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ደሃይ ካብ ኤርትራ፣ ነጋዶ ኤርትራ ኣብ ወጥሪ

እቲ “ሃብታም ኤርትራ ‘ምበር ሃብታም ኤርትራዊ ኣየድልየናን እዩ” እናበለ የዋሃት ዘታለለ ውልቀመላኺ ኤርትራ ኢሳይይስ ኣፈወርቂ ነቶም ኣብ መወዳእታ መዓልታት ሚኒስተር ንግድን ኢንዱስትሪን ነበር ኣቶ እስቲፋኖስ ከሎ ብፍራንኮ ቫሉታ ኣቑሑ ብግቡእ ኣቐሪጾም ብወደብ ባጽዕ ከእትዉ ዝተፈቕዶም

እቲ “ሃብታም ኤርትራ ‘ምበር ሃብታም ኤርትራዊ ኣየድልየናን እዩ” እናበለ የዋሃት ዘታለለ ውልቀመላኺ ኤርትራ ኢሳይይስ ኣፈወርቂ ነቶም ኣብ መወዳእታ መዓልታት ሚኒስተር ንግድን ኢንዱስትሪን ነበር ኣቶ እስቲፋኖስ ከሎ ብፍራንኮ ቫሉታ ኣቑሑ ብግቡእ ኣቐሪጾም ብወደብ ባጽዕ ከእትዉ ዝተፈቕዶም ነጋዶ ኣቑሑቶም ናብ ባጽዕ ምስ ኣተወ ኣስታት 1400 ኮንተይነራት ብዘይ ሓደ ምኽንያት ተኣጊዱ ዳርጋ 6 ወርሑ ኣሕሊፉ ኣሎ።

ዋግኡ ብሓርፋፍ ግምት ካብ 70-100 ሚልዮን ዶላር ዝግመት ኣቑሑ ገለ ክፋሉ መግቢ ስለዝኾነ ካብ ጠቕሚ ወጻኢ ኮይኑ ኣሎ።

ዋናታት ናይዚ ተጠቒሱ ዘሎ ኮንተይነራት ገለ መፍትሕ እንተረኸቡ ብኣውቶቡስ ናብ ተሰነይ፣ ናብቲ ቤትጽሕፈት ሓድሽ ሚኒስትሪ ንግድን ኢንዱስትሪን ወዲ በኺት ከይዶም ‘ኳ እንተጠርዑ፣ እቶም ስማዊ እምበር ግብራዊ ስልጣን ዘይብሎም ሚኒስተራት ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ሓይልን ብቕዓትን ስለዘይብሎም መፍትሒ ኣይረኸቡን።

እቲ ስግንጢራዊ ምሕደራ ውልቀመላኺ ኤርትራ ክንዲ ብትካላዊ ኣሰራርሓ ንግዳዊ ንጥፈታት ምፍቃድ ብኮንትሮባንድ ጌርካ ናብ ሱዳን ኣብጺሕካ ብምምላስ ዝካየድ ናይ ቤትጽሕፈት ፕረዚደንት ንግዲ በዚ ሽፍታዊ ስርዓት ከም ንቡር ተወሲዱ ኣሎ።

ህዝቢ ስቕትኡ ደረት ክገብረሉ ንላቦ።

ውድቀት ንሕጊ ኣልቦ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ

ሕጊ ይንገስ ምልኪ ይፍረስ!

ግዱስት ካብ ኣስመራ

Review overview
  • Eritra July 11, 2015

    First, I don’t think the goods in the containers are worth even a million if most of it is food as it’s reported.
    The figures are inflated making it difficult to believe.
    Besides, nowadays the overwhelming majority of those doing business are people related to Higdef, in particular family members of military officers and party officials.
    This is not to say ordinary Eritreans are not doing business but very few. So let those trying to benefit from lawlessness created by Higdef know who they are dealing with, because some of these people understand only when it’s their turn to suffer.

  • Harmaz July 11, 2015

    mm sakit halewlew aytbel Merawi keyhaza arki ykoaxera dyu zbhal.

  • wedi Ken July 11, 2015

    In a way, may be this is God’s way of protecting the poor. May be these 1400 containers would have been used as prison cells if they were emptied.

  • wedi fre July 12, 2015

    Dear Eritra,

    You said; Quote “First, I don’t think the goods in the containers are worth even a million if most of it is food as it’s reported.
    The figures are inflated making it difficult to believe.” unquote.

    I don’t think you have any clue of the value of the goods in one 20 ft container.
    If you load it rice which is cheap it is USD 30,000.00 per 20 ft container.
    If you load it ellectronics or spare parts or chemicals it is USD 120,000.00 up to USD 250,000.00 (The flat TV and other ellectronics could be in 40 ft conatiners)
    Therefore, if you take a very law and very conservative estimate it is USD 60 – 90,000.00 per container. Multiply the amount by 1400 containers and you will know how sources from Asmara were very conservative. Don’t judge if you don’t know the subject just for the sake of writing.
    Eritrea has a potential and this is only a drop of the capacity of the Eritrean businessmen if the Chifra Higdef/Agdif takes their hands off our lovely country.