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ይበሃላሎ ዕርቂ ምስ ህግደፍ ጸይቂ

  ይበሃላሎ ዕርቂ ምስ ህግደፍ ጸይቂ Tesfamariam W/giorgis 19/12/2013 Norway ህግደፍ ኣብ ዘብሎ ጠፊኡዎ ጸሓይ ከላ ብቐትሩ ጸልሚቱዎ ዓዕበድቢዲሎ ጭንቀት ሓዲሩዎ ለሚኑ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ክዓርቅዎ   ተንኮለኛ ህግደፍ ውላድ ሻዕቢያ ካብ መዓስ ድኣዩ ንሰላም ዝደልያ ምስ ወደቐ ናተጓሕፈ ኣብ ጽርግያ ዓሻ ድዩ በራኺ ዓሻድያ ኢትዮጵያ   ልዕሊ 30ዓመት ዝኣኽለካ


ይበሃላሎ ዕርቂ ምስ ህግደፍ ጸይቂ

Tesfamariam W/giorgis

19/12/2013 Norway

ህግደፍ ኣብ ዘብሎ ጠፊኡዎ

ጸሓይ ከላ ብቐትሩ ጸልሚቱዎ

ዓዕበድቢዲሎ ጭንቀት ሓዲሩዎ

ለሚኑ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ክዓርቅዎ


ተንኮለኛ ህግደፍ ውላድ ሻዕቢያ

ካብ መዓስ ድኣዩ ንሰላም ዝደልያ

ምስ ወደቐ ናተጓሕፈ ኣብ ጽርግያ

ዓሻ ድዩ በራኺ ዓሻድያ ኢትዮጵያ


ልዕሊ 30ዓመት ዝኣኽለካ ተጻሪፍካ

ብሓባር ምስ ናይ ስደት ኣኽላባትካ

ወያኔ ገርካያ መዓልታዊ በስምኣብካ

ኩሉ በደል ንወያኔ ዋላ ተተዓንቀፍካ


ሕጂ ጋቢ ሰላም ለቢስካ ከተምስል

ምስ ጠፍኣካ ናበይ ገጽካ ከምተብል

ናይ ዓቕሊ ጽበት ሽግርካ ከተቃልል

ቅንይልካ ንዘይተርፍ ሰብ ከተቃትል


ፓፓጋሎኻ ጀሚሮም የሕዋቲናክብሉ

ን20 ዓመት ወያኔ ጸላኢና ከምዘይበሉ

ንደላይ ፍትሒ ከዳሚ እናበሉ ከላግጽሉ

ወርሒ ከይጸንሑ ጽባሕ ግልብጥ ዝብሉ


መዐደግ ግዜ ትንፋስ እንተኾኖ መጻንሒ

ዘምልጥ መሲሉዎ ካብ ተንኮል ዓሻ ጉርሒ

ነብዑሩ ገይሩዎም ቀለስቲ ነዊት መሳርሒ

ንሳቶም ብዕሽነት ንሱ ግን ጆሪቑ ብፍርሒ


ብምዕባለ ኢትዮጵያ ቐኒኡ ዘዕለብጥ ዘሎ

ንኽዘርግ ብዙሕ ፈቲኑ የለን ዘይፈንቀሎ

ንኣልሸባብ ተዓንገለ ህዝቡ ጥሙይ ከሎ

ምዃን ምስ ኣበዮ ካብ ህዝቢ ተሓቢኡሎ


ክንደይ ግዜ ብሕቡእ ዕርቂ ዘይሓተተ

ኢትዮጵያ ዓሰብባ.ሉ ክንደይ ዘይሃውተ

ንብረት ኢትዮጵያ ክንደይ ዘይተዘምተ

ብዘይ ብኣና ኣይነብሩ.ንሉ ሰብ ዘስሓተ


እንሆ ብዘይ ብኣኻ ኢትዮጵያ ማዕቢላ

ንስኻ ኣብ እግራ ወያኔ ሰማይ ተሰቒላ

ንኢትዮጵያ ዓለም ተደኒቑ ዝመስከረላ

ኣየሕፍርን ትሕዝቶ ዘይብልካ ከተቃልላ


ኣውራ ዘሕዝን ከኣ ናይቶም ኮራኹርካ

ዕምሪ ዘይብሉ ዕርቂ ሸቲቱዎም ካባኻ

ዘገርምዩ ኢትዮጵያ ኣሕዋትና ክብሉኻ

ነብሶም ዘይተኣማመኑ ግልብጥ ከማኻ


ሰላም ኣይጽላእን ሰላም ሓቂ ብቕንዕና

ንግዜ መሸመቲ ዘይኮነ ላግጺትንኩልና

ንንዓይ ይጥዓመኒ ንሕና ምስ ሽጣራና

ወያኔ ካባና ከም ዝበልሑ ንርስዕ ኣለና

ካባና ንላዕሊ ኣዚዮም ይፈልጡኻ

ዘልካዮ ንዕቀት ብድዐ ረሲዕካዮ ዲኻ

ኣይትሓፍርንዶ ክትልምን ተደቢርካ

ተካል ፍጥረት ክንደይ ከይሰምርልካ


ብድዐኛታት ህግደፍ ህግደፋውያን

ዝተመልመሉ ብጸርፍን ብደርፍን

ምሩዝ ፍጥረት ንበይኑ ዘዕወንውን

ክንዲ ዝልብም እናሓደረ ዝዕውን

ሕተቱባ በልዎ እንታይና ክንከውን

ኤረና ኩሑሎ ሎም ዘመን ሓዲኡሎ

Review overview
  • Teckle December 20, 2013

    Weyane is now DELAY FTHI, are these not the same people who uprooted the cemetery in Barentu, this is a big insult to our fallen hero’s. Are you on Weyanes pay roll, I want change in my beloved Eritrea, I want HGDEF gone but to be replaced by someone who doesn’t bow down to weyane or western governments. Still let’s not be KEDEMTI, You can hate DIA all you like, but weyane will always be weyane. YES they are building dams, houses, GAY CLUBS, strip venue’s etc, but do not leak their back side, it is un eritrean.


