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  • Bloko March 20, 2014

    I will start off with the ‘no’s. a) No I am not naive nor using scare tactic. I am just being realistic with the condition on the ground. b) No I didn’t say the constitution is not inclusivve. It is inclusive enough for me, and once we have a legal parliament it can be amended as necessary. What I said is there are opposition groups that have said they will not accept it in any form, period! c) No I do not have blood in my hands. I can’t believe you said that to me, even if it was in “if” form.

    Now let me talk about Isaias and I will proceed to the constitution. I couldn’t have made it any clearer when I said Isaias and his top advisors are not included in my reformed PFDJ. They are out of the picture. Yet, you brought him to the debate and used him against me. Not fair! Now, if you are saying the absence of Isaias won’t make any difference, then you must be one of the very few Eritreans who don’t believe we have a one-man regime in our country. But if you agree with me and majority Eritreans that it is indeed a one-man government then you will realize that once that one-man is out of the way, there is hope PFDJ can be and is capable of reforming. I am not saying it will be easy to reform a system that has deeply rooted in oppressive and unaccountable environment, but the removal of Isias from power will be a major contribution to moving forward.

    As to whether implementing the constitution constitutes a fundamental change, I can’t say you are wrong. But I would also argue that if the same regime is implementing what it has shelved for years, then it sounds more like a reform. For me fundamental is when a completely different government takes over, trashes the constitution, and starts it from scratch. In any case, that’s ok this issue doesn’t have to be settled one way or the other, it is open for a debate.

    • Genet-orginal March 20, 2014

      Dear Bloko
      If I upset you, my apology. Honest to God, it wasn’t my intention. It is comforting to read, you strongly believe Isayas and his few cronies got to go.

      The Isayas regime has no desire to implement any Constitution. What for? he has the PFDJ network to command and control the Eritrean people. Regarding some opposition groups who are not happy or don’t agree with the Eritrean shelved constitution, how can they disagree or be unhappy with it. We have not used it. Beside, they are far more furious with Isayas/ his cronies and PFDJ network.

      Bloko, you really, need to consider your view of the current PFDJ in Eritrea. It is unhealthy framework. Isayas and his cronies, setup this trap called PFDJ primarily, to completely corrupt and paralyze the Eritrean people. Thus, Isayas, the few cronies and the PFDJ framework are one set. If Isayas and his few cronies are gone, then there is no need for PFDJ. It is a filthy network. It is not worth to reform. The best solution is to remove the three headed demon (Isayas/his Cronies/PFDJ network) and implement the Eritrean constitution. Dear Bloko, if you and I and all other Eritreans are able to dialogue our concerns with respect, we will be OK. We can overcome any problems. Thank you!

      • Bloko March 23, 2014


        To wrap up our chitchat on this topic, I will outline the steps that come with reform, and Hopefully you’ll enlighten us on the steps that involve fundamental change.

        So, in a super simplified way, here is what I have in mind when I argue for reforming the existing system:
        1 – Isaias & co. are dismissed from power,
        2 – The PFDJ holds an emergency meeting and elects its provisional leadership,
        3 – This leadership becomes the Provisional Government of Eritrea (PGE) and serves through the transitional period, until election is held.
        4 – On its first work order, PGE takes on the burning issues of releasing all political prisoners and suspending the national service until after election.
        5 – PGE works in full faith to fully implementation the constitution,
        6 – PGE lifts all restrictions imposed on the Eritrean people including freedoms of movement, expression and worship, among others.
        7 – PGE invites opposition groups to enter Eritrea to work legally and to participate in the drafting of the election laws and rules,
        8 – As a first experience, the election will likely be unsatisfactory to many but PGE should spare no effort to make the election reflect the will of the majority Eritreans,
        9 – Election is finally conducted and the elected take office,
        10 – Now that we have an elected government, outstanding issues can be addressed through legal and peaceful means. For example, is there aspect of the constitution that needs improvement? Lets discuss it. What do we do with the national service program, can it continue in a beneficial way to Eritrea and the youth? Lets discuss it……

        If you tell me that these steps are so dramatic that they should rather be classified as fundamental changes, I am all for it and we (you & me) will finally have reached at a point of convergence. The troubles I am having with your version of fundamental change is that you want to get rid of the entire PFDJ leadership overnight. Doesn’t this create a dangerous power vacuum that is a perfect recipe for chaos and disaster? Come to think of it, if there is no leadership in place, Who is going to run the essential day to day institutions such as the police, the hospitals, transport, airport, banking, factories and port services? Who is going to protect our borders from all hostile neighbors? who is going to oversee the democratic process? A country is not like a small business where you can close it for renovation for days, weeks or even months. Nope, you can’t do that with a country – no matter how bad, there MUST be a government for every second, every minute of a country’ life.

