My fellow Erireans, I am so proud to join the Global Initiative! I urge you to join! Please do so!
I joined the Global initiative, after I read the global initiative’s initiated call in Asseana, and I become one of the first in the list of hundreds of signatures for the initiative. I joined the

I joined the Global initiative, after I read the global initiative’s initiated call in Asseana, and I become one of the first in the list of hundreds of signatures for the initiative. I joined the global initiative simply because, I humbly acknowledge the lack of leadership in the Eritrean Diaspora justice seekers crucial for the success of our mission to end dictatorship and for a peaceful democratic transition.
I sincerely believe that having a global leadership will break the status quo; the paralysis of Eritrean diaspora politics and discourse, promote a new political environment more conducive to democratization. It will take our demonstration induced unity and solidarity, to a more tangible action oriented, to reach our ultimate goal, remove the evil regime, by bringing together a wide spectrum of Eritrean nationals of different political affiliations, last but not lease, I simply believe that I am accountable for failing to do my part not only to facilitate to promote a global leadership, but for its success, after elected.
Nobody disputes the dare situation in Eritrea and of Eritreans, the respected author, brother Futsum, just rightly expressed in his previous article in Assena that the degree of suffering, to which Eritrenas are subjected, in all forms; cultural, political, economic and social and religious oppression, in a way never seen before by other past and present oppressive dictators on earth. Issaias has changed Eritrean into some sort of a concentration camp. We just don’t know the number of people dead in the slave camps of Gelalo, Wia, all over the country, dead by extrajudicial killings, died in the hundreds of prisons, disappeared, committed suicide of the economic hardships as a result of the regime’s policy and killed by the shoot to kill order while escaping the regime. Under this regime, what is committed in Eritrea is not simply crimes against humanity, but it amounts to genocide. Let’s be honest!
But to address this, we, Ertireans needs to have an honest leadership elected by us that serves from within us not above us. Alexander the Great once said ‘I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion”. And I don’t think, we, Eritreans miss the importance of honest leadership for any group at any level to meet its goals. And this is what exactly happened in the Eritrean opposition in the Diaspora, in fact, every person in the opposition is no less than a lion, because he/she has liberated from the tyranny of fear, and is at the forefront in the fight for justice and regime change. But she/he is also responsible to make sure that we have a leadership, elected by us to lead us on the mission not only to get rid of this evil regime, and save the wounded nation, before it succumb to its wounds, but beyond, for a peaceful transition in Eritrea.
People across the board agrees on the need for such kind of a global leadership, but blessed they are, few people took the courage and initiative to facilitate for electing a global leadership. It is worth to mention their names in this piece, not only for their brilliant and courageous initiative, the outmost important issue for every Eritrea concerned about Etireean, but for their decade long service to Eritrea and Eritrerans before and after independence, including the current struggle for justice, human rights and to end the suffering of Eritreans. Prof Araya Debesay, Ahmed Berhanu, Amanuel Eyasu, Ibrahim Mohammed, Dr. Solomon G.Ghebrezghi and Teka Yohannes. Words are inadequate to express their service.
The art of the state of the Ertirean opposition in diaspora is very clear, one that political parties blaming each other, including the different youth movements, out of pity politics. And all of them unites when it comes to demonstration on issues against the Ertirean regime, even working together on planning, and making sure the demonstration goes peacefully, but the next day goes to the normal routine, blame game. One that the grassroots blame the elite for failing to take the lead, and the elite blaming the grassroots for its arrogance. This is the status quo, this has been the case for more than a decade.
There is no such a deep political or ideological divide in the Ertirean political parties in the Diaspora, definitely should not be in the different youth movements, which many of them are not even political parties. In fact, the problem within the Ertirean opposition is that every conceivable group, some deserving, others less so, has demanded legitimacy, parity, and often preference. Without out even bringing a tangible ideological or political road map that convinces people to join them. Which ultimately fails to forge a successful leadership, but instead subject themselves into endless self victimization and blame game.
