ደግፍቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ነርወይ ዑቕባ ይወሃቡ ምህላዎም ዘቃልዕ ደኩምነታሪ ፊልም ብ መደበር ተለቭዥን ነርወይ nrk ተዘርጊሑ።
ደግፍቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ነርወይ ዑቕባ ይወሃቡ ምህላዎም ዘቃልዕ ደኩምነታሪ ፊልም ኣቐድም ኣቢሉ ብ መደበር ተለቭዥን ነርወይ nrk ዝተዘርግሐ ደኩምነታሪ ፍሊም የቃልዕ። እቲ ብኤርትራውይን መሰኻኽርን ጭብጥታትን ተሰንዩ ብቋንቋ ነርወይ ተዘርጊሑ ዘሎ ፊልም፣ “ ኤርትራ፣ ኣብ
ደግፍቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ነርወይ ዑቕባ ይወሃቡ ምህላዎም ዘቃልዕ ደኩምነታሪ ፊልም ኣቐድም ኣቢሉ ብ መደበር ተለቭዥን ነርወይ nrk ዝተዘርግሐ ደኩምነታሪ ፍሊም የቃልዕ።
እቲ ብኤርትራውይን መሰኻኽርን ጭብጥታትን ተሰንዩ ብቋንቋ ነርወይ ተዘርጊሑ ዘሎ ፊልም፣ “ ኤርትራ፣ ኣብ ነርወይ ዝበዝሑ ስደተኛታት ዘለዉዋ ሃገር እያ። ብዙሓት ካብቲ ነቲ ኣዝዩ ዓማጺ ዝኾነ ስርዓት ኣምሊጦም ዑቕባ ዝሓተቱ እዮም። እንተኾነ፣ ገለ ካብኣቶም ብምኽንያት ግፍዕታት ናይቲ ስርዓት ዑቕባ ከምዝሓተቱ ገሊጾም መሰል ተዋሂቡዎም ክንሱ ተመስሊሶም ይድግፉዎ ኣለዉ” ይብል። “ኣብዚ እንታይ ይገብሩ ኣለዉ?” ብምባል ድማ በዳሂ ሕቶ የቕርብ።
ሓደ ካብቶም ከምዚኣቶም ዝኣመሰሉ፣ ኣብቲ ቪድዮ ቀሪቡ ዘሎ፣ ኣብ ነርወይ ዑቕባ ተዋሂቡ ክንሱ ምስ ሚኒስተር ጉዳያት ወጻኢ ህግደፍ ዑስማን ሳልሕ ጎኒጎኒ ደው ኢሉ እናመደረ ዝርአ ኤርትራዊ፣ ለቴናል ኮለኔል ዮናስ ሕድሩ (ወዲ ቐሺ) ዝብሃል፣ ኣብ ጎዳይፍ ናይ ዝርከብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ሓላፊ ዝነበረ፣ ናይ ቀረባ ቤተሰቡ ነቲ ሓላፊ ኤሚግሬሽን ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ ዝነበረ ብሪጋደር ጀነራል ኣብርሃም (ኣፋን) ምዃኑ ተፈሊጡ።
ንዕኡ ብዝምልከት፣ ኣብቲ ቪድዮ ከም ምስክር ዝቐረበ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ፣ “ እዚ ቀንዲ ስርሑ ኢለ ኣነ ዝኣምኖ፣ ነቲ ኣብዚ ዝመጽእ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ተኣኻኺቡ ነንሕድሕዱ ሓድነት ከይፈጥር፣ ከይረዳዳእ ስለያ ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ፣ ሓበሬታ ናብቲ ስርዓት ዝመልስ እዩ” ድሕሪ ምባል፣ “ እቶም ቀንዲ ካብቲ ዓዲ ደፊኦም ዘውጽኡና ዘሸግሩና ዝነበሩ ኣብዚ እንተመጺኦም ንዓይ ንህይወተይ ስግኣት ኣለኒ፣ ንኻልኦት ብዙሓት ከምዚ ኸማይ ‘ውን ስግኣት ኣለዎም” ኢሉ።
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ኣብ ወጻኢ ደገፉ እናኣንቆልቆለ ምስ ከደ፣ ስደተኛታት መንእሰያት ‘ውን እናበዝሑ ምስ መጹ፣ ኣብ ነርወይ ይኹን ካልኦት ዝተፈላለያ ሃገራት ኤውሮጳን ኣመሪካን፣ ስደተኛታት ኣምሲሉ ብዙሓት ሰለይቲ ከምዘዋፈረ ይፈለጥ።
ሓደ ካብቲ ንመንግስቲ ነርወይ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ናብ ሃገሮም ንምምላስ ዘደናድኖ ዘሎ ምኽንያት ‘ውን ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ተርእዮታት ምዃኑ ኣይሰሓትን።
ነቲ ቪድዮ ንምርኣይ ኣብዚ ሊንክ ‘ዚ ጠውቑ፣ Regime Supporters have been granted asylum in Norway
Marbati Amren June 11, 2015
You guys, I really always get surprised by what they call Eritrea and Eritreans. Do the Eritreans really looking forward to get solution by Norwegian government? If, so that could be best solution for the stability and rule of low inside the country? I personally do not think so. For me, all problems of the Eritrean and Eritrean must be addressed by Eritreans themselves. America, Norway, Sweden ….bla bla bla nations can not replace Eritrean people’s duty and responsibility. If we the Eritrean people felt that our country and its nation are in real danger by the regime in Asmara, then it will be our main homework to face the regime by all means, just by putting aside unnecessary excuses to ward Western countries. If we continue to drag our domestic problem to other entities, then let us accept that we are at the beginning stage to see more drams either by the regime in Asmara or other stakeholders.