    • Tamrat Tamrat December 20, 2013

      Dear Tehle!

      The woyanes policy is not the way you described it. In Ethiopia and many different ethnic Groups in Eritrea disagree With woyane because they give priority to only tigrinya People both in North and South. You got it. Other wise cut this bullshit of you that you inheritred fro pfdj. And you love the gay Club more what you hate realy is the Development of other sectors. This is killing you. And dont blame it on woyane. Blame it on Your government. It was invited minus the other ethnic Groups in 1990-1998.

      One more thing pfdj could have achived the same economical Development but it continued With communism while woyane changed its communism economical policies. Concerning economy what ever difference you see in Eritrea and ethiopia is the difference that you see between capitalism and communism like else where. It has nothing to do With woyane. if woyane continued With it media communism system it could have been the exact copy of you People With a slight difference that is we were looking for Albania not singapor because singapor dont follow pfdj’s communism.

      • churum December 20, 2013

        r u still pro meles chenawi tigray ? what a trush u r . u better kill ur self there will be peace b/n those arch feo enemies of the world. ur weyane is crying on peace before 2015 huhhhh .

        • Tamrat Tamrat December 20, 2013

          i dont understand you.

    • Sorobeti December 20, 2013


      Did you realy believe those stories of SHA’BIA that WEYANE Uprooted the cemetery in Barentu or they raped 80 years old women?

      • Teckle December 20, 2013

        I have been to Barentu, I only believe my own eyes not eritv and definitely not BBC.

        • danny December 20, 2013

          You saw with your own eyes an 82 year old Eritrean woman got raped by Weyane in front of you and you didn’t do anything? 15 years later here you are telling us it actually happened. You should have died protecting the 82 year old woman.