It makes no sense at all for us to have several tens of political parties and youth movements for standing in solidarity when it comes to demonstrations against the Eritrean regime, when it comes to mourning on the continuing tragedies of Eritreans. While we don’t listen one another, directly or indirectly, to do much more than that, and end these tragedies. While we suspect one another, but did nothing about it, and waste time and energy bashing colleague, and finger-pointing. A tired excuse for inaction, ducking of responsibility, and redirection of blame. And we are stuck in this situation.
We just can wait and see if things will somehow get better by themselves. That somehow, the questions what is next after New York? What is next after Geneva? Would be answered. We just need to act and work together, and the first step is to elect the global leadership, through the grassroots movements to get us out of the current situation, to break the status quo, to break the political paralysis, upgrade our unity more than solidarity for demonstrations. Which ultimately supports the goals of political parties, civil societies, and other grassroots movements.
The last but not the least, I simply believe that I am accountable for failing to do my part to facilitate to promote a global leadership, as an Eritrean who stands for the rule of law, democracy and justice in Eritrean and end suffering. But this needs not only my individual responsibility but also a shared accountability for the global initiative to succeed. It is not enough for me to go to demonstrations, to speak and write openly against the regime, or call for justice, but I need to work with others, and acknowledge my shared accountability to end the rule of the evil regime and bring justice.
That is why electing global leadership must be embraced by all Ertrean justice seekers, political parties, and civic organizations for the sake of Eritrea and its people! And that is why I am urging all my fellow Eritreans in the Diaspora to follow suit, take individual responsibly and shared accountability.
Let’s elect our global leadership!
k.tewolde August 3, 2016
This road map is not only the best option we have,it is the only option that leads the way to Asmara to coronate the Eritrean people and hand them the governance they deserve.I am in.However,this invitation has been getting a slow,skeptical sometimes cold response from the very people that supposed to benefit from it.We need to dig deep and find out why and get rid of those obstacles.It is a well garnished plate,but the people are not helping themselves,so it is up to the chef to investigate,is it the aroma,the presentation,the setting,the aesthetics………….and get this vehicle of change running in full throttle..
Asmerom August 3, 2016
How do you expect me to give you my veto when I don’t know your leadership or committee or what you stand for!
Never again after the liars, killers, exploiters and thieves experience or rules of higdefs would I trust any individual or
groups with nice writings unless and until they come up with proper and alternative plans and policies for Eritrea.
Asmerom August 3, 2016
Please correct and read as “vote” and not veto! With many apologies.
DAWIT August 3, 2016
adal August 3, 2016
nisiltan aynikalesin inna indabelus nimretzom kea tibil aloka
Elsa H. August 3, 2016
The Eritrean woman is considered as the pillar of the Eritrean society. Standing beyond her own well being she is there for the daily needs of her children, the youth as well as her man. She had a very significant role in the liberation struggle of the country. Trying to fulfill her motherhood role in the village she has been hard hit by the harsh conditions of life under the present regime as she has been deprived of the man’s and her children’s support in the village. The man and his young adult children, in most cases, are away serving the regime virtually without any pay leftovers for home. Thus she struggles alone at home and in the field to care for her precious little ones.
She keeps her dissatisfaction mostly inside her, but at times passing her quest for relief from the most high above, she calls for divine intervention – She prays in agony “Wo Amlach MeHarena, BimiHretka Zekirena, Wodaayo Nmekerana”. The participating of women in an organized way in the struggle to bring about change will be very important particularly in engaging the greater half of the Eritrean society into the revolution of change.
rezen August 3, 2016
Article: “My fellow Eritreans, I am so proud to join the Global Initiative! I urge you to join! Please do so!” Author: A Photo, unaccompanied by a Name Date: August 3, 2016 , 2:44 am
I am curious, sincerely. The Author calls for Eritreans “to join the Global Initiative”! I am genuinely confused; because I had understood that the INITIATORS of the Idea: a) are already known and established themselves as a Working Group; b) have already highlighted the Problem facing Eritrea; c) are working on appropriate course of remedial ACTION; and finally agreed to submit their Report with Recommendation for ACTION by Eritrean General Assembly, at a convenient location around the Globe. Am I totally wrong? If so, please HELP. There may even be confused readers like me. Thanks.