Marbati Amren
Michael Tesfamariam June 11, 2015
The most important mission that all justice seekers must do now is to provide their respective immigration office the list names of all those Eritreas who came as refugees to Europe or else where in the west but now visiting Eritrea once granted refugee status or citizenship, paying 2 percent tax, particpating at hgdef particpating. That is the only sensible response to expose the bogus asylum cases of those handful Eritreans who are abusing both the sy
Michael Tesfamariam June 11, 2015
Sorry for some typo errors, i was writing from my mobile.
Daniel Tewelde June 12, 2015
Michael, you must remember if you point Your one figer to others Your Three fingers will point to you
Michael Tesfamariam June 13, 2015
Hahah,,Are you one of these shameful disgusting individuals who are sailing under false colours? Let them point their entire fingers at me, don’t worry every one of them must be kicked out and sent straight back to the wicked rregim in Eritrea.
Daniel Tewelde June 13, 2015
Michael, either I am or not of these shameful \according to Your stand\ what I tried to say you was that we must think twice before we speak once.The sooner those People in Norway are deported to Eritrean the better you remain alone and then you will be satisfied. Who know I have said Your statements before 30 years not now and you are very late to understand cases and findings and hope I gave you more importan ce and Waste my time to helping you.
wedifre June 11, 2015
Dear Compatriots,
We have to make sure that all the regime infiltrators (the foxes under the skin of a sheep)mut be traced and reported to the concerned authorities and get them deported.
We should be vigilant for the other nationalities who are using our name to exploit our unfortunate situation for their personal advantage. As the consequences are very big we have to report if we can.
Great JOB our gallant guys in Norway!!!
Eritra June 11, 2015
Any one who works against unity, should be asked why they are doing that, and if found guilty, should be kicked out of any organization.
That way the divisive tactics of Higdef can be exposed and the mission of the spies foiled.
debesay June 11, 2015
I will be happy if all European countries send back for all eritreans Cos they don’t have a goal even they reach there ,they only do up there dancing.this make discourage issuance.
eritrean love June 11, 2015
what a bizarre situation.
eritrean love June 11, 2015
እቶም ተጋደልቲ ኔሮም ግን ተጋደልቲ ኣይነበርናን ኢሎም ዝኣተዉ ዜጋታትና ከ ድኣ ፣ምቅላዕ እንድሕር ተጀሚሩ ንዓና ነዞም ጸረ ባርነት ዝኾንና ክገደና እዩ።
sara gual eritra June 11, 2015
anstomn dekomn asaylom zehtetu connerelat ,nsatom gn hizbi zeghafiu zelewu bzuhat eyom
ab norwey wn hanti hgdf(gual gaym tbahal) bhsot ukba mihtata tesemiU neyru temelisa tkewn sidraA kitbetsih LOMI ERITRA TSBUK ALA ZIBL adu ketemlso kitkiEl aleka
eyob June 12, 2015
I think such people should be sent back to where they come from but here the things we need to consoder all these so called PFDJ are there for a reason and it is left for justice seekers to earn them back to the justice. We need to fight them by ideas and the crime of their government.we can not just go to NRK and tell things with out prove . It is very hard for NRK and for any eritrean to prove that these people have been to ERITREA or they support the regime unless they have video prove that this and these said that and that. We Eritreans are developing a very scary scenario in which intimidating your idealogical enemies. The endless Eritrean opposition do such things to each other for 15 years. Do not you see awate.com work to advettise their choosen muslim groups by making full of their time about their religious connected parties. We need to work to gain our people’s trust. The Eritrean people do not really trust the so called oppositions and that is really sad. Some people work to make their name popular and some groups work to eliminate other groups in order have more space in the awasa conferences. We need new strategies to cut DIA.