        • selamawit2 March 23, 2014

          Bloko, that is not a good plan – not for reform and not for any other democratic change.

          that is what we have today – since almost 25 years. a so called “provincial leadership” (a neverending transitional government)

          5.-9.: that is what the provincial leadership promised us (“soon – next year – there will be elections…”)

          that is what we have been waiting for almost a quarter century – but it never came. instead of this our people and our country is almost destroyed.

          • Genet-orginal March 25, 2014

            Thanks Selamawit2
            Well said! sister!

          • selamawit2 March 26, 2014

            No, Genet the Original – i thank you.

            It is fantastic how you put your thoughts and analysis and i really feel perfectly represented by you. We strongly need women like you in Eritrean politics!

            In case of Bloko, i came to this conclusion:
            He left, because he couldn’t challenge you.
            You are to strong for him 🙂

            Bloko, let it gel for a while but after that, consider learning aptitude is a great treasure!

        • Genet-orginal March 23, 2014

          Dear Bloko
          Your idea of reform the Isayas/PFDJ gov. is not really a reform, but asking the Eritrean people to trust a system that proven to be untrustworthy. Your 2-10 points of reform are noting, but wishful thinking. How can we trust the PFDJ’s leaders in any level, to do the right thing for Eritrean people? Trusting them has been our biggest mistake. “The Fox can’t guard the hen house” again.

          My brother Bloko, you seem to have difficulty accepting the fact, PFDJ is Isayas’s system that has no room for reform. Isayas never setup the PFDJ’s network with the Eritrean people in mind, but it is an extension of Isayas’s secret party. PFDJ’s purpose is all about keeping Isayas in power in any cost. Because PFDJ is an extension of Isayas’s secret party, all levels of leadership including business, public and governmental sectors are headed by former secret party members. Those people lost their identity long time ago. They are baptized by their lord Isayas, therefore they will be nonfunctional souls when Isayas is gone. Regarding the power vacuum we all should worry about, don’t forget in any level of PFDJ’s apparatus, there are many Eritreans who have been marginalized, oppressed and forced to look the other way while former Isayas’s secret party and current PFDJ’s members running our country to the ground. We have enough men and women capable of taking over our country’s daily business affairs. It can be done all under the supervision of our constitution.

          Bloko, the Eritrean people are the most hardworking and civilized people. Although for 24 yrears, Isayas and the PFDJ system tried to mold, the Eritrean society to passive and dormant population, you will see when Isayas and the PFDJ’s system is out of the way, they will be back to their vibrant and can do spirit.

          The best idea is the fundamental change in Eritrea, in order to free our people from Isayas and the unprincipled PFDJ’s network.
          I agree with your #1 point- Remove Isayas and his top dogs and more members of his secret party.
          points 2-10 not happening. “The Fox can’t guard the hen house” again. IF that was possible, we wouldn’t be here worrying to death about our peoples’ survival under Isayas and PFDJ’s network. It make no sense to expect Isayas’s secret party members to implement our constitution.
          Fundamental change is the way to go.
          #1 Same as yours and more: Remove Isayas and his top dogs. Hold them criminally accountable for crime against the Eritrean people. This accountability has to go back as far as the 1960s and 1970s. Remove all PFDJ’s network leaders who are secret party members.
          #2 Setup Eritrean transitional government as soon as possible. (I vote for working on transitional government now). Transitional Government has to include representative from all Eritrean society. Its inclusiveness is a must. Its primary purpose is to stabilize the country. Therefore, it will need to implement the constitution on day one.
          #3 The Transitional government will have a limited shelf life. Since we are going to have a constitution on day one, the past can’t be repeated again. (transitional government staying in power for 24 years) We can’t have that!
          #4 You may have question about how are we going to setup a transitional government? As an Eritrean I say to you, we have to have faith in our people. We need to stop seeing our people with Isayas and PFDJ’s microscopic lens. Our people existed for centuries, governing themselves throughout foreign invasion and occupations.
          #5 It will need all of us, to make this happen for our own good. It may be is hard, but it is not impossible.
          Let us not cut our selves short, with fear of the unknown. Thanks Bloko

          • Bloko March 24, 2014

            Ok we’ll leave that there. Good debate. Hopefully we’ll meet soon on different topics.