Aster Tesfai August 3, 2016
The call for change by the people for the people and the need for justice and democracy for the Eritrean nation can be the two rallying ideas for achieving the required unity at the start. Follow-up ideas will come out of the deliberations of the community members eventually. At this stage there is need to stand-up as one body to the urgency of the prevailing Eritrean situations – which is deteriorating gradually with time. The time for a united stand and for an active grass roots movement is already at hand. Membership in the grass roots movement should be open for any Eritrean in Diaspora and it is the duty and responsibility of every Eritrean to willingly avail himself/herself for active participation in the community of his/her locality.
yorda August 4, 2016
Well said indeed my sister Aster. Time for a change and for united front against the enemy of the Eritrean people the HGDEFs. However, I wish the author had some decency and respect to readers to give at least his full name and other relevant details with regard to his article.
Hame August 5, 2016
Some how the author’s name is not written at the bottom of the article, it is not intentional. The author is Habtom Mehari, based in Israel, who joined the Global Initiative. Those interested could join the Global Initiative (GI), you just need to send your contact details: Name, Email to this address:
Simon G. August 3, 2016
How does this work? Do we have to apply for the membership?
fetsum abrahaam August 4, 2016
Hey simon G;
Please send your name to”
and you are in. thank you
fetsum abrahaam August 4, 2016
sorry Simon G, this is the correct place to send your name and address, email etc.
Hame August 5, 2016
The correct address is:
Eritreawit August 3, 2016
My dear Eritrean brother in the picture,, thank you for being the role model. This was we were missing, 16, 000 Eritreans, in Geneva , 12, 000 in Ethiopia, , 10,000 in Israel were looking for guidance and leadership . I also joined the group and can’t wait till start working in my city to mobilize my fellow Eritreans..
FYI, DO NOT listen to the people who post discouraging posts , either they are enjoying the suffering of Eritreans or they are themselves the cause of our sufferings. One should find SOLUTIONS NOT DISCOURAGING THE PEOPLE WHO ARE FINDING WAYS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS..
yorda August 4, 2016
Eritreawit, and why should we listen to you then if you are being bossy and a dictator like? Encouraging or discouraging all views and comments should be listened with respect and care. Any sane person would not and should not under any normal circumstances enjoy the suffering of any human beings unless that person or persons have turned into savage animals. Try to control your irrational emotions and don’t think because of your Eritrean pen-name that you are the sole representative of all Eritreans.
yorda August 4, 2016
sorry but it was meant to be ‘because of your Eritreawit pen-name’.
assenna August 4, 2016
Dear Assenna commentators,
The challenge we are facing at Assenna is: To have a platform open for interaction where our trust and our forum are not abused. Have a look at what this commentator who calls him/herself “yorda” has to say and tell us whether they are sticking to any of Assenna guidelines or indeed human decency. And kindly inform us whether you think such behavior is to be tolerated.
Thank you,
Eritreawit August 4, 2016, I think this forum should be open for discussing the issues , personal attacks, defamations and generalization should be discouraged , because we don’t know who is coming here for positive criticism or destruction of the effort to mobilization for change.
Eritreawit August 4, 2016
Why are you unhappy because I called my self Eritreawit ? stop complaining , it is not time for whining, our people are suffering you and I are in a better place, let us be human let save our people and our nation. . And no negative energy . Stop being bitter, Temesgen beli. . Just put your ideas why you are for or against it.
old grudges August 3, 2016
It is very mysterious organization,more so than higdef. I smell the old kenisha vs catholic agenda that has always been there.that is why this “movement” will not move an inch.