. Simon, you didn’t miss anything worthy. I better STOP here.
Thank you for your greetings.
Oh! Oh! Oh I forgot: how do you like my few Tigrigna words in my response to k. tewolde? >>> Just say ይበል! ይበል! ይበል! and make my week memorable!!!!!!!
The same old rezen.
Eritreawit August 6, 2016
Sir you are not working for solution still; instead of complaining about others, why not you lead the way to generate solution ?
rezen August 8, 2016
Greetings! Eritreawit
You are absolutely right. I have no “solution still” [as you put it] to the problem of Eritrea – and I NEVER entertained, nor can I EVER hope to have one. The famous saying “Leader is Born” doesn’t apply to me by millions of miles. But human beings [in this case, Eritreans] in the media and else where are FREE, to the best of their abilities, to contribute something [even “complaining”, as you call it] to the solution of the problem facing Eritrea. It is a natural endowment. I believe, this is what your own previous commentary, that I quoted in my Article, was all about. Wasn’t it?
zeray August 8, 2016
rezen or what ever you call yourself
Do you just come to Assenna and Asmarino to just show off your good writing but nothing else to contribute? Are you always that nerves and hesitant to express your true feelings and as a result you always resolt or end up complementing everyone.
If you are truly Eritrean and have nothing to hide then you should express your feelings/views freely without any fears. In short, you do too much I don’t know how to say it in English but you simply do too much miwidas praising too much.
zeray August 8, 2016
Clearly your views/comments of Assenna and of that Asmarino are far apart and that’s my point be brave for a change when on Assenna to express your true views/opinions freely without having to do too much miwidasat and praising everybody but that is of course if you are a genuine Eritrean which I doubt it very much.
k.tewolde August 13, 2016
Ever-elusive rezen,you could make a good defense attorney.
Gobo August 7, 2016
The people of Ethiopia are allowed to demonstrate and strike against the Ethiopian government always. For how long will the oppressed people of Eritrea live like slaves in shackles, denied of basic rights?
Are Eritreans born slaves or free people? Will the Ethiopian revolution cross the Mereb river to free Eritreans from the Fascist Hgdef – Ghedli slavery and Arabo Abidism?
AHMED SALEH August 8, 2016
From observing all offensive remarks in your comments I hope you are not an Eritrean . That is the only response left for your alike in this forum because to
react negatively will not make any difference except to look childish with stupid behavior .
I regret for my emotional reaction on the past against wicked commentators in Eritrean public forum to put myself in their classless personality . And I advice
others not to fall at their trap . Ignore when you see unworthy ignorant person .