          • selamawit2 March 25, 2014

            What a pity, Bloko!
            this is exactly the point where the debate gets very interesting.
            Why do you “leave that there”? It appears to me like doing things by halves…

        • Genet-orginal March 25, 2014

          Dear Bloko
          You said, “OK we’ll leave that there” Why? Our debate is not over. If you are conceding the debate, that is OK. I think you should reconceder your view point reg. PFDJ’s Networks purpose in Eritera. Look at the evidece on the ground. It never startd on a good faith to better our lives. This is not about who is winning the debate, but it is if we are making any progress toward solving our problmes and to safe our people. good luck. I hope you do the right thing the Eritrean people in mind

          • Genet-orginal March 25, 2014

            Please read it as “with the Eritrean people in mind” thanks.

          • MightyEmbasoyra March 26, 2014

            Here is the result for this debate:
            Genet-O = 3*
            Blok-O = 1
            However, this is not fair because Selamawit2 was supporting Genet-O and the referee didn’t see this help and ended up with Blok-O’s defeat. Next time, we will have another referee – with 20/20 eye vision.
            *N.B: it was 2:1 but Selamawit2 added one point

          • selamawit2 March 27, 2014

            Mighty, you funny mathematician. 🙂

  • Dala ksha March 20, 2014

    I agree 100% with your idea.and that is the only way to get out from the mess we are now.our problem is one man (issais).it is a one man show.

  • Tamrat Tamrat March 21, 2014

    Zeresenay Vs isaias

    Iaaf: On the all-time half marathon medals table for the event, if Tadese were entered as a separate nation, he’d rank fourth behind only Kenya, Ethiopia and Romania.

    The world: isaias single handedly managed to sanction Eritrea by UN.

  • Genet-orginal March 27, 2014

    I am ok with your scoring system, However, Bloko could breing his own supporting team. But he didn’t. So, why do you cut point from my team? It was open for Bloko’s team to get support, if he/they wishs. Still, it is all good.
    Thanks for playing a referee.

    • MightyEmbasoyra March 27, 2014

      Bloko seems very independent guy, the only one I can think of could be Ato Belay and he is no where to find on defending Bloko. To his credit, he had some great ideas but they all do not work in Eritrea, with the current administration. So, he gets 0.5pt for that. He was very polite when debating (specially with you) – and that earns him another 0.5pt. So, you see, I didn’t take it from your team. I would give 2 pts to Selamawit2, but their debating somehow cut-off (partially) and she was involved illegally (since Bloko didn’t provide any other member) 🙂

      • Genet-orginal March 28, 2014

        Brother/Referee Mighty
        I agree, Bloko is not like other people who think PFDJ/Isayas are the only system for Eritrea. In his defense, he gets it, Isayas must go. With all my heart, I believe justice seeker Eritreans need Eritreans like Bloko. Yes, he should get at least a point, for believing Isayas and his top dogs have to go. Regarding Selamawit2’s involvement in this debate, Bloko and I didn’t say no body should get in the middle of our debate. It was open to everyone. Therefore, her involvement was not illegal at all. This smart sister had every right to get involved. She can’t be responsible for Bloko’s lack of supporters or members. I rest my case.

    • selamawit2 March 28, 2014

      Dear Ato Referee Mighty, I want to file some official complaints:

      1. I claim a copyright delict! „Bloko-O“ took an old (pseudo) concept of somebody else and tried to sell it to us as his own. He should be suspended for that!
      (But maybe the regime can now see, that it would be better to have a (copy) right system also in Eritrea… )

      2. My further claim relates to „politeness“ or however we call it – let’s call it „salt“. A little of it is delicate and healthy, too much of it is pure poison. So less is more. Or to say it in you language.

      0,5 PFS* + (-1,0 PFS) = -0,5 PFS= 0,5 NFS**

      *Positive Factor „Salt“, Negative Factor „Babe“ – ehmm sorry, i mean Negative Factor „Salt“.

      Which means 0.5. points less for „Bloko-O“.