          • Tamrat Tamrat December 20, 2013

            I saw one documentary about monkies. When danger arises the Whole Group transmit the alarm by ear deafning noise and then the Whole Group is ready to defend itself or run together to a safe Place. In both cases the terror and the agitation build in each monkey can be used to attack back or run in a good speed. But some times the alarm is false. In that case the monkies do not know what to do With the excitemn build by the terror. In such a special case all most all monkies engage in sexual activites. They dont follow the usual ceremony. It is like Instinct. And nobody denies anybody.

            So Tehle, how terrified you were during that war when you were alone With 86 year old woman?

    • Abdu December 20, 2013

      Dictator you can’t look peace when the rob is tighten on your neck. Second ; you are not a decision maker for peace process between us Eritrean people & Ethiopian government; because you don’t represent Eritrean people and you are illegal; for that reason you can’t speak on behalf of our people leave this to the owners; beside do you think Ethiopians fall you can out smart them they will obey by your needs no they aren’t ; they are just smart and far sighted unlike you murderer. If been honest you suppose to hand on the power to the people and apologize ; and receive your jurisdiction verdict the crime you commuted for the last forty years from the Eritrean people. and then let the people take care of the peace process.

  • kidane December 20, 2013

    Miskinay hawey eta hanti mesegeit ethipia keytiseinwa dikas seinka.

  • tesfaldet December 20, 2013

    poor opposition they are scared because the next day after the pice their office in AWSSA is closed so they are praing day & night

  • mehari December 20, 2013

    way arkey yelekan ab kulu weray srahka gber

  • mik December 20, 2013

    I think we are both brothers and sisters we have work together towards peace and developmen.look Sudan get electric power 100watt from ethiopia last 2 weeks ago.i wish it was for eritrea. Came on guys we need peace now …

  • Gebez December 20, 2013

    These rumours of reconciliation are bogus and farce. WEYANE and SHABIA have irreconcilable differences. Their ideolgical and interest chasms can not be narrowed down easily.Specially, I think the Tigraian politicians feel bitterness about the way Eritrean politicians and their thugs behave towards Tigraians and this automatically makes them lose their appetite for discussions. If there is anybody there who down plays this, I am afraid he is naive.

  • Abraham December 20, 2013

    Dear brothers and sisters, of course we need peace, there is no doubt about it. But we are taking about Isaias (or Higdef but for me just Isaias) he is the killer if he want a peace first he has to give peace to the Eritrean people as he oppressed every families’ peace. May be our people may get a breath other than this, Getting a peace with Ethiopia it doesn’t change any to Isaias, whether he made a peace or not he will go.

  • abdu December 20, 2013

    Yes’ Brother well said. But; you forgot to mention that when the relationship between Ethiopia & Egypt got a little rougher regarding to the Nile; the evil man went to Egypt and told the officials they have more rights for the Nile consumption than Ethiopian does. and yes you are perfectly right when you say since when the dictator knows the meaning of peace; he was allergic to peace and addicted to war why now all of sudden want peace; BCZ. he is stranded now than ever before; and now he knows his days are numbered and as you said he is buying time.(zebee segab zedelwo yehenkis)
    we began to wonder when warmongers wants peace emmmmmmmmm 1

  • ERITRAWIT December 20, 2013

    Abraham and abdu,
    You said it all nothing will be change Isaias and his Korakur will go no matter what.Thank you nice poem brother.

  • Zeray December 20, 2013

    ሕጊግደፍ ሰላም ክገብሩ እንተደኣ ኮይኖም ምስ ህዝቦም ቅድም ዕርቂ ክገብሩ ኣለዎም። ቅድም ተጣዒሶም ፍርዶም ካብ ህዝቢ ኣሜን ኢሎም ይቀበሉ ብድሕሪኡ ዝኸውን ናይ ጎረባብቲ ዕርቅ ህዝቢ ክውስኖ እዩ። ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ወኪልካ ዝግበር ተግባራት ንሓዋሩ ኣይነጽድቖን ኢና። ሕጊግደፍ ካብ ገዛኢ ንላዕሊ ጨካን ስለ ዝኾነ ዝገብሮ ኩሉ ኣይንኣምነሉን ኢና።