refugee in Sudan June 12, 2015
እዚ ብግዱሳት ኣብ ነርወይ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውን ኣንጻር ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ዝቀረበ ደኮመንታሪ መርትዖ ፍልም ክተባባዕን ኩሉ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዘርከብ ኤርትራዊ ጉዳዩ ምዃኑ ኣሚኑ ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ኣብ ምልቃምን ምቅላዕን ክዕጠቀሉ ዘለዎ ጉዳይ‘ዪ ምኽንያቱ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሰንኮም ተጨፍጪፉን ተኣሲሩን ሰብኣዊ መሰሉን ተጋሂሱን እግሩ ናብ ዘምረሖ ሃጽ ኢሉ ጠፊኡን ግዳይ ምጭዋይን ቀለብ ዓሳ ኮይኑን ኣብ መዓሰከራት ስደተኛታት ሱዳን ኢትዮጵያ ካልእን ከም ዝበሊ ኮይኑ እዞም ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ኣብ ነርወይ ጥራይ ዘይኮኑ እዚ ኣብ‘ቀረባ ዓመታት ኣብ ምብራቅ ሱዳን ዝካየድ ዘሎ resettlement programe ብዙሓት ድሕረ ባይተኦም ብምሕባእ ዕድል ዝተዋህቦም እሞ ኻኣ ወርሒ ወረሒ ንኤርትራ እንዳ ተመላለሱ ኣብ ሱዳን ሰሪሖም ገንዘቦም ኣብ ባንክታት ተሰነይ ዘቀምጡ ከይፈርሁ ናይ resettlement ዕድል ምስረኸቡ ቤተሰቦም ክሳናበቱ ንኤርትራ ዝኸዱ እንተ እቶም ፖለቲካውያን ተቃወምቲ እና ዝበሉ ሓንሳብ ኣብ መጀመርታ ተስዓታት ንኤርትራ ኣቲና ኔርና ዝበሉ እሞ ኣብ‘ቲ ግዜ‘ቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ እንታይዓይነት ፖለቲካዊ ሃዋህው ከም ዝነበረ ኣብ ግምት ብዘይምእታው ኣብ ኤርትራ ንምንባር ወይ ምስቲ ስርዓት ጸገም ከምዘይብሎም ጌርካ ምውሳን ኣይፍትሓውን ስለ‘ዚ እብ ሱዳን ዘሎ ስደተኛ ንልዕሊ 35 ዓመት ተሰዲዱ ከብቅዕ ፖለቲካዊ ተቃዋማይ ስለ ዝነበረ እልካ ዕድል ናይ resettlement ምንፋግ እሞ ኸኣ ዝኾነ ብገበን ዘሕትት ወይ ኣንጻ ሰብኣዊ ዝኾነ ገበናት ዘይብሎም ኣንጻ ውልቀ መላኺ ተቃወምቲ እና ስለ ዝበሉ ጉዳዮም rejected ክባሃል ብሓቂ ዘይፈትሓዊ አዩ አሞ ከኣ ሱዳን ኣብ‘ዚ ግዜ‘ዚ ምነኣስ ኤርትራ ኮይናትሉ ዘላ ግዜ ንኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ሰለ‘ዚ እንታይ ማለተይ ኢየ ንደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ፖለቲካዊ ዑቅባ ምሃብ ኣብ ነርወይ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ካብ ሱዳን
‘ውን ባዕላተን እተን ሃገራት መጽአን ይወስደኦም ኣለዋ እንተ እቲ ዝግበኦ ግን ኣብ ሱዳን ከርተት ክብል ተፈሪዱ አሞ ከኣ ብዘይ ዝኾነ ነባሪ ፍታሕ።
ሰለ‘ዚ ኣብ ምብራቅ ሱዳን ዘሎ ናይ ጥንቲ ሰደተኛ ዘእውየሉ ኣያ ስኢኑ he is looking for any one who can protect him from those whp are in position to protect him.