      3. „.Selamawit2…was involved illegally“.
      No, no, no – this no evidence:
      I know for sure, this are not my hands! (damn, how could this mathematician find this…;-(

      Mighty the Great Hawey, as a referee you really need a place of concentration now!
      I found (as luck would have it) a coupon for a cafe. BTW, what was the name of the cafe in your place with this „sweet cappuccino“? It is really no problem to ship this coupon .. 😉

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 28, 2014

        First, my hats off to you! You are both tough cookie ladies(Selamawit2 and Genet-O). I conquer. Why is Blok-O, nowhere to find? I need some support, man. I will get both of you ladies on another topic. On this, I have lost 2 to nil.

        • Yo April 6, 2014

          I am with bloko in this one
          I have a feeling he has been the most pragmatic about the situation. Yeah most people hate the pfdj but you have to look at the the situation here, the biggest fear people have is also the country would turn in to Somalia after the the removal of issayas and he has played that card amazingly. The need for gradual change as mentioned by bloko is therefore paramount. For all the democracy The opposition has been claiming to deliver most Eritreans in Eritrea know very little about them, there is a strong suspicion of people on those who seem to be cola rating with the Ethiopians etc.
          Therefore having a transitional government with a view to having a general election with in a set time would be a great opportunity to everyone in Eritrea to understand every party and their idiologies including the pfdj. This will also insure that the country would have a continuum in its day to day of running of business and avoiding situations getting worst
          Final point is that non of the opposition as qualified to rule the country imidiatly even if its provisionally, wether u like it or not pfdj reformed is the best option and most qualified for the intream rearm to rul

          • Genet-orginal April 13, 2014

            You Snooze, you lose!

  • Bloko March 30, 2014


  • Abraham Haile April 10, 2014

    Healthy debate but to much politics in it……….. that I have a concern about who balance or hold the power or the stick.

    • selamawit2 April 10, 2014

      Abraham, imagine a persons family members dying one by one in a short time period for nonnatural reasons. And imagine the other family members still being in risk to die the same way.
      Would you ever accuse this person for speaking to much about death?!

      I really think the eritrean situation is very simlar to that.
      Our people is vanishing (for “unnatural” reasons).
      While this happening there are eritreans who prefer to concentrate on parties (guayla) or on running behind money, they hope to find when they support the dictatorship – which i consider very, very ill.

      To make it short: An eritrean who ignores politics these days has “skeletons in the closet” or
      is simply an inhuman party-monster.

  • Hidat April 13, 2014


  • hmm April 19, 2014

    I just saw this discussion today so I want to share my thoughts. First of all both Boko and Gunet made a very good arguments as to who should be in charge of Eritrea when and if the current dictator departs. But they both forgot to examine a very important factor (how is the dictator removed?).

    Because whoever managed to remove him will have the mandate to replace him. If Isayas is removed with an internal cudeta from its own military wing, I would expect another round of military style leadership just like we saw in Egypt. If he is removed by one of those so called opposition leaders operating from Ethiopia, I would expect a dysfunctional ethnic focused govt just like that of Somalia. If he is removed by those who call themselves son’s of lowland, I would expect the type of chaos witnessed in Central Africa. If Isyas continued to rule unchallenged he would turn Eritrea in to CUBA where the youth flee, the country is destroyed but his party remain strong. Power will be transferred Abraham, his Son. So what would be the best scenario? Isyas need to be removed with a popular uprising, Wedi Vacaro’s movement is a good start, it needs to attract all eritreans, the movement shouldn’t be limited to opposition (as it seems to be the case now), it should be inclusive and attract all Eritreans. Wedi Tkuabo and other should join. Then we can remove him peacefully and create a true constitutional government.

  • Ossaress Gebremeskel April 25, 2014

    isayas [his rat followers the Eritrean people we gave them a chance for 23 years instead they do the do the opposite they murder our people anyone gives them mercy to those people must be not human like them so isayas and his rat followers they must go

  • selamawit2 May 1, 2014

    Dear community,

    i would like to share a experience with you:

    As i been telling before, i am convinced
    I tried it with my mother and she uses the internet now.
    First she saw the interviews with the dictator and she was SO, SO MUCH ashamed that this morally down-and-out guy with bad manners should represent the Eritrean society!
    And well, well, well: she is watching Dr. Tesfamariam (Wedi Vaccaro) and you can see the hope in her eyes She really is very much moved by his speeches and she is morally lifted up by these.

    Dear Dr. Tesfamariam (Wedi Vaccaro), it would be wonderful if you and your direct helpers could manage it to reach our elderly. Maybe you could “snake mail” newsletters and send it to the people additionally to your wonderful tours.
    I think most of them don’t know yet that you are touring also their places.